Tuesday, 2019-02-19

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zanebsmcginnis, dhellmann: that's the process we agreed upon in https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20181024-python-update-process.html#unit-tests but we haven't tried to apply it for Stein (it really seemed too late to do so)06:15
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evrardjpthings are very calm today09:51
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ttxwell I am technically off :)10:10
cdentI slept in because working too late last night10:10
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fungii did not sleep in, but kinda wishing i had12:54
fungicoffee will help12:54
cdentno success on the coffee front for me so far13:00
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dhellmannzaneb, smcginnis : I thought that sounded familiar. Maybe we have time to set it up for Train.13:15
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smcginnisI wonder if we still should think about it for Stein.13:36
smcginnisWe are stating now in at least a couple places that py36 is the expected runtime for the Stein release, so it worries me a little that there are still a lot of projects that are only running py35 tests.13:36
smcginnisThe good thing is, I think the py35 to py36 transition is fairly minor. I'm a little more concerned about when we go to py37 since I have seen some things break due to changes there.13:37
cdentthe jump to 37 is definitely much more significant13:38
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: simplify the links to operating systems  https://review.openstack.org/63784513:42
* dtantsur remembers ironic broken by the "async" keyword13:43
smcginnisasync and StopIteration have been the two major ones I've noticed.13:45
dhellmannif we do it for train we could have the branch creation script the release team uses create the patch. if we do it for stein, someone is going to need to create those patches another way.13:49
dhellmannsmcginnis : ^13:49
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smcginnisdhellmann: ++, I was thinking the same for the branch creation.13:50
smcginnisA little tricky as we need to make sure the template is defined ahead of any branch creation, but that shouldn't be too difficult.13:50
dhellmannso we need to settle on the requirements for train, set up the template in the right repo, and change the branching script to add the new jobs13:51
smcginnisAs far as stein, we seem to have several folks that excel at writing scripts to blast out the same change to every known repo, so I think it might still be doable. Or we could just have it done as a best effort.13:51
dhellmannwe could pre-define the template as soon as we know the series name. updating it to use the right jobs could come closer to branch creation time13:51
dhellmannthere are some examples of scripts like that in the goal-tools repo now, but I'm not sure how general-purpose they really are13:52
dhellmannbut yeah, doing stein as a best-effort and having train automated sounds good13:52
dhellmannwho's going to drive that?13:52
smcginnisEven if it's best effort and we only get a portion of the repos updated for stein, that's probably going to end up better than now where I'm fairly certain there are a bunch that don't even realize they need to move on from py35.13:53
dtantsurFWIW I'm seeing a new wave of patches adding a py37 jobs. somebody is already on it.13:53
smcginnisThat's part of my concern is that py37 is being added while some haven't even gotten to py36 yet.13:54
dhellmanndtantsur : that's what raised this -- we want to do that in a different way, using templates that have the series name so that teams know what minimum expectations are each cycle13:54
dtantsurfair enough13:54
* dtantsur checks why ironic does not pass the newly provided job13:54
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* smcginnis wonders if there is a precendent for not filling open TC seats14:03
evrardjpsmcginnis: give it time, I am sure there will be more candidates :)14:07
smcginnisThey better hurry.14:07
* dtantsur suggests guilty pressing good people into applying14:08
fungii'll send a fresh reminder to the ml now14:23
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fungiand done14:29
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mnaseri just tried to ping the apac community over wechat again about the same14:50
fungii missed adding a [all] subject tag on the one i sent before bed last night, so sending another now was probably warranted anyway14:54
smcginnisTo get feedback, I've submitted https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637866/ to add per-cycle Python jobs.14:59
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack/governance master: Update WSGI goal status for Manila  https://review.openstack.org/63789115:28
fungibnemec is suggesting to fast-approve the py27 job changes in oslo15:35
fungier, py3715:35
smcginnisThat would make sense. Libs need to be ready before the consuming code.15:36
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fungiokay, with two more candidacies pending confirmation, we're now just one shy to fill the available tc seats (but need at least two more candidates to trigger a runoff election)18:51
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smcginnisGlad to see that.18:54
smcginnisBeing one short of a full house is a little better optics than three short at least.18:54
fungiless than 5 hours in the nomination period though18:54
fungiif it helps, the kata architecture committee had two seats up for election and ended up with only two candidates to fill them. still, i'll be a little disappointed if we don't at least get enough people interested in serving to need a poll18:57
fungilast round we had nearly 2x as many candidates as open seats18:57
dhellmannfungi : I see 3 open nominations now, and 4 in the repo18:57
fungioh! so one more has just come in, yep18:58
fungiso one more in the next 4.75 hours and we'll have a race on our hands18:59
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: Describe the business value of using unified limits  https://review.openstack.org/63702519:21
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mnaseri cant find anything about this in but i assume we don't have anything about # of tc members from a certain affiliation ?20:10
mugsiewe used to ...20:13
mugsiemnaser: https://www.openstack.org/legal/technical-committee-member-policy/ Article 2)c)20:19
mugsiebasically if 50% of the TC are one affiliation we have an issue20:19
mugsieafaik it has only been an issue once, I think HP(E) triggered it in days past, but I am open to correction on that20:20
dhellmannI think HPE hit the limit but didn't go over20:21
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mnaserfungi, diablo_rojo: we've got jroll up too :) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/637987/20:36
mnaser(sorry, just pinging for reviews to make sure we get them in as much/fast as possible because of how close we are :])20:36
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mugsieso we do have an election?20:41
diablo_rojomugsie, yep!20:41
diablo_rojowe have 8 candidates as of now20:41
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dimslooks like one more!21:22
flwangyep, i'm in ;)21:25
flwangdims: how many seats opening this time?21:26
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flwangdims: got the answer, cheers21:37
zanebdhellmann: we also agreed that we wouldn't automatically switch projects over because it will break the gate unnecessarily. that was debated at length. (we could and probably should propose patches automatically though - the resolution leaves that up to the project-wide-goal champion)21:55
dhellmannyeah, I figured if we created the patch in the script it was less work for a human, and it leaves it up to each team to approve it21:55
dhellmannit seems we need someone to drive that work, and that's not me, so I wasn't worrying too much about the implementation details :-)21:56
zanebthe thought was that a champion would fall out of the project-wide goals process21:57
dhellmannoh, I meant just the setup part to update the branching script and create the templates22:00
dhellmannsmcginnis did the templates but I don't know if he was going to do the scripting, too22:01
zanebI don't think there's anything we want to do in the branching script is what I'm saying22:01
zanebwe do need to create the templates, but it's up to the TC to decide what goes in them22:01
zaneband that decision should happen as part of the project-wide goal setting exercise22:01
dhellmannwhy wouldn't we update the branching script to submit the patches automatically?22:02
dhellmannit already submits a bunch of other "now you need to do this step" style patches22:02
smcginnisdhellmann: I will try to look at the automation, but not guaranteeing I will have time for it all.22:02
zanebyou mean submit for review?22:03
smcginniszaneb: We have automation that submits reviews to update a few things on branching.22:03
dhellmannsmcginnis : sure22:04
dhellmannzaneb : yes22:04
dhellmannit already does the reno setup, constraints URL change, and a couple of other things22:04
zanebok, I think the confusion is that in some contexts 'submit' can mean 'merge'22:04
dhellmannthis is just one more step related to opening master for a new series of development22:04
dhellmannpropose, then :-)22:04
smcginnisYeah, there would be a safety for the case if it breaks something in that they would need to approve the patch and it would need to go through zuul first.22:05
smcginnisAnd at least with the way I have the templates set up right now, there shouldnt' be any surprises there.22:05
zanebthe comments on smcginnis's review suggest that other people interpreted it as meaning that the switch would happen automatically without needing the approve a patch22:05
smcginniszaneb: The current patch to add templates? Or the patch I did that declared the specific versions in the docs?22:06
zanebthe patch to add templates22:06
zaneb"better than landing individual patches in each repo for every python version upgrade" was the comment22:06
dhellmannoh, no, that's not what the intent is22:07
dhellmannwe need to keep our stats up ;-)22:07
smcginnisI took that to mean the current slew of patches that are changing individual jobs. As opposed to this where we will have just one named template to switch.22:08
dhellmannit would be nice if we could shift everything at once, but I don't think we can realistically22:08
dhellmannwe'll still have to remove the template for the old series and add the new one each cycle22:08
zanebit would be good to update the commit message so it's less ambiguous. I'll leave that as a comment22:08
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/governance master: Get rid of popularity discussion in PTI  https://review.openstack.org/63804523:35
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fungi9 candidates for 7 seats, 4 incumbents and 5 challengers23:52
funginot as many candidates as i expected, but it's not bad23:52
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