Wednesday, 2023-04-05

opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-swiftclient master: Changelog for 4.3.0 (and 4.2.0)
mku11I am moving account and container services to other hardware. Is there any way to be sure that rebalancing has finished after a ring change?08:43
timburkemku11, after successfully syncing, the account and container DBs are removed from the old devices -- you should be able to do something like `find /srv/node -name '*.db' | wc -l` and watch the number go down. if it seems to stall, i'd check for quarantined DBs (which can likely just be deleted after verifying that the account/container exists in the assigned locations)16:08
timburke🤔 we should really try to get some primary/handoff partition counting into swift-recon-cron ...16:16
mku11thank you , that is very helpfull18:29
kotagood morning20:58
timburke#startmeeting swift21:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Apr  5 21:00:59 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is timburke. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.21:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'swift'21:00
timburkewho's here for the swift meeting?21:01
timburkeas usual, the agenda's at21:03
timburkefirst up21:03
timburke#topic vPTG recap21:03
timburkethanks again to mattoliver for leading discussions last week!21:04
kotait was nice21:04
timburkeand sorry again for missing it ;-)21:04
timburkeit looked like a lot of good topics were discussed, and some action items have already been taken up21:05
timburkei was hoping that mattoliver would be around to give some highlights, but maybe we could do that next week21:06
timburkethough if you'd like to offer some highlights, kota, you'd of course be welcome to :-)21:06
timburkenext up21:07
timburke#topic python-swiftclient 4.3.021:07
timburkewe've got a new client release!21:08
timburkewe had a handful of changes that our users were interested in (notably, retrying on 499 responses and defaulting to uploading as SLOs rather than DLOs), so i figured i'd get a release out there21:09
timburkeand for more details, see the changelog21:09
timburkenext up21:10
timburke#topic breaking up common.utils21:10
timburkei saw that this was one of the topics for the PTG21:10
timburkeand clayg already started in on it!21:11
kotaah, it's one of the topics i'd highlight.21:11
timburkei went ahead and approved the move from to utils/ -- figured we may as well do that now rather than wait for merge conflicts to creep in21:12
timburkeand i'm going to start trying to pull some things out, too. i think it might get a little dicey with the circular imports -- i had to back off on pulling out sharding-related things until we can pull out md5-related things, and gotta wait on *those* until we've pulled out libc-related things...21:15
timburkebut i hope to have *something* pulled out today 🤞21:15
kotagood, thanks for addressing timburke21:16
timburke#topic ssync and offsets21:16
timburkenot much news here, i think -- acoles might know more, but i know he's not around right now21:17
timburkei ought to follow up with our SREs so i can verify that the patch really fixed the problem21:17
timburke#topic keepalive timeout21:18
timburkei haven't forgotten about respinning the patch to use my eventlet change instead of calling settimeout in swift -- hoping to do that some time this week21:19
timburkethat's all i've got by way of updates21:19
timburke#topic open discussion21:19
timburkeanything else you'd like to bring up kota? or, i can let you get back to your morning ;-)21:20
kotatimburke: no specific items to bring, thanks21:21
timburkeall right, i'll stop it early, then21:21
timburkethank you for coming, and thank you for working on swift!21:21
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Apr  5 21:21:50 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:21
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
* kota is back to offline for morning prep21:22
mattoliverOh sorry, daylight savings changed and I forgot that meant the meeting was an hour earlier, sorry timburke 21:26
timburkeno worries :-)21:27
opendevreviewMerged openstack/swift master: Start common.utils refactor
opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Pull timestamp-related functions out to a separate module
opendevreviewASHWIN A NAIR proposed openstack/swift master: allow x-open-expired on POST requests

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