Monday, 2020-06-15

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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: uWSGI made a new release that breaks devstack, please refrain from rechecking until a devstack fix is merged.07:44
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: py3: Fix expirer container generation
timburkeso i got a nudge last week about doing a stable release for train -- and i realized that there are a couple py3 issues in flight that we probably ought to backport16:12
timburkethat's one ^^^ -- the other is (though it maybe needs tests -- there's some exercising of it with the tests added by at least)16:13
patchbotpatch 734721 - swift - py3: (Better) fix percentages in configs - 4 patch sets16:13
patchbotpatch 685455 - swift - py3: Allow percentages in configs (MERGED) - 1 patch set16:13
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Get rid of memcache attr on proxy-server app
timburkei can't help but feel like went a bit too far in trying to have clear_info_cache call into set_info_cache :-/17:08
patchbotpatch 30481 - swift - get_info - removes duplicate code (Take 3) (MERGED) - 17 patch sets17:08
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: proxy: Stop killing memcache entries on 5xx responses
claygdo any of our s3api experts know anything about this decorator:
claygit seems to fire off a for-realzy-to-disk HEAD request to the container DB for every part upload 🤷‍♂️18:27
timburkeclayg, yeah, it tries to do it as a get_container_info call, but since we haven't done auth yet to translate to a for-realzy swift path, that basically doesn't work -- which is part of what prompted me to do
patchbotpatch 668064 - swift - Give internal clients the option of getting contai... - 5 patch sets18:38
timburkeneeds tests tho18:38
claygit's not obvious to me why "doesn't have auth yet" => "go to disk NOW then"19:00
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timburkebasically, no part of the system has the context to know both (1) the real swift path and (2) that s3api would be perfectly content to get this info from memcache19:09
timburkein s3api, we know we're happy with memcache results, and will even try to do the normal get_container_info thing if we expect that'll work (ie, if we've already made an auth'ed request)19:10
timburkebut if we haven't authed, we expect get_container_info to fail -- without a real swift path, get_container_info's gonna fail:
timburkeso our only real option is to do a HEAD instead19:11
claygwhat about these TEST requests that the ACL stuff will do?19:12
claygis there any request besides a HEAD on the container we could throw at swift that will make it through auth and return the account name?19:12
timburkemight be a viable alternative, get us to the auth'ed state without any backend requests 🤔19:12
zaitcevI do not understand. Do you want to take AUTH_xxxxx from the container path and reverse-lookup the account name in the auth system?19:16
claygthis doens't obviously break; but I'm not sure what it's doing exactly ->
zaitceve.g. KSAU_7f80fce9f306430f87aaaebf29ec15c7 -> ksadmten19:18
claygzaitcev: I think when a s3 client wants to HEAD their bucket "foo" - we don't know (yet) what the swift path will be19:18
claygat some point somehow the bucket controller seems to figure it out - and there was "cheat" where calling get_container_info would sometimes just use a bucket HEAD19:19
zaitcevI thought that we cheated by examining the auth token. The token says the account that obtained it. Then, we assume that account as the account under which we search for a container with the same name as S3 bucket. That is what makes our buckets non-global.19:24
timburkezaitcev, we do get back an auth token from keystone and use that to map to the account, but that's down in s3token, away from the caller in s3api19:42
timburke(and of course, other auth systems do something similar but a little different)19:42
timburkeclayg, that gist seems reasonable19:43
claygit seems totally opaque to me - i do NOT understand what these TEST requests are19:43
claygbut it does avoid going to disk on part upload19:44
timburkeTEST is relying on the proxy server's handling around
claygoh, so we expect a 405 response - seems fine to me - but it would have gone ahead and AUTH'd!?  that's *awesome*!?  right?20:03
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timburkegotta make sure that if some middleware actually implemented a TEST method that they'd be allowed, right? ;-)20:22
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Get rid of memcache attr on proxy-server app
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Don't do naive HEAD request for auth
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openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: Clean up some proxy tests
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timburkethinking about -- reaper and reconciler also use direct_client; is that desirable?23:31
openstackLaunchpad bug 1883302 in OpenStack Object Storage (swift) "container-sharder should send stat updates using replication network" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:31
timburkeexpirer, too, since it uses some reconciler machinery23:32
timburkethen there's all the uses of internal_client, too...23:34

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