Friday, 2015-08-07

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notmynameho: are you coming to austin next week?00:06
notmynameho: also, I saw that there was a patch from someone else at fujitsu. that's great!00:07
notmynameok, I'm headed home00:09
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openstackgerritMinwoo Bae proposed openstack/swift: Error handling of DiskFileNoSpace()
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honotmyname: i'll be there :-)00:33
honotmyname: yeah, we try to increase contributors and I'm a teacher for it.00:35
mattoliverauho: nice ho-sensei :)00:37
homattoliverau: :-)00:37
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kota_good morning01:17
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notmynameho: that's great to hear (on both counts)01:21
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honotmyname: thanks! as for the contributors, it looks good progress and i think it really good things for us we can be open software engineers.02:10
hokota_: morning!02:10
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kota_ho: nice to hear that more contributors will be in Japan :-)02:16
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hokota_: yeah, tokyo summit push our activity. it's great!02:51
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openstackgerritJanie Richling proposed openstack/swift: Trivial Key Master for encryption
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: pep8 fix: assertEquals -> assertEqual
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homattoliverau: is it possible have your re-review for patch 138342 before hack-a-thon? (starred by PTL patch)04:11
mattoliverauho: sure, will do my best to, I've got gertty setup so I can review on the plane :)04:12
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mattoliverauif I don't get to it today.04:13
mattoliverauI'm just in the middle of packing, so long as I don't have to run out and buy missing things, I'll get a few reviews done beofre the end of the day :)04:14
* mattoliverau leaves for mid-cycle first thing in the morning. 04:14
jrichlimattoliverau: have a good flight!04:16
mattoliveraujrichli: thanks :) At least it's only 2 flights.04:16
jrichlimattoliverau: that's good, but sounds like long flights.  bring snacks!04:17
lcurtiscould someone answer a swift question for me? why would someone actually need to obtain a container listing?04:18
lcurtisif requests are specifically /account/container/object04:19
lcurtisis container listing necessary?04:19
mattoliveraujrichli: 14.5 hours to LAX then 3 to Austin, so only 17.5 hours in flight 20+ in transit.. easy :P04:19
jrichliwow.  and you do that a lot ... i have never had a flight over 9 hours, i think04:20
mattoliveraulcurtis: if you want to see what objects are inside a container.04:20
mattoliveraulcurtis: if your using dlo, then they are important04:20
notmynamejrichli: it's not as fun as it sounds (long flights) ;-)04:21
mattoliveraujrichli: 9 hours will be my flight to tokyo :).. so yeah except for NZ it's always long :P04:21
lcurtissorry, what does dlo stand for?04:21
mattoliveraulcurtis: Dynamic Large Objects04:22
jrichlinotmyname: have you experienced several long flights?04:22
lcurtisah..thank you04:22
mattoliveraujrichli: yeah he comes visit Oz in summer :)04:22
mattoliverauI first heard about swift from notmyname in one of his LCA swift talks a few years back04:23
notmynameaustralia/nz, europe, hong kong, brazil, and morocco have all been long flights. and I've been to many of those more than once ;-)04:23
jrichliyou travel alot!04:23
jrichlibtw mattoliverau, I really got a kick out of that slip slap slop or whatever it was04:24
notmynamethis month (6 weeks?) I'll have been in portland, seattle, austin, and day trips to the peninsula04:24
mattoliveraulol, yeah, the 80s ad campain.. I remember when that was on TV :)04:24
mattoliverauSlip Slop Slap is still a common saying in Oz, so the campain definitely worked04:25
jrichlinotmyname: you could do a travel show.04:26
notmynamewhat is that? mattoliverau are you holding out on me for aussie slang?04:26
mattoliveraunotmyname: I'll go find the link again04:26
jrichliyou would be amazed at what i save off in my notes04:27
notmynamecompared to the rest of my family, I travel a lot. compared to a lot of people in opnestack, I don't. mattoliverau takes 2 flights and does 3 months of my travel ;-)04:27
jrichlido you make use of the freq flyer miles?04:29
mattoliveraujrichli: thanks thats is. notmyname ^^04:29
notmynameyeah, some.04:29
lcurtisso it is necessary to do a container list to retrieve a DLO?04:30
mattoliveraulol, only in distance, I'm not away for too long. Only 2 weeks this trip.04:30
notmynamelcurtis: yes04:30
notmynamewhich is both the best and worst thing about DLOs04:31
lcurtisThanks notmyname04:31
lcurtisI will understand this stuff yet04:31
notmynamelcurtis: also, container listing are used for accounting and for container reconciling if you have more than one policy04:31
notmynameand container sync to keep 2 clusters in sync04:32
notmynameand, internally, expiring objects04:32
lcurtisah...makes more sense then04:32
notmynameand, from the end user perspective, the first important thing is to store the data. the next thing is to know what you've stored. listings are a simple way to do that04:32
lcurtisin terms of writes to sqlitedb...could you recommend where i might find the sql for reads and writes to the sqlite db?04:34
lcurtisim curious as to why so many actual writes to disk based on x a mount of throughput to server04:34
lcurtiscontainer server that is04:35
notmynameI saw your question earlier, but I don't have a specific answer04:35
notmynamethe code is in container/ and db.py04:35
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lcurtissure...i would imagine that is pretty vague question04:35
lcurtisi am more on syseng side compared to dba/dev04:36
notmynamefirst thing to check is if you were actually just doing contianer IO at the time. no replication or auditing or anything else04:36
lcurtisokay...guessing would be mostly container io04:38
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lcurtisis there a document that shows workflow of client to proxy to account/container logic?04:39
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notmynamelcurtis: doesn't look like it :-(04:41
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notmynamelcurtis: I've drawn that on a whiteboard dozens of times for people, but it doesn't look like it's ever been written down or recorded04:41
notmynamehmm...let me check some videos04:41
lcurtisive done the ring one a few times04:42
mattoliveraulcurtis: as notmyname mentioned background services will also be doing things inside the dbs. The replicator will merge items, and relaim (clear out listings marked as deleted) so a good  to take them out of the equation too.04:43 worries...i think ive reached my quota for pestering questions for the day04:43
lcurtismattoliverau - thats an excellent point04:44
lcurtisi really appreciate the help guys04:44
lcurtisthanks much04:44
mattoliveraunps anytime. But if were quiet next week it cause we're all locking in a room04:45
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jrichliI even got a chain and padlock from security to lock up the room :-)04:47
lcurtishehehe04:52 more q...what are some of the largest known swift clusters in world?04:54
notmynamerackspace, hp, ibm, and ntt have all been public about theirs04:55
mattoliveraulcurtis: you should read notmyname's latest blog post, he mentions some :)04:55
mattoliveraubut yeah rackspace (I think I'm suppose to say that first) :p04:56
notmynameon Rackspace say 115+PB in Swift04:57
notmynamelargest single clusters are in the neighborhood of 50-80PB, from what I've been told04:58
notmyname(not necessarily Rackspace, but including them)04:58
lcurtisgreat info to know04:58
lcurtisthanks again04:59
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jrichlig'night all.  safe travels!05:03
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lcurtiserg..sorry...another one...checking this page, it notes container database is updated asynchronously to reflect new object in it
lcurtisi thought proxy service actually updated container?05:10
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notmynamethe proxy sends info to the object servers which attempt to update the container server synchronously at the time of the request. however, failure to update the container server will queue it for later (the request still succedes05:14
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homattoliverau: thanks! you have a lot of time to austin. i hope it's enogh time for my review :-)05:44
mattoliverauho: lol, me too. When are you arriving in Ausin?05:45
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openstackgerritMatthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift-specs: Update sharding spec, notably CountingTrie and shrinking
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homattoliverau: tomorrow (means saturday)06:31
mattoliverauho: me too, might see you during the weekend then :)06:32
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homattoliverau: yeah, breakfast in the hotel :-)06:35
mattoliverauSo your staying at home2 suites too, yay!06:36
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acolesgood morning08:17
mahaticgood morning!08:18
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jordanPhey guys, did you know that (the streaming platform) was using swift ? That's cool08:24
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nexusz99jordanP, wow! that's cool !!! where can i found that information?08:34
jordanPnexusz99,  whatch a replay, then use wireshark...08:35
nexusz99jordanP, OK I will try thanks08:36
jordanPnexusz99, here the URL from the stream:
jordanPit looks like swift...08:36
nexusz99jordanP,  wow..08:38
nexusz99jordanP,  yes.. i checked's response, they have the swift's response header (X-Trans-Id: tx0c89b1049635473bb6d04-0055c46e4c)08:40
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mattoliverauMorning cschwede, acoles, mahatic, and anyone else I missed09:09
acoleshey mattoliverau09:09
mattoliverauOh and acoles, don't mention the ashes.. Tho I expect to here about it all next week :p09:10
onovyhi, can someone look to please?09:10
acolesoh mattoliverau i was biting my tongue :D09:10
acolesmattoliverau: on bbc news "11 aussies are seeking political asylum in uk for fear of persecution if they return home" :)09:11
mattoliverauacoles: they better be, there not welcome here anymore :P09:12
acolesheh. it ain't over yet.09:12
* acoles is overly cautious09:12
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mahaticMorning mattoliverau !09:13
acolesmattoliverau: so have your sports channels replaced ashes coverage with back re-runs of neighbours?09:14
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mattoliverauacoles: lol, yup so much neighbours :p09:37
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mgriffinI am trying to use /usr/bin/swift 2.0.3, can I store -U (username) and -K (api key) in environment variables instead of args?13:19
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mgriffinOS_USERNAME didn't seem to work13:20
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mahaticacoles: wrt to yesterday's, removing crypto mock will pretty much error out all the tests since all them are asserting based on fake encryption13:46
mahaticall of them*13:46
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acolesmgriffin: if you do 'swift --os-help' you will see details of the env vars to use13:47
acolesmgriffin: I think OS_USERNAME should be used in conjunction with OS_PROJECT_NAME13:47
acolesmgriffin: that's assuming you are using keystone as auth service13:48
mgriffinswift: error: no such option: --os-help13:48
mgriffinmaybe i have too old a version in ubuntu 14.0413:49
acolesmgriffin: hmm, yeah maybe that came i later than your version13:49
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mgriffini suppose i can use -U and -K but wanted avoid this being visible in "ps"13:50
mgriffinacoles: thanks13:50
acolesmgriffin: ok, so OS_USERNAME=tester, OS_PROJECT_NAME=test, OS_PASSWORD=testing13:50
hw_Hi. Anybody here who can tell me, how to pass values through the FormPost Middleware? I know this is possible with Headers, but I only have a plain form, so this is no solution. I have already tested it with a query parameter. But I have looked into the source code of FormPost, the environment seems to be cleaned before the subrequest is made....13:51
hw_Mayby anybody has an idea?13:51
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acolesmahatic: oh :(13:52
acolesmahatic: so do they make assertions about the ciphertext value?13:52
hroumahatic, what assertions ? I wouldn't think the UT would care about the encryption algo used.13:53
acolesmgriffin: wait, on older versions you may need to use OS_TENANT_NAME, sorry, not sure when it changed13:53
acolesmgriffin: that is instead of OS_PROJECT_NAME13:53
hroumgriffin, acoles  - for V2 keystone, OS_TENANT_NAME + OS_AUTH_URL13:53
mahaticacoles: nope, assertions based on Fake_body13:53
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acolesmgriffin: keystone rebranded tenants as projects at some point13:54
mahaticacoles: ciphertext does not come into the picture in the code. We're only asserting the header values and fake body13:54
mahaticheaders that we set (as if the client would)13:56
acolesmgriffin: yes that should do it, and iirc OS_TENANT_NAME will still work with V3 but OS_PROJECT_NAME was also added13:56
mgriffinOS_PASSWORD is supposed to be the api key?13:56
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acolesmahatic: yes, by ciphertext i meant the body output from encrypter - sounds like the tests are making assertions about that base on mock cipher?13:57
acolesmgriffin: yes13:57
mahaticacoles: yes13:58
mgriffinacoles: strangely i get an auth error13:58
acolesmgriffin: :(13:59
openstackgerritZhao Lei proposed openstack/swift: Fix a spelling typo in comment
acolesmahatic: oic :(13:59
openstackgerritjanonymous proposed openstack/swift: pep8 fix: assertEquals -> assertEqual
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mahaticacoles: so when I remove the crypto (I also had to change the key length for crypto to accept), the encrypted value doesn't match upto the fake_body obviously. So it needs refactoring I believe. I guess that's the way forward?14:01
acolesmgriffin: i just rolled back to swiftclient v2.0 and checked with OS_USERNAME, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_AUTH_URL in env14:03
mahatics/crypto/crypto mock14:03
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acolesmahatic: well its either that or start on a separate set of tests. i'd hate for you to change them all and then get voted down for not isolating the unit tests enough!14:06
acolesmahatic: as a start, how about duplicating one of the tests (is there a test of a PUT for example, replacing the mock crypto with the real thing and get that passing14:06
mahaticacoles: hehe, definitely sounds good14:06
acolesjust to see if there are any gotchas14:07
mahaticacoles: yes, I could do that. that is how I started testing too (removing fake crypto stuff)14:07
acolesmahatic: i'm just trying to avoid unnecessary test duplication, but also want to avoid wasted time on your part :)14:07
jrichlimahatic acoles: the tests do not assert any particular mock: it is just uses an encrypt/decrypt in the mock right now to assert14:08
jrichliso it will decrypt what the encrypter spits out to match it against plaintext14:09
mahaticacoles: right, makes sense :)14:09
mahaticjrichli: correct14:09
openstackgerritZhao Lei proposed openstack/swift: Fix a spelling typo in object-expirer.conf
jrichliso, just change the assert to not be that.  just add a new assertion like we talked about the other day in IRC ...14:09
jrichliill post in a minute14:09
acolesjrichli: i should stop hand-waving :)14:10
mahaticjrichli: replace the fake_encrypt part you mean?14:10
jrichliwell, you may as well remove the use of the fake crypto altogether.  basically, we are going to assert that the ciphertext is not cipherable14:11
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mahaticjrichli: right, I think for that acoles is suggesting to start off in a new thing because if I remove fake_crypto and someone thinks the unit tests are not isolated enough, that'll be a problem :)14:12
mgriffinacoles: alright ST_AUTH ST_USER and ST_KEY work in my environment14:16
acolesmgriffin: just for anyone listening in, you need ST_USER ST_KEY ST_AUTH for cloud files14:16
mgriffinacoles: you think i should just spam ST_AUTH OS_USERNAME and OS_TENANT_NAME to avoid caring about this much?14:16
jrichlimahatic: the new assertion could be something like this (from notmyname): assertFalse(any(word in word_list for words in cyphertext.split()))14:17
jrichliwhere word_list are the words in your plaintext14:18
acolesmgriffin: err, not sure if the OS_ options being present in your env would cause swift client to assume you are using a keystone auth system, i can't remember the precedence.14:18
acolesmgriffin: might be best to keep it simple14:19
acolesnow it works14:19
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hroujrichli, are you worried about leading to indeterminate results (assuming we use a different key / iv each UT invocation) could very well lead to the same word (though very unlikely)  ?14:20
mgriffinacoles: which auth system is using ST_AUTH?14:20
acolesmgriffin: whatever cloud files use i guess. (plus we have a dumb tempauth system for dev testing that uses it)14:21
jrichlihrou: seems like a safe gamble, but I am open to opinions14:21
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mahaticjrichli: acoles should I go ahead and make modifications on the existing tests?14:22
hroujrichli, I like the idea : )  I just mean if we use the same key / iv each time, then we're guaranteed if it passes once it will always pass.14:22
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acolesjrichli: you see any problem with what hrou just said cos i like the sound of that14:23
mgriffinacoles: cool i found this
acolesie use a fixed key/iv for each unit test14:23
jrichlihrou acoles: sounds good.14:24
openstackgerritZhao Lei proposed openstack/swift: Fix some spelling typo in comments
acolesjrichli: mahatic so that swhat i had been assuming - unit test knows the key/iv so can calculate the expected ciphertext and therefore assert that object body is as it should be14:26
acolesmgriffin: cool, hurricanerix can probably help you better with rax specific client questions but hopefully you are sorted now14:27
acolesjrichli: should i bring a raincoat?14:28
jrichlihrou acoles mahatic: looking back at it, we do use the same key/iv each time already14:28
mahaticjroll: yeah, in tesst right?14:28
jrollhi :)14:28
jrichliacoles: I will check.  we haven't gotten rain since june, i think14:28
mahaticjroll: sorry :)14:29
mgriffinacoles: thanks again.14:29
jroll:P no worries14:29
mahaticjrichli: no, in test_Encrypter as well. sorry14:29
acolesjrichli: actually that was tongue in cheek - i assumed hot and dry ;)14:29
acolesmgriffin: np14:30
wbhuberacoles: ;-)  bring a sweater.14:30
jrichlihrou acoles mahatic: oh, nm.  i meant right now in the tests, but we all knew that.  yes, using the real crypto there will need to be a way to control the key/iv form the test14:31
jrichliwithout using the current mock14:31
hroujrichli, yea sorry that's what I meant ; ) i.e. when using the real crypto, that's what advantage of mocking it entirely.14:31
acoleswbhuber: :)14:32
hrouacoles, we had someone from Austin here in Toronto and I was mentioning it was one of the hottest days in the entire summer and they just laughed and walked away, so yea bring a sweater : )14:33
jrichliacoles: asking if its gonna rain is a valid question, actually.  we do sometimes get rain in the summer.  but I dont see it in the forecast.14:33
acolesjrichli: thx14:36
acolesjrichli: mahatic so looks like the tests do control the key via FakeAppThatSetsKeys14:37
mahaticacoles: yup14:38
acolesbut the IV is set by crypto14:38
* acoles keeps forgetting the IV!14:38
acolesso is there something in we can mock to return a fixed IV maybe14:38
mahaticI think we can mock "create_iv" in crypto14:39
hrouyep, all it does is return os.urandom(16)14:40
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mahaticacoles: ^14:45
acolesmahatic: agree14:47
mahaticI still have a question though, this goes into the existing tests or not? :)14:48
mahaticacoles: jrichli ^14:50
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notmynamegood morning14:57
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notmynamejordanP: that's really cool about using swift!15:06
notmynameactually, that's extra cool since they are owned by amazon ;-)15:07
jordanPnotmyname, lol I forgot about that !15:07
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notmynamejordanP: so I'm trying to find that myself15:12
jordanPnotmyname, I've checked only replay/vods, I don"t know about live streams15:13
notmynameah, ok. live stream doesn't seem to15:14
jrichlimahatic: Start with whatever makes the most sense to you now.  I dont have a strong opinion at this point.  As you get more into implementation, we might want to reassess that decision15:14
jrichlifor example, if you start with a new file, you might feel like there is a lot of copy/paste or duplicated code15:15
jrichliif that happens and you feel like you could integrate with the existing one at that point, then great15:15
notmynamejordanP: yup. found one15:16
jrichlimahatic: basically, its hard for me to make that call without being the one in all the details. :-)15:17
jordanPi wonder which feature of Swift they are using15:17
mahaticjrichli: yes :) got that, lemme take a back up of test_encrypter and start off on that one (maybe on a PUT initially and go on from there), will see what works out15:21
jrichlimahatic: sounds good.  thanks!15:22
notmynamelooks like they are using varnish (which makes sense, too) and the /info enpoint is returning an error from varnish. looks like they are hiding that endpoint15:26
notmynamewhich also makes sense for their use case15:26
notmynamejordanP: I'm guessing the swift feature they are using is "large-scale, cheap storage that can handle a *lot* of concurrent connections" ;-)15:28
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jordanPnotmyname, possibly :)15:31
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Replace assertTrue(not <condition>) with assertFalse(<condition>)
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openstackgerritHamdi Roumani proposed openstack/swift: Doc instructions for post rebase steps
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janonymous_Hi Guys, I think it would be helpful if someone could review these patches, so that new one could be submitted once all are done:,n,z16:30
janonymous_Thanks in advance... :)16:30
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openstackgerritjanonymous proposed openstack/swift: Use inplace of itertools.izip/imap/ifilter
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janonymous_So it's friday night in most of the places ... time to chill :)17:12
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lcurtisgood day swiftstackians...noticing that rsync throughput seems to be slow in there some kind of throttling or other xinetd setting i should be checking?17:27
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lcurtislike 40-80mbps on 1gbps link, known wire speed possible on link17:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Fix a spelling typo in comment
openstackgerritEran Rom proposed openstack/swift: Container-Sync to iterate only over synced containers
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Fix some spelling typo in comments
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openstackgerritMinwoo Bae proposed openstack/swift: Error handling of DiskFileNoSpace()
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openstackgerritThiago da Silva proposed openstack/swift: versioned writes middleware
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claygsomewhere right around here I'm feeling very related to the conversation ->
portanteclayg: speaking with emacs, yes!19:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Replace assertTrue(not <condition>) with assertFalse(<condition>)
claygportante: I have some vms building in the background and kicked this off for the background19:32
claygportante: when he said "you step into this code I've been maintaing for 15 years and pep8ify it for me" I thought a few others might also get some smiles on Friday19:33
portanteclayg: first time I have heard him speak, he is pretty good (raymond hettinger)19:35
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portantewax on wax off19:50
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notmyname"pep8 unto thyself, not unto others" :-)19:59
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portantenotmyname: yes!20:07
portantegreat line20:07
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kevinc_Anyone have experience with Seagate Kinetic drives? I setup our test cluster to read and write to the Kinetic drives, but the data doesn't get replicated when I simulate a failure20:09
MooingLemurtdasilva: I like that. JSÓN.20:12
tdasilvaMooingLemur: did I get the accent right?20:15
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minwoobtdasilva: In were you actually looking for the variable to be prepended with '_' ? In that case, all the other msg variables might need that change.20:20
minwoobtdasilva: Otherwise, feel free to take a look at the most updated version.20:21
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tdasilvaminwoob: I think that looks good, wasn't looking for you to change every single one20:28
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minwoobtdasilva: The other ones match up to that one, just making sure that was the change that was needed though, to eliminate some alternative modifications that could have been made.20:33
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claygkevinc_: you have to run the kinetic-swift-replciator daemon - it's seperate from the swift-object-replicator (swift-init stuff)20:47
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kevinc_clayg: ok, great! That was what I was looking for. I assume i need to do the same for the auditor and the updater.20:53
kevinc_looks like the objects are replicating now20:53
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openstackgerritEran Rom proposed openstack/swift: Container-Sync to iterate only over synced containers
openstackgerritEran Rom proposed openstack/swift: Add container sync probe test to SAIO default set
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openstackgerritBill Huber proposed openstack/swift: Add unit test for container_update for unmounted device
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mattoliverauMorning all, at airport, the waiting begins22:10
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