Thursday, 2022-06-02

*** arne_wiebalck_ is now known as arne_wiebalck05:28
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk11:26
dpawlikgmann: Hey, today I can not attend in the meeting, tl;dr about Opensearch and E-r: opensearch was few times out of space. I enabled "DEBUG" messages filtering (as fungi suggested) - it seems to be better but for final result if it is enough, we need to wait. So far, I was forced to remove 1 indices to get more data. The patch for pushing11:48
dpawlikperformance.json to separate index (as clarkb suggested) is ready to review, it is waiting for final "file look" without v2 services etc. For elastic recheck - I'm working on ansible playbooks to deploy e-r and functional tests. About the tool status - I don't know :)11:48
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance-sigs master: Security SIG chair rotation
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance-sigs master: Security SIG chair rotation
*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav13:22
gmanndpawlik: ack. thanks for the updates.14:23
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance master: Remove security-analysis repo from Security SIG
spotzgmann I'm going to skip today, I need to get some stuff done for the OPS Meetup real quick14:54
gmannspotz: ack14:55
dansmithI just opened the call btw14:57
gmanndansmith: this link only right
gmannok waiting for you to get me in15:00
dansmithgmann: it's not prompting me for you.. try again?15:00
dansmithslaweq: and I are in15:00
arne_wiebalckI am also still in the waiting room15:00
gmannrejoining but still same15:01
jungleboyjOh are we in video today?15:01
arne_wiebalckfor me as well15:01
gmannjungleboyj: yeah15:01
arne_wiebalckjungleboyj: yes ... maybe :)15:01
dansmithiet's just switch15:01
dansmithI dunno why it's not letting me be admin for that meeting15:01
jungleboyjUgh.  Ok.  15:02
dansmithit doesn't tell me that I'm not, it just didn't prompt me for externals15:02
gmann#startmeeting tc15:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jun  2 15:02:59 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:02
gmannjoining info: #link
gmann#topic Roll call15:03
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:05
gmanngmann to remove the SLURP and Release name topic from next week meeting15:05
gmann#topic Gate health check15:05
gmannstable/ussuri and stable/victoria are fixed for tempest pin #link #link
gmannsdk devstack functional job failing on stable/ussuri still failing #link
gmannstable/wallaby grenade job failing for "ERROR: Links are not allowed as constraints" #link
gmannfedora-latest job also failing consistently 15:19
gmann#action slaweq to report bug for fedora job failure15:19
gmann#topic New ELK service dashboard: e-r service15:20
gmann#topic RBAC feedback in ops meetup15:21
jungleboyjI have a family vacation that was planned more than a year ago that conflicts with the Summit.  :-(15:34
jungleboyjSo, on vacation next week and not at the Summit.15:34
gmann#topic TC + Board meeting15:35
TheJuliait looks like a ton of information got dropped on the ops meetup etherpad15:52
TheJuliagenerally these discussions are entirely organic, for what it is worth15:52
TheJuliait will likely proceed entirely through the lens of the operator15:53
dansmithgmann: you froze,16:02
dansmithbut jay will be out too16:02
dansmithso I say cancel16:02
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jun  2 16:07:43 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:07
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
arne_wiebalckgmann: thanks!16:44
dansmithgmann: hmm, I'm not sure how to share this recording link with you.. what does spotz normally do?17:31
spotzdansmith: I usually send him a link to the video17:31
dansmithspotz: right, but redhat's google perms won't let me share the link with non-redhat people17:32
gmanndansmith: may be from google drive link and I will download17:32
gmannohk, I think spotz shared my google drive link but not sure if she copied to her personal drive and then shared17:32
dansmithI can share it with gmann specifically, but not make the link widely available17:32
dansmithgmann: I just shared with you specifically, see if that works17:32
gmannand once i download you can remove the share17:33
dansmithah, okay makes sense17:33
spotzYeah he downloads then puts it up on youtube17:36
dansmithack, so not a link, got it17:36
gmanndansmith: downloaded, you can un-share it17:37
dansmithmaybe I should have just "transfer access"'d it then you could have it.. maybe next time17:38
spotzooh didn't know that was possible:)17:38
gmannuploaded on youtube
arne_wiebalckgmann: slaweq: I'm in for board meeting on Monday (kudos to Allison!), will land in Berlin ~11h15am, so should be there for the afternoon discussions.18:57
gmannarne_wiebalck: nice. +118:57
fungiyep, i'll be there as well. remember, if you want your badge delivered to the board meeting, allison p. needs a scan of your proof of covid vaccination to pre-clear you (the sooner you get that to her the better). remember that badge pick-up at the conference venue only runs until 5:30pm local time monday, so depending on when the board meeting wraps up and transit time from dt to the cc,19:04
fungiyou might be stuck with the tuesday morning badge pickup line19:04
slaweqarne_wiebalck: great. See you there 🙂19:04
arne_wiebalckfungi: thanks!19:06
fungiif you're going to try to pick up your badge from the conference center on monday, make sure to leave the board meeting with time to get there before 5:30pm when they'll stop handing them out (and don't forget to bring your proof of vaccination with you, of course!)19:08
fungialso, i don't know how much attention has been paid to the berlin conference center's bad policy, but if you have a backpack larger than 10 liters (which almost every backpack i've ever had is well over), you'll have to check it at entry19:09
fungis/bad policy/bag policy/19:09
fungi(though it's a pretty bad policy too, i guess)19:09
arne_wiebalckyeah, I will carry my luggage for the whole week around all day on Monday, I guess ...19:10
fungiluckily i land on sunday, so i won't need to do that at least19:12
gmanntc-members: can i get one more review on this
gmanntc-members: and this
slaweqgmann: done for those which I didn't send to review 🙂19:16
gmannslaweq: thanks19:19
gmannslaweq: on this, there are comments from dansmith, I also replied on that but can you check and update those
gmannnot urgently today but may be tomorrow if you are done for the day19:21
slaweqI saw that comments but didn't had time to get to it yet. Sorry19:21
slaweqYes. I will address them tomorrow morning19:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance-sigs master: Security SIG chair rotation
dansmithslaweq: my test patch didn't fail the fedora job (of course)19:31
dansmithslaweq: but I made a change and ran again, so we'll see if we can catch a failure19:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Remove security-analysis repo from Security SIG
slaweqdansmith thx. I will also check tomorrow results of the periodic job, if it will pass again, I will try to compare differences in the installed packages - maybe there is already some fix for that :)19:56
dansmithmaybe already fixed, yeah19:57
dansmithI was thinking,19:57
dansmithwe might just want to keep this "grab the qemu crashdump, if there is one" bit in devstack anyway19:57
slaweqyes, that may be useful19:57

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