Thursday, 2021-04-01

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spotzIf you have an Ironic midcycle in Ireland can I come?:)13:04
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dansmithmnaser: when I was weighing osa patches, I forget which one I used and thus which tree.. project:openstack/ansible* shows me lots, can you point me at which tree I should be weighing in terms of gate perf?13:54
mnaserdansmith: i think projects:openstack/openstack-ansible* should b egood13:55
dansmithno, I mean I need to pick a representative patch for osa to weigh the jobs13:56
dansmithI was just saying I see a lot of projects under their prefix,13:56
dansmithbut I don't know what the "main" one is in terms of activity and heft13:56
mnaserdansmith: the main one would be openstack/openstack-ansible13:56
dansmithokay gerrit wasn't showing me that... hmm13:56
mnaseropenstack/openstack-ansible = the playbooks, openstack/openstack-ansible-* (i.e os_nova) are the roles that are used13:57
dansmithyeah, gerrit says that's not a project13:57
mnaseropenstack/OPENSTACK-ansible :)13:57
gmannthis one
dansmithnot sure why osa is prefixed with openstack and nothing else is, but.. mkay13:58
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gmanntc-members: meeting time15:00
gmann#startmeeting tc15:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Apr  1 15:00:05 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
gmann#topic rollcall15:00
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dansmithsorry, I'm not as excited as yoctozepto15:00
gmannlet's start15:01
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:02
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gmannno action items from previous meeting15:02
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gmann#topic  PTG15:02
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gmannwe have room booked now, thanks diablo_rojo for arranging new room for Thursday15:03
gmannI have added the information in etherpad15:03
gmannalso I sent invitation to k8s steering committee also for cross community sessions.15:04
gmannI have not got any reply yet so let's wait15:04
gmannand keep adding the topics  in etherpad you would like to discuss in PTG.15:04
gmannthat's all on PTG planning form my side.15:05
diablo_rojogmann, no problem!15:05
gmannanything else from any one?15:05
mnasernothing to add from me15:05
gmannok, let's move to next topic15:06
gmann#topic Gate performance and heavy job configs (dansmith)15:06
*** openstack changes topic to "Gate performance and heavy job configs (dansmith) (Meeting topic: tc)"15:06
dansmithI have updated numbers!15:06
dansmithmost every project has dropped their footprint, tripleo being the biggest15:06
gmann nice15:06
dansmithI think the nova +1 bump is likely just noise, as is the kolla -2, since node counts are unchanged15:06
dansmithnot much movement on the heaviest one, neutron, but some15:07
mnaserwow neutron @ 34h sounds wild15:07
dansmithI'm looking for clark to update me with the percent usage again and then will send something to the list15:07
mnaserthat's how many hours of testing each patchset gets right/15:07
dansmithmnaser: yeah they're still really big :/15:07
dansmithmnaser: yes15:07
dansmithother than that,15:08
dansmithI think the biggest thing hurting us is still spurious fails15:08
dansmithI've got a patch up to fix the only known one in glance, but I think cinder is still the biggest offender,15:09
gmannmay be we can check with neutron team on optimizing the number of jobs runs for related file/code change? if not yet done15:09
dansmithalthough my "seat of the pants" data has been less accurate since the release was cut and things have slowed15:09
dansmithgmann: yeah, or just ask them to do less per patch. I think they already have a lot of per-file rules15:09
dansmithwe'll see what the usage percent values look like15:10
fungiwe've also had a spate of mass build retries this week because of what we suspect is a slow scheduler memory leak in zuul's master branch since 4.1.0, and when we get under memory pressure we wind up with zookeeper connection timeouts which result in running builds being retried15:10
gmanndansmith not sure if that we should do or not, we can skip/or skip-on-failure volume test ?15:10
dansmithgmann: well, I'd really rather see those get fixed of course15:10
gmannyeah, fixing if good but if that is taking time15:10
dansmithmaybe jungleboyj knows how progress is going on the cinder side?15:11
fungiwe've been doing some live debugging of the memory leak by collecting object graphs from the running process, but it's tens of gigabytes of python structures to process and that tends to slow down the scheduler to the point where the debugging is introducing similar zk connection timeouts too15:11
fungihopefully we'll have it nailed down sometime today15:11
slaweqgmann: hi, we already changed lists of irrelevant files for most of the jobs15:12
fungibut if you see lots of build retries, or some builds ending in retry_limit results, that's probably why15:12
slaweqand limited number of jobs run on check/gate queues15:13
gmannslaweq: i see,15:13
slaweqI think it may be due to some instability in our jobs so we had to recheck patches a lot15:13
slaweqbut we are working to improve that15:13
slaweqI hope it will be better soon15:13
dansmithslaweq: the numbers we're looking at are per check not related to total usage15:13
dansmithslaweq: so these don't go up or down based on instability15:13
slaweqahh, ok15:13
dansmithbut, each recheck means re-using 34h of time.. so instability surely impacts the overall usage15:14
dansmithgmann: anyway, that's all I had on the topic, will continue to monitor15:15
ricolinsorry I'm late15:15
gmannyeah, let's keep monitor those , thanks dansmith15:15
dansmiththings definitely suck less these days, but we're in a bit of a lull, so hard to really say I think15:15
gmannanything else on this topic ?15:16
gmannlet's move next then15:16
gmann#topic PTL assignment for Xena cycle leaderless projects (gmann)15:16
*** openstack changes topic to "PTL assignment for Xena cycle leaderless projects (gmann) (Meeting topic: tc)"15:16
gmannwe left with keystone only and patch is up for DPL model15:17
gmannplease vote on this who has not voted yet15:17
mnasercandidates look good15:17
mnaser+1 from me15:17
gmannthanks knikolla and gagehugo for stepping forward for the the help and liaisons.15:17
gmannlet's move next15:19
gmann#topic Election for one Vacant TC seat (gmann)15:19
*** openstack changes topic to "Election for one Vacant TC seat (gmann) (Meeting topic: tc)"15:19
ricolin5 votes on Keystone patch now:)15:19
gmannI think we have one candidacy until now for TC vacant seat15:20
gmannricolin: yeah,15:20
ricolingmann, so no need to run election I assume?15:20
fungiwe still have a week remaining until the nomination deadline15:20
gmannnomination open until 8th April so no action item until then15:20
gmannyeah, let's wait until 8th april15:21
fungii plan to send another reminder later today to let folks know they've got a week left to propose candidacies15:21
gmannfungi: +1, thanks15:21
spotzI also let folks at RH know during a meeting yesterday15:21
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fungithat helps15:22
gmannspotz: +1 thanks15:23
gmann#topic Elect Vice Chair15:23
*** openstack changes topic to "Elect Vice Chair (Meeting topic: tc)"15:23
gmannwe have two members volunteer for vice chair15:23
gmannricolin: and yoctozepto .15:24
gmannthis is first time i think.15:24
gmannand as per charter, this is internal role in TC so we do not need to have a official election or so15:24
gmannas discussed in this week early, we decided to vote on gerrit itself and then we can choose one15:25
gmannis that work for all?15:25
mnaseri think i'll personally abstain from the vote15:25
gmannyeah, that is also option so please vote by today end of the day and then I will merge one with highest positive vote15:26
gmannbut does this need to be formal-vote ? or merge directly15:27
gmannit has been mixed way in past. mnaser ?15:27
mnasergmann: it's ultimately your decision as chair to decide who becomes chair, so you can just merge it anytime15:28
mnaserthe tc doesn't get to decide (you're giving us the luxury of doing that =))15:28
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gmannok, sure.15:29
gmanntc-members: please vote on both patch if you would like by end of today.15:29
ricolinI think yoctozepto and myself will be fine to whatever gmann call for this, so let's fix this today and continue with rest works:)15:29
gmannbut good to see two members step up for help15:29
gmannricolin: yup15:29
yoctozeptoricolin ++15:29
gmannlet's move to next topic15:30
gmann#topic Community newsletter: "OpenStack project news" snippets15:30
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ricolinyoctozepto, :)15:30
gmannthis is monthly (if i am not wrong) newsletter and as OpenStack community we need to add few highlights as requested by diablo_rojo15:30
diablo_rojoThe newsletter will go out next week15:30
gmannI have added few, feel free to add more or in Future section if you have any15:31
diablo_rojoI will draft from what is in the etherpad to our internal working doc early next week.15:31
gmanndiablo_rojo cool, do we have a consistent monthly date  for publication ?15:31
gmannso that I can keep it in that week meeting agenda15:32
* ricolin is putting DPL information now15:32
gmannsomething like if it is published every 1st week of month then we can add in our meeting agenda in last week of every month or so15:33
gmannricolin: +115:33
gmannanyways I will check with diablo_rojo later on dates. so let's move next15:35
gmann#topic Open Reviews15:35
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gmannthere is no other open review which we have not discussed today.15:36
gmannthat's all from my today, any other topic to discuss or we can close early?15:37
mnasernothing to report from my side15:37
gmannI will be on off from work tomorrow due to good friday which i think most of us.15:37
gmannseems nothing else for today.15:38
gmannThanks everyone for joining. Have a good Friday and Easter everyone.15:38
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Technical Committee office hours: Tuesdays at 09:00 UTC, Wednesdays at 01:00 UTC, and Thursdays at 15:00 UTC | | channel logs"15:38
openstackMeeting ended Thu Apr  1 15:38:47 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:38
openstackMinutes (text):
ricolinthanks gmann15:38
mnaserthanks for hosting gmann, take care and enjoy your day off tomorrorw15:40
yoctozeptothanks gmann, enjoy your free time :-)15:41
gmannsure, you too if you are not working on weekends :)15:44
diablo_rojogmann, unfortunately the date isn't super consistent and often gets pushed when the marketing folks want to spotlight things.15:47
diablo_rojoLike this one was going to be this week but they wanted to spotlight the Airship release which is maybe happening today so they decided to hold the newsletter.15:47
gmanndiablo_rojo: i see. in that case i think a week before time is ok for us to collect the data.15:51
toskydansmith, gmann: luckily 3 recent patches should improve the status on cinder tests: and
dansmithtosky: cool15:53
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diablo_rojoHello tc-members: So, I got a request from the events folks about some of our time on Thursday. Backstory is that they want to start doing a like.. weekly video segment on various topics across all the open infra foundation. Since the TC are meeting at the time they want to do that, they want to stream our session to youtube to kind of show people what the PTG is like. So the ask of us is that we make sure to use Zoom that day17:43
diablo_rojoand also to maybe try to tailor topics to be.. more.. engaging? Or whatever.17:43
gmanndiablo_rojo: is it like 1 hrs sessions they want to publish or recording complete PTG and then do some editing if they want ?17:45
fungijust an hour i think (14:00-15:00 utc on thursday of the ptg)17:47
diablo_rojoYes, that ^17:47
gmannok, that sounds good.17:47
fungiso if that's something you think might be cool, then maybe shuffling the agenda to pick topics for that hour which might be the most interesting to a broad audience17:48
fungiand possibly look at it as a way to engage potential future project participants by demonstrating the sorts of things the tc works on17:48
gmannyeah, we can sort those topic accordingly17:48
diablo_rojoPut much more elegantly by fungi  lol17:48
fungiso mostly just being aware you're being published live more broadly during that hour, but otherwise no additional burden on the ptg participants... the foundation staff would separately work out some commentators/question answerers to monitor the discussion and any questions about it which youtube viewers might ask, so that tc members don't have to worry about that part17:51
* yoctozepto needs to behave17:52
fungireally don't want whatever crowd gathers on youtube to be interrupting the tc's discussion. if people want to participate *in* ptg discussions the way to do that is to register for the ptg and participate the usual way17:53
yoctozeptoand don't post links to twitter :D17:53
diablo_rojoyoctozepto, well we could post the link to the youtube stream, but yea, definitely not the zoom link17:54
yoctozeptoyeah, but neither on youtube then! :D17:54
fungiright, the only link we should publish is to the ptg event info17:55
fungi(ptg registration, ptg schedule...)17:55
funginot to the zoom room, and not the zoom password17:55
yoctozeptonor whiteboards17:56
yoctozeptothey often contain zoom links17:56
yoctozeptoi mean17:56
yoctozeptoneed to be careful with that marketing ;D17:57
yoctozeptotough life17:57
fungiwell, the site serves links to the etherpads18:01
fungiso those aren't hard for someone to find18:01
yoctozeptowell, it usually boils down to the number of hops required to get there18:02
yoctozeptothe more, the lesser chance these kids find their way18:02
* yoctozepto is aware they might actually be adults but they surely act like kids, in a bad way of its meaning18:03
gmannwell that is valid for anyone not specific to youtube viewer18:03
gmanndiablo_rojo: I noted the time in etherpad 14-15UTC Thursday for this, if time change please update there18:04
diablo_rojogmann, will do! I think they were pretty set on that time though so it shouldn't change.18:04
yoctozepto"time to behave"18:05
diablo_rojoyoctozepto, lol yes. Filters at least 85%18:05
diablo_rojoIf any other tc-members have opinions on any of this, please let me know!18:05
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