Monday, 2015-06-15

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Kennanhi swift cores ?00:13
Kennancould you help one question ?00:13
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Kennanthis seems not anwers why disable selinux work00:13
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Kennandid not give explaniton00:14
Kennancould you give some explanation ?00:14
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mattoliverauKennan: I don't run swift on a centos/fedora/redhat, so don't know why selinux doesn't work, I assume there are no rules for the object-* to access /srv/node/sdc1/. Sounds like someone needs to write these, maybe via audit2allow or something. Maybe you need to wait until a Redhat swift core is in channel (probably tomorrow US time).00:33
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hoKennan: hello, I'm not a core but Remo answered your question in . What kind of explanation do you want to have? (general behavior of selinux explanation)01:13
Kennan:ho I did not find it, why selinux enable can not work, what's the issue?01:14
Kennanmany machines need to enable selinux for security01:15
KennanI think disable selinux is not good to fix the issue01:15
Kennan:mattoliverau I am not sure who is redhat swift core01:15
hoKennan: every processes on Linux which enables selinux need to handle it's permissions. it's not only swift processes but also other processes01:17
Kennan:ho so I am thinking how to solve that issue without disable selinux, as selinux is shared all system, it is not good to disable selinux just for swift01:18
hoKennan: Ok, you would like to know how to put right permission to the processes?01:18
Kennanyes, I want to solve that issue without disable selinux01:19
Kennanho do you know that?01:19
hoKennan: which os do you use? rhel ?01:19
Kennanyes ho01:21
hoKennan: wait a minute. I'm looking for an easy way to do it.01:22
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hoKennan: install the package:
Kennanwhat's that package for ?01:33
hoKennan: selinux configuration for openstack (including swift)01:33
Kennanho I have installed that package01:33
Kennanrpm -qa have such package01:34
hoKennan: you executed restorecon (I forgot correct name) in your env?01:34
Kennanyes, I executed on that direcotory, but still get permissioned denied issue01:35
Kennanho so I did not know what's other solution except disable selinux?01:36
hoKennan: is it possible paste your audit log which include AVC in the line? cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | grep "AVC"01:36
Kennanho wait a minute01:37
Kennanherer is the log , let me try paste01:39
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hoKennan: not directory paste here. you better to use paste site01:39
hoKennan: sorry...01:40
Kennanho could you check the link?01:40
Kennanit should work01:40
Kennanho have pasted one full log01:42
Kennanplease check the same link01:42
hoKennan: I can see it. I would like to have the result of cat /var/log/message | grep "setroubleshoot:"01:48
Kennanho I did not find output  for setroubleshoot: it is none match01:49
Kennanis it right keywold ?01:49
hoKennan: i think so. no line?01:50
Kennanyes ho not any matched line01:50
hoKennan: i see. I would like to know the process name for pid 6556 (Swift object auditor?) and usage of dm-2 device.01:54
Kennanho the swift object auditor process is01:57
Kennanswift     636801:57
Kennanho the dm-2 device01:57
Kennanis lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 7 Jun 14 20:51 swifttest -> ../dm-201:57
KennanI have a disk01:57
Kennanand partition it used for swift storage device01:58
Kennanho this is the example
hoKennan: I would like to know the result of ls -Z /01:58
hoKennan: I have no rhel env so the option might be wrong ...01:59
Kennanhave added the link01:59
Kennanho the issue really maybe selinux, my steps as following: 1, have an extra disk ,and format it, 2. config it used for swift mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1 , mkdir -p /srv/node/sdb1, mount /srv/node/sdb102:01
Kennanho, the issue is that when swift upload command02:01
Kennanit have complainted for02:01
Kennan Permission denied: '/srv/node/sdb1/accounts'02:01
Kennanit seems the
hoKennan: sorry I would like to know the result of ls -Z (for dm-2 device)02:02
Kennannot talked about selinux02:02
Kennanho brw-rw----. root disk system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t:s0 /dev/dm-202:02
hoKennan: the seculity context on the device is the problem which you met.02:03
Kennanho yes, I am thinking that, but i did not what's wrong with that setting ? I just followed community guide to do that :(02:03
hoKennan: the link which you pasted is for ubuntu.02:07
Kennanyes ho, the rheal nearly have same, just replace apt with yum02:08
Kennanlet me paste your rhel02:08
Kennanho this is yum02:08
hoKennan: i see.02:15
hoKennan: maybe I mis-understood. ls -Z /srv/node02:19
Kennanho OK I also not know what's wrong with that. Community guide not talke abut selinux, and its setting trouble for permission denied solution :002:21
hoKennan: can i have an output of "ls -Z /srv/node"02:25
Kennandrwxr-xr-x. swift swift system_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0 sdb102:27
hoKennan: a redhat core for specialist of this is zaitcev (Pete Zaitev)02:28
hoKennan: execute " restorecon -R /srv/node" and then "ls -Z /srv/node"02:29
Kennanho: check this now02:30
Kennandrwxr-xr-x. swift swift system_u:object_r:swift_data_t:s0 sdb102:30
hoKennan: Great! execute your failed operation again.02:31
Kennanho: yeap it works now02:32
hoKennan: Cool! everything works for you?02:33
Kennanho so the reason should be swift_data_t ? is it swift selinux setting ?02:33
hoKennan: rhel's selinux setting for swift. you installed rhel selinux pkg, this pkg configures selinux context with swift_xxx.02:36
Kennanho OK Thanks. Glad to know that. :)02:37
hoKennan: you are welcome. have fun with swift :-)02:38
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mattoliverauho: nice work :)02:47
kota_ho: nice02:49
homattoliverau, kota_: thanks! Kennan mentioned we have some problem in the doc.02:57
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mattoliverauYeah, we may need to mention you need to run restorecon if you are running a redhat variant and selinux03:21
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hoacoles: I summarized the keystonemiddleware issue.
hoacoles: I used a backward comati issue for L21-24.05:00
hoacoles: I think I should write spec for "oslo config suports in swift". what do you think?05:00
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Kennanho there?05:25
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hoKennan: yes but i'm in a meeting now.05:52
Kennanho OK I setup another environment, this environment is different from the one we discussed this morning05:56
KennanI used loop device05:56
Kennanbut I found even restorecon -R can not change that permission05:56
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hoKennan: you mounted the loop back device from /srv/node/xxx?06:04
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KennanI have setup like this06:14
KennanI used trunate to create file like swift.img is 1G06:15
Kennanand /etc/fstab have mount like this06:15
Kennanfor this /etc/swift/data/drives/images/swift.img /etc/swift/data/drives/sdb1 xfs loop,noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 0 006:15
Kennanthen configure in swift about devices like this06:16
Kennandevices = /etc/swift/data/drives06:16
KennanI tried for restrorecon on /etc/swift/data/drives06:17
Kennanbut it can not work06:17
Kennanstill have permission denied06:17
Kennanls -lZ /etc/swift/data/drives/06:17
Kennandrwxr-xr-x. swift swift system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0       sdb106:18
hoKennan: it seems target of selinux pkg is /srv/node other directory is not supported.06:18
Kennanho: is it ? I did not know that, I thought /srv/node is just one example06:19
hoKennan: i'm not exactly sure but i found the
hoKennan: but this is for rhel606:42
Kennanok ho: let me try srv/node for this loop device case06:43
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Kennanho: from your link, it seems redhat 6 have that, but I did not know what's setting for redhat 7?06:49
Kennanis it same as that ? i install on redhat 7.106:50
hoKennan: i coudn't find it. they changed it b/w tag 0.15 and
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hoKennan: I don't know the rhel7 config but i think it might work : in fstab /etc/swift/data/drives/images/swift.img /etc/swift/data/drives/sdb1 xfs noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8,context=system_u:object_r:swift_data_t:s0 0 006:56
hoKennan: change mount option.06:56
Kennanho OK I would try that, BTW, i tried /srv/node just now, it worked with restroecon ways06:57
Kennanso not sure if /srv/node is hardcode or something in redhat06:58
Kennanfor your suggested new mount option, I will try it06:58
hoKennan: thanks! i think it's hardcoded. we will ask this to zaitcev :-)07:00
cschwedeGood Morning!07:14
cschwedeho: Kennan: I don’t think it is hardcoded; it’s a default that you can set in [account|container|object]-server.conf. For example:
Kennancschwede We configured that, the issue is that selinux has some trick points07:16
cschwedeKennan: ah, you mean the value is hardcoded in the selinux package?07:16
Kennanyes, I just guess, I am trying ho: suggestion, I tried to change mount option07:17
Kennanas I have verified that other directorys like /etc/swift/data/drives can not works07:17
Kennanbut /srv/node can work07:18
cschwedeKennan: looking at the .src.rpm I think it works for everything under /srv07:20
cschwedeand /var/run/swift too07:20
mattoliveraucschwede: morning07:22
cschwedeMorning Matthew!07:24
Kennanho: I tried your suggestion it works07:25
Kennanso it seems mount need to specify that selinux context07:26
hoKennan: Great! yeah if the /srv/node is hardcoded, adding security context of mount will be a solution. :-)07:29
Kennanthanks ho: your suggestion really helpful07:29
cschwedeho: looks like a nice tip, maybe you want to add this to the docs?07:30
hocschwede: morning! users can add own security context on their directory so I'm not sure which is a preferable way07:34
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hoKennan: you are welcome!07:35
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acolesgood morning07:38
mattoliverauacoles: morning sir07:39
mattoliverauK, I need to go cook some dinner, probably be back later :)07:40
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hoacoles: morning! I wrote comments three hours before.07:59
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acolesho: hi! i read your pastebin. i think what you are suggesting is that we could *force* "project = swift" to be fixed (user cannot change) by using your patch in keystoneauth. But don't we still have other config values for authtoken that may conflict between the paste ini values and a (future) oslo config in swift?08:25
acolesho: Also, if "project=swift" is set in CONF in keystoneauth, does that happen *before* authtoken attempts to read CONF or is it too late? IDK.08:26
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hoacoles: (1) I think my patch can change proxy-server.conf-sample but it's difficult to change existed proxy-server.conf.08:51
hoacoles: I think we don't have other conflicts. There is a difference of deployment (paste init or oslo config) but we use same info (which exposes to users). We just decide a rule which info swift will use. Current concern is 'project' is an internal info in OpenStack but only swift exposes it so we have a conflict.08:51
hoacoles: Keystoneauth is configured after authtoken so that means keystoneauth initializes first I think.08:52
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acolesho: yes i think the middlewares are loaded in reverse order so keystoneauth would be init'd before auth_token.09:03
acolesho: so is your concern is that "project = swift" should NEVER be something that users can change? or am i confused? :)09:05
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acolesho: or is that you think 'project' should ONLY be set using oslo.config and not set in paste deploy ini?09:11
acolesho : hmmm, I can't see 'project' defined in the authtoken middleware _OPTs, maybe it is defined elsewhere.09:12
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hoacoles: I like 'project' should ONLY be set using oslo.config and not set in paste deploy ini, if swift will support oslo config in near future.09:37
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hoacoles: fyi:
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acolesho: thanks for that link! ^^09:50
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acolesho: updated my review, but I am still not sure!)10:08
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/swift: Updated from global requirements
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acolesho: re. writing a spec for oslo.config in swift, it might be helpful to understand what the roadmap would be to move that way, in particular if we can have a hybrid for transition, but note concerns documented here:
acolesho: NB that etherpad has been inactive for 10 months.11:07
acolesho: also this was torgomatic patch for keystonemiddleware
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shoodingHello guys. I've a question about overload in the design of swift ring builder.11:49
shoodingIn order to respect weight of devices, a partition is mapped to only 2 device and what happens when overload is enabled?11:52
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openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Add minimal working service token support.
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openstackgerritStuart McLaren proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Add minimal working service token support.
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zigoIs there anyone besides Tushar able to fix pyeclib?15:18
zigoThe issue has been pending for days already ...15:18
zigoI'm talking about
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cschwedepeluse: could you ping Tushar or Kevin to help fix this packaging issue? It seems both are not in the channel atm ^^15:27
cschwedezigo: Kevin might be able to help fix this as well; not sure if the email is still up2date, but have a look at his address in setup.py15:28
zigocschwede: Thanks Christian! :)15:29
zigoI'll try to be more patient.15:29
cschwedezigo: you’re welcome Thomas :)15:30
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notmynamegood morning15:32
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openstackgerritjanonymous proposed openstack/swift: Replace with next(it) for py3 compat
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minwoobHave there been efforts to optimize the way that data is moved around, within the cluster? (e.g., during a rebalance, or replication activity, EC frag placement, etc)17:49
notmynameminwoob: yes, to some extent17:49
notmynamebut most of the "optimization" is to not do it right now17:49
minwoobIt seems that these are some of the operations that place the heaviest burden on the network.17:49
notmynameie if an object is on server A but should be on server B, there isn't much we can do except move it from A to B17:50
notmynametorgomatic is working right now on some of the ring placement stuff where a ring rebalance may cause more partitions to move than necessary17:50
notmynameand kota_ implemented a patch a few months ago so that data is only sent to a remote region once per replication run on a given box17:51
notmynamethat's the sort of things we can do17:52
notmynameminwoob: what are you thinking about?17:52
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minwoobnotmyname: The example you brought up in regards to torgomatic's optimization was more along the lines of what I was curious about. Basically if there were any discussions regarding how to make the movement of data within the network much smoother.18:09
minwoobnotmyname: Moreso on a conceptual level right now, than something needing to be implemented right away.18:10
minwoob(just got back from an ad hoc meeting).18:11
torgomaticdefine "smoother"18:12
torgomatic(not trying to be confrontational, just not sure what that means in this context)18:12
minwoobtorgomatic: smoother in terms of performance.18:13
torgomaticminwoob: moving fewer total partitions when rings change? moving fewer per rebalance but maybe having more rebalances? faster convergence of data after a rebalance? something else?18:14
torgomatic"performance" is a very broad term.18:14
minwoobtorgomatic: I see what you're getting at.18:16
minwoobtorgomatic: It looks like the moving fewer per rebalance but more rebalances scenario is more of a tradeoff, but the others seem like good criteria for "better performance".18:18
minwoobMaybe one to add there is how to relieve network congestion.18:19
minwoobWhich would be a subset of some of the previously mentioned criteria.18:19
minwoobtorgomatic: Regarding the convergence of data after a rebalance, are you referring to something other than the shifting of the partitions across the network?18:23
torgomaticminwoob: no, that's what I'm talking about. just that the data has moved to where the new ring says it should be18:24
minwoobI see.18:24
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Prompt for missing username and/or password
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notmynameok, we now have a slight restructuring of core reviewers in swift18:58
notmynamethe group "swiftclient-core" now exists, and it is currently made up of "swift-core" and joeljwright18:58
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notmynamejoeljwright: thanks for helping out on the client work!19:02
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tdasilvajoeljwright: welcome and great job!19:13
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openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Add some bash helpers for auth stuff
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jrichlijoeljwright: congrats!19:46
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takotuesdaycould there be any reason for sharepoint getting a 401 when trying to index a swift container that has ACLs set to global20:28
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notmynametakotuesday: perhaps. maybe there's a large object manifest in there that's pointing to a different container and the ACLs aren't right on the other contianer20:42
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: clayg: notmyname: anyone else: does anyone have a link handy to a good reference for all the crap you can put in docstrings for Sphinx auto-generated code stuff?  I found this:    is that it?20:44
torgomaticswifterdarrell: I got nothin20:44
MooingLemurtorgomatic: hiya... did you get a chance to backread from my mention last week about the non-healing EC object?  I was afk from thursday afternoon onward, but I don't think I saw any mention from you (or at least no highlight)20:45
takotuesdaynotmyname: doesnt make sense though, it doesnt reference another container, its just full of static html files20:47
takotuesday.r:* are the acls20:47
takotuesdaythis is the sharepoint error: Access is denied. Verify that either the Default Content Access Account has access to this repository, or add a crawl rule to crawl this repository. If the repository being crawled is a SharePoint repository, verify that the account you are using has "Full Read" permissions on the SharePoint Web Application being crawled.20:48
notmynamenone of the objects in the container are dynamic or static manifest objects?20:48
notmynameif not, then perhaps the auth token expired20:48
torgomaticMooingLemur: I took a brief look and didn't see any duplicate fragments; I have no idea why it's not working beyond that, though20:49
torgomaticthere is a patch in Gerrit to fix something in the reconciler, but I'm not sure what20:49
takotuesdaynotmyname: none are manifest obj or dynamic20:49
MooingLemurobject-reconstructor is leaking though too.  After about 5 days, it's consuming about 20 gigs on each of the storage nodes.20:50
openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed openstack/swift: Use just IP, not port, when determining partition placement
torgomaticswifterdarrell: ^^20:50
torgomaticone line of real code change, plus docstrings and tests20:51
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claygtorgomatic: yeah that's *surprisingly* stright forward?21:16
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charleswHI folks, I have a two-region swift cluster. I wonder how to set up region_name in keystone middle config in my proxy-server.conf. I looked around to see if auth_region_name is supported but all I could find is Does anybody know if auth_region_name is supported?22:04
openstackLaunchpad bug 1405717 in keystonemiddleware "region_name is not in keystone client auth_token config" [Wishlist,Confirmed]22:05
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joeljwrightmattoliverau: glad I spotted you, been needing to ping you about the technical writer you mentioned in Vancouver22:18
mattoliveraujoeljwright: hey man, sure, when she comes online I'll introduce, unless your ending for the day, in which case I'll ping you her details in a private chat :)22:20
joeljwrightyeah, sadly it's 23:20 here, so I think our only option is email22:20
joeljwrightI've missed you by moments a few times now22:21
joeljwrightdamn these timezones!22:21
notmynamemattoliverau: me too! I wanted to ask about that too :-)22:21
mattoliveraujoeljwright: lol, damn circular earth :P22:22
joeljwrightsource of all hassle: unicode and timezones22:22
mattoliveraunotmyname: lol, I'll make sure your in the loop too :)22:22
mattoliveraujoeljwright: its a double edged sword, 24 hour channel coverage.. but 24 hour channel coverage :P22:23
mattoliverauUnless your a machine like clayg who during EC decided he just wouldn't sleep or notmyname who must nly sleep 3 hours a night :P22:24
* mattoliverau goes to find ome coffee, cause its a cold and very rainy day here and so I still want to be in bed :P22:25
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openstackgerritDarrell Bishop proposed openstack/swift: Allow 1+ object-servers-per-disk deployment
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swifterdarrelltorgomatic: what's the right way to rebase my patch off ?23:33
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: I tried "git rebase bdb05abe4fcd93350bfdcf69a228cbaa576f4d8c" but that didn't work, even after some fetching23:34
torgomaticswifterdarrell: try `git review -d 191970` before rebasing; that'll get the commit pulled23:34
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: do I do the gerrit "checkout" for your patch:    git fetch refs/changes/70/191970/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD23:34
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: then rebase off teh sha?23:34
torgomaticalternately, that fetch should do it23:34
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: cool23:35
torgomaticyou don't even need to check out that sha, just have it somewhere in your local repository23:35
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: *nod*; and either of those cmds will do that, ya?23:35
swifterdarrelltorgomatic: thx, i'm off the the races23:36
torgomaticswifterdarrell: cool23:36
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hogood morning!23:43
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