Wednesday, 2019-10-09

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance-sigs master: New UC Rep
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evrardjpAs a reminder, I am out for holidays tomorrow afternoon.07:27
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asettleYisss if you have any questions, will do my best to answer them11:49
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cmurphyit's official i guess12:17
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mnaserwhat does that mean for those who are working on openstack right now?12:28
mnasercmurphy: i hope it all clears out for you (and others) in the .. best way possible :(12:33
cmurphythanks mnaser12:34
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jungleboyjA sad morning.12:53
jungleboyjevrardjp: You around?12:56
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evrardjpI am.13:35
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gmannoh, that's surprising news.13:43
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jungleboyjevrardjp:  Hey.  I responded to the mailing list.  I thought I had sent an e-mail volunteering to look at the User Survey.14:01
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mnaserare we meeting?14:29
mnaseri got sucked into things but i was waiting for the expected usual ping14:29
mnaserafaik 1430 utc14:30
jungleboyjmnaser:  I had that the meeting time was last hour, but I could be wrong.14:30
mnaserno, that is the right time14:30
jungleboyjOk, Phew.14:30
mnaser1400 utc is the meeting, 1500 utc is office hours afterwards.14:30
jungleboyjOh, the meeting isn't until tomorrow though  At this time.14:31
mnaseroh shit14:31
mnaserwe're not thursday14:31
mnaserwhy did i-14:31
mnaseroh well14:31
jungleboyjEveryone is off this week.14:31
jungleboyjOff as in thrown off.14:32
jungleboyjAnyway, the only question I had is when people needed me to have looked through the User Feedback if I am taking that work item.14:32
ttxmnaser: the good side is.. you just won an extra day in the week!14:33
jungleboyjI feel like it should be Thursday too.14:34
gmannjungleboyj: thanks for taking user feedback work.14:41
asettleDefinitely has a Thursday feel14:41
asettleBut no, not meeting today :D14:41
jungleboyjgmann:  Welcome.  I have always enjoyed understanding it for Ciner.14:41
gmannI miss my FC SIG meeting due to those weekdays confusion :). meeting notes on board works much better than machinery calendars :)14:43
gmannjungleboyj: +1. this is first time for TC so new thing for us.14:43
jungleboyjgmann:  Ok.  So, it is mine to run with.  :-)14:44
jungleboyjgmann: I will scan over the data before our meeting tomorrow.  Won't have time to go through it in details but will try to have a plan to discuss at least.14:45
gmannjungleboyj: +1.14:46
jungleboyjgmann:  Cool.  Sorry, I had thought I responded to the mailing list about that last week.  :-)14:48
gmannjungleboyj: i think you did.14:49
jungleboyjOh good.  I am not crazy.  evrardjp  is.14:50
gmann:) he might have missed that.14:51
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evrardjpSorry I missed this. Will read asaic.15:10
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gmanntc-members: i would like to discuss the plan for the py2.7 drop. It need unit/functional tests jobs (this is going to be automatic bot work i think) and integration testing (tempest and other jobs which needs to be manually done).15:27
gmannwe can plan the ad-hoc meeting like we did for py3 plan.15:28
gmannpy2.7 Integration jobs are the big one which can speed up the projects gate. especially grenade, tempest and project specific job.15:30
fungiis there any reason to mass propose removal of py27 testing? can't projects just remove it at their own pace (or leave it if they want to keep testing py27 for a while, since there are some who surely will want that)15:34
fungiwe said it's acceptable for projects to drop py27 jobs from master after the train release, not that it's required15:35
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fungiit's not as if python 2.7 interpreters are going to suddenly disappear from the platforms we're doing testing on15:36
gmannyeah, if any project want they can keep but we have not said officially that other can drop py2.715:36
gmannit was plan to drop in start of U cycle i think but was not confirmed (if i did not miss)15:37
fungithe plan was that it was okay for projects to drop those jobs at the start of the u cycle if they want15:37
gmannthere were some patches of dropping the py2.7 integration jobs (grenade one) and I hold those till U15:38
funginow certainly if frameworks like devstack, tempest or grenade want to drop support for 2.7 in master, then projects will end up needing to drop any 2.7 variants of those jobs15:38
gmann+1, so we can communicate the same via ML and start the effort from integration-gate  template or new tempest template15:38
gmanndevstack and greande can as they are branched but Tempest have to keep for stable branch testing.15:39
fungibut also didn't train switch to running those on python 3 by default anyway?15:39
gmannyes but doing py2.7 + p3 both.15:39
fungiahh, yeah, tempest will need to support 2.7 for stable branches i guess, if we want to be able to run it on platforms which lack python315:40
fungithough it does seem like it might be possible to move tempest to python 3 for testing those branches if we want, since we install it into a virtualenv anyway15:41
fungithat could be a compromise down the line if 2.7 support in tempest becomes increasingly burdensome15:41
gmannwe can but we need to test py2.7 along with py3 as that is one of the official supported py version by openstack releases15:42
fungiright, but running tempest on 2.7 doesn't test openstack running on 2.7. tempest is in an isolated virtualenv15:42
fungiyou can run tempest from a python3 venv and test openstack deployed/running with 2.715:43
fungitempest has already been isolated from the rest of the devstack deployment for many cycles15:43
gmannyeah, if they have py3 env to run tempest.15:44
fungithe main reason to continue supporting 2.7 in tempest is if you want people to be able to run it on platforms where it's challenging to install a python3 interpreter to be able to create that venv, right15:45
fungiso, like, if we have any jobs which run tempest on centos-7 nodes (do we?)15:45
gmannyes. + if some users run Tempest directly on system pkg not venv.15:46
fungithough tempest may not support running coinstalled with old devstack these days... i don't think we test that's even possible without a separate virtualenv15:47
gmannyes, we have centos-7 jobs15:47
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fungiand we don't install tempest in a virtualenv on those?15:47
fungithe whole reason we started installing it into a virtualenv was that its dependency versions drifted from what stable branches need15:47
gmannit is running with old devstack at least tested for all supported stable.15:48
gmannand with master u-c15:48
fungiso a stable/rocky devstack+tempest job installs openstack projects system-wide with the rocky constraints list and builds the tempest virtualenv with the master constraints set15:48
fungithat job is not (as far as i know) installing tempest outside a virtualenv using the same dependencies as the stable branch, is it?15:49
fungithat's what i mean by them not being coinstallable anyway15:49
gmannyeah it is with venv not outside.15:50
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gmannasettle: evrardjp let me know if it is ok to add that in agenda for tomorrow meeting ? if its late now then we can discuss the same in office hour or ad-hoc meeting.15:56
evrardjpgmann: well I don't expect the community to be aware of the conversation above with magic, so it would be a little hard for anyone to know this has happened... Maybe we could say on the ML we'll be talking about that after the meeting?15:58
evrardjpthat was poorly worded, let me rephrase :)15:59
evrardjpI expect the people paying attention to this channel would be a subset or a different set that people who might want to attend your conversation. What do you think fo sending an ML email to warn about the topic happening? Or maybe I missed an email (totally plausible! :) )?16:01
fungii think the primary takeaway is that there should be an ml thread covering the timeline for devstack and grenade dropping python 2.7 support in master, as well as what to do about tempest in the near term and over time16:04
gmannevrardjp: I got it and make sense to me. It does not need to be in meeting as it can be detailed discussions. we can do in office hour after meeting. if looks ok then I can send email (not sent yet) to openstack-discuss that this is happening in tomorrow office hour if anyone want to join the discussion or want to get the final updates about the py2.7 drop plan.16:04
fungiand also of course reminding projects that they're free to drop whatever other 2.7 jobs they like from master now (or maybe not until after next week just in case they need to worry about backportability to stable/train in the interim)16:05
gmanndevstack and grenade will be part of same discussion. + Tempest plan also16:05
gmannfungi: +1.16:06
gmannwe can define the timeline about when it should happen like during summit (if many patches needed and not to load gate resources) or something.16:06
gmannthough CI  (zuul.yaml) update of dropping py2.7 jobs should be ok as they do not get back-ported.16:08
gmannor to avoid any confusion or extra work during train release, we can do after official release also something like 21st oct week..16:11
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gmanntc-members: please let me know if 24th office hour (Where most of the TC members are available) is ok to discuss the final plan for py2.7 drop. accordingly I will communicate the same in ML if other community members want to join/get update or so.16:52
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mnaserok for me, i block out office hours on my calendar16:53
jungleboyjYep.  Same here.16:54
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njohnstonme too16:57
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openstackgerritKendall Nelson proposed openstack/election master: Re-Add Kendall as Election Official
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fungiwoo! someone new to review my endless patches18:25
fungitc-members: ^ that's technically a tc delegation so need some of you to give your blessing18:27
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gmannfinally got my passport and china visa with single entry tough.18:46
fungicongrats! i'm still waiting. they came back to me with a request for more paperwork, which i provided, but... you never know18:54
gmannohh, hope for best.18:55
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fungiwith my background, i won't be too surprised if they deny me. i mean... ecuador is now jailing computer security researchers at random19:04
fungithere's a lot of governmental distrust of people with backgrounds in security and cryptography19:04
fungii don't *expect* a problem, but i always assume it's a possibility19:06
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