Thursday, 2021-12-23

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gmanntc-members meeting time15:00
gmann#startmeeting tc15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Dec 23 15:00:19 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
gmann#topic Roll call15:00
gmannfour TC will be absent  -15:01
gmannDan Smith on PTO until 2nd Jan15:01
gmannJay Bryant PTO15:01
gmannAmy Marrich PTO15:01
gmannBelmiro Moreira <belmoreira> - PTO15:01
gmannlet's start. 15:02
gmanntoday agenda ^^. not much so we can do quick meeting15:03
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:03
gmannricolin to check with Artem about championing the OSC community-wide goal15:03
gmannricolin: any update?15:03
ricolinso I have talk with Artem last week, and we agree the first thing is to recheck goal blocker which shows up years ago15:05
ricolinlike when the last time it's proposed as goal, forks from glance team -1 on it15:06
gmannyeah, that is good plan. and good to check before goal proposal  15:07
ricolinyou can check the full log here in previous15:07
ricolinon the other hand Artem and stephenfin do push some place forward15:08
gmannmay be it will be good to recheck those in my pain point discussions and then we can think of goal ?15:09
* mnaser is around15:09
ricolingmann, we can run through it in pain point meeting or in next TC meeting15:10
gmannyeah, let's continue in pain point discussion 15:10
gmannthanks ricolin for checking on that.15:11
gmanngmann to reach out to ianychoi[m] for SIG i18n status and then call for help on ML15:11
gmannI sent email to Ian but no response yet15:12
ricolinI can help to reach out to him if you need15:12
gmannricolin: thanks15:12
gmannwe can wait for Jan first week also in case he is on leave15:12
gmannmoving to next topic15:13
ricolinhe's child just born in Septmember, so I guess he's quite busy recently:)15:13
gmannah, nice. 15:13
gmann#topic Gate health check15:14
gmannstable/train for tempest plugin are broken15:14
gmannrevert which will unblock gate is approved #link
gmannany other gate failure to discuss ?15:16
gmannfedora job failing as frickler mentioned in qa and neutron channel but  need to wait for redhat people to look into it. I thnk some from neutron and martin will check it15:17
gmannnothing else I have seen in this week15:17
gmannlet's move next15:18
gmann#topic SIG i18n status check15:18
gmannwe already discussed about it, I will keep it in agenda until we get resp from ianychoi[m] 15:19
gmann#topic Adjutant need PTLs and maintainers15:20
gmannsame on this. still waiting the response15:21
gmann#topic Open Reviews15:21
gmannthree open reviews #link
gmannI forgot to verify it for my comments #link
gmannI will do right after meeting15:22
gmannand this one also ready to review from TC side, I will say waiting for review #link
gmannthat is all from agenda15:23
gmannabout next meeting, as per tc-members availability we can cancel the 30th dec (next week) meeting if no objection ?15:23
gmannI will be around in case anything comes up 15:23
yoctozeptowell, that went quick!15:23
yoctozeptook for cancelling15:24
gmannricolin: diablo_rojo mnaser ?15:25
mnaserok by me15:25
diablo_rojoI would vote we cancel that one15:26
gmannok, next meeting is canceled, I will send on ML.  and we will meet on 6th Jan in Video meeting. 15:26
diablo_rojoAt least I wont be here lol15:26
gmannthat is all from my side today15:26
diablo_rojoShort and sweet today15:26
gmannanything else to discuss ?15:26
fungia big welcome to the skyline team!15:26
yoctozeptoand Merry Christmas to everyone :-)15:27
ricolingmann, BTW, just got reply from ianychoi[m] 15:27
gmannyeah, fungi I have added project rename in opendev meeitng agenda please check15:27
gmannricolin: ok15:27
gmannyoctozepto: you too15:27
fungigmann: thanks, the next opendev meeting will be january 415:27
fungiwe'll make sure to cover planning for a rename maintenance then15:28
gmannfungi: thanks.15:28
gmannricolin: any update from ianychoi[m] just in case or we can discuss in next meeting? 15:30
ricolinHe is currently really busy with his now born child, will check with him to see if he can comes out with something15:31
gmannyeah, no urgency. I thought you want to update as got response 15:31
gmannlet's close today meeting if nothing else15:31
gmannthanks everyone for joining. 15:32
gmannMerry Christmas and Happy new Year to everyone and stay safe.15:32
ricolingmann, I thing he is not gonna be available for this month15:32
ricolinMerry Christmas everyone!:)15:32
gmannricolin: ack15:32
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Dec 23 15:32:51 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:32
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
diablo_rojoHappy Holidays!15:32
fungilooks like ianychoi[m] has replied on openstack-discuss in the last few minutes15:53
ianychoi[m]Thank u for pinging fungi on irc - my favorite world15:56
gmannianychoi[m]: thanks for response, once you are back from leave we can discuss on plan on how to get more volunteer in this SIG15:57
gmannianychoi[m]: and congratulation on new born. 15:58
fungiwe should also (re)start discussions about moving off zanata (possibly to weblate)15:58
ianychoi[m]gmann: Thanks a lot! Yes fungi I can comment more later considering the complexity of management15:59
ianychoi[m]I also hear translation management issues from K8s Docs L10n - Korean team.16:00
ianychoi[m]Appreciate your understanding on current I18n issues.. will get back :)16:01
fungisounds good. to be clear i'm less concerned by the complexity of managing zanata (though that does sound like something to take into account), more about the fact that it's been abandoned by its developers for years now and has known security vulnerabilities we've been maintaining workarounds to mitigate16:01
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ianychoi[m]Ah agree with that - not sure in detail versions of Wildfly with which log4j version might have been using..16:02
fungithat's not actually a problem, the vulnerabilities i'm talking about were discovered years ago16:03
fungired hat (strongly) encouraged us to pick zanata, then soon after we'd finished migrating to it announced they were discontinuing it16:03
ianychoi[m]Yeah just I took an example - completely agree with your raising16:03
fungibut the work involved in moving off it is substantial, which is why it hasn't happened16:04
fungibut yes, on log4j specifically, we did investigate what's deployed in wildfly there and it should not be affected by the known log4j vulnerabilities16:04
fungithough confirming that was rather a lot of work16:05
ianychoi[m]I believe that was great decision at that time - no one here anticipated Zanata’s discontinued.16:06
gmannand rather we can ask for help from more local user group needing translation 16:07
ianychoi[m]Oh.. thank u I don’t want such situation - lots of work is needed just due to maintain less favorite system..16:09
gmannanyways let's discuss next month after holiday16:10
ianychoi[m]Thank u16:14
ttxFYI I fixed the OpenStack entry on Core Infrastructure Initiative systems so that we get the "Best practices" badge again!
ttx(they changed the rules and we got a 99%, but I managed to wrangle enough access to that entry to fix it)17:18
ttxNote: they introduced two advanced levels (Silver and Gold) which we might want to strive towards. Like we would need to implement Bandit all over :)17:18
fungisounds great to me17:55
fungithanks for fixing it up!17:55
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gmannthanks ttx for fixing and updates. +117:57
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