Wednesday, 2019-12-18

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gmannTC office hour time..01:15
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ttxThis Telemetry thread is making me think the best course of action might be to fork Gnocchi and do basic maintenance for openstack needs. Bringing back Ceilo API sounds like one step forward, two steps back.12:50
ttxI have no idea how much work Gnocchi really requires right now... but AFAICT the main concern seemed to be that the current maintainers won't care for it anymore.12:51
mugsiettx: ++13:00
fungiif nectar folks are willing to join gnocchi's development team and help resume maintenance of it, i got the impression the existing maintainers in absentia would be okay with the idea13:01
mugsiehonestly, some of the objections to using monasca seem ... wrong ... (e.g. Monasca needs Kafka, but you should use celiometer with mongo, which is not used by any other service either)13:01
mugsieand, I *know* a lot of end users / integrators would freak out about the API coming back, when they have had to do serious work to move to aodh / gnoochi, after we told them it was going away13:02
ttxjust replied13:03
ttxWhile taking over and maintaining Gnocchi for all use cases might be significant work, I feel like it works well enough for the openstack narrow use case.13:04
ttxso maybe we can maintain our own narrow Gnopenstackcchi and keep it barely functional for our use case.13:05
mugsiee.g. Siemens was doing a ton of work to move their MANO orchestator thing away from the celiometer API when I was leaving Verizon13:05
ttxNever been a fan of producing our own DB... but (1) the space is crowded with fauxpensource options and (2) taht would be short-term while we design better longterm solution13:05
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mugsieyeah, I would wonder about it being "openstack"13:06
ttxI could see it as maintained by some "Longterm solution to Telemetry" popup team13:06
mugsiepossibly hosted on opendev, and the telemetry team are the maintainers by convention?13:06
ttxOne of the issues here is (as always) naming. Telemetry makes it sound like it's solving a problem space and not backing a specific impl13:07
ttxI feel like Telemetry today is Ceilometer-only, so discussing a solution that integrates Monasca or writes somethign from scratch is out of scope13:08
mugsieyea, "big tent" project team naming strikes again13:08
mugsie"Telemetry" as a scope should include things like app tracing, metrics, logs etc, and this is a really narrow slice of that13:09
toskyttx: "gnopenstacchi" sounds better (at least to my Italian ears)13:09
* tosky hides13:09
ttxI feel like it's unfair to ask the telemetry project team to solve a problem they don;t have, since they regroup the people that actually don;t have a problem with Ceilometer13:09
mugsietosky: ++, +2,+W13:09
ttxMy injured pinky is continuing to strike the wrong letter13:10
* ttx considers keyboard remapping13:11
ricolinfungi, fyi there are also the broken sync between aodh and gnocchi, if nectar team also can help with that part will be awesome13:11
mugsiettx: but we will end up forcing it on people, due to packagers (other than zigo :) ) blindly packaging nova + friends13:11
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ttxIf a separate group wants to fork Ceilometer and grow a Monasca+Ceilometer reintegration project, I think it would be fair. And then packagers have two options13:13
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ttxWe said we don't want gratuitous duplication of effort (especially in base projects where interoperability is critical), but otherwise competition is ok13:13
ttxanyway, let's see where the thread goes13:15
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: Align Rally deliverables with real releases
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: ironic-python-agent-builder has releases
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/governance master: Update charter for the TC & PTL elections date
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