Monday, 2019-11-11

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viks___hi, just wanted to know the default `max_clients = 1024` in proxy-server.conf is based on what? on what basis i should be setting this? any suggestions?08:25
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rledisezhi viks___, if you want to increase it, don't forget to increase the system limit of file descriptor (ulimit -n)13:13
viks___rledisez:  Ok... but what can be the max value for it ? is there any limit ? or based on system load i should be increasing it? Any suggestions?13:15
viks___like workers, we set based on the cores, similarly is there any dependent thing for max_clients?13:17
rledisezviks___: I can't tell if there is a limit, but there is certainly one. you should check for stats like load, ttfb and logs like timeout before increasing it blindly14:14
viks___rledisez: ok.. thanks14:35
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renichGood day15:25
renichI am having these recurring messages: The odd thing is that this is a newly installed cluster and the referenced containers are from an account that doesn't list when I: openstack user list.15:27
DHEaccounts in swift are actually from projects, not individual users15:28
renichDHE: Oh, OK.15:29
DHEthat way multiple users can share a resource while each having their own login credentials, or a single user can be granted multiple resources that don't entirely overlap with other users, etc.15:29
DHEthis is basically how openstack as a whole works, the project owns the resources rather than the user15:30
renichDHE: so, it is there. It's admin.15:30
renichDHE: in any case, how do I prevent those errors?15:30
DHEsounds like you need accounts to be auto-created. that's an option in the proxy server15:30
renichOK. Let me check.15:31
renichaccount_autocreate = true15:31
renichit is set15:31
renichAny other idea of how to fix that?15:40
tdasilvawhat about the option `allow_account_management` ?15:43
renichtdasilva: chekcing15:46
renichtdasilva: that wasn't there. Setting it to true.15:47
renichtdasilva: after setting that up and restarting swift-account-server, the error keeps appearing15:51
tdasilvarenich: do you see any log message with the strings: "autocreate account" ?15:57
renichtdasilva: chekcing16:00
renichjournalctl | grep autocreate turned out nothing tdasilva16:00
renichI keep misspelling checking, hehe.16:04
tdasilvarenich: mm...not sure actually, are you able to HEAD this account? or what about `swift-account-info` ?16:16
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renichtdasilva: let me check16:17
renichtdasilva: what do you mean HEAD the account? curl -X HEAD? In any case, swift stat works.16:18
renichswift-account-info asks for a path to a DB. Let me read the man, tdasilva16:19
tdasilvaah, `swift stat` is the same as HEAD request16:19
tdasilvaswift-account-info needs the path to the account ring and then just the account name16:20
tdasilvarenich: sorry, got cmds confused...i meant to say swift-get-nodes16:20
renichtdasilva: OK16:20
tdasilvarenich: your account ring has only 1 replica? also the other log seemed to be trying to PUT a container in account `AUTH_c6b9b19aa06d4b41ad2a78f376a1fe88`, no?16:24
renichtdasilva: yep.16:32
renichtdasilva: what do you mean about trying to PUT in that account?16:35
tdasilvarenich: the error you posted earlier, show's a PUT error for 3 different containers, for example: ERROR __call__ error with PUT /swift-devices/807/AUTH_c6b9b19aa06d4b41ad2a78f376a1fe88/container116:36
renichtdasilva: right.16:37
tdasilvaand the account server responds with the error: "I can't put this container in this account, I don't have a db for it"16:37
renichtdasilva: exactly16:37
tdasilvano i'm not sure why this account wasn't auto created or why the db can't be found16:38
renich... OK.16:38
renichI am worse off. I don't know :D16:38
tdasilvarenich: which account are you using? AUTH_c6b9b19aa06d4b41ad2a78f376a1fe88 or admin?  what does `swift stat --debug` show for the curl commands? what command did you run to get those PUT failures? `swift post container1`?16:43
renichbtw, I tested the demo account and, that one, works fine (I can create and delete containers) but not in admin... pretty odd.16:44
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renichtdasilva: openstack container create test16:45
tdasilvaand what did you get from `swift-get-nodes -a <account_ring_path> AUTH_c6b9b19aa06d4b41ad2a78f376a1fe88` the first node it returns with, can you check if the db is there?16:47
renichit seems /srv/node/swift-devices/accounts is empty in
tdasilvarenich: can you see if you find the db in the other handoff nodes? also is the same node where you saw these errors: ?16:56
renichtdasilva: man, I am sorry but I gotta leave for now. I'll leave my IRC client open. Thanks a lot for the help, btw!16:57
tdasilvarenich: ok, sorry i couldn't help much16:57
tdasilvaor at all16:57
renichtdasilva: no, it's not the same one. And, yes, I will see if I can find the DB in other nodes.16:57
renichtdasilva: on the contrary, thanks a lot!16:57
tdasilvacheck you have the same rings everyhere16:58
tdasilvaswift-recon --md516:58
tdasilvasee ya16:58
renichtdasilva: now, I know there are nodes that work and nodes that don't. demo is on 123 and it works.16:58
renichtdasilva: I will. Thanks a ton!16:58
tdasilvayeah,you probably have different rings16:58
renichtdasilva: I think you nailed it!16:58
renichtdasilva: thank you very much! You rock!16:59
tdasilvarenich: yw :)17:00
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mattoliveraumorning, and yes tdasilva definitely rocks! :)22:15
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