Wednesday, 2018-10-31

openstackgerritMerged openstack/project-team-guide master: Remove check from pep8 recommendations
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gmannTC office hour time..01:04
fungiso it is!01:09
fungilooks like we have at least a couple of tc-members around if anyone from the community has something to bring up01:09
mnaserIt’s late here :( but I’m around01:10
clarkbIm floating around and happy to talk CI related stuff more01:15
clarkbthough I dont really have anything to add01:15
TheJuliaCI is a fun issue :(01:20
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tonybGah my watch just told me the office-hours are about to start01:50
* tonyb can't calendar ATM 01:50
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ttxOn yesterday's discussions, I agree that the reality is that the board members should not be seen as "the people that control the priorities of developers" ... because the reality is... they don't. It's actually a shorter path to go through developers to relay needs to their management10:37
ttxWhat board members control is, at a different layer, the level of engagement and alignment their organization has with "OpenStack"10:38
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ttxwhich is why we need to give them more than a list of specific issues, because that's actually counterproductive, as smcginnis and zaneb noted10:39
ttxExplaining the direction we are planning on going (think openstack vision) *is* productive because it gives them visibility and encourages alignment on messaging, or global/local strategies10:42
cdentI think the point that was trying to be made yesterday was that the CI situation is a long running unattended crisis which is a larger risk than we've been asserting in the past10:47
cdentAnd that reporting it to the board wasn't a request for help, but rather a statement of "our attention is diverted by this"10:47
ttxAs long as we don't expect them to solve it for us, it's probably fine10:48
ttxBut we should also double down on that in our own direct communications with devs over the week10:48
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cdentI'm going to miss the meeting tomorrow. Have $internal meetings. Will catch up in the usual way.11:00
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dhellmanntc-members: it's interesting to see some other communities trying to deal with communication/email volume, too:
dhellmanntrying discourse seems like a pretty popular approach, although it's not clear if anyone thinks it's a success, yet13:17
fungihaving tried to use discourse myself, i find it absolutely terrible13:18
smcginnisSome of the feedback I saw on the python community switch didn't look to encouraging for discourse use.13:19
fungii get the impression it's targeted at people who would like to only use their cell phones for communication and no longer communicate via computer13:19
mnaserI wonder if this should incentivize us to try and work with this tool developers at how we can make it better13:19
fungibecause for the latter, i found it unusable13:19
fungii'm not sure where to begin improving discourse. it's like they mashed the worst parts of e-mail and irc together13:21
TheJuliacdent: ttx: I like that approach13:21
mnaserI’d be interested to hear community feedback on this sort of thing.13:21
fungiyes, me too13:21
mnaserWhenever I see a software that doesn’t fit in that way, I imagine how some people might have a view of OpenStack too13:21
mnaserWe might just not understand it enough to make it work13:22
fungii'm waiting to see how the python committers switch ends up (it wasn't a done deal, just a parallel experiment, and only for one python community ml so far)13:22
mnaserSo it’s a perspective to keep in mind13:22
dhellmannfungi : yeah, I think they picked the wrong list to experiment with. the committers list isn't really representative of the other more public lists13:23
fungii concur13:23
dhellmannpython-ideas seems to have been the one with the moderation issues, so I would have done that one13:24
smcginnisIf our only issue with the current status quo is volume, switching tools is going to do more harm than good. Frankly, I think we have more important things to spend our time on.13:24
dhellmannthe problem I've been trying to figure out how to solve is how to surface the important summary threads for folks who don't have time to read the whole list13:25
fungii haven't seen any other communication tools solve that problem either, fwiw13:25
dhellmannone aspect of mailman 3 that I'm hoping helps is the ability to link to the ML posts in a way that someone can comment on the web page. that opens options for things like blog summaries13:25
smcginnisBring back Mike's mailing list summaries? That's a time intensive process for someone to do.13:25
cmurphythey should be subscribing to/filtering on [all] and [projectIcareabout]13:26
dhellmannsmcginnis : exactly13:26
fungidiscourse lets you "pin" posts which makes them easier to find, until you have too many of those13:26
smcginniscmurphy: ++13:26
dhellmannwe've been giving that answer for ages, and even our PTLs aren't able to keep up in all cases, so I don't think that's sufficient13:26
fungii continue to believe that's not the problem of the tools themselves, but rather that we have a community of thousands of people attempting to coordinate work13:27
fungithat's daunting under any circumstance13:27
dhellmannyeah. I'm still looking for options for easing that burden, though.13:28
fungiwe encourage people to discuss everything in the open, but that then means there's a massive amount of discussion going on13:29
cmurphyis volume a new concern? because certainly merging the mailing lists isn't going to help with that13:29
persiaA common pattern is to have lots of comms channels (split mailing lists).  We tried that in a limited way, and found it weakened our core values of cross-project coordination and single shared identity.  Some of us have excellent tooling that can deal with the email volume.  Anyone trying to download a client for a commodity platform today probably won't end up with one that is usable for our mailing lists.  Would spending some time documenting13:29
persiasome good tools and workflows for dealing with massive message volumes perhaps help?13:29
fungivolume is not a new concern as far as i know. our mailing list volume has been steadily decreasing for several years across the board13:29
smcginnisMaybe collect tools and workflow tips from folks that don't have an issue handling the ML volume today, then form that into a blog post or superuser article to spread those recommendations?13:30
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dhellmannI think thingee started a wiki page with that sort of content a few years ago, but I don't know how far he got13:31
dhellmannand now I can't find the page, either13:35
fungithere was initially an etherpad where we were collecting suggestions13:37
smcginnisI do remember he has something with IRC client recommendations and things like that.13:38
funginowadays that stuff would probably be at home in the contributor guide13:39
gmannhave not read the whole thread but what is their alternate proposal ? chat channels ?13:39
fungigmann: i don't think there's an alternate proposal, dhellmann simply linked an article on lwn covering a couple of communities who have moved some subset of their mailing lists to discourse13:40
fungior who are at least experimenting with doing so13:40
fungithough the main driver seems to be that they're plagued with code of conduct violations they're unable to adequately police on mailing lists and are looking for platforms which allow them to more quickly censor discussions which go off the rails or turn abusive/violent13:41
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cdentI think we're trying to fix a problem that can't be solved: there's a root cause here which is that we want/think that it should be possible to participate in a huge community without dedicating a signifcant chunk of our time to reading and writing prose. But there's no way around that.14:11
cdentPeople have a tendency to that communication is overhead, but it is one of, if not the, primary activities14:12
cdents/to that/to think that/14:13
cdentSee: I'm trying to rush my communication...and boom14:13
cmurphycdent: totally agree14:16
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cdentIt's similar to fixing the congestion in the gate: there's no substitute for simply doing the work14:29
cdentwhich is a shame, but such is life?14:29
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TheJuliadhellmann: replied to your email to ptls for ironic. LMK if you need more.15:21
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jbrycei sent out an updated set of bylaws last night for those of you who have been following that conversation. ping me here or on email if you have any questions or comments about them15:36
smcginnisThanks jbryce15:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: report the number of votes needed
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: remove basepython from default testenv settings
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add pep8 to tox.ini
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add module for fetching and parsing governance data
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: move governance loading functions into a class
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add support for reading tc repos list
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add support for reading sig repo list
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: simplify interface for creating Governance instance
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add get_team method
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add mission and service properties to Team
dhellmannjbryce : I apologize for asking this because it was probably covered in the previous review of the redline for the bylaws changes, but why is OpenStack called out as special in the bylaws, with the TC and other governance stuff described there, but other projects will be documented elsewhere?17:54
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fungidhellmann: i expect jbryce will answer when he's able, but my understanding was mainly because it was easier to avoid changing too much about the bylaws that way. otherwise we'd be looking at almost a complete rewrite18:54
fungiwhich would have been hard to get past all the stakeholders in time for the january election18:54
dhellmannfungi : thanks. that's more or less what I assumed, but it still feels a bit odd.18:55
dhellmannworkable, just not what I anticipated18:55
fungialso i'm told that the way openstack is positioned there, we actually end up with more leeway to define our own governance without having to get approval from the board. other projects will be required to submit all changes for their governance documents to the board for approval18:56
dhellmannhmm, I didn't pick up that nuance when I read it the first time18:56
fungiwhereas the openstack tc is allowed to mostly change its charter with limited input/oversight18:56
smcginnisProbably as long as it's the "OpenStack" Foundation, OpenStack should be a special project?18:56
dhellmannI interpreted it as making it harder for us to change things, but it sounds like I should read it again18:57
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dtroyerfungi: that's an interesting observation, I need to go back and read things more closely.  I wonder if that applies while we (stx and the others) are still in Pilot mode?  AFAIK the stx TSC charter isn't cast in stone yet, we're actually revising it slightly again today19:01
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fungidtroyer: my take was that it had to do with project confirmation and thereafter?19:02
fungigovernance documents are potentially still being formulated during pilot phase19:02
jbryceyeah it's primarily to do with post pilot phase19:03
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dtroyerok, that makes sense, and wasn't something I was aware of19:04
jbrycein terms of openstack being special cased there were few considerations there19:05
jbryce1) some of it was to avoid changing too dramatically as fungi said19:05
jbryce2) some of it was because the primary activity we're doing still is oriented around openstack (it's still called out as the first activity in article i) and a lot of feedback we've gotten through the process has been about making it clear we're not running from openstack19:05
jbryce3) some of is that relationship is fairly defined and understood by the community and most of the functions of the tc are in the tc controlled charter. the amendment update allows for future updates to tc policy by just a vote of tc and board together so it does add in additional flexibility going forward19:06
fungiyeah, i found that to be a fine compromise. my main concerns with appendix 4 were around requiring a vote of the foundation membership, which this solves19:07
fungirequiring a vote of the foundation membership to alter, that is19:07
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fungithe board has been more than willing to work with us on things when we need to make changes, but the fact that a simple typo fix requires a vote of thousands of likely disinterested people has been a real problem19:09
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