Tuesday, 2019-08-20

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gmanntc-members, ttx RE on cinder driver: NEC driver team is working to migrate the driver on py3 and soon will update PTL and community ML on that.01:49
gmannsmcginnis: ^^01:49
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asettletc-members - email sent out regarding the legacy client CLI and OSC goal https://review.opendev.org/63937608:49
asettlePlease keep an eye out :) hopefully nothing ~bad~ will happen from it08:49
asettleHopefully Artem responds, otherwise I'll abandon by the end of the week.08:50
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evrardjpgmann: awesome news09:03
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asettlericolin, I added some comments here: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/668093/1211:31
asettleevrardjp, and I were discussing the inclusion of docs as a SIG11:31
asettleI don't meant to push your patch back further, but it turned out we had two very different definitions of a SIG11:31
evrardjpI didn't do it!11:31
asettleAnd the comparison didn't make that much clearer. Perhaps it's a discussion we need to have11:31
asettleYou did mate, yuo did11:31
ricolinasettle, thx, will update it today:)11:32
evrardjpI was told that's what I have to say when feeling guilty11:32
asettleThanks ricolin :) let me know if you have any questions. evrardjp and I debated for the better part of an hour :p11:32
evrardjpglad we had the convo to clarify things though11:32
asettleagreed :D11:33
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mnaserdoes anyone know what's going on with the uc?12:11
mnaserhttp://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2019-August/002864.html -- elections mentioned that they close for nominations by "August 16, 05:59 UTC"12:12
mnaserthere seems to be only 1 candidate only -- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2019-August/thread.html#286412:12
asettleHo dear, I did not know12:12
mnaserand i think we needed 2 candidates12:13
mnaseri dont see anything here -- https://review.opendev.org/#/q/project:openstack/governance-uc+is:open12:13
mnaserseems like 2 spots were open12:15
asettleHave you reached out to Ed, mnaser ?12:18
mnaseri have not yet, just wondering if i missed the memo :)12:19
asettleif a memo went out, I missed it too12:19
asettleWorth checking in12:19
mnasermaybe ianychoi can also give feedback, dont see ed on irc right now12:19
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asettlesmcginnis, "is the library good code" well in all my tech writing experience, I'd say it's the best code. The most bestest code ever12:55
smcginnisasettle: Haha! ;)12:55
smcginnisI've always liked that question. "Um, sure, looks good"12:56
asettlesmcginnis, other than flat out listing the questions, do you have an example format of how you'd ilke the commit message to look?12:56
smcginnisOnes in the past have listed the questions. So question on one line, answer below, repeat...12:56
asettleFair. I'll go by that then :)12:57
smcginnisSorry, bit of a hassle I know, but then it captures all the information needed and is good if we ever need to look back to figure something out.12:57
asettleNo, totally understandable :) i'll fix it after my meeting12:57
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fungimnaser: at one point (maybe a year ago?) there was talk of uc candidates running on a platform of shutting down the user committee since it can't come up with a clear definition of what it should do, doesn't hold most of its scheduled meetings, et cetera13:50
fungithat wound up not happening, but i don't think the situation with it has gotten any better13:51
fungithe main complication is that it's mentioned in the foundation bylaws, so it still needs to exist in some form (or we need yet another bylaws change), but it can become vestigial13:52
fungii don't blame the current or past uc members for this situation, i don't think there was ever much direction provided to them from any side13:53
fungii see this as an opportunity to ask the uc members and community at large what future they envision for it13:54
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* asettle slides in14:04
asettleWhat about a UC SIG, fungi ?14:05
asettleHas that been suggested before?14:05
fungiwell, we'd have to redefine what sigs are14:14
fungiright now the uc has shared governance of sigs (along with the tc)14:14
fungiif the uc were effectively dissolved we'd have to redefine sig governance anyway i guess14:14
asettleInterestingly, evrardjp and I were discussing that this morning. I've commented on Rico's post regarding the definitions because I think the water is still a bit muddy, esp with the inclusion of docs14:15
asettleIf we could change that to potentially include a function similar to the UC14:15
asettleI almost think that would make more sense14:15
fungiit could. certainly worth a discussion14:16
asettleI'm all about those email discussions lately14:17
* asettle fires up the emailatron14:17
asettleOkay seriously before I dive in, should we start this conversation on email first or perhaps with Ed and Amy?14:17
fungii would first figure out if the uc election is really dead in the water14:18
asettleHmm alright, mnaser - I'm happy to take that over if you haven't already emailed or setup conversations14:18
fungibut also if folks do actually want to commit to running for uc seats on a platform of winding down the uc, this could be a good idea to suggest it14:18
fungier, a good time to suggest it14:18
asettleOkay, sounds reasonable14:19
mnaserasettle: all yours if you'd like :)14:22
asettlemnaser, swell14:24
asettlePublic? Or best if I just email Ed first? Do we have a protocol for things like this?14:24
asettlesmcginnis, updated with answers: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/677433/ does that format work?14:58
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mnaserasettle: maybe reach out to ed and ian privately first (as the two officials) and see what happens15:18
asettle... man you have timing15:18
asettleI literally jsut emailed asking how it went publicly15:18
* mnaser closes vnc session to asettle's laptop15:18
mnaseri mean i don't think it makes a big of a difference :p15:19
asettleNot hugely. I had a poke around to see if I could find evidence of any other candidates, but I was unable to15:19
asettleSo hopefully we'll get an idea from them what the status is and where they're sitting and perhaps we can start discussions on the future of the UC15:19
asettleI think it's a great idea to keep it in some fashion15:19
ianychoimnaser, there were only one nomination and UC decided to open a special election to recruit more UC(s) on yesterday UC meeting: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/uc/2019/uc.2019-08-19-15.04.log.html#l-7015:49
mnaserit would have been nice to have some involvement of the community in that, or some ML post to explain what is about to happen15:52
mnaseri would have personally had comments to say about that15:52
fungialso, this may be heretical, but should we care? aside from joint jurisdiction over sigs, is there anything we directly rely on the uc for? if there's not even enough interest from the community to staff the elected seats on the uc then trying to convince people to be on it seems likely to result in staffing it with people who aren't really that vested in having it do things anyway15:52
mnaserwell, i would have proposed to scale it down to 3 members15:52
ianychoiThe un-decided things at the moment is to determine when such a new election starts (just the perspective as an election official)15:53
ianychoimnaser, really good point - I would like to share now what happens on UC... :) Would it be fine, although it seems that it is a little bit late?15:54
fungii mean, if it just becomes a nascent vestigial body because it's mandated in the bylaws but isn't actually tasked with any responsibilities, then i don't see the harm in just letting it be whatever it's going to be15:54
gmannyeah,  from TC perspective we need SIG co-owner from UC otherwise it will change the TC roles. Other than that i am also not sure what TC can do in that ?15:56
gmannhope BoD aware/notice the current situation. ianychoi ?15:56
ianychoiI am not sure how TC and UC cooperate together, but anyone including TC can ask what the situation of UC is :)15:57
ianychoigmann, oh I didn't think about BoD - I will discuss with Ed15:58
gmannyeah that is true. I was thinking of BoD from fungi mention of bylaws which is imp.15:59
fungifrom a sig perspective, we really just (currently) need one uc liaison to co-chair the meta-sig, but that can certainly be adjusted if there's not enough of a uc left to provide a co-chair for it16:00
gmannin that case where the governance (complete governance ) of SIG goes? under TC only ?16:01
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fungithere are probably other options, but i don't personally feel like exploring them unless we discover that it's necessary16:08
asettle^ aye that16:11
asettleianychoi, I sent a public email regarding the UC update16:11
asettlePerhaps you can respond to that so we can track the updates16:11
ianychoiasettle, oh I was writing like https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/uc-election-email-election-status-aug-2019 but you are much faster.. :)16:11
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ianychoiasettle, thank you :)16:11
asettleianychoi, oh I mean, I sent an email requesting an update!16:11
asettleSorry, not that quick!16:12
asettlethsi one16:12
ianychoiasettle, aha I have time to update the status :) yep reading :)16:12
asettleThank you, very short email. Just might be good to track in one place :)16:12
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ianychoiasettle, thanks a lot too, for your kind review on my draft writing :) I have just shared via http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-August/008617.html16:56
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openstackgerritGuilherme  Steinmuller Pimentel proposed openstack/governance master: Add os_murano project  https://review.opendev.org/67754118:39
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Use promote for publishing  https://review.opendev.org/67754518:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: I18n Extra-ATCs for Train  https://review.opendev.org/67404918:56
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