Monday, 2022-03-07

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slaweqtc-members: hi, I have a question as newbie tc member about voting for the PTL candidates from
slaweqin some cases (Venus, Senlin, Zun and Freezer) it seems for me that people who volunteered there aren't "Active Project Contributors" as they don't have any commit in the project in Yoga and/or Xena cycles. It is still ok to accept such candidates now as "late PTLs"?13:49
slaweqI was checking number of commits in
slaweqmaybe that's wrong and I should do it somewhere else?13:49
fungithe tc is able to appoint anyone as a ptl, regardless of whether they're a contributor to a project13:50
fungionly contributors to the project can stand for election as the ptl, but appointment follows different rules13:50
fungihowever it's fine for tc members to decide they'd prefer a volunteer who is an active contributor to the project (e.g. over one who isn't)13:51
slaweqfungi: ok, thx for explanation13:52
slaweqI read some docs from the tc documentation and I only saw info about APC that can/should be PTL13:52
slaweqso I wanted to make sure before I will vote for those candidates13:52
* slaweq needs to learn a lot about TC still :)13:53
jungleboyjslaweq: It is great you are asking questions!13:56
slaweqjungleboyj: thx, I will probably have many more :)13:57
jungleboyjI should have asked more questions when I started.  :-)13:58
fungislaweq: the reference in this case goes back to the leaderless programs resolution from 2014: where it doesn't state any particular qualifications for the appointed ptl. the qualifications mentioned in the tc charter are specific to electing a ptl, but in this case the ptl is not being14:37
fungielected by the constituency14:37
fungisince it's not an election, the eletion-specific qualifications aren't necessarily applicable14:38
opendevreviewAija Jauntēva proposed openstack/governance master: Add sushy-oem-idrac as Hardware Vendor SIG owned
gmannslaweq: yeah, its more of there is no other choice for us to appoint PTLs as 1. there is no other maintainers of that project volunteering 2. there is no other maintainers in that project16:34
gmannslaweq: Zun is good example for invalid candidacy as per contribution by candidate but we do appoint them as PTL as they have shown interest. 16:36
gmannand yes, its open thing for us what to do best in these type of situation. we touched this topic in last PTG about having separate project level/status (like sandbox, graduate CNCF way) but did not agree on that point. 'Tech preview' is something we thought of starting and see how it help to know less active/useful projects but again no progress on that. 16:38
gmannslaweq: I think we should discuss on this in PTG, feel free to add it in etherpad16:38
gmanntc-members: on PTG slot, continuing discussion from what we left on friday (hope we have more members today). From doodle poll, it seems Thursday, Friday 13-17 UTC
gmannbut due to projects slots conflict dansmith and rosmaita are not available on friday 17:02
jungleboyjgmann:  Yeah, the Cinder PTG time slot includes Thursday and Friday mornings.  I prioritized TC.  Though having both rosmaita and I gone would probably make things tough for the Cinder team.  :-(17:08
rosmaitagmann: jungleboyj: in the past, we've used fridays for activities like reviewing and revisiting topics from earlier in the week, we can ask Rajat to continue that practice, and we can catch up on the recordings for anything else discussed on friday17:13
jungleboyjrosmaita:  Sounds good.17:13
rosmaitagmann: so for thursday vs friday, i would prefer TC on friday17:13
gmannrosmaita: we usually book both days like 4 hrs slot on both days17:14
gmannrosmaita: what we can do is, I can keep topics need more discussion or you are interested in for Friday ? 17:17
gmannbut not sure dansmith preference if move the wider discussion topics for Friday17:17
rosmaitagmann: that would be helpful, and i can try to go back and forth on thursday between tc and cinder17:18
rosmaitaok. let's see what dansmith thinks17:18
dansmithI don't really know how we can even plan this far out with all the moving parts, so whatever17:19
dansmithsomeone has to pick first and try to schedule things around the immovable bits, so if there's a clear preference, just go with that and I'll do what I can17:19
gmannother options for slot are 1. Monday 13 - 17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs ) 2. Tuesday 15-17 UTC (TC+PTL 2 hrs slot) Friday 13-17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs )17:20
gmannlet me summarize on options we have: 17:26
gmannoption#1 : 1. Monday 14 - 16 UTC (TC + PTLfor 2 hrs ) 2. Thursday 13-17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs) 3. Friday 13-17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs )17:26
gmannoption#2:  1. Monday 13 - 17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs ) 2. Tuesday 15-17 UTC (TC+PTL 2 hrs slot) Friday 13-17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs )17:26
gmanntc-members ^^17:26
gmannwe can pick one option out of those. 17:27
jungleboyjI think Option 1 is still best for me.17:57
arne_wiebalckOption 1 seems best for me as well: have the exchange with the PTLs early on and some discussion on the week at the end.18:17
rosmaitagmann: i like option #2 best19:26
dansmithI think #2 is less likely to have conflicts with project meetings, fwiw19:27
rosmaitathat was my thinking too19:27
dansmithso I tend to agree, but it's going to be conflict city regardless, so I'm not sure it matters that much19:27
gmannyeah, there are many projects schedule on Monday too19:28
gmannI am fine with either of them as same amount of conflict for me in either option :)19:30
gmanntc-members: need one more vote on these two PTL assignment
gmanntc-members: and this one for chair nomination
dansmithgmann: I voted +1000 for that, so you are good to merge :P20:46
gmann:), thanks 20:46
arne_wiebalckptg: the ironic team is waiting for the final tc plan to minimise conflicts :)20:47
gmannand one more vote on this
gmannarne_wiebalck: ack, QA team too20:49
gmannfor PTG slot, let's finalize option#1 and we will see Topic wise schedule if conflicts can be minimized. any objection (strong objection :) ) on this ? 20:51
gmannoption#1 : 1. Monday 14 - 16 UTC (TC + PTLfor 2 hrs ) 2. Thursday 13-17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs) 3. Friday 13-17 UTC (TC discussion for 4 hrs )20:51
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint FengShengqin as Zun PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint suzhengwei as Masakari PTL
gmannok, booked it. sent on ML too.
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Spyros as Magnum PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Alex as OpenStack Charms PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Appoint Rico as Heat PTL

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