Friday, 2020-08-28

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mnaserevrardjp: :(11:26
evrardjpI am sorry11:27
mnaserI’ve been at your position many months ago11:27
evrardjpI tried to not speak11:27
mnaserhence my seemingly ignorant vibe yesterday11:27
evrardjpI just can't11:27
evrardjpit's smarter not to engage, and just let our community11:28
evrardjpjust let our community grow*11:28
evrardjplet's move on :)11:28
mnaserI feel y’a, it hurts11:28
evrardjpI have removed my comments on their thread full of misplaced comments and laughter.11:28
evrardjpDo the folks willing to fork have everything they need?11:29
mnaserI think they have made another proposal but ttx has raised the good points of figuring out if it should be official eventually or not11:31
mnaser(My opinion is no)11:31
evrardjpis there an alternative review?11:32
evrardjpI should vote on?11:32
mnaserNo, I posted a review on asking them to reupload with that prefix11:33
evrardjpgot it.11:33
adriantmnaser, if it isn't official we really need to make a long term plan to move away from Gnocchi (or whatever bloody name we give it)11:42
mnaseradriant: I agree that we should have a long term plan! I am inclined to suggest the telemetry team to look at current TSDBs and see if they make sense to use :)11:43
adriantbut that will mean a new API in Ceilometer, and people will be unhappy with that11:44
adriantI'm writing an email to the mailing list to get some opinions about that11:45
mnaseradriant: perhaps it could mean that we expose the API of $tsdb in some way covered by keystone11:45
adriantmnaser, hard, because something like Influx is the best candidate imo, but it isn't restful at all really11:46
adriantand that's essentially the situation we are in with Gnocchi...11:46
adriantwe can't ditch the backend BECAUSE it's our bloody API :*(11:46
mnaserI think my problem is gnocchi is both and API and a storage tsdb11:46
mnaserAnd no one here wants to actually maintain a tsdb11:47
mnaserbut we want to maintain an API11:47
adriantcontrary to what people on JD's twitter think, big projects like OpenStack need an abstraction layer11:47
adriantwe can make a solid consistent API, and provided the backend supports whatever we need, we can swap it and keep the API the same11:47
adriantGnocchi broke that :/11:48
mnaserEssentially, gnocchi/Prometheus or gnocchi/influxdb should be the combos we have11:48
mnaserJust like we have nova/libvirt etc11:48
adriantnot go back to putting an API into Ceilometer?11:48
mnaserAll the processing should be put off to the backend, I agree11:48
mnaserI mean, I’m torn on that11:49
adriantbecause what you're suggesting is make Gnocchi official, but kill the backend part :P11:49
adriantand replace it11:49
mnaserRight because I think there is value in a project that provides multi tenant tsdb-aaS11:49
mnaserwhich other openstack projects consume11:49
adriantceilometer used to be that11:50
adriantbefore jd ripped out the API11:50
mnasermy thought on where we should take this changes a lot as I discuss all these things11:50
adriantwell, correction, ceilometer was never a true tsdb11:50
mnaserhence my suggestion to just start off in a different namespace, take the time to figure out how and why you want to accomplish it and then if it involves moving gnocchi to official we can do that and the rename might just take a while to finish11:51
mnaserBut in terms of governance it would be done11:51
adriantok, fair11:51
mnaserso that’s why i think youll be able to start figuring out what you want to do with gnocchi11:52
adriantI know renaming stuff on gerrit used to be a pain11:52
mnaserso that the tc knows what it expects the project to do if it wants to be official11:52
adriantmnaser, I personally want to do nothing with it, but I don't have a choice :P11:52
mnaseraka is it just an API, API and tssb, etc11:52
mnaseradriant: it’s just a pain in that it happens once every month or so — can’t remember how often11:53
mnaserSo we just have to wait for that time to have the repo renames11:53
adriantit's a service restart from memory right?11:53
mnaseradriant: I do really appreciate you putting in the time, that’s for sure11:53
mnaseradriant: yes it involves restating gerrit hence why it’s once ever while11:53
adriantOk, then lets throw it in a non-os namespace, just to get the whole shit show started, and from there start planning our roadmap for what the hell we want to do with it11:55
adriantmnaser, and it needs to be done. It's a pain, but for the health of OpenStack we have to deal with the stupid politics of situations like this11:56
mnaserright — it positions us to get started with our tools and it doesn’t stop us from bringing it official later once we figure out the intentions of the project11:57
* adriant nods11:57
adriantand for the record, I chose "Farfalle" because you make that pasta by giving it a squeeze, much like Gnocchi shapes the data on input, but also because it's better than calling it Fartoffelkloesse (potato dumpling)12:00
adriantshit kartoffelkloesse12:00
adriantno F12:00
adriantscrewed up when capitalising it12:00
fungigerrit repository renames don't happen on any set schedule, people just let the opendev sysadmins know what needs to be renamed and then when there are some to batch up they pick a convenient date and time. but yes the process is mostly orchestrated these days and so the only major disruption is a brief gerrit outage12:04
adriantfungi, good to know12:06
fungiit used to be hours of downtime, until gerrit grew the ability to do its reindexing with the service up and running12:08
adriantI'll admit, I do agree with JD (and his twitter followers) that gerrit is more than somewhat awful to work with until you get used to it (and even then it's not great).12:10
adriantbut github is still pretty bad and limited as well, just prettier12:10
fungiit's not great, but still far, far, far less awful to work with than github, gitlab or bitbucket (in my opinion anyway)12:11
adriantI like gitlab I'll be honest12:11
adriantfar more than github12:11
fungithe workflow for both of them is very similar12:12
adriantit is, but gitlab does some stuff a little nicer12:12
adriantbut the control and review process around gerrit is nicer12:12
fungibut i'm used to the traditional code review on mailing lists workflow (a la lkml) and gerrit is much closer to that12:12
adriantdespite one of the worse interfaces ever12:12
fungioh, yeah i hardly touch gerrit's webui at all anyway12:13
fungibut i'm not real big on doing things in web browsers to begin with12:13
fungiconsole-based clients are far more convenient12:14
adriantgerrit has a console interface?!12:15
adriantNot that I'm likely to use it, but I'm curious12:15
adrianthuh, I've only ever touched git-review12:16
fungigerttu is a compliment to git and git-review, it doesn't submit your changes or integrate its own editor, its focus is on reviewing changes12:17
fungithough worth noting, the gerrit webui on is old, we're getting ready for a major upgrade in coming weeks12:19
fungithey've completely redesigned the webui in newer gerrit versions12:19
fungiwhether that's for better or for worse i can't say, as i tend not to find web interfaces convenient anyway12:20
adriantwe'll see I guess12:20
adriantthe last gerrit ui update was better while also making some old useful features worse :(12:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Add etcd3gw to Oslo
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toskyadriant: I'd like to point out that "gnocchi" isn't exactly a kind of pasta :)12:52
adrianttosky, true, but there is some inner library call carbonara in the code from memory as well12:53
toskyor at least here in Italy I think not everyone may consider that as pasta12:53
adriantso jd was already sort of mixing metaphors12:53
tosky(and please consider this a Friday-inspired comment :)12:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Move towards dual office hours in diff TZ
adriantadriant, I am almost tempted to rename it to kartoffelkloesse just to truly annoy people :P12:55
* adriant should be asleep12:55
adriantFarfalle is at least fun to say12:56
toskyI totally agree, but I'm biased12:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Update and simplify comparison of working groups
fungifusilli would be more fun to say13:58
fungiand possibly mostaccioli13:59
fungithough if you just want to stick with the same basic food, austrians apparently call their version of gnocchi "nockerl" which benefits from being exactly the same letter count too14:02
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evrardjpand is easy to pronounce!14:16
adriantfungi, that's an option!14:17
adriantbut it may be a little too close for comfort to the existing name?14:17
* adriant shrugs14:17
adriantI don't care what it is called, as long as we move it back to where we can chose what to merge14:18
adriantand I should go back to bed before I lose the ability to respond mostly politely to Julien...14:20
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adriantzaneb's invocation of Godwin's law is my signal to get to bed :P14:24
* adriant will look forward to all the responses about Gnocchi/Farfalle/fetucini/whateverpasta tomorrow morning14:25
* zaneb votes for
smcginnisLet's just call it Pasta. :)14:26
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/governance master: Add openstack-ansible/os_senlin role
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotyagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/governance master: Add openstack-ansible/os_senlin role
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openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed openstack/governance master: Retire devstack-plugin-pika project
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed openstack/governance master: Retire the devstack-plugin-zmq project
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gmannmnaser updating new office hours info on meeting page -
mnasercc infra-root for the review ^19:01
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: A zuul server ended up with read only filesystems which caused many jobs to hit retry_limit. The server has been rebooted and appears happy. Jobs can be rechecked.22:14
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