Tuesday, 2021-09-07

adriantgmann, yes! Please I just have so many emails in my openstack folders that I barely have time/energy to get through. Really need to setup some filters for TC specific things...01:27
adriantI entirely missed the PTL election emails.01:28
adriantBut I am still reviewing things as they come up related to Adjutant as people are using it01:28
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ttxadriant: TC and release stuff :)09:01
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adriantttx: yeah, I redid my email filters about a year ago and ended up throwing away and never properly redoing my openstack ones :/10:19
adriantgotta fix that10:19
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gmannadriant: great, thanks 13:50
gmannFYI, Board meeting in ~10 min from now https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/7Sep2021BoardMeeting13:51
smcginnisInformal chat in #openinfra-board14:03
opendevreviewRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: [doc] Fix tag "assert:supports-standalone"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/80772814:14
yoctozeptotc-members: quick docs fix https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/807728 (shows I sat down to my TC task, eh? :P )14:15
jungleboyjyoctozepto:  Good catch!14:16
gmannyoctozepto: thanks 14:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: [doc] Fix tag "assert:supports-standalone"  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/80772814:48
yoctozeptotc-members and especially jungleboyj: early take at TC tags analysis; I think enough to discuss this week and decide on next points (and also useful material for PTG); ping me for edit permission https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18GXibtdQnSkIwA7DsBvX9dPwbw9JH76AhhRUknzBb3Q/edit?usp=sharing15:03
yoctozepto(I gave up on ethercalc - too painful, /me not masochistic enough ;-) )15:03
gmannyoctozepto: thanks, adding topic in meeting agenda too. 15:14
yoctozeptogmann thx15:15
gmannyoctozepto: can you add topic in PTG etherpad too https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tc-yoga-ptg15:18
yoctozeptogmann: done15:28
jungleboyjyoctozepto: Awesome!  Thank you.  I will take a look at that.15:30
gmannyoctozepto: thanks again!15:38
fungimugsie: congrats on working for an open infrastructure foundation member company (again)!23:29
fungior at least they will be officially as of january 123:30
fungihttps://twitter.com/openinfradev/status/1435275005722447875 in case folks missed the big news from the board meeting earlier today23:31

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