Thursday, 2019-02-28

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fungidims: continuing from the earlier discussion, has some really disappointing quotes in it00:11
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mnaserfungi: yep, really disappointing00:41
fungii don't get why this has to be a competition instead of a collaboration00:43
zanebkudos to Boris for hitting the nail on the head though00:54
fungiyep, thrilled to see him staying on-message ;)01:06
dtroyerHmmm… press + need for clicks == drama?  Do I smell a reality show in here somewhere?01:14
* dtroyer sneaks out the back door01:14
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dimsfungi : Ack. that's very sad and disappointing piece03:46
dimsdtroyer : right, dunno how much of it was twisted to fit a narrative03:47
dims+1 to Boris!03:47
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jrollnot a good look for the CNCF, for well-informed people. unfortunately that isn't the target for this article11:45
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bauzashopefully it's just a vision from the CNCF only said by this article12:01
bauzasso thanks to Boris and other folks, the article explains this vision is wrong12:01
cdentthe quoted rep from the cncf sounds rather combative12:01
bauzasnow, I'm a bit afraid of seeing this vision not only there but rather done with others12:02
bauzasnow, is it only an individual vision or the CNCF ?12:03
bauzasI hope for the former12:03
ttxwell, Dan Kohn is the Executive Director of the CNCF, so it's hard to separate him from it12:05
cdentI have to admit from a generate press standpoint, being combative is probably a useful tactic12:05
cdentbut it's not at all in the open source spirit12:06
cdenthell, neither is "generate press" but we cross that rubicon ages ago, sadly12:06
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smcginnisHmm, "runs on top of bare metal or any cloud". OpenStack is an any cloud.14:11
smcginnisBut then "should be running Kubernetes on bare metal and that there’s no need for a middle layer"14:11
smcginnisFrom what I've seen, the number of folks running k8s on bare metal is a much smaller percentage than on cloud.14:12
jrollit's almost like managing bare metal isn't worth the benefits of removing the hypervisor, for most people :)14:13
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smcginnisThere was actually a presentation at one of the events by a major bank where they described how they started out with bare metal but eventually realized they needed to run their containers in VMs due to needing isolation, hitting max open file handles, and things of that sort.14:15
* cdent had fun with max inotify watchers recently (and containers)14:17
zhipengThis is like a never ending education task...14:17
bauzassmcginnis: yeah but some compagnies (including mine :( ) think CNV will fix this14:17
jrollI also can't believe the messaging that container security doesn't matter unless running third party code14:18
bauzaswell, Kube hitted its first massive CVE14:18
bauzasI guess minds will slowly change14:18
bauzasbut whatever, the message is gone14:19
bauzaswhich is a bit sad to me14:19
* jroll s/doesn't matter/is FUD/14:19
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zanebjroll: yeah, because third-party code is always of the utmost quality and never gets pwned <rolls eyes>14:24
zaneber, first-party14:24
jrollzaneb: indeed :)14:25
smcginnisAnd why would anyone need to run third party code. Just write your own.14:25
fungimy take on the whole "isolation is fud if you run trusted code" argument is that my parents trust the software on their laptops and it only gets hacked a few times a year14:27
bauzastake the blue pill14:27
jrollmy take on it is that I barely trust my own code, let alone my teammate's :)14:28
smcginnisfungi: Very true14:28
cmurphyjroll: lol14:28
dimsbauzas : need to separate the CNCF figure heads from actual leaders in kubernetes community14:36
bauzasdims: I'm not expert on the CNCF board but I suspect it's corporate-basis ?14:37
bauzasif so, could we imagine some stand from the CNCF clarifying things ?14:37
dimsDan is CNCF staff, serving at the pleasure of the CNCF board, which is a club of paying members14:37
bauzasI don't get then why he said that14:38
bauzasif he was running a company, then I could have understood14:38
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dimsme neither ... but we should not take his word as the sentiment of folks in kubernetes14:38
smcginnisHe's always had a very anti-OpenStack stance.14:39
bauzasof course, like I said, I take it as an individual PoV which doesn't reflect the community standpoint14:39
bauzasbut I still don't understand the need for such controversial thoughts14:39
bauzasit's not like the CNCF needs to take a position *against* OpenStack14:40
dimsagain, don't know how much of it was cherry picking by the reporter14:40
bauzasand like dims said, that's even not a shared thought14:40
bauzasmeaning, I don't get the benefits of such standpoint14:40
bauzasattracting more contributors ? heh14:41
gmanndims: that's imp, any original talks link from him somewhere  other than that report.14:41
dimstheres openstack people everywhere in the sigs doing good work14:41
smcginnisSo many familiar faces at kubecon.14:41
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smcginnistc-members: The office is open.15:00
aspiersdoes the foundation have an IRC channel?15:00
ttxaspiers: probably the closest would be #openstack-foundation15:01
aspiersttx: thanks :)15:01
ttxhmm, /me rechecks15:01
aspiersI guess I can just email summitreg@ in this case15:01
zanebaspiers: there's also #openstack-board but it is pretty lightly populated15:02
ttxaspiers: for events we have #openstack-ptg and #openstack-forum15:02
aspierszaneb: OK thanks, don't need the board on this occasion15:02
ttx#open-ifnra-summit has seen some traffic too15:02
aspiersooh, didn't know about any of these, thanks :)15:03
mnaseradd them to the list of channels you can't keep up with :D15:03
fungi#openstack-board mostly gets used by non-board-member participants in board meetings as backchannel communication, and sits silent the rest of the time15:03
aspiersmnaser: exactly15:03
gmanntc-members: Gentle reminder to add your TC/cross community ideas for forum or any general topic you want to lead like retrospective/U cycle goal etc -
mnaserfungi: how has # of voters turned out so far?15:04
aspiersso, if we are not close to trains this Denver summit, can the U release be called "Untrained"?15:04
ttxaspiers: ignore me, I'm jetlagges -- most of the channels I suggested actually do not exist15:04
aspiersttx: lol15:04
ttx-forum and -ptg do exist though :)15:04
fungithe -forum and -ptg channels similarly see little activity until just before and during their respective events15:05
smcginnisttx is having IRC channel hallucinations. :)15:05
ttxIs IRC the same as a mailing-list? man, i should take vacation more often, it's refreshing15:05
dhellmanntc-members: it would help me prep for next week if I knew who was planning to stand for chair next cycle. If you know, please contact me (privately if you wish)15:05
lbragstadcdent appreciate the reviews on
cdentlbragstad: I appreciate (more!) that you wrote it15:08
fungimnaser: Total authorized voters: 1389; Actual votes cast thus far: 23115:08
cdentit's really very good15:08
fungiso 16%15:08
fungior 17%15:08
bauzasonly 1389 ? I thought it was more15:11
bauzasbut okay15:12
mnaser1389 ATCs i guess15:12
bauzas showed 1636 ballots for 403 voters15:12
bauzasthanks for the update15:13
ttxRocky had 384/2025 so 19%15:14
ttxStein was unusually well attended with 403/1636 (24%)15:15
mnaser300 dropped every cycle?15:15
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ttxmnaser: on average over the last 4 years yes. We lost less lately15:17
ttxActually it's recruitment that is dropping. Our retention rate was increasing last time I looked15:18
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ttxConstantly adding new projects was sustaining artificial growth15:18
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ttxanyway, tldr: single numbers do not tell the whole story15:19
smcginnisATC count over the last several cycles -
mnaserif anyone's interested, the cnf testbed sync is happening in a 10 minutes15:20
ttxmnaser: what's that?15:20
fungittx: cncf community call about
ttxmnaser: if anyone attending can call out the false dichotomy (Kubernetes OR OpenStack) I think we'll be covered :)15:22
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fungibasically the thing the kubernetes community is trying to demo forward-thinking ideas about nfv alternatives in containers with, and show performance gains with avoidance of userland/kernelspace context switching and directly passing network payloads between namespaces, but which lf/cncf staff are trying to leverage as a competition between kubernetes and openstack15:23
smcginnisttx: In case you missed it, there was a conversation about a presentation that was released with that pointed out performance differences between CNFs vs VNFs.15:23
fungithe cnf vs vnf performance bits were interesting. where it broke down was also positioning it as a measure of openstack vm overhead vs kubernetes running on bare metal via terraform15:24
fungiand apples-to-oranges comparisons of openstack and kubernetes deployment timeing15:25
ttxI feel like it's hard for OSF staff to make that false dichotomy point without sounding defensive / responding to the obvious challenge15:25
ttxsome other party that happens to be using both would be a better fit15:25
bauzasas always, usecases decide the architecture15:25
fungiwell, they just found out that 5g is the hot new buzzword and seem to be scrambling to convince teh telecommunications industry that they should abandon openstack because kubernetes can totally do it all as long as you convince your vendors to magically rewrite all their functions to work in containers on the same kernel and also get machines big enough to put all those network functions on the same15:26
fungiphysical device15:26
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bauzasthat's a multi-year effort for kube to match with OpenStack abilities on VNFs15:27
bauzasand 5G is at the door15:27
fungi(because as soon as they're on different physical servers the real world sets in and introduces many orders of magnitude drops in performance which overshadow any performance gains from avoiding virtualization)15:27
fungiand then there's the part where kubernetes still doesn't actually provision and manage your hardware for you15:28
persiaWhile it probably doesn't help anyone, I've found the narrative of running kubernetes on an openstack cloud ends up being fairly useful in terms of real-world deployments.  At least from my perspective, continued discussion about "openstack vs. kubernetes" just makes it hard to use either (leading to some customers deciding to just use AWS because it is easier).15:30
evrardjpfungi: I am pretty sure there are lots of tools for that15:30
dimsfungi - seen this?
fungii know of one which seems to work pretty well for people running kubernetes. it's called openstack ;)15:31
dimsLOL +115:31
bauzaswe should stop reacting on kubernetes15:32
fungidims: i knew of metalkube (russellb is/was helping with that right?)15:32
bauzaswe have usecases to implement, let's focus on those15:32
dimsfungi : right15:32
dimsbauzas : +115:32
fungibauzas: i agree, we only lend credence to their specious arguments by letting them eat up our otherwise valuable time15:33
bauzascompetition is sane btw.15:33
bauzasfungi: totally agree with you15:33
bauzasa sane competition is OK15:33
zanebfungi: also dhellmann15:33
bauzasFUD is not OK15:33
dimszaneb : i did not want to say that out loud :)15:33
fungiit can be someone else's job to refute those. i think the public is starting to become weary of the fake competition the lf/cncf staff seem to want to drive15:33
dimson the + side, kops now supports deployment to openstack! if someone missed that -
zanebdims: first repo I clicked on the commit was Merge pull request #40 from dhellmann so I assume it's not a secret :)15:34
fungidims: also metalkube is openstack, in part. so... point proven i suppose15:35
zanebyes, it's standalone Ironic15:35
zanebso not inconsistent with what we've been saying the past couple of days in this channel15:36
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zanebI'm trying to vote but it's *really* hard to rank this group of candidates17:24
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mriedemif only we had integration testing of all the NFV code that was horked in since juno...17:45
mriedemand continues to be horked in17:45
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mriedem"hey we have a shit load of code....with no idea if it continues to work"17:46
dimszaneb : fungi : bauzas : ttx :
dtroyermriedem: starlingx exercises _some_ portion of that code, right?  would it be helpful to try to get specific about identifying it?17:48
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mriedemdtroyer: L77
dtroyerhrm, I thought Intel 3CI wasn't dead, is it really?17:49
mriedemit's been dead17:49
mriedemmostly just bones at this point17:49
dtroyerlemme dig in to that a bit more, the responsibility for it has moved (a few months ago) and I understood it to be running17:50
mriedemsean-k-mooney is probably the person to talk to,17:51
mriedemsince he was managing it when he was at intel17:51
clarkbmriedem: when you say NFV code do you mean things like pci passthrough/sriov and/or NUMA support which has typically been tested by third party CI due to hardware requirements?17:51
dtroyerfwiw, we are setting up to test the numa live migration, both directly in Nova as well as stx's use of it17:51
mriedemclarkb: yes17:51
mriedemdtroyer: ok that would be good because the numa live migration series proposed for stein might not make it because of a lack of integration testing17:52
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dtroyerright, and that is exactly what we are looking at17:52
mriedemi'm starting to burn out (more) on piling features into nova without integration testing or long-term maintainers17:52
mriedemwe also had a forum/summit session about testing this stuff awhile back, i'm trying to find that17:53
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dtroyermriedem: understood, I am too and I don't even live in that world directly… trying to get the right people to care about this in a large organization is oddly hard given how important the features are in their powerpoints17:53
* cdent makes parliametary rumbilngs in support of mriedem 17:54
ttxdims: nice!17:54
clarkbmriedem: thanks, wanting to make sure there isn't a reason we can't test it upstream beyond effort but sounds like the hardware constraints remain a potential problem17:55
dtroyerI am afraid it takes a combination of carrot and stick to get attention to this…  we happen to have a convenient meeting this afternoon where I can raise it yet again…17:56
dimsttx : spilled over to
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fungidims: this for me underscores the difference in approach between foundations... osf basically operates on a principle of "if you can't find something nice to say about another open source project, don't say anything at all"18:51
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fungii'm hoping that philosophy becomes infectious18:51
dimstotally agree fungi !18:52
fungiand as bauzas said, we've got plenty of actual problems to concern ourselves with anyway ;)18:54
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hogepodgeI've looked a bit at their methodology, and it's a bit troubling. As with any performance metric, it varies wildly on configuration and tooling, and I'm not sure how to produce rigorous results in what appears to be a biased environment, where that bias may just be not having expertise in the tools.19:15
hogepodgeFor example, the choice of chef for deployment means they picked one of the tool chains that has the least amount of support, and deploying from packages means you add fetch and install time to every node, where in the case where you deploy from containers all that time happens at the container build stage which isn't captured.19:16
hogepodgeWhen the test bed is framed as a competition rather than a neutral place to try and do science, it's difficult to justify allocating the resources and knowledge to participate in it.19:17
fungihaving at most skimmed their results, my biggest issue is they're using it as an opportunity to measure a variety of wholly unrelated things. how long it takes to deploy openstack or kubernetes has little if anything to do with measuring throughput between containers vs throughput between virtual machines19:18
hogepodgeAs someone who's really tried to build ties between the communities it's damaging and, from my personal experience, doesn't capture the feelings of the people I've worked directly with.19:18
fungieach is a potentially interesting comparison in its own right, but a proper case study would have focused on one of those, not both19:18
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fungias for openstack-chef having the least amount of support of our available deployment methods, i can't really speak to that. scas probably has opinions there and if they do want to stick with chef maybe he has insights on how to make that option more efficient for them too19:20
hogepodgeeven setting that aside, a chef or puppet install will do the software installation at the same time as configuration, a container approach does the install as a pre-step, so that time isn't captured in benchmarks19:23
hogepodgebut there may be a real opportunity to investigate the performance of our network stack in a productive way, but it's hard to take advantage of those sorts of resources and opportunities if it's presented in a negative and potentially biased light.19:25
fungiright, from that perspective they at least ought to compare similar deployment methodologies. if they're going to deploy openstack from source or packages then they should be deploying kubernetes the same way. if they're going to count server provisioning into the total time for one then they should count it on the other as well, and so on19:29
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tonyb[m]I'm hearing rumors that rackspace has just made the entire RPC (rackspace private cloud) team redundant.  This means that some of those great members of our community  will be going thru lot right now.  Can we look at ways to help them? Perhaps by extending the TSP? to get them to Denver22:24
tonyb[m]I know that helped me a lot around the Boston stoney22:25
tonyb[m]Summit sorry22:25
tonyb[m]... I also know that's a foundation level decision but many foundation staff are here :-P22:26
smcginnisYeah, sounds like there were quite a few hit by this.22:26
clarkbaiui the application was reopened until at least noon tomorrow22:27
tonyb[m]Ahh cool22:29
* mnaser has personally reached out and invited people to reach out to me personally as we're hiring22:29
tonyb[m]Bigger than OSIC if I understand correctly22:29
mnaserthis hurts OSA a lot22:29
tonyb[m]mnaser:  thanks!22:29
clarkbtonyb[m]: the constraint there being reviews have to happen as well as being able to book the travel details after.22:29
clarkband noon tomorrow is middle america time I think22:30
tonyb[m]clarkb: all good anything helps22:31
clarkbTheJulia: jroll (but TC at large too) we've just been asked on the discuss list if we would give up so that someone else can use the name. THe description says this is realted to ironic so you amy know what that would entail on our end22:32
mnaseryeah, i saw that.22:33
mnaseri was also wondering if there's any code at all that's being shared, because no one came and said "here's our project that we want to use the namespace for"22:34
smcginnisIIRC, that was a project that got renamed.22:34
mnaseri feel like that'd be the .. easier thing to do22:34
smcginnisBecause "nimble" is the name of a company. That also happens (or happened) to be involved in Cinder as a storage company.22:34
fungiclarkb: TheJulia: jroll: that is the project now known as "mogan"22:34
clarkbmnaser: not sure I understand?22:34
fungibased on the research i just completed22:34
clarkbah ok so we already renamed it to somethign else22:35
smcginnisfungi: Oh right.22:35
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fungiat the beginning of 201722:35
smcginnisWhich is also dead, if memory serves.22:35
smcginnisBottom line, I think it's fine to free that up on pypi.22:35
fungithere was a project-config patch to rename it to mogan over the end of 2016 holidays22:35
TheJuliaI would concur that we should be able to release it, but I'm not sure ironic folks are the right people to be the explicitly bless it.22:36
tonyb[m]Who does pypi trove say owns it?22:37
tonyb[m]Apart from openstackci :-P22:38
smcginnisSomeone from Huawei. We renamed it and stopped working on it, so I guess you can take me with my Huawei hat on saying OK unless you want to track him down.22:38
clarkbI think if we can show we renamed nimble to mogan then we should be fine to release it assuming the TC wants to release it (whcih also assumes this was an official project)22:39
smcginnisNot official.22:39
smcginnisThey pitched it in Sydney but there were too many unanswered questions and issues with Nova API usage.22:40
smcginnisAbandoned patch to make it official -
smcginnisBut anyway, definitely renamed from Nimble, so no reason to squat on that name.22:41
clarkbya so I think we can go ahead and hand it over. Does anyone know if there is an official process for that or we just add their user and they remove ours?22:42
jrollI agree with everything smcginnis said22:42
smcginnisclarkb: Normally I would say "ask infra", but... :)22:42
smcginnisThat does sound right though.22:42
smcginnisFor historical trivia, here's the etherpad from the Sydney Forum -
clarkbsmcginnis: ya I've never done one before. I think tempest did though? mtreinish may know22:43
smcginnisclarkb: They need to be able to update it and publish, so I think as long as they are added as an owner they should be able to take it over and do whatever they want with it.22:44
mtreinishclarkb: when I did it for tempest I reached out to Richard Jones directly, who in turn asked the old owner of tempest for me.22:44
mtreinishthey just added my pypi account to the owners list on the package22:44
mtreinishand I then backed up everything locally in a few places, cleaned up the metadata, and uploaded openstack tempest22:45
clarkbmtreinish: cool so adding the other individual's account is basically all we have to do on our end22:45
mtreinishyeah, or at least that's all that happened when I took over tempest22:45
mtreinishheh, actually this made me wonder if I can even get the old non-openstack tempest tarballs I have locally to run anymore22:49
mtreinishthe last pypi release was from 10 years ago (although they had a tarball on google code from 9 years ago, which was never pushed to pypi)22:50
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