Friday, 2022-07-08

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opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Updating the RBAC goal as per new direction in zed cycle
gmannrosmaita: ^^ updated it for your comment, 14:36
rosmaitagmann: ack14:36
rosmaitagmann: left some comments for you16:20
gmannrosmaita: ack, checking16:40
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Updating the RBAC goal as per new direction in zed cycle
gmannrosmaita: ^^ updated, thanks for the review and it makes 'manager' role more clear17:11
rosmaitagmann: looks good! noticed one typo, otherwise i have nothing more to say17:36
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Updating the RBAC goal as per new direction in zed cycle
gmannrosmaita: right, fixed ^^17:38
gmannrosmaita: this is Openstack local user group ML for asking the translation usage 19:50
gmannrosmaita: I have added the link in etherpad also
rosmaitagmann: ty19:51
diablo_rojo_phonetc-members: The foundation is starting to craft their monthly newsletter. If you have topics you think should be included please add them to this etherpad by end of day Monday.
diablo_rojo_phoneThanks! 20:38
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opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Add Adjutant in inactive project list
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Adding Skyline as Emerging Technology
fungigmann: questions came up in the release team meeting today about venus since it also has not ever made releases of any of its deliverables yet23:10
funginot sure if it falls into the same situation as skyline23:10
fungibut seems similar23:10
gmannfungi: I think they are doing all the other things as per Openstack official project except release23:16
gmannand i can see good amount of changes there for releases too
gmannbut need to check if something they are waiting for doing the releases or something else23:17
fungiahh, okay, so the difference is that skyline hasn't been doing those other things, it's not just about the lack of any initial releases23:17
gmannI will check with venus PTL about it and based on that we can take decision if we need to add Venus as Emerging Technology list or not23:17
gmannfungi: yeah23:17

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