Tuesday, 2022-02-01

*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest135203:44
opendevreviewAurelien Lourot proposed openstack/governance master: Add dummy charm project  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/82731215:43
gmannupdates on Z release name: still waiting for ricolin (I think he has not voted yet) vote. I will wait by end of today in CST and start the next step.18:12
spotzgmann: FYI I have a confllict tomorrow with FOSDEM, I'll start the room and keep an eye on it to let folks in but may not be able to actively participate19:29
spotzI mean for Thursday19:30
gmannI ended the poll, as next step I am going to ask foundation for trademark checks - https://civs1.civs.us/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_693bd8bbe63ca52f21:39
gmannplease note: this is not final name yet, let's wait until trademark checks21:40
gmannspotz: thanks for update. 21:41
spotzgmann I actually think we might be ok with those. Mind you I was surprised we got Xena and not Yeti21:42
dansmithoh Zen won't be confusing21:43
dansmith(see the hypervisor Xen we previously supported)21:43
fungii pronunciate them totally differently21:43
fungiit'll be fine ;)21:43
dansmithyou'd be the only one :)21:43
fungii just realized, i should have proposed "zane"21:44
spotzYeah I think I pronounce them the same but I'm ok with it. While my dog Ziggy came in 13, his nephew ccame in #1 Zen:)21:44
fungii still like to listen to ziggy stardust21:45
spotzI was really surprised we came up with that many Z names21:45
gmannyeah, many names. 21:54
mnaseryeah i thought that zen would be confused lol21:55
gmanntc-members: I need help to chair Thursday meeting? I might not be available to chair or attend. 21:55
mnasergmann: i think i might be in an openinfra live thing at the same time.. i think21:56
gmannand release cadence meeting we can postponed to next week?21:56
gmannmnaser: ok21:56
mnaseryeah 1500 utc on thursday ill be live21:59
jungleboyjOooh, Zen.  I am happy with that.  A good end to our run through the alphabet.22:02
gmannyoctozepto: are you available for meeting chair?22:03
mnaserassuming nothing has zen copyright22:04

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