Monday, 2021-12-27

*** lifeless_ is now known as lifeless08:41
cbelzon_Hi guys ! I have a question about the internal work of the relink. 16:14
cbelzon_How does the relinker handle situation where the partitions n and 2n and/or 2n+1 are present on the same device before the relink ? 16:15
cbelzon_ie : what if part number 1 and 2 are present on the device 0 ? 16:16
DHEdoesn't matter? each object belongs on 1 partition. it's just that in the early phases of using the relinker it might be in one of 2 different places depending on whether it was relinked yet or not19:57
timburkecbelzon_, during relinking it'll see that the data in partition 2n needs to get linked into 4n/4n+1, and the data in partition n needs to get linked into 2n/2n+1. there'll be this period where data for both the old and new partition power are in partition 2n, but following cleanup, only the new-partition-power data will be in there (ie, the data that needed to get relinked n->2n/2n+1)23:26

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