Friday, 2022-01-28

fungigmann: is the skyline ptl aware that their input is being requested on that change? i suspect someone may need to reach out to them to relay expectations00:54
gmannfungi: yes. 00:54
gmannI added them in review. I think they are expected to be checking review. let's wait for their working day00:55
gmannotherwise it will be very disconnected, we have to get them involved in community more and more00:55
fungijust for the record, i don't notice when people "add me" as a reviewer in gerrit00:55
fungii'm a reviewer on thousands of changes, after all00:56
gmannlet's wait for their day time, if they do not review I will ask on ML to do in future. otherwise there is no way to connect them which is issue.00:57
fungisure, but the change was also up during their day time for two days before this, we're at roughly 70 hours since the change was pushed00:58
gmannI will connect with them via personal email to be on IRC or check gerrit review request, if they cannot be active on these for any reason then we can communicate on ML then 01:01
fungiyeah, my main concern is that they may not realize these are communications they're expected to monitor, and so have no idea you're waiting them to say they're okay with something which has in fact already happened01:03
clarkball gerrit email goes to a folder that I ignore. I can't keep up. I have to use other strategies to prioritize and organize reviews. New gerrit helps a bit with the whole your turn thing with attention sets which is nice01:14
gmannI filter those with 1. anyone adding me in review 2. comment on patch I did review etc that help me to keep it up for reviews01:15
fungii do too, but i prioritize what changes i'm reviewing. i happen to know to prioritize reviews for the openstack/governance repository, but i wouldn't expect that to be common knowledge01:19
diablo_rojo_phoneI generally ignore the emails and look at my Gerrit changes and in place sort there for what I need to tackle first. Everyone has a different way of doing it and Skyline is new to the community so things are going to take longer till they get settled. 01:21
gmannyeah, that is why I want them to start adopting the things in openstack way and give them time for reviews instead of merging them without their ack01:22
gmannI am enabling the bots also for IRC channel in case they notice and start doing/noticing the things on gerrit way but we need to get them on IRC too if it works for them01:23
fungihowever, this particular change is a bit special in that it's simply correcting the project list to match the rename we performed on monday, so doesn't really require any bureaucracy, just for someone to double-check that it matches the current state, and until it merges the jobs for openstack/governance will be broken for everyone01:24
gmanntrying to get them involved more and more but slowly 01:24
gmannyeah, I know there is nothing blocked in governance for now. goal patch is approved but it can wait 1 more day and there is no blocking to work further on that goal01:25
fungithey already acquiesced to the rename by proposing the rename changes in openstack/project-config01:25
gmannother open reviews anyways waiting for authors action01:26
gmannI would like to see them more connecting with TC/governance changes too01:27
gmannespecially when we can give them time and our work is not blocked due to them01:27
diablo_rojo_phoneBecause all the PTLs of all the other services are so good at paying attention and always communicative ;)01:49
gmannand PTL ack it now, even not to wait for a day. 03:00
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Rename skyline project repo
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add proposed community goal for FIPS compatibility and compliance
yoctozeptogmann: fwiw, I voted08:09
jungleboyjGlad I am not the only one that has all their Gerit e-mail going to a folder that is not parsed very often.13:36
fungii have very intricate content inspecttion rules to try to tease the needles out of that haystack, but i still often miss things14:04
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel15:54
gmannyoctozepto: thanks16:12
jungleboyj@gmann I just need to add my name to the list of election officials?19:32
jungleboyjI have voted on the Z name.19:34
opendevreviewJay Bryant proposed openstack/election master: Add Jay Bryant as an election official
gmannjungleboyj: thanks. 20:34

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