Tuesday, 2018-09-18

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openstackgerritZhipeng Huang proposed openstack/governance master: Add long term goal proposal to community wide goals  https://review.openstack.org/60279902:52
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* ttx emerges from the jetlag fog08:38
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evrardjpemerge can take a while (gentoo-ists will hate me there)09:04
cmurphyo/ i think it's office hours time (cc tc-members)09:04
cdentoh hair09:05
evrardjpohai cdent09:05
cdentI got home and slept for 18 hours09:08
cmurphycdent: I did the same09:08
cmurphywe'll see in a few hours if it takes or if I crash09:08
cdentmy history suggests crash09:10
lbragstadI was thinking about the service dependency conversation from Friday afternoon - would the constellations work make the justifications for operators more clear?09:11
ttxlbragstad: potentially yes09:12
* cmurphy does timezone arithmetic, raises eyebrow at lbragstad09:12
lbragstadi don't even have jet lag excuses for being up this early ;)09:13
ttxThe conclusion of that discussion to me was that we need to say that dependencies are costly, so you should only depend on something if you can deliver user-facing gain (or such development-facilitating gain that the user would indeirectly benefit from it), and document that clearly09:13
lbragstadyeah - being explicit about it made sense, (penick and jroll did a good job of communicating that)09:14
ttxConstellations could be used as part of the that "documentation"09:15
ttxWe are not doing a great job at describing those dependencies, so we are not even close to justifying why they are useful09:15
* ttx catches up on TC-related ML threads09:16
* ttx refrains from replying to every message09:16
evrardjpttx: I agree on the costly bit, and that it should be justified09:17
evrardjpor at least documented clearly09:17
lbragstadi can think of a couple examples where there might not be an "if" for operators, and depending on how developers justify it there might not be another other option for operators09:18
ttxSaid another way, projects should not feel forced to depend on other OpenStack projects just for the sake of integration.09:18
evrardjpthe explicit is also very interesting -- it would have avoided a few ML conversation about project x or y requiring ceilometer or horizon, if you see what I mean09:18
cmurphyI don't quite recall there being much stress on the costly part, at least the feedback from penick was that as long as it's justified it's not a big deal09:18
lbragstad+1 ^09:18
cmurphyyou deploy another puppet module or ansible role and call it good09:18
ttxcmurphy: maybe s/costly/not free/09:19
evrardjpcmurphy: agreed09:19
lbragstadif the initial response from operators is "no", take the next step in the conversation and start talking about the justification09:19
evrardjpas long as it's explained and they understand the value :)09:19
evrardjpbut it was also said that the more dependencies it has, the harder it is to integrate09:20
cmurphysimilar to how the discussion went with ops about making fernet tokens default in keystone, if it's justified and documented it's not a big deal09:20
lbragstadi thought the interesting example jroll brought up was the secret storage use-case with barbican09:21
evrardjpfor OSA fernet token as default was a quite smooth change -- I have other examples that are a chain of dependencies that are not so smooth.09:21
evrardjpI think it's good to make a difference between base services and others in that kind of conversation09:24
evrardjpbase services are generally accepted as a "we must do it"09:24
evrardjpwhile the others are little more about picking what you need based on the use case09:25
lbragstadyeah - good point09:25
evrardjpif a castellan compatible base service is required a base services and depended on by all services, barbican becomes a de-facto thing that everyone will deploy -- it just becomes a natural thing09:26
evrardjpand very easy to justify09:26
lbragstadif or when services support putting secrets in barbican09:26
evrardjpI could definitely see a positive security improvement that could be justifiable09:27
lbragstad(e.g. keypairs in nova probably isn't the best example, but certificates in magnum might be better)09:27
evrardjpanyway, explicit  is better than implicit, so it should apply to dependencies, right? ;p09:29
cmurphyeven "base services" aren't always deployed on 100% of clouds, eg there are openstack deployments with no keystone09:30
cmurphyso it still comes back to your use case09:30
lbragstadok - that makes me lean even harder on constellations09:31
lbragstadif that's the case, migrating certificates from magnum's home-grown backend to barbican would require supporting both ways for a period of time09:32
lbragstadwould that be supported forever to allow use-case driven deployment flexibility?09:33
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cmurphyi guess that would depend on what the magnum team wants to do and what kind of feedback they get from operators09:37
evrardjpcmurphy: agreed there09:43
evrardjpbase services was just used to prove a point for making it easier to understand for operators, not for saying anything about a forced dependency.09:45
lbragstadi was under the assumption base service meant (at least to some extent) that those things would always be available (to developers and operators), but i wouldn't be surprised if i misinterpreted something09:46
* dims peeks09:47
cdentlbragstad: it certainly sounds that way doesn't it? but I think the targets have moved a bit09:47
evrardjpwell etcd is a recent addition, and it's not used in any way in OSA yet, as far as I am aware09:47
evrardjpto be honest, I am a little scared of the addition of any base service -- it means a possible increased complexity09:49
evrardjpbut that's not the topic of the discussion09:49
evrardjplong story short: I like the fact we explicitly list the depends on from projects -- it helps deployers and operators09:50
evrardjpwhether this goes in the scope of constellations or not -- I would leave that to you :p09:50
cdentcmurphy: I'm definitely going with crash: I've been up for two hours and I'm ready to go back to bed09:54
cmurphycdent: blegh :(09:55
evrardjpcdent: is that related to tc conversations? ;)09:56
evrardjplbragstad: I mean 'used to prove a point' in this conversation :)09:57
cdentevrardjp: I just looked at the number of reviews and emails I need to attend to, and then there's this "ptg summary" blog post I'm trying to do...and the bed looks a lot more comfy09:57
lbragstadevrardjp yeah - i guess it depends on where that complexity lives and for how long09:58
evrardjpfor the dependency conversation, we also expressed the "hard" and "soft" dependency. I like that we make a difference there: soft paves a way of being standalone while still becoming part of an ecosystem.09:59
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dhellmannlbragstad : thanks for your summary post14:03
lbragstaddhellmann no problem - hopefully folks found it useful14:04
lbragstadi don't think i captured everything, we covered a lot14:04
dhellmannyou covered the dependency discussion; I missed that14:04
dhellmannI think I didn't take any notes during that section of the meeting14:04
dhellmannif either of us missed anything I'm sure cdent's summary will cover it14:05
ttxlbragstad: where is your summary post?14:06
cdentdhellmann: thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm struggling to remember much. Currently editing mine, and it is rather content free. It is more about the feeling of the thing than what we actually did. I think I was ill enough by friday that my brain was very squishy14:06
cdentttx: https://www.lbragstad.com/blog/openstack-stein-ptg-tc-report14:06
* dhellmann wonders if lbragstad is on planet.openstack.org14:06
dhellmanncdent : I'm sorry you were (are?) feeling so poorly :-/14:07
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cdentit's inevitable, unfortunately14:07
lbragstaddhellmann i think i signed up to have my posts replicated, but i'm not sure if i did things properly14:07
cdentopenstack events are my main engagements with the immune system reinforcement pool14:07
lbragstadi remember we needed to communicate deployment changes for making fernet default blog.openstack.org was suggested14:08
dhellmannlbragstad : yeah, I see your "openstack" feed there14:08
ttxlbragstad: but that post was not (yet?) syndicated apparently14:08
* ttx checks feeds14:09
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ttxyeah https://www.lbragstad.com/category/openstack/feed/ does not resolve14:09
ttxlbragstad: that is what you have as syndicated feed ^14:11
ttxIt 404s14:11
lbragstadmmm - i bet i tried to set that up before i migrated to a different platform14:11
cdentdhellmann: but yeah, still poorly. great fun being on a plane with a cold14:11
zaneblbragstad: https://www.lbragstad.com/?category=openstack&format=RSS seems to work14:12
* dhellmann hands cdent a hot water bottle and a glass of whiskey14:12
lbragstadi suppose i need to update my feed then?14:12
lbragstadto point to the new location14:13
ttxlbragstad: yes. repo is openstack/openstack-planet14:13
ttx(file is planet.ini)14:13
lbragstadhopefully https://review.openstack.org/#/c/603403/ does the trcik14:15
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cdentdhellmann: here ya go, it's not super fun: https://anticdent.org/openstack-stein-ptg.html14:54
dhellmanncdent : thanks for that. the bit about exposing gaps and removing items from priority lists meshes with what i was trying to have the tc do sunday.15:06
dhellmannI wish I knew the story behind Alex's tweet. I saw something from him on the mailing list that makes more sense now.15:06
cdentyeah, it was an interesting parallel, but was less successful in the nova room than the tc room15:07
mnaserdo we have more context on this?15:08
mnaseri don't think interrupting by laughing helps in productivity15:08
cdentdhellmann, mnaser: I think you'll have to find out from alex or someone who was in the room, but it is not at all surprising for the third nova day15:10
mnaser"but it is not at all surprising for the third nova day" paints a negative view that you have which echos to the rest of the tc, i'd rather us be more subjective in saying "foo did bar" rather than "#justnovathings"15:11
cdentthe "miscellaneous" category is always dangeours territory15:11
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cdentmnaser: I've given up trying to paint a picture of nova for the sake of eveyone else. I've got my opinions and that's all I'm able to share15:12
mnaseri think that's a bit problematic, given that your position on the tc puts you in a figure of authority, saying "i think nova sucks" = "tc thinks nova sucks" for the majority of the community imho15:13
cdentI agree it is problematic that nova sucks for some people.15:14
smcginnisI can't get behind any idea that the TC members must forfiet all independent thought to be on the TC.15:14
cdentIf I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut about the problems I experience to preserve some kind of false peace, then I'd rather not be on the TC15:14
mnaseri don't think that's what i'm trying to say15:15
cdentI was elected to the tc in large part because I'm willing to speak out about things like nova sometimes sucking15:15
mnaserwhat i'm saying if there is a *specific* issue we need to address, let's talk about it.  if alex was interrupted by laughtor in the room, then let's talk about that issue.15:15
mnaserit's not because ~nova team sucks therefore anything happening in that room on friday sucks~15:15
cdentall I'm doing by saying that is that it is part of a trend15:16
cdentyes we should address the specific instance15:16
cdentbut we should also address that it is a part of a trend15:16
cdentthe trend _matters_15:16
mnaserimho people/group issues can't be trended on a chart and fixed like a technical issue15:16
cdentand fixing the symptoms does not address the trend15:17
mnaserthere are many external factors affecting that15:17
mnaserand resolving each issue in isolation makes it much better than alienating a group of people as 'trendingly bad'15:17
cdenti'm not asking that things be fixed like a technical issue. In fact I'm explicitly asking that we stop trying to address people problems as if they are technical issues.15:17
mnaserif anything that would probably add a "hey, screw ya, if you think i'm always a problem, i'll just ignore you"15:17
mnaseri don't think it's fun being on a team that is labeled as a "problem team" all teh time15:18
cdentI'm trying _really_ hard to make it clear that this is a system-oriented issue wherein the forces that press on nova result in behaviors that are less than ideal. It is _not_ because of the individuals.15:18
mnaserwhich arguably delivers the most one of the biggest openstack deliverables, consistently and succesfully15:18
mnaserbut instead "they have a trend of sucking, so they suck, nothing new"15:19
cdentIt does, sure, but at what cost?15:19
mnaserright but you're speaking on *behalf* of the nova team now15:19
mnaserthat these system-oriented issues are a thing15:19
cdenthow am I speaking on behalf of the nova team?15:19
cdentI have never felt like a part of the nova team15:20
dtroyerFWIW, I was in the Nova room during the discussion of Alex's item, it included a number of comments about the state of Intel's 3rd party CI (not great) and more related to that tweet some feelings toward what some see as a marketing checkbox item.15:20
cdentwhich is part of the problem15:20
mnaser"this is a system-oriented issue wherein the forces that press on nova result in behaviors that are less than ideal"15:20
mnaserthe only person who determines that is someone who's on that team15:20
smcginnisSo now we can't even make observations?15:20
mnaseri'm all for observations.  as long as they are objective15:21
smcginnisI'm not on the nova team but I can agree that there are system oriented issues.15:21
cdentmnaser: I'm completely at a loss for what you are trying to say/prove15:21
cdentthere is no such thing as an objective observation by a human15:21
mnasernot "it was a friday at the nova ptg room so it wouldn't surprise me that people laughed out loud at something"15:21
mnaserin other words: "the nova team is a bunch of insensitive people and it doesn't surprise me they'd do this on the last day of the ptg"15:22
cdentthere have been four friday's at the ptg in the nova room. in each one people who are providing miscellaneous topics have been responded to with lack of attention and what I would call disrespect15:22
mnaserthat's how most people parse that15:22
mnaserso let's bring *those* cases up, objectively, and decide why we think that's the case15:22
cdenthow long do you think I've been trying to address these issue mnaser ?15:22
cdenthow many times do you think I've brought up individual issues?15:23
mnaseri don't see anything besides placement15:23
mnaserin the recent history15:23
mnaseri don't know where they've been brought up15:23
mnaserbut i certainly don't recall any discussions besides nova on my time at the tc15:23
cdenthow about just take me on faith?15:23
cdentI'm sick to death of being treated as some kind of whiny troublemaker when I'm one of the few people who have been willing to stick around and speak up about this stuff15:24
cdentI don't have to care about this stuff15:24
mnaseri welcome the fact that you push the envelope and speak about things that we don't want to talk about15:24
cdentand the response I get from people makes it seem like I'm wasting my time15:24
mnaserbut i think we need to talk more specifically about specific topics (i.e. placement, alex issue), rather than promote 'the nova team clearly sucks and will never improve' type of messaging15:25
cdentI alread said: If you want more info from alex's situation: talk to him15:25
cdentbut don't expect me not amplify his signal15:25
mnaseri don't expect you, but you're also amplifying the signal that "it's friday and it's nova so nothing new here about them being rude"15:25
cdenta) I haven't said things will never improve, but b) do you understand why I might, over sufficient time, start to feel that way15:26
cdentmnaser: I said that in here to provide more context to you and dhellmann. That lack of surprise is an important data point, I think.15:27
mnaseri can get why.  but we need to have the conversations with everyone present15:27
mnaserand talk about the 'issues', rather than the generic 'nova sucks' messaging15:27
cdentI think you jumped to conclusions in this case, based on conversations we've had elsewhere.15:28
cdentI'd like to be able to provide context to issues that are raised without you jumping to those conclusions.15:29
cdentIn my blog post, I just point out the issue and try not to make conclusions about why.15:29
cdentHere we started a conversation and you pretty much instantly tried to shut me down15:30
cdentThat's not okay.15:30
mnaseri'm not shutting anyone down. i said i'm all for bringing up issues, i'm not for labeling projects as "bad actors" in a geeneric fashion15:30
cdentAnd I don't think I did that here.15:31
smcginniscdent is not the one I saw making that conclusion, FWIW.15:31
mriedemoh i guess i should have been paying attention in the tc channel once again15:31
mnaserso your messaging doesn't really paint the nova team badly in any way by saying "it's friday and someone laughing about something is totally not normal"15:32
* smcginnis steps away for coffee and something more productive15:32
* persia notes that meetings with everyone present are a lovely idea, but conversations in stadiums don't tend to be inclusive15:32
mnaserpersia: another reason for meetings, yay! :>15:33
mnaser(i'm supportive of them)15:33
mriedemi would just hope that when it's time for shitting on nova without any nova people around, someone would notify15:33
mriedem"hey it's time to get defensive"15:33
cdentjesus, nobody shat on nova15:34
mriedem"but it is not at all surprising for the third nova day"15:35
cdentmriedem: this started because of me including alex's tweet in https://anticdent.org/openstack-stein-ptg.html15:36
cdentand I observed that, in my experience, friday's in the nova room often involve some disrespect15:36
cdentis that shitting on nova?15:36
mriedemi don't remember people laughing at alex15:36
mnasersince i got on the tc, there's a systematic messaging against the nova team, maybe not explicitly but implicitly all the time15:36
cdentI would have thought it was shitting on the third day in nova15:36
cdentmy perspective is that the third day is intense and difficult because there's too much pressure15:37
mriedemi thought friday was pretty laid back myself and ended early15:38
zanebmriedem: I seem to recall you making a speech in which people in the Nova room were said to be "strangling each other" by the third day15:38
mriedemoh yes i was being very literal15:38
mriedemmaybe this doesn't happen to other projects,15:39
mriedemby friday is mostly our smorgasbord day,15:39
mriedemwhere we have a giant etherpad full of random requirements,15:39
mriedemand by the end of friday, it's exhausting15:39
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mriedemand i do tend to speak directly / frankly to avoid hemming and hawing on a fence about something for 2 hours15:39
mriedemthat can hurt peoples feelings,15:39
zanebmriedem: my point is that there doesn't seem to be a great deal of difference between how you and cdent describe day 3 of a Nova PTG15:39
mriedembut it also hurts peoples feelings when we don't give an answer and then just ignore their thing for a year15:40
mriedemcdent isn't providing context for the people that weren't in the room15:40
mriedemis the difference15:40
* cdent blinks15:41
cdentI admit that in my quoting15:41
mriedemdhellmann said, "I wish I knew the story behind Alex's tweet."15:41
mriedemi wish more tc people would ask that15:41
cdentme too15:41
mriedemthan just assuming "trollers gonna troll when it comes to nova"15:41
* cdent sighs15:42
mnasermriedem: that was my point there.15:42
mnaserthat's all it was15:42
zanebI did some discreet research on my own (i.e. digging through IRC logs) but wasn't able to come up with anything15:42
ttxftr "I wish I knew the story behind Alex's tweet" too15:42
ttxand will be reaching out to him to get a less cryptic idea of what happened15:43
cdentWe spent much of last week talking about visibility being a useful way for the right things to get attention. I saw that tweet and resonated strongly with me, so I quoted it. Does there have to be more to it than that? The rest of the blog post I explain _my_ feeling about why the week is hard. I don't know alex's reasons and I said so.15:43
ttx(from his persepctive)15:43
mnaseri was going to try and reach out to folks involved as well as alex and see what the issue is too15:44
cdentI'm not attempting to trash nova, or openstack, or the tc, or anything else. I'm trying to give us a chance to think about things from many perspectives. Loads of people come out of the ptg fired up and positive. I did not. So did some other people. That's a useful data point, I think.15:44
cdentSo to that extent I'm glad I quoted the tweet so now mnaser, ttx, and dhellmann might have some energy to investigate15:45
cdentthtat's good15:45
mnasercdent: but that's not the issue, all of that is fine, it's the point mriedem just mentioned15:45
cdenttell me again what _I_ did that is the issue?15:45
mnaseri liked the blog post / article and i went through it all, it's very informative.  you even praised members of the nova team in there at some point for their work regarding the whole placement stuff15:45
mnasermriedem: last few messages summarized it for me15:46
cdentI'm asking you to rephrase what mriedem said for my sake15:46
mriedemtbc, what dtroyer said before: "(10:20:22 AM) dtroyer: FWIW, I was in the Nova room during the discussion of Alex's item, it included a number of comments about the state of Intel's 3rd party CI (not great) and more related to that tweet some feelings toward what some see as a marketing checkbox item."15:47
mriedemi'm the one that called out the marketing checkbox15:47
mnaserthe comment of "but it is not at all surprising for the third nova day" gives out a message that "trollers gonna troll when it comes to nova".  rather than us trying to seek out what happened15:48
mnaserthat's all15:48
mriedembecause intel comes with a laundry list of complex requirements to every ptg saying "our hardware can do this so nova should enable it"15:48
mriedemand we try to be very nice and smile and just hope it goes away because no one outside of intel wants to work on that stuff15:48
mriedemwe = me15:48
mnasermriedem: i assume the lack of a stable ci and intel contributors means that the list isn't as productive?15:48
mriedemthose are table stakes15:49
mnaseri'm just guessing15:49
mriedemif you want to push something that no one else cares about and operators/users aren't asking for, those are table stakes for me to maintain your unicorn15:49
mnaserare these proposals that come with contributors or just proposals?15:49
mriedemi'm sure there would be a short term contributor to get the thing in15:50
mriedemit's especially difficult to see this all going through alex who is a nova core15:50
mnaserhow so?15:51
mriedemthis is why i said to him, directly, in the room, "i don't have a problem with *you*, i have a problem with that your company is pushing on you"15:51
mnaseri think that might have been the hardest thing on him15:52
mnaseron one side his employer having certain requirements, but on the other the downstream teams refusing them (i guess?)15:52
mriedemi go through the exact same stuff15:52
mriedemi can't imagine i'm the only one that has downstream product people wanting me to push things upstream15:53
mnaseri mean don't most companies run intel hardware so isn't there benefits in having whatever those features are (i am not familiar with what they are tbh)15:53
mriedemthe thing being pushed last week is not even GA yet15:53
mnaserwell maybe we should more clearly communicate that we can't add features for things that are not GA?15:54
jrollI often see vendors trying to push features onto upstream services that aren't really out in the wild yet15:54
mriedemcdent: even in your blog post you say, "The trick now is to follow through and focus on those things while avoiding adding yet more to the list." - that is precisely why i get terse with the laundry list15:54
jrollI assume they're hoping that the inclusion of the feature upstream can generate sales15:54
mnasermaybe this is something the tc should talk about saying that contributions involving other tools/software/etc must be GA?15:55
mriedemwe (nova) will definitely not get done the big things we need to get done if we're constantly distracted with the unicorn features15:55
mnaserthat way alex would be able to communicate more clearly with his upstream team that "this isn't the right time"15:55
mriedemjroll: "I assume they're hoping that the inclusion of the feature upstream can generate sales" i assume the same15:56
cdentmriedem: yeah, and as we talked sometime during the week, I've never disagreed with saying no, but the mode in which is happens is problematic. I'm not sure how to fix it, but we can do better somehow. We don't want people going off feeling like they never want to come back.15:56
mnaseri would much rather have them know "this isn't a good time"15:56
jrollmnaser: it's less about it being the right time, and more about trying to prioritize things that users/ops are asking for, rather than things the vendor hopes they'll ask for one day15:56
mnaserjroll: well, if they show up with contributors to add it and it's relatively maintainable in it's own right (i'm just guessing here, like, imagine some sort of driver or localized functionality) then it's not too much of an issue15:57
ttxmaybe a clearer categorization of the request (strategic vs. tactical) would help15:57
mnaserbut if it's to integrate something that doesn't even exist yet in GA.. *shrug*15:57
mnaser(fyi, these are the conversations that we should be having to help manage those expectations, this is productive and thanks for adding insight mriedem)15:58
ttxwe can't help with your tactical request because we are swamped with higher-prio strategic things that benefit everyone15:58
jrollmnaser: the craziness that vendors are doing these days tends to be a bit more further reaching... the latest flavor with ironic and neutron is NICs that run OVS O_O15:58
mnaserjroll: that sounds pretty badass15:58
jrollit's insane IMO15:59
mnasermakes baremetal so much more uasble15:59
mnasernow i want to know whos that vendor :p15:59
zanebmriedem: suggestion: it sounds like alex may feel caught in the middle because the rejection happens in-person at the PTG, and he is the one who has to go back to his company and explain that he 'failed'? Maybe those situations can be helped by having somebody else write up the reasons for rejecting something on the ML that he can point to instead of being stuck in the middle? (I realise this is more work for15:59
zanebsomeone ):15:59
mnaserswitches can go back to being stoopid15:59
mnaserbut again, until those nics out in the wild, we shouldn't be adding code to neutron or ironic to support them...15:59
mnasernot sure how you feel about that statement jroll ^15:59
jrollmnaser: the only reason I can get behind moving on it is that neutron is doing architecture to support it, in a way that makes it better for other use cases15:59
mriedemzaneb: my comments on the thing in question are in the etherpad16:00
mriedemalex can clearly point to that16:00
jrollmnaser: sounds great until there's a CVE in OVS and you have to go update a fleet worth of firmware16:00
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mnaserjroll: yeah, good and bad out of it16:00
mriedemL957 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-ptg-stein16:00
zanebmriedem: ok, fair enough. I saw mentioned in the Twitter thing that he was e.g. asking questions he knew the answer to on IRC in order to explain to people internally16:01
jrollI agree that things should be GA or in the wild before we support them, but I fear if we write down that rule, people will say "look it's GA, merge now pls" and then we go back to the priority conversation, which is the main issue16:01
mnaserjroll: well, it at least filters *some* of the issues though16:01
ttxsaying "your request belongs in category B" might feel less personal than " I have a problem with your company16:01
mnaserttx: those are my thoughts16:02
jrollmnaser: IMO it just puts them off16:02
mnaserand it's easier to go back to your employer and say "hi, we cant do this because policy X says so"16:02
ttxmnaser: right16:02
mnaserrather than "they disagreed / i couldn't convince them"16:02
mriedemso we've once again come around to solving these people things with policies16:02
mriedemand rules16:02
mriedemtechnical things to hide behind16:02
cdent"technical things to hide behind" is a concern I share16:03
mriedemrule IV-X-4 says we can reject your snowflake on these grounds16:03
ttxmriedem: I would not use "policy" to say no. But having general agreement that tactical requests have less priority than strategic requests sounds like a good idea16:03
mriedemttx: and then we'll continue to say that,16:04
jrollthis is where "I have a problem with your company" comes from: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/principles.html#openstack-first-project-team-second-company-third16:04
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jroll> in case of conflicts of interest, they should be ready to put those needs aside and make the best call for OpenStack as a whole16:04
mriedemto the point that their request is just abandoned16:04
mriedemthat's the long-term goal in saying that16:04
mriedemand i'm saying, just be honest up front16:04
mriedem"no one wants this"16:04
jrollsounds like intel is not accepting that for alex, and being called out, as they should16:04
* mnaser is going to run OSA meeting for an hour bbl16:04
ttxwell "no one but you" :)16:04
mriedem"no one but your sales team"16:04
mriedemi believe that's what i said in the ptg room last week16:05
mriedemi guess i'm a monster16:05
zanebjroll: the flip side of that is that we should assume people are following that in good faith - i.e. the people like Alex who are sent out into the community are on *our* side16:05
ttxmriedem: I think we are saying the same thing. No one except your sales team wants this, so that makes it a low priority item, and we have plenty of high priority work to focus on"16:06
mriedemso it's cool as long as i don't say it16:06
mriedemi'll reach out to alex over email, i tried getting him on irc earlier today but he was already gone (or hates me still)16:07
mriedemsince i'm not on the tweets16:07
jrollzaneb: sure, I don't tend to assume good faith from corporate internals though :)16:07
ttxI'm not having an opinion on that (cool or not cool) until I have more context anyway16:08
ttxbut explaining it in the context or priorities (less people want it = less priority) sounds like a good way to communicate why 'no'16:08
jrollI really don't think any of this is about nova blocking a feature or explaining the block "wrong"16:09
jrollit appears the laughter and the interruption was the issue16:09
jrollwhich is not surprising in a PTG setting, lots of jokes and interruptions there in general, intentional or not16:10
mnaserjroll: there was a few follow up tweets tho16:10
mnasernot sure if you saw them too16:10
jrollmnaser: yep16:11
jrollI interpreted the whole thing as "I'm just trying to do my job, it's a really hard one, and y'all are going to interrupt me and make jokes?"16:12
cdentjroll: yeah16:12
mnaseranyhow i'm glad mriedem is taking initiative in reaching out to alex personally16:12
jrollI'm not saying the laughter and interruption is okay, I'm just saying that it isn't surprising (and this isn't limited to the nova team, despite how it was said/perceived an hour ago)16:13
jrollnow I think back to the "ugh"s and such I've muttered in PTG sessions for features I don't think should be in ironic or don't care about or whatever :/16:13
jrollI'm sure everyone here has been on at least one side of this16:14
mriedemi pushed db2 support into nova for 2 years16:14
mriedemyou can probably imagine there were some jokes made along the way16:14
evrardjpmriedem: All becomes clear now.16:15
evrardjp(adding jokes on top of it to prove a point)16:15
mriedemwas that a joke?16:15
* mriedem opens twitter account16:15
cdentnormal != okay16:16
cdentnormal != not worth improving16:16
cdentbut at the same time just because stuff can be improved doesn't mean it is horrible nasty full of blame a disaster and everyone needs to be censured16:17
cdentit just means it can be improved16:17
evrardjpokay to come back to the point, thanks mriedem indeed to talk personally on that16:18
jrollfwiw, I didn't read the original statement as an attack on nova, only an observation that I have also observed in nova *and* on other teams16:19
ttxjroll: yes the root frustration is being sent to convince a bunch of people to do something they are not really interested in, so maybe some people high up need a bit more education16:20
zanebfor the record I am quite sure that I have been a jerk to people when rejecting their pet feature16:21
evrardjpttx: the question I wonder is that -- how often has that happened? Only one is too much for diluting the community16:21
ttxwhich is what I alluded to when I said categorization... I was not talking about hiding behind a process to say no. but about justifying no by pointing back to our principles (project first)16:22
evrardjpoh I understand what you mean16:22
ttxevrardjp: I think some orgs thinking they can use "the community" to do their bidding is happening daily16:22
smcginnisOpen source is just about getting other people to do your work for you, right? :)16:23
ttxthat puts people in awkward positions, and sometimes it explodes16:23
evrardjpthat's true, but if there is a risk of lack of company diversity preventing things to change, we also would need to be aware of it16:23
ttxIf we could build more of the right expectations in those orgs management chains, maybe we'll have less of that awkward16:24
jrollttx: we all (most?) deal with corporate overlords asking us to do things that may conflict with the community. it's part of the job. I think the problem here is that people feel like they're being ridiculed for doing said job.16:24
evrardjpttx: wow that's a hard goal16:24
ttxWe solved all the easy problems already16:24
evrardjpit's an everyday job :)16:24
evrardjpjroll: yeah that's definitely something that should not happen and can be improved -- I am not aware of the root cause so I will stop speaking right there16:25
jrolllike yes, I applaud your efforts to fix the insides of the corporations, but I also think that's a people problem and there's no policy or technical solution that can do such a thing16:25
jrollevrardjp: I think it's that we're all humans (or mostly humans) with varying length of fuses :)16:26
ttxjroll: people's problems can be fixed by education16:26
evrardjpbut on that point we already have an action item with mriedem16:26
ttx"fixing insides of corporations" is an education thing16:27
evrardjpso that's why I moved on -- and hope to have a positive outcome16:27
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persiaMaybe it would help to promote work-exchange discussions in our contributors?  If someone has a pet feature, and they need help from others to get it in, to spend time working on others' pet features in exchange for the help?16:41
cdentthat's already de rigueur persia16:43
persiayes, but does everyone know that?16:43
cdentgood question16:43
persiaI saw a number of folk last week who were trying to communicate things that needed doing to other folk.  I saw fewer folk offering to do things in exchange for help.16:44
persia(by and large, the latter received prompt attention)16:44
cdentI reckon that goes back to: lots of people over-extended16:44
persiaOh, probably :)16:45
jrollwe've often explicitly told vendors in ironic-land that if they want their feature to be prioritized faster, they can help us review code so that we get the higher priorities done more quickly16:45
jrollit took a long time of repeating that for vendor folks to understand it16:45
persiajroll: It is unfortunate to say that the ironic prioritisation meetings have long included much more explicit work-exchange discussion than is common for other projects.  Part of me chalks that up to how Ironic is, at base, dependent on specific vendor support, but there may also be some different techniques that have been used by Ironic PTLs over the years.16:47
jrollpersia: I would agree with that. probably some of both :)16:47
persiaI also remember a sequence of Cinder meetings in which many folk suddenly "got it", after which things seemed less painful.16:47
persia(for some of the same reasons)16:48
persiaUnfortunately, I've only attended that class of discussion for maybe 10% of our projects, so I don't know how much translates widely.16:48
mnaseris there a list of the newton ptls17:13
mnaserlooks like the site goes as back to ocata17:13
ianychoimnaser, previous lists are on Wiki - I think https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTL_Elections_March_2016 has Newton PTL lists17:15
ianychoi( http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/refs/?id=march-2016-elections would be better )17:16
persiaJust as a note: those tags are just *before* elections, rather than just after, so one has calculate the dates differently.17:18
mnaseryeah i saw the tags but they're pre-election17:19
mnaserthanks ianychoi !17:19
ianychoimnaser, np :) persia oh correct thanks :)17:20
persiamnaser: Maybe http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/reference/projects.yaml?h=sept-2016-elections ?17:21
persiaNote that if you want to carefully track who was PTL in cases where folk changed throughout the cycle, you'd need to use more advanced features of git than cgit supports.17:22
persiahttp://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/commit/reference/projects.yaml?h=sept-2016-elections&id=c1923a32923763568b7b9f704f80c49215cc1795 is most of it, although there are some other updates in the log.17:23
dhellmannlbragstad : regarding the tool to use to write up the rbac work; what state is that in now? is there a lot of detail or is it still early planning stages?17:40
lbragstaddhellmann that's a good question... prior to the PTG last year i was using the Ongoing directory of our specifications repository17:41
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dhellmannok, specs seem like one of several reasonable options17:41
lbragstadbut - other than that the information is scattered across existing specifications, general documentation, and my brain17:41
dhellmannso it would probably be a good idea to pull together a "home page" of some sort for it17:42
dhellmannmaybe an etherpad is a good place for that17:42
dhellmannor even a wiki, I guess17:42
dhellmannthat can be used to pull together links to everything that exists now17:42
lbragstadfor context - this was the first document i started http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/keystone-specs/specs/keystone/ongoing/policy-goals.html17:42
lbragstadand then i tried to make one specific to how that impacts security http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/keystone-specs/specs/keystone/ongoing/policy-security-roadmap.html17:43
lbragstadwe also have https://trello.com/b/bpWycnwa/policy-roadmap17:44
dhellmannthen if there are multiple phases they can be put in order with a brief description17:44
dhellmannI think I would try to limit this to the normal tools17:44
dhellmannmaybe that trello board could be imported into storyboard17:44
lbragstadyeah - we really only used it to link to existing specs in other roadmaps17:45
dhellmannyeah, ok17:45
lbragstadbut there shouldn't be anything specific to trello for those work items (?)17:45
dhellmannand once there's a home page-ish thing for the work, then I would add some info to the community-goals etherpad17:46
lbragstadafaik, we don't really use a wiki any more17:47
lbragstadwould our developer documentation be too rigid for something like this?17:47
dhellmanndocs or specs repos would be ok, but there's the review process which makes minor updates take longer. it's up to you, though, so use whatever feels like it's meeting the needs you have17:48
lbragstadok - that makes sense17:48
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dhellmanntc-members: the board is meeting in ~2 hours. The agenda includes a presentation about the strategic project governance work the foundation has been doing. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/18Sep2018BoardMeeting17:58
cdentI want to go, but I'm sure I'm going to be awake17:59
zanebthere goes the afternoon17:59
cdentnot sure, of course18:05
cdentI wonder if anyone has coined the phrase "taking a Linus" yet?18:05
dhellmannHe's getting an awful lot of credit for coming around on an issue folks have been complaining about for years. I mean, I'm happy he's dealing with it, but still.18:07
notmynamedhellmann: oh, is that a real board meeting? the email message subject said it was "Training session reminder", and there wasn't an agenda linked18:09
dhellmannnotmyname : yeah, they use a webex training tool to control who can talk and present18:09
dhellmannand I guess generating the calendar thing through that makes it come out like it's a training session18:10
dimsthanks for the reminder dhellmann18:12
* zaneb always wondered why they had so many training sessions18:23
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mrhillsmanis there a simple way to get - https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/reference/api-microversion-history.html - in like a table/json/yaml for each project18:47
mrhillsmanversion mapping per release, not sure what you would call it18:47
smcginnismrhillsman: A way to programmatically load that information?18:50
mrhillsmanthat would work i think18:50
mrhillsmanor if there is/was a page with release to project to apiversion map/table18:50
smcginnisNothing that I am aware of right now.18:52
smcginnisAt least in Cinder, the only semi-structured way we have that info is in the api-microversion-history RST file.18:53
mrhillsmani did not see one for cinder18:53
smcginnisThat could be parsed, making some assumptions about consistency of format across projects that have similar pages. Not the best solution.18:53
mrhillsmanfound it18:53
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funginot really around today but trying to catch up on hundreds of lines of scrollback... the historical intel/nova example which sticks with me is the trusted compute scheduler filter, which was completed just enough for the vendor to produce some glossies and a whitepaper describing how their hsm was "supported" in openstack as a selling point for the hardware, even though it was at best a proof-of-concept19:01
fungiimplementation they abandoned and left as an attractive nuisance until the nova team (slowly) deprecated it. i can see how things like that leave a negative impression over time. i'm guessing nova regulars have plenty more examples of the same19:01
smcginnisHow's the homestead fungi?19:02
fungi(and not appreciably wet)19:03
fungithe storm mostly swerved to miss us19:03
fungier, i meant s/hsm/tpm/ above19:03
fungitla madness ;)19:04
smcginnisfungi: Cool, that's good news. Glad to hear it was better than expected!19:05
dimsfungi : excellent news! (homestead)19:23
mriedemmrhillsman: there is a project / release / api versions mapping somewhere19:42
mriedemi remember updating it after each release19:42
mriedeme.g. https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:merged+project:openstack/project-navigator-data+branch:master+topic:nova-pike-version19:43
mriedemapparently no other projects cared about that since ocata19:43
mriedemor just, no one cares, period.19:44
smcginnisApparently - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/project-navigator-data+status:open19:47
smcginnisThe need to remember to go elsewhere to update that information probably is not the right answer though.19:48
smcginnisEspecially as PTLs transition, if it's this separate thing that someone needs to remember to do, it probably won't happen.19:48
smcginnisIt might be better to keep a yaml file in each repo at an expected location and have something that is smart enough to find and extract that info.19:49
smcginnisOr given a unique file name, automation could even be used with codesearch.o.o to just find all of them and pull it together in a consumable format.19:49
dhellmannthat makes validation a little more complicated; I wonder if we could start with just a reminder to update the file?19:49
smcginnisFirst question though is - do we still need to update that file? Does anyone care?19:50
dhellmannyeah, that's a good place to start19:50
ttxsmcginnis: the answer would be...no19:50
ttxThat's a thing that always looked a bit too low-level for the project nav19:50
smcginnisGiven no one has been jumping up and down about how out of date it is, I would agree.19:51
ttxI've been campaigning to stop displaying it19:51
ttxIf that's useful data, it should be published to doc19:51
smcginnisI think I'd rather see something like the history page pulled into the api-ref documentation.19:51
dhellmannit feels like the sort of data we ought to be able to generate, too19:51
ttxoh yes, and actually it was removed in last project-navigator version19:51
ttxso my campaign was successful19:52
smcginnisOh? Guess I can abandon my patch.19:52
mrhillsmansomething machine readable would be great wherever it is19:53
ttxI'm not saying we should stop keeping track of it, just that the project-navigator no longer needs it19:54
ttxthe way it was displaying it was more confusing than useful19:55
ttxpeople thought that was software version and not API version19:55
mrhillsmanlooking at the pike nova.json it would be nice to have that per project19:57
* dhellmann moves over to #openstack-board for the meeting19:57
ttxsmcginnis: maybe start a thread about it ? Saying the data was refreshed only by one team, and the project navigator no longer displays it, so should we care, and if yes where should we display it19:59
ttxIMHO that data is prone to go stale... If we keep it it should be somehow autogenerated20:00
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smcginnisThis at least triggered me to do https://review.openstack.org/60348620:01
smcginnisttx: I'll put it on my list to do or to follow up with mrhillsman about.20:01
smcginnisDon't have the brain space to do much with it at the moment until I clear up some other things.20:02
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smcginnisOh webex...20:02
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cdenti had to give up on the board meeting, my brain won't do it20:29
notmynameI have another meeting at the same time. I'm hoping there's a recording. or at least detailed notes20:30
dhellmannthey've said they will be sending the foundation staff slides to the mailing list20:31
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* zaneb gave up because Java20:46
clarkbzaneb: the POTS dial in number works20:47
clarkbhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10UyCpxkjPqC3kT-dYRpBxzNT39i2OhlggJvzGDosMz0/edit?usp=sharing is the slides20:47
zanebah, I didn't see that20:47
clarkbI'm on POTS because it is easier20:48
clarkbbut understand that toll free to the usa is not so easy for everyone :/20:48
zanebluckily it is for me20:49
clarkbI think we are on slide 46 now20:50
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mnaserinteresting read:22:07
mnaserhttps://lists.cncf.io/g/cncf-toc/message/2402 + https://lists.cncf.io/g/cncf-toc/message/240322:07
mnaserstill an early thread22:07
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/governance master: Add ansible-role-chrony to TripleO  https://review.openstack.org/60351622:08
openstackgerritAlex Schultz proposed openstack/governance master: Add ansible-role-chrony to TripleO  https://review.openstack.org/60351622:11
mwhahahajaosorior: -^ fyi22:11
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mrhillsmanopenstack-tc ML is moderated -_-22:47
mrhillsmanhow am i supposed to bug all the tc folks, bah22:47
clarkbmrhillsman: email the dev list?22:52
mrhillsmanwell, that makes me wonder why there is a tc list :)22:52
mrhillsmangranted i do not think i have ever used it, or not even sure if it is used, btw, i do not care about the moderation hehe, figure it will get approved since it is not spam22:54
dhellmannmrhillsman : we use the tc list for meeting announcements and stuff, but try to keep all discussion on the open list22:54
mrhillsmani sent it to tc ML because it is specific to tc; discussion of proposal for joint meeting with uc on occassion22:55
dhellmannyeah, I think looking at the subject it's a good candidate for the public list22:56
dhellmannwe're pretty aggressive about not using that private list :-)22:56
mrhillsmanyeah i figured hehe22:56
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dhellmannI'll go ahead and discard this one, then?22:56
mrhillsmanugh, i have to write another22:57
dhellmannI rejected it so you should get a copy back ;-)22:57
dhellmannor I could reply to the one that made it through to the uc list22:58
mrhillsmanno copy just a you have been pwned22:58
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mrhillsmani just figured it made sense to go to -tc based on the context and not -dev to possibly get missed22:59
mrhillsmanthx for the reply22:59
* dhellmann adds another example to the "why do we need to merge the mailing lists" discussion23:00
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persiaIs -tc a candidate for the merge?23:15
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fungii could be convinced we don't really benefit from a separate -tc list. we already direct discussion to the -dev ml anyway23:49
fungii feel like i lack sufficient background on why it was needed23:49

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