Thursday, 2019-02-14

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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: Clarify TC goal-setting role
ttxcdent: as promised last week -- hopefully makes it clearer that goal-setting is part of the TC role ^12:53
cdentthank you ttx , just opened a tab for that, but it's in a queue :)12:53
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* cmurphy wonders if the Dark Side is k8s13:34
ttxBoth have a k13:34
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: Introduce the Padawan program
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dimscmurphy : i was just thinking the same as i read ttx's email :)14:13
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cmurphydims: ha14:15
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ttxIs the dark side stronger? No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.14:36
ttxdims: on that note, you have not posted your TC non-candidacy yet... might trigger some vocations :)14:40
dimsttx : right, i will do that shortly :)14:41
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cdenttc-members office hours15:00
fungialso in the security sig meeting in #openstack-meeting this hour. if the folks working on image encryption are around, i'll mention the pop-up teams ml thread to them15:03
ttxdims: I heard there were discussions about Slack on the k8s steering committee, and how difficult it would be to move of it now... how did that discussion end up ?15:03
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dimsttx : there no proposal on the table to move off it as of right now. moderation has been a big problem right now. So trying to find ways and means of doing that. there were a few attacks on many "open" slack groups (big ones) at the same time (for context) and k8s was hit as well as part of that.15:06
fungisounds like the irc spammers have found slack?15:06
dimsttx : right now we have to figure out a way to reopen the "slack inviter"15:06
dimsright fungi15:06
dimsfungi : we have things like @ commands for the entire channel etc locked down, but somehow folks found a way to abuse things like that (in addition to posting very inappropriate content - to put it mildly)15:08
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dimsright now folks are being redirected to stackoverflow and discuss, but that's not working well as the questions/queries are not being answered in a timely fashion15:09
fungipeople are too used to the instant gratification of group messaging15:11
* cdent shakes tiny fist at instant gratification15:11
cdentI frequently do a mental exercise with myself to see if I could do openstack community-ness without irc and I never get far15:12
cdentwhich I think is kind of broken15:12
mnaserhaving spent sometime in europe, you really can feel a huge difference.15:12
mnaseri cant even imagine what its like for apac15:12
mnaserhaving brought up apac, bringing up the new release naming thread over to wechat and asking those members of the community to comment on the subject has sparked up a few responses from that community on the ML, which is awesome to see15:13
mnaserttx: has there been traction on that openstack official wechat group?15:15
mnaseri know we spoke about it in the denver ptg15:15
mnaserperhaps also fungi can/could chime on that15:16
ttxgood question, maybe aprice knows status15:17
mnaseri think one of the issues is a limit of 500 people on those groups right now so it limits exposure15:18
ttx(china is asleep at this hour)15:18
fungiyeah, no clue personally15:20
apriceYeah the IM oriented groups do have a lot. However we have been working with Horace on the foundation channel which has 4400+ members. I think there is a comment feature but not a dialogue feel like the other group15:23
apriceHave a limit*15:23
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mnaseraprice: is there a way to access that one?  i don't think i'm in there, but i see the difference15:24
fungias i understand, "wechat" is lots of different things with different interfaces (instant messaging, blogging, microblogging, image sharing, ...)15:25
apricemnaser: i think that i can grab a link. checking15:26
apriceand yeah - it serves a lot of different functions. many that i still dont understand.15:26
* cmurphy curious about the TC's feelings on
apricemnaser: i may have to wait until one of my team members gets online...i cant figure out how to share15:28
mnasercmurphy: no worries :)15:28
mnaseraprice: no worries15:28
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mnasercmurphy: having followed the process so far, i think it seems relatively well put together thanks to the board's subgroup work.15:30
mnaserobviously as things change, osf and openstack are two seperate but close things and this is more of an osf thing, but i don't think many of those projects have resulted in any inherently bad for openstack, it's actually resulted in more people involved using our tooling and ecosystem15:31
mnaseri.e. kata experimenting with zuul for ci, starlingx using zuul and working with nova to push patches upstream and decrease their diffs from upstream (so getting more contributors indirectly)15:32
mnaserand airship also has indirectly helped other smaller projects which it leverages and provided value in helping bridge the different technologies to integrate them with our ecosystem15:33
cdentcmurphy: a while back the tc was invited to comment on its own specific draft of that15:33
cdenti'm not sure how many did. I did, but then lost the thread15:33
mnaserand zuul is really our darling so i like those guidelines and overall i'm pretty excited to see us having our first 'confirmed' project15:33
mnasercdent: correct, yes that was the case, all other 'governance' of other project did the same as well15:34
ttxIt will be interesting to see how it plays in practice.15:34
cdentsince etherpad is where info goes to never be found again, I'm struggling to rediscover the page15:34
cmurphyhow does starlingx measure up? it's still basically a fork iiuc, so does that go against eg "the project has taken advantage of opportunities for integration and complementarity with other open source projects both inside and outside the foundation."15:34
fungicdent: is where we were brainstorming our feedback15:35
fungicmurphy: most of starlingx is not a fork of anything15:35
ttxCurrent draft is at
fungicmurphy: starlingx is experiencing an existential crisis to separate the identity of its open source project from the commercial linux distribution which birthed it15:36
ttxcmurphy: they are now committed to building their distro on top of master branches, at least15:36
ttxthe remaining delta (nova and neutron iirc) will be handled as in-flight patches, like for Linux distros15:37
cmurphyfungi: ttx good to know15:37
fungia lot of the challenge is that windriver's titanium cloud was/is intended to be a full-featured linux distro, so has a lot of its own management tooling but also has patched targeted features into some of the software it includes (namely bits of openstack, qemu, ceph, and some other stuff as well)15:37
ttxat least that was the plan as of a couple of months ago. ildikov likely knows more15:37
dtroyerstarlinx is going to do a feature branch merge any day now that puts us on stein for OpenStack services, running in containers.  There is still a list of things to merge upstream to make it all work but that list is much shorter and about 70% will make it in stein15:37
smcginnisThat's good progress.15:38
ildikovas dtroyer says15:38
cmurphydtroyer: that's awesome15:38
fungistarlingx is sort of working toward being all that separate tooling, and maybe (hopefully) not an actual distro itself but rather building blocks for derived distros15:38
fungifrom what i've seen15:38
ttxfungi: agree the main challenge for them is to clarify what the project wants to achieve exactly. A Metadistro. a distro, a bunch of patches and config options ?15:38
cdentsomething other than all things to all people would be nice15:39
dtroyerfungi: we just touched on that again in the tsc meeting this morning.  right now the bit we agree on is to keep working to separate the new services from the distro-specific bits, partially by supporting another distro15:39
ildikovthere might still be discussions happening about a clean direction, but there is certainly a desire to be modular, etc15:40
dtroyereven to the point that we are writing devstack plugins for 5 of them15:40
fungiyeah, i think cross-distro support will help immensely, and allow starlingx to have its own identity as the software on which some commercial distros (such as titanium cloud) are built15:40
mnaserFYI, mriedem published a nice google slide about the progress of nova and starlingx in terms of patches (this was a while back)15:40
mnaserfrom a few months ago15:41
fungibasically the main challenge i see in their community at this point is establishing a clear upstream/downstream division between what titanium cloud is and what starlingx is15:41
dtroyerfungi: that's a polite way of putting it :)15:41
dtroyermnaser: that list was done without the benefit of seeing the (now published) individual patches that made up thos echanges.  mriedem did an awesome job of sorting it all out15:42
fungithey clearly can't be the same thing, and when someone is a developer on both titanium cloud and starlingx they need to be able to separate their work, their goals and their interactions between those two masters15:43
mnaserdtroyer: yeah, i think it would be awesome to see a follow up to that, but i understand that's time and work :)15:43
ttxstill, a lot of progress in the right direction.15:43
dtroyer has that broken out list of patches…15:44
fungii also expect that if they can entice developers from a lot more organizations to get involved in the project, it will help slowly change the culture. while it's still dominated by a couple of companies it's too easy to just see the project as the product15:44
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mnaserfungi: that takes time, but progress in the good direction as ttx says15:45
mnaserdtroyer: that list of patches, have some of them been upstreamed (aka can we perhaps make commits to remove the ones that have landed upstream evenutally?)15:46
mnaserdtroyer: and also thanks for being so patient and getting through with this, it wasn't an easy road to take :)15:47
dtroyermnaser: yes, some have merged, many are not relevant.  That was just the list of what we started with, basically an explosion of the single squash commit that we started with15:47
dtroyeras those repos are about to be mothballed, I don't plan on updating any of those patch lists. (we published those for most of the OpenStack projects)15:48
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dtroyerI think this whole story is a good object lesson for those who think carrying private forks of anything is a long-term solution to their problems15:50
smcginnisWould be great if some of that was written up somewhere. ;)15:50
dtroyerI'm keeping notes but it's still a little too fresh for me to look back just yet15:51
smcginnisMaybe a good Summit talk about how to avoid things like that for others to learn from.15:52
* dtroyer wants cdent's self-reflection superpowers15:52
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cdentpardon, what?15:53
dtroyersmcginnis: I ahd thought about proposing one for Denver, maybe it'll be ready for China15:53
dtroyercdent: the way you are able to take a look at the things going on around you and write a coherent summary amazes me.15:53
smcginnisThat might be a good place for it. ;)15:53
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cdentdtroyer: oh, right, yeah, I suppose so. People have describe that in various ways in the past but you are not the first to call it a superpower15:54
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* cdent needs a new tshirt15:54
cdentIf I could figure out a good way to put that on my CV...15:55
fungitshirt? what you need, sir, is a cape16:01
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* cmurphy moves for getting capes as denver summit swag16:02
smcginnisI second.16:02
cdentdo you people never watch the movies or read comics or nothing?16:06
cdentNO CAPES!16:06
cdentunless you're trying to get me killed16:07
cmurphyif we all have capes then you will blend in16:07
smcginnisJust stay away from jet engines.16:07
cdenthard to do with all that travel16:07
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fungijet-resistant capes16:49
diablo_rojoThe obvious replacement for a cap is a train conductor hat16:49
clarkbI don't think my argument for train conductor hat made it very far16:50
clarkbpeople not expected to wear them or something16:50
diablo_rojoWhat about bandannas?16:51
cdentI am intrigued by train conductor hat.16:51
clarkbor train whistles now that denver trains going silent March 116:51
clarkbwe can reenact the stapleton environment16:52
fungii'm for scheduled daily stapleton reenactments16:52
lbragstadto ensure maximum productivity16:52
cdenta thousand voices raised in train song16:52
* diablo_rojo imagines clarkb running into forum rooms, blowing the whistle and then running out16:53
lbragstadttx so - the padawan program? i'm having a hard time understanding if that is supposed to be something other than the FC sig?16:53
cdentdiablo_rojo you can't make statements like that with the term "running" it must be "dashing"16:54
ttxlbragstad: the best explanation for the difference would be cmurphy's email on that thread16:55
lbragstadyeah - i read it, i was looking at your response though16:56
ttxThe level of commitment is, I think, different. But I'm happy to be proven wrong :)16:57
lbragstadcorrect me if i'm wrong, but the FC sig helps filter people through to other methods of mentorship, right?16:58
ttxso the key differences would be: the offer comes with a description of the wanted role, and the mentor ends up in a 1:1 relationship16:58
ttxThe FC is for guiding first-time contributors to success16:59
ttxThis is for turning contributors into core members of teams16:59
diablo_rojocdent, I feel dashing is more for those wearing capes.. is clarkb also wearing a cape in this scenario?17:00
* cdent bows17:00
cdentyou win17:00
clarkbneed a fog machine to stand in for steam engine17:00
diablo_rojolbragstad, correct17:00
lbragstadttx ok - i'm getting mixed signals then, because i can't tell if we want this to be a place where we get new contributors on the path or core or if it is supposed to be a place where people come to work on hard, help needed areas like what cmurphy describes in paragraphy three of
lbragstador both17:02
ttxI'd say both ? In a lot of cases what the projects in help-most-needed as k for is "just more regular team members"17:03
ttxand since listing them on a list is apparently not working, I'm trying to think of other solutions17:04
ttxlike turning the message more positively, from "help-needed" to "mentoring-offered"17:05
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cdentI fear that's too soft17:06
ttxmind you, that might also fail, but I'm of a optimistic temper17:06
lbragstadcdent agreed17:06
ttxsoft how?17:06
cdentit needs to be more like17:06
lbragstadif something needs help, it's likely time sensitive17:06
cdentoy, if nobody does this stuff, openstack is unhealthy and dollars will be lost17:06
ttxlbragstad: infra has been asking for help for the last 4 years, so not sure it's time-sensitive really17:07
lbragstadmentorship is about inventing time into *someone* where help wanted is about inventing it into *something* imo17:07
cdentbut then, I'm of a push harder on the corps temper17:07
ttxcdent: that is the approach we've taken with help-most-needed... Putting that list in front of "the corps", with no success17:08
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cdentthat list was also too soft17:08
cdentand wasn't frame in the way they want17:08
cdentthey've come right out and said "make us some job descriptions"17:08
cdentso maybe we should do that?17:09
cdentusing language like "safeguard the success of ...."17:09
ttxmaybe. That was not very inspiring though since nobody picked that up17:09
cdentI think that gets to the root of the issue here17:10
ttxI was kind of hoping someone would push back on my thread and push that "job description" open again in that thread but nobody did17:11
ttxwhich is why I forged ahead17:11
ttxbut it's not too late, feel free to push that "hard" line17:11
ttxYou might be right. The only thing we know is that the current middle-ground is not working17:12
lbragstaddo we expect those job descriptions to be tackled by people being mentored? or are those job descriptions going to have a language that implies we need experienced individuals to drive it17:12
lbragstadto me, the answer to that might tell us if we actually expect newcomers to help us with items on this new list17:12
ttxlbragstad: no that was the board feedback in... Vancouver? that the help-most-needed list should be rewritten and presented as a series of job descriptions17:13
ttxto be more actionable/consumable by them17:13
diablo_rojoAre we thinking they are going to cut paste from the list to their own job boards?17:14
lbragstadyeah - i remember that. i think it was just a way for us to be more descriptive in what we need help on, instead of saying "project X needs help, go talk to this person"17:15
ttxIt's not my first time reformatting taht list so I've grown a bit skeptical of that "no wait if only it was written this way" type of feedback17:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Remove instack
ttxwhich is why I did not personally pick it up17:16
ttxbut then nobody else did17:16
cdentAnd I didn't pick it up because as a group we don't seem excited by taking a more demanding stance, which I think a) we need to do, b) if we do needs to a concerted effort on many fronts17:17
cdentso until there is consensus about it...17:17
cdentThere's a a great reluctance to question our open source bonafides and think of ourselves more as the coordinators of some enter-source17:18
cdentwhich is fine, in a sense, but it means that stuff we think needs to be done won't get done17:18
cdentbecause nobody is itchy enough17:19
dhellmannwhich makes me wonder if "needs to be done" is the right way to describe it in the first place17:19
dhellmannbut I agree, we should be making clear what the impact of not having things done will be17:19
cdentI personally can't stand that model because it leaves the working environment for regular contributors less healthy than I'm willing to abide17:20
cdentessentially this all comes down to a quality of life argument on my part in an economic context where the rentiers are not stepping up17:20
cdentwhich is an argument that if we admit, blows the whole dream out of the water, so I can see why people don't want to touch that17:20
smcginnisI think if we can define a good template or format, it should be on the teams seeking help to fill it out.17:20
* cdent puts on his marx tshirt (or cape?)17:21
smcginnisBoth. And a conductor hat.17:21
cdentmust be time for this again:
dhellmanncdent : well, the other part of that is we would stop prioritizing work non-contributors ask for over work contributors want. we just need to be careful about how we define contributors.17:22
cdentdhellmann: in my experience that's often the case already17:23
dhellmannthat seems natural to me17:23
cdentbut I agree care is required17:24
fungipart of the reasoning behind the "job description" suggestion is because what we need is not for some altruistic organization to toss 20 interns at us, it's for organizations to employ folks who are long-time contributors and interested in continuing to be involved after their current funding is pulled out from under them. having a job description some organization can use to hire those individuals is17:24
fungione way to potentially solve that dilemma17:24
diablo_rojocdent, s/care/cape :)17:24
dhellmannfungi : right17:24
* cdent bows to diablo_rojo _again_17:24
fungiso, like, to revisit the infra example, having a generic job description covering the responsibilities of an engaged full-time infra team member written and published makes it possible for a company to find someone who fits that description (ideally someone who was already doing it before their employer decided to bury them in some internal proprietary thing)17:26
cdentthat seems reasonable17:30
cmurphyI still think the job posting framing is a valuable part of this, I've been trying to advocate that the mentoring-offered listing should include specifics of what the "job" is and what interests/skills/experience would make a good match for the "position"17:33
* lbragstad goes to write up an example17:38
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dhellmannlbragstad : regarding the clean-up goal, I think if you think it's ready to start writing up the completion criteria, etc. then go for it17:48
lbragstaddhellmann sounds good - afaict i don't think there is anything preventing that from going into review, i was waiting to see if adriant or tobias were going to propose it, but i can take a crack at it later today or tomorrow17:56
dhellmannlbragstad : oh, I definitely suggest that you help the champions, but not do it for them. They need to understand the process, too.18:01
lbragstadso - maybe just a lightly bootstrapped goal to get things started?18:01
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dimslbragstad : here's an example (from RH) -
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dhellmannlbragstad : yeah, maybe start working in an etherpad or something, get the template set up, etc.?18:28
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/governance master: WIP: Add a job description for unified limits work
lbragstadthanks dims18:32
lbragstad^ those are my initial thoughts if i were to write a job description for one of the cross project initiatives i'm familiar with18:33
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adriantlbragstad: yes I need to throw up the review for the project/resource deletion goal.21:23
adriantDo we have any templates/guides for what it needs to look like? I assume it goes in openstack/governance/goals/train21:25
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lbragstadadriant correct21:30
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lbragstadadriant there is a goal template available that should give you some guidance -
lbragstadjust copy it to the release you're targeting your proposed goal to21:44
adriantlbragstad: ah fantastic! ty21:45
lbragstadadriant no problem - ping if you have addition questions21:47
* lbragstad really has issues with typing today 21:47
adriantlbragstad: I know those days.21:48
adriantHow deep into specific implementation should I get in the goal review?21:48
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adriantI assume as far as is sane, but not too far to limit exactly what we end up doing once we realise it's more complicated than expected?21:49
lbragstadthe goal doc should be detailed enough for readers to be able to go implement right after reading21:49
lbragstadso - including links to reference implementations is a good idea21:49
lbragstador code snippets21:49
* adriant nods21:49
adriantalright, I have some ideas about how to do it, but we'll need a lot of review so that it makes sense21:50
lbragstadbut if there is specific criteria needed to meet the goal, it should be clearly outlined in the goal document21:50
lbragstadthat's another reason why pre-work and starting the review process early is valuable, because it gives us the opportunity to look for those details before we merge the goal21:52
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