Tuesday, 2015-04-14

kota_ho: and good morning: )00:05
hokota_: good morning!00:07
claygpeluse: bah, so I have the fix in for the suffix delta's but the probe test is still failing because of some weird interation with ssync and the object server - but i'm not entirely sure it's not related to acoles_away refactoring of of the get on disk files stuff00:08
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torgomaticclayg: heh, check this diff out https://gist.github.com/smerritt/159c3b4c866a4359772800:38
torgomaticall tests pass00:38
claygtorgomatic: I think acoles_away already said that00:39
torgomaticclayg: ah, I must have missed it then00:39
* notmyname goes to brew coffee and get cracking00:39
claygoh goodness - object server's can't even cook up a hashes.pkl of a hashdir is missing a .durable because of the on-disk file search algorithm contract :'(00:44
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claygi wonder if the same is true for replication with a dangling .meta00:45
claygno, it seems to think that's fine00:47
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notmynameclayg: where do you need me to start looking?00:48
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claygi don't know I have a ton of diffs I've eaten from acoles and cschwede i haven't pushed yet - I expect to have another one from torgomatic at some point00:49
notmynameok :-)00:49
claygnotmyname:  I need something that changes/unifies the x-backend-ssync-frag-index header with whatever we're going to do there00:50
claygi probably need to write a failing unittest that puts one of these "missing a .durable" directories in a tmp dir and runs it through ECDiskFileManager's get_hashes00:50
claygthen decide how i'm going to fix it :'(00:50
claygmaybe it's as simple as telling cleanup_ondisk_files to verify=False00:52
notmynameclayg: I'm definitely coming into the middle of that conversation. is there a place to start looking or do you want to have a quick phone chat?00:53
* clayg wishes acoles_away didn't have to sleep00:53
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claygit normally works best when acoles_away just tells me what to type00:53
claygnotmyname: I really would appreciate a diff to the reconsttcutor patch that fixes the ssync-fragment-index header00:54
claygI'm not sure what the header is supposed to be called - or what would pass as "fixes"00:54
claygbut I'm not working on that right now - and acoles says the current name makes him sad00:54
notmynameyeah, I see the comment in gerrit on it now00:54
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notmynameok, that's where I'll start00:55
notmynameis mattoliverau on yet?00:55
notmynameI saw kota_ say hi00:56
claygmattoliverau: yeah!  how come YOU'RE not telling me what to type!00:56
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claygok, so that part was easy -> https://gist.github.com/clayg/b75428b75ada1e637aab00:59
claygnow I just need a test00:59
claygwait what the crap - why didn't test_hash_suffix_one_datafile already cover this?01:00
claygoh what the hell verify defaults to False?01:03
claygso how the....01:03
claygok, I think maybe acoles already fixed the get_hashes thing01:09
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mattoliverauSorry, had a meeting01:23
notmynameclayg: so from what I can tell based on IRC buffers and gerrit reviews, acoles_away doesn't like the "frag-index" part of X-Backend-Ssync-Frag-Index and would prefer it to be archive-index01:27
notmynamebut, the value (both in the object server and in ssync) is passed to "frag_index" in the diskfile.01:27
claygmaybe?  maybe he doesn't like the ssync - assuming whatever we come up with might eventually get riffed on to handle the proxy server retrying requests with the specific goal of finding some missing fragment indexes?01:28
notmynameseems the issue comes from x-object-sysmeta-ARCHIVE-index vs x-backend-ssync-FRAG-index01:28
clayghrmmm... i'm not reading his comment right now01:28
notmynameand he did say in here earlier that he's ok with how it is01:28
claygso maybe we leave it?01:28
claygi can't get this fucking unit test to fail the same way the probe test is failing01:29
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notmynamewell, if it changes, perhaps the change should be fore x-object-sysmeta-frag-index. ie keep it FRAG-index everwhere01:30
notmynameugh. of course that's the one that has "42 matches across 9 files"01:30
claygoh yeah - i rather like x-object-sysmeta-frag-index01:31
claygand x-backend-frag-index (or maybe x-backend-ssync-frag-index)01:31
notmynamewell I'd definitely agree that it's not good to have frag one place and archive somewhere else. no need to have multiple words for the same thing when one will do01:32
claygi like x-backend-if-not-match-frag-indexes: <csv-of-frag-indexes-proxy-already-has>01:32
claygfrag frag frag01:32
notmynameok, I'll try a global find/replace to make it frag-index01:32
claygit's like I'm playing quake1 and I've got the rl and the ra on lockdown in dm601:32
notmynameclayg: is  x-backend-if-not-match-frag-indexes actually a thing?01:32
claygnotmyname: only in the mind's eye of torgomatic01:33
notmynameEC KILLING SPREE01:33
* clayg totally wants to play q1 now01:33
mattoliverauwhat could possibly go wrong01:33
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claygoh man team dm on dm3 - we used to totally control the quad - pwn fools01:33
notmynameclayg: so I saw the trailer for the new mortal combat game. reminded me of the first one, which I think I played at your house, and how much my parents hated it. of course, I looked at the new one and though "that's terrible. no way my kids are ever playing that!"01:34
clayglol!  *perspective*01:34
swifterdarrellnotmyname: lol01:34
notmynameno kidding!01:34
claygpeluse: why is there a POST in here?!01:37
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claygdoes fast-post even work with ssync!?  when did acoles_away fix THAT?01:38
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claygpeluse: all the reconstructor tests have posts in them - did totally looks like you did it on purpose - are you running object_post_as_copy with true or false?01:39
notmynameclayg: did I see a hint that the current ec_Review branch doesn't pass probe tests?01:42
claygummm.... no i'm not sure that's true - peluse has a new test that was failing - when I ran them on friday it was working - almost positive01:43
notmynameah ok01:43
notmynamemust have been peluse saying something then01:43
notmynameok. running tests locally, then will test the patch, then will put the patch up for you somewhere01:44
claygowww, my mind is full of fuuuu01:46
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claygMIND == BLOWN01:51
claygi don't know if i can do this without acoles :'(01:52
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peluseOK, I'm back02:05
claygpeluse: justify these POSTs all up in the probetests!02:05
mattoliverauclayg: so where you at? Maybe if you push where your up to we can take a look and combine brain power02:06
pelusewas messing around with metadata and never removed them02:06
claygmattoliverau: well... where I'm at is sorta broken - thanks to peluse02:06
peluseso what's busted?02:07
claygI also feel like torgomatic was going to send a diff - that I think I never saw02:07
claygnotmyname: may also have something I need to look at02:07
claygpeluse: a PUT to an object with a .data and .meta (no durable) - raises assertion error instead of diskfilenotexist02:07
pelusehmmm, how'd I have anything to do with that and when did it stop working?02:08
claygpeluse: near as I can tell it's always been this way - it's normally find - then you wrote a probe test to validate missing durables and all hell broke loose02:08
claygpeluse: why to write good tests!02:08
peluseheh, OK.  sometimes even a blind squirrel finds a nut02:09
peluseso where do you need me at the moment?02:09
mattoliverauclayg: how about you give a git diff gist of where your currently at so we can all be on the same page, which patch are you on, reconstructor?02:09
claygmattoliverau: I think the bug I'm working on would fold into the diskfile patch acctually - but it's a reconstructor bug02:11
peluseclayg, OK, so I'm going to beat on the reconstructor patch some more til I hear otherwise....02:13
claygwhich one?02:13
claygmattoliverau: you're right I have too much code checked out for anyone else to make progress - let me try to get it up - everone take 502:14
pelusejust the latest02:14
peluseahh, OK02:14
claygok, i'm not even sure all those tests pass - much less pep8 worries02:21
mattoliverauclayg: that's fine for now :)02:21
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clayganyway i'm zeroing in the the unittest failure that describes the issue i'm seeing with get_ondisk_files or _get_ondisk_file or gather_ondisk_files or how ever you want to get to it02:22
notmynamehow did I get permission denied on probetests?! /me apparently doesn't know how to saio02:22
mattoliveraunotmyname: saio properly damn it :P02:23
claygpeluse: oh, i wanted you to confirm if you're running with post_as_copy = false on your setup?  since you added the client post to all the reconstructor test02:23
notmynamemattoliverau: I'm trying! I'm trying02:23
claygnotmyname: maybe it has something to do with the way the reconstrctuor tests simulate unmounted disks?02:23
claygnotmyname: which probe tests fail?02:23
notmynametest_revert_object in  /home/swift/swift/test/probe/test_reconstructor_revert.py02:24
claygpeluse: if you're getting .meta files you've got post_as_copy = false - and you would be seeing the same failure I am after you fixed the suffix delta thing (or pull down my latest push)02:24
pelusenotmyname, you should look at some of the Swift 101 materials from SwiftStack, thy're pretty good02:24
claygwhich *does* surprising past unittests at the end of the chain btw - not sure that's saying much02:24
pelusewhat's the default for post_as_copy, that's what I have02:24
notmynamepeluse: do they have EC docs yet? 'cause that would make this easier ;-)02:24
notmynamepeluse: default is true02:24
peluseclayg, , OK mine is set to true :)02:25
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pelusenotmyname, yeah to simulate unmounted disks in the revert test, dirs are renamed to make them appear gone02:27
notmynameah that woudl do it02:27
claygmattoliverau: peluse: notmyname: so this is closest I can get to a test that seems to demonstrate what I think should be a problem -> https://gist.github.com/clayg/d47fba5611e9eeeec5b202:28
notmynameparent dir is owned by root02:28
pelusenotmyname, because there are multiple devices behind each object server using the probetest kill option to simulate was taking out 2 at a time02:28
claygbasically down at the bottom I i have two assertRaises - the first one works - a datafile with no .durable acts exactly as if the .data isn't there02:28
claygbut the second one - the one that doesn't send in frag_index - like the object server would do - raises an assertion error02:28
claygso somewhere in acoles visitor pattern code is a mean sneaky difference in behavior depending on if you passed in the frag_index - and I need it to just work even when the object server doesn't pass in the frag index - or else a missing durable is hella annoying02:29
claygtorgomatic: ARE YOu STILL here?02:29
claygoh, nm it was just acorwin02:30
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claygi'm going to let you guys stew on that and see if peluse's probetest that started all this pain will pass with post_as_copy=false02:30
peluseOK, stewing02:31
claygpthththth - well that was easy :D02:32
clayg... still I'm pretty sure the diskfile issue is more low level than all that - the problem was ssync and .meta (known issues) - it's really that a PUT will try to read existing metadata - and since it doesn't hand in a frag_index - and we get different behavior depending on if you hand in a frag index or not - and the behavior we want is when you hand in frag_index - and we don't hand in frag_index - it sucks02:33
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claygyou know what it is02:35
pelusenot yet, do you?02:35
clayg_gather_on_disk_file has a dangling elif - gotta be the issue02:35
claygi guess i need to trace it - somehow the if frag_index is None in the .data block of the if durable is tripping it up02:36
peluseyeah, I'm walking through it now02:37
clayga smaller unittest would be nice - there's one called test_get_ondisk_files_with_stray_meta that is proving it raises a assertionerror - and I think it's basically wrong or something - or maybe if you gave it frag_index=1 it would fail because you'd get DiskFileDoesNotExist instead (which is what we want btw)02:37
claygnotmyname: honestly I'm not even sure this is as important as the quorum cleanup that torgomatic was working on - but I'm not sure where the hammer fell down on that02:38
claygI think basically torgomatic decided the existing code worked, but could be more obvious that it works - because acoles_away and peluse both seemed to agree that despite the tests proving it works - it looks to broken to possibly be correct02:39
torgomaticclayg: notmyname: basically there's one branch that's obviously wrong, but that's okay (LOL) because it's dead code02:39
claygI gave up on understandinng multi-phase put ages ago and have been relying on the tests almost entirely - but I didn't try to write a test specifically to demonstrate the issue they're concerned about02:39
torgomaticor at least, not called02:39
torgomaticyou have to call _get_put_responses with thing1=True and thing2=True, and the only two call sites are F/T and T/F02:40
claygtorgomatic: well can you give me a diff that removes it?02:40
claygtorgomatic: I mean... if you have one02:40
torgomaticclayg: https://gist.github.com/smerritt/ceacbc30d29772b52e5102:40
torgomatictests are still running on my machine though, so give me about 300 seconds02:41
claygtorgomatic: ack!  thanks!02:41
notmyname(same here for fragfragfrag)02:41
claygwell then everyone stop worrying!  geez02:42
notmynameyou'll see02:42
* torgomatic hides02:42
notmynamealso quake102:42
notmynametorgomatic: conversation between clayg and acoles_away earlier based on something acoles_away said in gerrit. changing the name of one of the headers to be consistent02:43
torgomaticok, my tests pass02:45
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claygtorgomatic: ok so i should squash that diff you gave - or did you add anything else?02:58
torgomaticclayg: that's it, really02:58
claygmattoliverau: peluse: any luck with the gather on diskf iles?02:58
torgomaticthere's one other tiny cleanup, but it doesn't affect correctness02:58
mattoliverauclayg: df.write_metadata(extra_meta) fails in your new test with an assert error 'On-disk file search algorithm contract is broken' because it doesn't find the durable file. So can't get a successful even first assert02:58
peluseclayg, at the top of _verify_on_disk_files() there's a check for "sole meta" that checks for fi not equal non, if you remove that check ithe test passes02:58
peluse        if frag_index is not None and not accepted_files.get('.data'):02:58
peluse            # We may find only a .meta if searching for a specific frag index02:58
peluse            # that is not present. That does not mean the on disk contract is02:58
peluse            # broken, so clear the .meta to comply with superclass assertions.02:58
peluse            accepted_files['.meta'] = None02:58
peluseso the comment suggests acoles_away felt like this was only valid if FI was specified02:59
claygpeluse: where was that?03:00
claygahh _verify03:00
peluseif you kill the "if frag_index is not None" condition things work03:00
claygpeluse: do any other tests fail?03:00
pelusegood Q, one min03:00
claygbecause I really like the idea of just clearing the .meta if not .data03:01
peluseyeh, a few :)03:01
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peluse2 errors, 3 failures03:01
clayghrmmm... i only saw the two failures03:02
pelusejust assertions to be tweaked because of the code change though03:02
claygpeluse: this was my interpretation of your words -> https://gist.github.com/clayg/07468e4c5476b87e50e203:03
claygand both of the failures I see look totally reasonable in light of the behavior we want03:03
peluseand I believe this is just an overlooked case and that change is a good fix03:03
pelusew/the comment cleaned up of course03:04
mattoliveraunice work guys03:04
claygoh yeah the comment03:04
pelusebecause clearly we've found a case where you can have .meta without the .durable :)03:04
clayge.g. one of peluse's terribly terribly mean probetests03:05
notmynameclayg: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/effac114a81e5d1bbeca03:06
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notmynameclayg: that works, but I need to figure out probetests. after chowning the dirs, i'm getting new and exciting errors03:06
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notmynameclayg: that's a diff on top of the docs patch (end of the chain)03:07
mattoliveraunotmyname: you could probably change the comment "+* ``X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index``: Also known as the "fragment index"." cause obviously frag-index is known as the fragment index, I think it said that before to let people know that archive-index is also known as fragment index.03:08
mattoliveraubut meh, clayg can fix that :P03:08
claygmattoliverau: thanks :\03:09
claygpeluse: gd, I have no idea how to fix either of these tests03:09
mattoliverauclayg: you are the ec_review master after all :P03:09
claygthe 'make sure this breaks' assertion error test is crap - it's basically - make sure there's a landmind here - and we're like - we need to fix this landmine!03:09
peluseheh, brb03:11
notmynameclayg: ^^ better version with better words for docs03:12
notmynamemattoliverau: there03:13
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notmynametorgomatic: that's fragfragfrag03:13
mattoliveraunotmyname: much better ;)03:13
claygnotmyname: next, can you address acoles last comment on -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169990/03:14
mattoliverauI call that reviewing in flight  (before it hit gerrit) :P03:14
notmynameclayg: this seems apropos at the moment https://twitter.com/teabass/status/58543663942356992103:14
claygpeluse: I'm inclined to this fix for the assertion test -> https://gist.github.com/clayg/294e0399f335296e57a603:14
claygpeluse: still not sure what to do with the gather ondisk files failure for the scenario I added of .data .meta (no durable)03:15
notmynameclayg: yes. on it. and I need to take his comments for the changelog too along the same lines03:15
* peluse on the phone for a few minutes03:15
claygnotmyname: good one03:16
claygok, found the solution for the gather_tests too - running the mean probe test03:18
claygnotmyname: oh... maybe you should figure out what's going on with your probetests instead03:18
claygmattoliverau: you're a word smith - can you do anything about acoles comment on the doc patch?03:18
notmynameprobably because I use real disks03:18
mattoliverauclayg: I'll take a look03:19
notmynameclayg: mattoliverau: I've got the docs change03:19
claygnotmyname: so what are the things at /srv/nodeX/sdbX - symlinks?03:19
claygnotmyname: I want to say all peluse does is rename them - are they not owned by the user running tests maybe?03:19
notmynameclayg: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/04f4e8c04c7c24ec9e1303:19
claygok, so - i acctually have a diff that would help with that sorta03:20
claygwell not entirely03:20
claygit makes helper methods to do the "make this disk act like it's unmounted"03:21
notmynameoh cool03:21
claygso if we used those helper methods in all the reconstrctor tests - and then made them smart in the face of os.ismount - that would be slightly better03:21
notmynameI'm not in love with the saio config of having mount points like that. doubling up on 1..403:21
claygin that you know... our ptl could acctually run probetests :\03:21
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claygnotmyname: not sure I follow?  having more than one disk per object-server process is bumming you out?  or just the way that it goes 1&4,2&5,3&6..03:22
notmynameoh, yeah that's fine. /undo previous comment03:23
claygbah, nm the diff i had for the brain splitter decided to "fix" the account & container servers (via BaseStorageServer no less) to work with the check_dir constraint like the object server does03:24
claygno wonder I decided to throw it in a branch until after EC03:24
claygnotmyname: so it's just the revert test that is failing for you?03:26
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notmynamemattoliverau: wordsmithing https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/wJULuIYgXc03:27
claygwow, i don't think i get the same page you do there :\03:29
notmynameI'm told a refresh seems to make it sort itself out03:29
notmyname-infra just upgraded the etherpad install03:29
claygnotmyname: how are we going to programmatically unmount and mount your devices?  does os.system('umount %s' % device_path) work?03:29
claygmaybe too much..03:30
notmyname"only root can unmount..."03:30
claygnotmyname: well gd - what's a test supposed to do!?03:31
peluseoh man, this is for notmynames non-SAIO env?03:31
claygheh... what's a test to *SU*do????03:31
notmynamepeluse: no, my saio env!03:31
peluseyeah, I mean using real moint points :)03:31
claygI think torgomatic may also roll with mount_check=True - maybe he uses symlinks tho03:31
claygnotmyname: does the docs say to use symlinks?03:32
torgomaticmy stuff's all symlinky03:32
notmynametorgomatic: teach me!03:32
torgomaticthe docs do recommend symlinks, I think03:32
* notmyname goes and looks03:32
claygpeluse: good news - durable probetest thing passes with our diskfile changes - you rock!03:32
notmynameclayg: I'll be it works AWESOME with vagrant-saio03:32
claygnotmyname: of course it does03:33
torgomaticnotmyname: I dunno; I just copied and pasted what was in the docs03:33
torgomaticmake a loopback xfs thingy, then make a bunch of symlinks into it03:33
claygtorgomatic: oh so you *do* use mount_check=false03:33
claygnotmyname: I think I honestly used to do what you have - direct mounts of real devices into /srv/node03:34
torgomaticclayg: yeah, looks like it03:34
claygwhich I think it'd be nice if the probetests supported03:34
claygnotmyname: can you try os.system('sudo unmount %s' % device_path) ???03:34
notmynameclayg: totally works (since my swift user is ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL)03:35
claygnotmyname: oh man - your frag changes is going to be all over the diffs03:35
claygok, I think i can work with that03:36
notmynamemattoliverau: note updated. look good?03:37
pelusenotmyname, yeah, I added that note.  Looks good03:38
notmynamepeluse: ah, thanks :-)03:38
pelusenotmyname, do you want to specifically mention performance though just in case its a real dog?03:38
notmynameclayg: are you about to do something? can I push over the docs patch?03:39
mattoliveraunotmyname: yup, looks good to me, and should now pop in the documentation :)03:39
notmynamepeluse: no, not in that note. perf is mentioned in other places03:39
pelusewanted to make sure it wasn't overlooked03:39
claygnotmyname: you can push03:40
notmynamepeluse: I'll add a note into the "performance considerations" section later in that doc03:40
claygpeluse: do you want to try to extra the calls to renamer in test_revert to call some helpers called "unmount" and "mount" so that notmyname and I can play around with an if os.ismount check branch that will call os.system() instead of the renamer?03:41
claygpeluse: i'm seeing if I can get all these changes from notmyname's diff screwed into the right patchsets03:42
claygpeluse: you're a doll!03:42
* clayg needs some tunes03:42
notmynameIn general, EC has different performance characteristics than replicated data.03:42
notmynameEC requires substantially more CPU to read and write data, and is more suited03:42
notmynameto larger objects that are not frequently accessed (eg backups).03:42
peluseoh ow, that's a first!03:42
notmynameis that paragraph sufficient for now for perf considerations?03:43
notmynames/suited to larger/suited for larger/03:43
claygnotmyname: read/write/reconstruct/reocvery/consistency/something03:44
notmynameclayg: *everything*. you know what? just go by a pallet of CPUs before you deploy this03:44
clayg... probably :\03:44
mattoliverauVisit Intel at: URL :p03:45
claygalso infinite bandwith and all flash primary storage03:45
clayg^ would be nice03:45
notmynameclayg: ok, docs just pushed03:46
claygnotmyname: cool03:46
* torgomatic goes to put the kid to bed03:49
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: 2.3.0 authors and changelog updates  https://review.openstack.org/17257303:52
notmynamesame words put there03:52
claygpeluse: oh wait - did you have a fixup for the _verify method that included the better words for the comment?03:52
peluseno, just remove the part about "if looking for specific FI"03:53
peluseis this what you were thinking for the revert change? https://gist.github.com/peluse/54b2b266b2856075e2f603:54
claygpeluse: you haven't been paying attention03:54
peluseand then add whatever switch for doing mount/unmount insttead03:54
claygany time I try to type a comment or doc string it's a terrible mess of spelling errors and fixups03:54
claygthe only hope is a diff03:54
peluseyeah, like my typing is any beter03:54
sorrisonhi guys have another swift issue for you I'm hoping you can help me with03:54
claygpeluse: well maybe if you can get mattoliverau to review it03:54
notmynamesorrison: pm me about it, please03:55
peluseyeah, mattoliverau can type!03:55
claygpeluse: yeah mostly like that - except that instead of if self.kill_method it'll be a if os.ismount03:55
claygpeluse: anyway - i'll take that diff - thanks03:55
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pelusewell, I figured you'd put that in the kill_drive() routine based on kill_method as defined by someone for some reason03:56
mattoliverauwhat am I typing? rewording the verify comment?03:56
peluseyeah, that's the ticket03:56
claygmattoliverau: oh yess please!03:56
peluseoh, os.ismount, duh.  that's the condition03:57
claygoh right, I was still auditing acoles comments on the reconstructor change03:58
claygpeluse: you're not doing anything right now right?03:58
claygpeluse: basically i just go through the comments on patch set 6 and make sure they all get marked Done after verifying the fix in patch set 7 or make new comments on patch set 703:59
peluseyou mean you want me to do that right?04:00
claygunless you had something else in mind :D04:02
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pelusenope, I'm on it04:03
pelusedid you mean to include the new probe test for missing durable in that set or is another pending?04:03
clayganother is pending - now that it passes I'm going to add it04:04
claygmattoliverau: you got some words for me?04:05
pelusecool, I'll get this one all audited in the meantime04:05
mattoliverauclayg: something like: http://paste.openstack.org/show/203817/04:05
mattoliverauright, just gabbing some lunch brb04:07
claygnotmyname: I thought the Co-Authoried-By lines were supposed to be alpha betical - but that's not true04:08
notmynameI thought so04:09
notmynamedid I mess it up?04:09
notmynamedoh! I always mess up ordering with tdasilva04:09
claygnotmyname: oh nm, I apparently don't know what letter da Silva starts with04:09
notmynamemy eyes go to the "S" and he uses the "da"04:09
notmynameit's still wrong :-)04:10
claygare you sure?  does it "startwith" d or S?04:10
notmynameda is before di04:12
claygand it has come to this -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabetical_order#Ordering_by_surname04:12
notmynamethat says, "good luck"04:13
notmynameclayg: just put his name before mine. that's the right way.04:14
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claygnotmyname: John Dickinson <me@not.mn> ?04:14
notmynameyup. oh yeah. looks like I added a : there too. don't do that04:15
notmynameagain, http://i.imgur.com/ES6sP.jpg04:16
peluseclayg, OK, done04:16
clayghehehe - not quite as funny the second time - but still awesome04:17
claygpeluse: thanks!04:17
pelusemy pleasure!!04:17
claygpeluse: did I miss anything important or mostly just acoles_away whining?04:17
claygpeluse: oh right the etag thing - i acctually had no idea what he was talking about there :\04:18
pelusenothing important except maybe the one about Etag vs ETag in the odl DiskFileLikeThingy  class that you renamed to something really professional soundsing :)04:18
peluseyeah, me neither!04:18
clayglol at something professional04:19
claygfuck that noise04:19
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peluseoh, and this.  I'll add a comment: test/probe/test_reconstructor_prop_durable.py:20:1: F401 'shutil' imported but unused04:19
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: 2.3.0 authors and changelog updates  https://review.openstack.org/17257304:19
peluseoh wait, you haven't taken that file in yet :)04:19
claygI think i just named it test_reconstructor_durable - but I did remove the shutil ;)04:19
claygbah - i guess i'll try to understand what he was getting at with the etag thing :\04:20
pelusebut when you do.... https://gist.github.com/peluse/a38f8fb516425ef2a90504:20
peluseoh, OK, never mind :)04:21
claygpeluse: i think that test does not use proxy_get?04:21
peluseyeah, I dont think so04:21
peluseclayg, I'm done for the night... leave me a note for a.m. work I'll be on at 5ish ready to do whatever04:24
notmynamepeluse: should be done by then, I hope04:24
claygpeluse: ok, np thanks for everything04:25
peluseor if there's something I can do now - say the word04:25
claygyeah we're bout to pull this thing out of the oven04:25
clayggod i wish flake8 wasn't so fucking slow - why is flake8 so fucking slow?04:25
notmynameclayg: you've been rebasing ec_review against master right?04:31
notmynameI think there was one thing that landed there04:31
claygnotmyname: ummm... nope04:31
notmynamelooks like there might be a few conflicts. I'm going through them04:32
claygawww man - can you get them pushed into ec_review?04:32
clayggd, I think flake8 is slower than our unitests?  how is this even possible!?04:32
claygi think it's all those hacking checks04:32
notmynamewow. don't we have most of them turned off?04:33
claygi bet it still runs them04:33
claygthen ignores the04:33
notmynamejsut supresses the result?04:33
claygi don't really know04:33
mattoliverauAnd back04:33
claygi'm just in a mood04:33
claygmattoliverau: can you make flake8 faster?  kthnxbai04:33
mattoliverauSure let's just make it yay less :p04:34
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notmynameclayg: what do you have queued to push?04:39
notmynameif it's several things, push it and I'll start the rebase from there04:39
claygnotmyname: but i'm on my last sha for my comprehensive flake8 test104:40
notmynameok :-)04:40
notmynamehurry up, flake8!!!!04:40
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claygsome how it seems unresonable to me that running flake8 on our code base ten times is a 20 minute affiar :\04:41
* notmyname goes to look for some food* while flake8 finishes04:43
torgomaticthe asterisk has me curious04:44
mattoliverauYeah, is it liquid food? ;)04:45
notmynameice cream!04:46
notmynamemattoliverau: there will be plenty of time for that after all this is through ;-)04:47
torgomaticso, eventually liquid. got it.04:47
notmynametorgomatic: most food is ;-)04:47
claygnotmyname: just a couple more spot checks - I think I'm done04:50
claygok, I'm not sure I can think of anything I forgot04:52
claygi'm going to push up where we're at - there some good stuff i've only got on my local machine - so better to throw it out here i hope04:52
claygoh... but wait - you said there's some rebase against master I'm going to ahve to deal with?04:53
notmynameclayg: ya, I was going to take the patch chain and do that once you push it up04:53
notmyname...or you can ;-)04:53
claygnotmyname: also you should try out that revert probe test see if I was anywhere close to right04:54
notmynameoh, I'll run tests04:54
notmynameclayg: if you push that up, I'll work on the rebase, and if you could gather a "where we're at" status, that'd be swell04:54
claygwhere we're at == done as far as I know04:55
notmynamewell, still need to rebase against master and check it out. small things, only AFAICT04:55
notmynametorgomatic: still around?04:56
claygtorgomatic: it's a trap!04:57
notmynameok, so if we have the "done" patch chain up for ec_review, then we've got torgomatic clayg mattoliverau and myself for marking +2,+A on everything. of course with other existing votes from acoles_away cschwede peluse and tdasilva totally counting too04:57
torgomaticIOW enough votes to kick things off04:58
notmynameto satisfy the process gods04:58
claygnotmyname: i'm reviewing the diffs that came up from tonight to make sure i pushed up what I thought I did04:58
claygi'm on the proxy change now - things are looking good04:59
claygit's all s/archive/frag and fixing the gather-ondisk-assertion bug so far04:59
notmynameI was fully expecting to be up well past midnight. this is great news (/me counts chickens, "one egg, two eggs, ...")04:59
claygoh and torgomatic's clean up of the quorum thing04:59
notmynameclayg: wait did you just push stuff? I got a bunch of emails05:00
notmynamedid you rebase?05:01
claygyeah sometime right after - "better to throw it out there" and "were at done"05:01
claygnotmyname: NO?05:01
notmynameok. looking05:01
claygwas i suppose to?05:01
torgomaticpossibly the frag stuff?05:01
claygi'm confused05:01
claygtorgomatic: no i got all that notmyname sent me the diff05:01
claygtorgomatic: he's all up in your co-authors now!05:02
torgomaticclayg: ah, got it05:02
notmynameyeah, some merge conflicts with master. let me work through them05:02
claygnotmyname: sounds great!  I'll get a beer!05:02
notmynamerebased and unit tests passed. running functests05:09
notmynamehttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/170340/ is the only one that conflicted (container sync one)05:10
notmynamediff is https://gist.github.com/notmyname/d3d86c8f46ea01585b9f05:10
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torgomaticthat looks like an easy enough merge05:13
notmynameclayg: did you intentionally leave off the co-authored-lines on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170666/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170340/ ?05:13
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notmynameclayg: hang on before you start editing, I think I can do it from here, if that's ok with you05:17
claygnotmyname: myabe?  was that container sync and reaper?05:17
claygnotmyname: yeah knock yourself out!05:17
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claygi think container-sync was like all yuan - and the reaper I just threw together at some point - not point blaming everyone for that mess05:17
notmynameok, ack05:17
claygbut I wouldn't be offended if that was "fixed"05:18
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claygnotmyname: anyway that diff for container sync looks right I think?05:19
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notmynameclayg: I'm assuming you added me only on the ones that I touched?05:20
claygyeah I think so?05:20
notmynameok, I assumed so. just checking05:20
claygnotmyname: hey test that revert prbetest for me05:21
notmynamerunning right now05:21
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claygmattoliverau: I wonder if the commit message for the ec-docs change should be better?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/16999005:24
claygnotmyname: i just finished my spot check on the diffs I pushed tonight and I think they're all solid - just what we wanted to change - nothing slipped in that I saw05:25
mattoliverauyeah probably should be, I'll add one and push it up.05:25
claygmattoliverau: co-ordinate the push with notmyname05:25
notmynameok, great05:25
notmynamemattoliverau: ya, give me the text. I'm gonna push the whole chain up with some commit message stuff taken care of05:25
mattoliveraunotmyname: sure, give me a minute then05:25
notmynameeg all the examples I saw had the co-authored lines in the last paragraph.05:26
notmynamealso, I've got the rebased version05:26
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notmynamedooo-dee-doo /probetests/05:28
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notmynameoh, sorrison's issue he popped in to ask about earlier was that the remote region had been configured with different salts in swift.conf and therefore was quarantining everything05:30
torgomaticheh, I love that failure mode05:31
torgomatic"this one stupid machine keeps quarantining everything!"05:31
notmynameof course, the cluster seems fine to users :-)05:32
mattoliveraunotmyname: http://paste.openstack.org/show/203820/05:32
cschwedeGood Morning!05:32
notmynamecschwede: yo!05:33
mattoliveraucschwede: morning!05:33
notmynamecschwede: just in time!05:33
torgomaticI wonder if we could also store the hash of a well-known string in obj meta somewhere, like hash_path("/openstack/swift")05:33
kota_cschwede: morning05:33
torgomaticand then if that thing doesn't match, the auditor can emit a meaningful message05:33
notmynameoh wow. it is morning in germany05:33
cschwedeit’s crowded in here!05:33
torgomaticthat wouldn't take up too many bytes, especially if we gave it a short name and maybe even stored only like 4 bytes of hash05:34
notmynamecschwede: we're nearly done!05:34
cschwedenotmyname: awesome :D05:35
torgomaticso you could still have undetected mistakes, but with low probability (on the order of 1 in 2**32)05:35
claygtorgomatic:  you eamn like have the proxy send down the hash of that path with every object PUT?05:37
torgomaticclayg: no, just have the object server compute that and store it05:37
torgomaticalthough that might not help... yeah, I dunno05:37
cschwedemattoliverau: notmyname: theres an extra colon after Johns name in http://paste.openstack.org/show/203820/05:38
torgomaticyou're right, the proxy would have to do it05:38
notmynamecschwede: I'll fix it05:38
claygtorgomatic: I have no idea what we're talking about05:38
mattoliveraucschwede: damn those colons05:38
claygtorgomatic: why can't you just have a management system that always rights out a correct swift.conf ;)05:38
torgomaticclayg: some guy screwed up his swift.conf on one node, so his auditor quarantined the world05:38
torgomaticclayg: seriously ;)05:38
notmynameclayg: I'm still getting "OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy"05:38
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claygnotmyname: well damnit!05:39
cschwedewhat is the most important thing this morning/evening, besides adding my +2s?05:39
notmynameclayg: trying different permutations: umount -f, umount -fl, etc05:39
claygcschwede: notmyname doesn't know how to saio05:39
clayglazy unmount is the worst :\05:39
claygi've found its almost never what I want - but YMMV05:39
notmynamewhat's the umount invocation to actually unmount DO IT NOW05:39
notmynamealso, umount vs unmount?05:39
claygnotmyname: don't be snot - i told you I didn't test it05:40
notmynameno, I'd assumed I was wrong there ;-)05:40
claygnotmyname: heh, you guys only *thought* my code was crap *before* you realized this is only as bad as it gets *after* I wrote a bunch of unittests :\05:41
claygnotmyname: my supply of bugs is practially unlimited when I don't have to test it05:42
claygnotmyname: how do you think I come up with our interview problems?05:42
notmynameso `umount -fl` seems to be the right spelling, but why doesn't it work?05:42
* clayg types something up and does run it05:42
clayg*BAM* crapy code05:42
notmyname"so we've got a guy who writes bad code and you need to fix it" <<-- actual swiftstack interview question05:43
clayg^ say every person ever that's had to work with clayg05:43
cschwedeinteresting tactic!05:43
claygnotmyname: i'm not sure, lsof might have something interesting to say about it05:43
notmynamehang on05:44
claygcschwede: so it's early for you ya?05:44
claygcschwede: what's the delta with you and acoles_away ?05:45
claygcschwede: all of europe has like one timezone right?05:45
mattoliverauwhich is different then the UK05:45
cschwedeclayg: for me its 7:45am; I’m a little bit earlier than normal to catch up with you guys05:45
notmynamemattoliverau: no, that's the money05:45
cschwedeacoles is one hour difference, 6:45am now05:45
claygmattoliverau: hey that's a good commit message05:46
notmynameI see what the issue is05:46
notmynameclayg didn't test it! ;-)05:47
mattoliverauclayg: well better then what was there :P05:47
claygcheck-tempest-dsvm-full i'm going to punch you in the teeth05:47
notmynamegot it05:47
notmynamenow which patch is that in?05:48
claygnotmyname: ec-recon05:48
claygkota_: did you post comments to a stale diff?05:48
kota_clayg: yes, I was reviewing during you changes something like frag-index05:49
kota_clayg: for now, I 'm on the rebased one of the same patch (patch 169987)05:50
patchbotkota_: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169987/05:50
notmynameok, I'm ready to push a "final" patch chain05:50
notmynamesomething from kota_ to look at?05:51
claygkota_: http://effbot.org/zone/default-values.htm <- interesting read05:51
cschwedei’m wondering if we should add a sample EC policy that is suitable for SAIO. The default 10+4 doesn’t work on SAIO, thus people might raise a lot of questions on this05:51
claygnotmyname: I think they were mostly "could be cleaned up later"05:51
claygcschwede: the example in the saio docs works on saio's :D05:52
notmynamegot it05:52
kota_clayg: oh, I didn't notice. so interesting but I was wrong, sorry.05:52
cschwedeclayg: yeah, but not the example in swift.conf, and i heard there are people not reading the fine manuals. but maybe i’m just too pessimistic on this05:53
claygcschwede: not sure - i kinda like the swift.conf sample to be more "practical"05:54
claygcschwede: if you want to setup a saio that has 16 disks so you can run a 10+4 you totally should!05:54
cschwedeclayg: I want that SAIO! right now!05:54
claygnotmyname: what'd you do!?05:54
claygcschwede: vagrant-swift-all-in-one can sorta do it05:55
notmynamepatch 16989705:55
patchbotnotmyname: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169897/05:55
claygyou can get a 10+2 pretty easy anyway05:55
cschwedeclayg: you’re right, let’s keep it as it is05:55
claygnotmyname: so what?05:55
notmynameclayg: gerrit is rejecting me because I'm trying to push that one, which is closed05:55
claygcschwede: i don't know if i'm *right* - but that's how it says now - and it's *defensible* - which is about as much as I strive for these days05:56
claygnotmyname: so don't do that?05:56
notmynameclayg: yeah, I gotta figure out how to not have it as the base of my chain. the rebase picked it up too, but it had landed already05:57
claygnotmyname: I don't get it - you should ignore me and just fix it - i'm not helping anyone05:57
notmynameok, there!05:59
notmynameok, everything is final05:59
claygand notmyname scores the last word!05:59
notmynamewell, final-final will be the merge commit tomorrow06:00
notmynameso if all this is ok, then we add our +2s +As to these and then clayg pulls the cork ont he first one06:00
torgomaticso is it all pushed up now?06:00
cschwedenotmyname: you saw my comment on the docs? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169990/16..17/doc/source/overview_erasure_code.rst06:01
notmynameuh oh06:01
notmynamewhat got lost?06:01
claygnotmyname: sorry man I thought i added that in from you diff - but then I probably lost it again when I when cherry picked the most recent doc commit :\06:02
notmynameah ok06:02
claygprocess fail06:02
claygyou think i'd be better at this after doing it for two weeks06:02
notmynameno worries06:03
notmynamethat's the only thing I see on that06:03
claygmattoliverau: you're going to do the next feature brach - it'll be way better for everyone involved (except you, it'll suck for you, but i'm acctually ok with that)06:03
mattoliverauclayg: lol, but your so good at it :P06:03
notmynamemattoliverau: he volunteered!06:03
mattoliverauthat was not a volunteer... aww crap..06:04
cschwedehopefully all big features have been implemented before the rotation reaches Europe… ;)06:04
claygyeah yeah - but like bus factor - you'll see - you guys only think i've done a decent job because you don't realize how good mattoliverau would be at it06:04
claygcschwede: lol06:04
mattoliveraupfft as if, clayg you did an awesome job, thank you06:04
claygmattoliverau: np, thanks for all the help06:05
claygok ok enough of that then06:05
notmynameclayg: do you still have that diff?06:05
* clayg gets the last word after all!06:05
notmynameclayg: too late ;-)06:07
claygnotmyname:  nice ;)06:07
notmynameok, now we're done (I hope)06:08
notmynamecschwede: thanks. good catch06:08
claygyeah that diff didn't apply at all - i was going to just fix by hand but you must have seen the same thing06:08
notmynameI though I had some nicer words, but I don't remember what they were06:08
claygyeah we'll see what acoles_away thinks about patch 169987 in the am06:08
patchbotclayg: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169987/06:08
claygnotmyname: oh here's the diff -> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/notmyname/9fd0a28fa36b9fe9c1de/raw/efbee3ead4268c3c4f19c40af42f83296b7842d5/gistfile1.txt06:09
notmynameoh, that didn't have it anyway06:09
claygnotmyname: oh, ok well I think it's all good06:10
claygnotmyname: it got the beta part06:10
* notmyname is going through and adding +2 to everything06:11
mattoliveraunotmyname: I thought you only said: "The fragment index"06:11
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notmynamemattoliverau: yeah, I think I had changed it locally to be more eloquent06:11
mattoliveraulol, cause I was going to say :P06:11
claygit's fine06:12
claygliving document people06:12
notmynameok, anyone else want to put a +2 on the patches?06:13
notmynamelooks like torgomatic already has06:13
torgomaticworking on it06:13
torgomaticI'm looking over diffs from patchset N-1 to N just to be sure06:13
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notmynamethat's smart ;-)06:13
mattoliverauand I'm +Aing stuff.. cause I can06:13
notmynameok, in a bit once everyone has had a chance to do so, we'll land it all so that jenkins can do it's thing to land it on feature/ec_review06:14
notmynamethose of you for whom it isn't the middle of the night, please kick jenkins as necessary over the next few hours (ie recheck)06:14
notmynamethat way, in about 9ish hours (ie my tomorrow morning) I'll do the single merge commit to master06:15
notmynameand queue up the rest of the stuff pending to master06:15
claygnotmyname: charz: ok - so tomorrow we're going to do some massive reconstructor tests right?  I wanna load up a see what it looks like to rebuild a a few TB of fragment archives!06:15
cschwedenotmyname:  when do you pull the plug? i’m wondering if you need to add a -2 on the first patch and clayg remove his one afterwards, to ensure you can pull the plug06:15
notmynamewith the hope of tomorrow afternoon (my time), we'll have a SHA on master that is good for the RC06:15
notmynamecschwede: no, clayg can remove the -2 at any time06:16
claygoh right - cause worst that happens is we merge to ec_review - sweet - i'm down06:16
notmynamecschwede: that will let the ec_review patches land. the single patch to master will be tomorrow.06:16
cschwedenotmyname: ah, ok, i thought you would do that finally06:16
notmynamestill, please don't merge anything else to master until after ec lands tomorrow06:16
*** ChanServ changes topic to "HARD freeze of master in effect | EC Merge plan: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ec_merge_plan | Review Dashboard: http://goo.gl/vysJqI | Summit scheduling: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-swift-summit-topics | Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-swift/"06:17
claygmattoliverau: might you consider letting acoles have the final +A on patch 169987 when he wakes up in a few?06:18
patchbotclayg: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169987/06:18
mattoliverausure :)06:18
torgomaticalright, I've done the bookkeeping stuff06:19
notmynamethanks :-)06:19
* torgomatic is out06:20
mattoliverauDid we decide to ignore peluse's ETage/Etag comment in patch #17033906:21
notmynamepatch 17033906:22
patchbotnotmyname: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170339/06:22
claygmattoliverau: yeah :\06:22
claygpeluse and I didn't quite grok what he was getting at06:22
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claygmattoliverau: I think he was pointing out that some unless information was getting transfered/stored in Etag - but it was a pre-existing and benign issue.06:24
mattoliverausounded like he just wanted to add a try/except cause in some case there could be an Etag header rather then ETag.. but he said its benign to swift so.. moving on06:24
mattoliverauclayg: what you said :P06:24
claygmattoliverau: yeah I think since the reader always looks at ETag it just doesn't matter - idk, maybe it was worth fixing in the ECDiskFile case?06:26
mattoliveraumeh, peluse can fix it in the next release :)06:27
charzclayg: notmyname Cool! So I can do tests on community cluster with ec_review in my tmr morning.06:27
mattoliverauif it needs to be fixed06:27
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claygcharz: will that effect the CI testing?06:28
notmynamecharz: ya, should be pretty soon. most of the delay will be getting the openstack-ci system to churn through the patches and land them06:28
claygcharz: do we have any other gear we can deploy on in the lab?06:28
notmynameclayg: I'm thinking that we should temporarily turn off the public patches and do some ec testing on those. but we have some other boxes too06:29
notmynameclayg: I've also got to put in the 8TB drives into the qa cluster06:29
charzclayg: yeah, we're going to turn off the jobs of jenkins tempoary.06:30
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claygcharz: ok wfm06:31
claygcharz: what about the supermicro gear?06:32
charzclayg: Maybe I can turn on the jobs in your day and off it in night. And I can work on it in my day.06:33
claygcharz: I'd love to get my hands dirty too if you're not scared about me getting all up in the lab (hint: you should totally be scared about me getting all up the lab)06:34
claygcharz: I'll check with mlanner in the am and see if he thinks there's any boxes ic an play with06:34
claygthere's a couple of nodes from the kinetic rack I could probably borrow - maybe I fould find some object nodes to throw in with them06:34
charzclayg: Yeah! but It(smcluster) lacks a power cable or something.06:35
claygwe also have the old cluster we had attached to staging that was all beat up - I bet I could mess with that up06:35
claygcharz: ok, cool - i'm sure we can find something to keep me busy06:35
notmynameif there's one thing we have, it's a lot of ghetto swift clusters ;-)06:35
* clayg is easily entertained06:35
claygnotmyname: hey they're getting better!  :P06:36
notmynameoh, definitely!06:36
claygpeluse: cschwede: mattoliverau: you guys be hoarding any gear for the cause?06:36
charzclayg: LOL06:36
mattoliverauacoles_away: I've left patch 170339 (reconstructor) [or cschwede] and 169987 (Per policy diskfile) for you to review and give a final +A of. Cause you know that code better then I :)06:37
patchbotmattoliverau: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170339/06:37
claygnormally everyone is all like "let us know if you need any gear for testing!" - and i'm all like "nah, mostly we just need code"06:37
notmynameclayg: go +2/+A the docs patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169990/06:38
*** acoles_away is now known as acoles06:38
notmynameit's acoles!!06:38
claygi knew you coud'nt stay away long06:38
acolesgood morning!06:38
mattoliverauwell, I have rackspace public cloud at my finger tips :)06:38
claygnotmyname: and you said you weren't going to be up till midnight06:38
acolesso what's the story?06:39
claygmattoliverau: and all the CBS volumes we could want?06:39
claygmattoliverau: :D06:39
claygacoles: ignore everyone - go look at patch 16998706:39
patchbotclayg: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169987/06:39
notmynameclayg: I've still got 21 minutes, and I'm all fired up now06:39
mattoliverauhmm.. well if it's for work purposes.. hmm ;)06:39
notmynameclayg: I also said I expect to be up well past midnight ;-)06:40
notmynameacoles: the tl;dr is that we think we're done.06:40
claygnotmyname: he can't hear you06:40
clayghe's one with the code now06:40
mattoliverauacoles or cschwede: I left patch 170339 for one of you to +A as well06:41
patchbotmattoliverau: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170339/06:41
mattoliverau^^ reconstructor06:41
acoleswait, you changed it...06:41
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mattoliverauas I haven't reviewed that patch as much as the others06:41
* acoles reaches for his -206:41
clayghttp://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/matrix/images/8/88/Neo_stops_bullets_2.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20060831032053 <- acoles06:41
notmynameacoles: also, as a summary, everything is frag-index everywhere now06:42
claygmattoliverau: aww man the reconstructor commit message is all typo'd up - peluse was channling the clayg a little to hard when he typed it up :\06:42
notmynameit isn't pretty, but it's fine06:44
mattoliverauOne thing I like about my timezone.. midnight for SFO is 5PM my time.. perfect timing for me :P06:44
acolesclayg: i always hated that verify stuff06:46
claygacoles: pthpthtphthththt I thought you wrote it!?06:46
notmynamelooks like we'll have some jenkins baby sitting to do: https://jenkins04.openstack.org/job/gate-swift-python27/1536/console06:47
notmynamealready a py27 test failed06:47
acolesclayg: well i morphed what was in legacy06:47
cschwedenotmyname: that’s another unsorted dict it seems06:48
cschwedelook at the strings, abc-123 vs. 123-abc06:48
claygcschwede: sweet does that mean mattoliverau can re-write the reconstructor commit message after all!?06:49
cschwedeoh, no, it’s a set06:49
claygcschwede: oh :\06:50
claygwhat is with you guys linking to jenkins?06:50
notmynametests are still running, so I don't know of anything thing to link to06:50
claygcschwede: ok the items are set's but the suffix ordering is a string06:50
cschwedeclayg: so it might be that there are more places that might fail from time to time06:51
claygcschwede: oh god that's gross :\06:51
claygI think i'd prefer to just make the replicate requests always send sorted.keys() - then the test can trust the order06:52
claygcschwede: might help -> https://gist.github.com/clayg/116c3abc6566485f8b6706:53
cschwedeclayg: nice!06:54
cschwedeclayg: i apply this quickly locally and run tests, to see if it matches current test constraints06:54
acolescschwede: clayg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8GvDLDYhNM sing along with jenkins06:55
claygacoles: what did you do?  I'm randomly getting a KeyError on the del self.metadata['ETag'] line?!06:56
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acolesclayg: so about the verify problem - were you running tests with fst-post? how did you get a .meta file06:57
acolesclayg: what did *I* do?06:57
claygacoles: yeah I was running with fast post06:57
claygacoles: I didn't realize peluse added all those POSTs into the reconstructor tests06:58
acolesclayg: oh that was ambitious06:58
acolesclayg: so am i +A this right?06:58
claygacoles: yup06:58
notmynameacoles: thanks!06:59
notmynamewhat do we want to do with the tests? new patch? what do you see cschwede?06:59
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cschwedenotmyname: give me a minute, my saio is stuck+07:00
cschwedenotmyname: clayg: with clays diff all unit test pass locally07:01
notmynamecschwede: did they fail before the patch?07:01
cschwedenotmyname: i’d say let’s apply https://gist.github.com/clayg/116c3abc6566485f8b6707:01
notmynamefor you07:01
claygcschwede: yeah I like that one07:01
cschwedenotmyname: not for me, but for jenkins (the errors you linked above)07:01
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claygi'm staring at test_reconstruct_fa_with_mixed_new_etag trying to understand how it ever worked (second reconstrct_fa should always keyerror because it's reusing the metadata that ETag was already popped from?07:02
acolesclayg: yeah i just reproduced the key error by looping that test07:02
acolesstaring too07:02
mattoliverauclayg: is it a mutible defaults thing (like in the link you sent kota)? something isn't clearing07:03
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claygmattoliverau: idk, something is screwy - oh wait.. torgomatic fixed the with_ec_default ring07:04
claygmattoliverau: ok i have cschwede's fix and this one - i need a new commit message07:05
mattoliveraulol, ok, on ec recon right07:06
notmynameok, I've got a "new" patch chain with the sorted() call07:06
claygacoles: womm -> https://gist.github.com/clayg/c2ee5a252a042ce1949707:06
notmynamehaven't pushed07:06
claygnotmyname: I have the other fix too - and mattoliverau is going to fix our commit message07:06
notmynameas always ;-)07:06
cschwedeclayg: that fixes the etag issue?07:07
notmynameclayg: you'll push all of it then?07:07
claygnotmyname:  i can07:07
notmynameshould just affect reconstructor and docs07:07
notmynamethe last 2 in the chain07:07
claygcschwede: see how it was resuing the same metadata dict for the second call to reconstruct?07:07
notmynameyay mutable types!07:08
claygcschwede: the reason it was working is because the inserting the random invalid etag in the response list was preventing it from even getting to that code07:08
claygthen it started showing up because torgomatic fixed the default test policy for ec to be 10+4 instead of the faky 4+207:08
claygso the new_index think didn't always stick the bs response in the list of responses that the test grabbed07:09
claygso it would make it all the way to "i'm about to rebuild this!" only to blow up with the keyerror that we never saw because it never got that far07:09
cschwedeclayg: your fix for the etag issue works for me, looped it 50 times and passed always (without the patch it failed from time to time)07:09
claygacoles: see that - test coupling with the default policies!07:09
acolesclayg: but the test assert DiskFileErro which should be raised before the diskfile thing is constructed - so the Key Error revealed that DiskFileError wasn't being raised07:10
claygyah i think the real fix was the self.policy.ec_nparity instead of the hard coded 2 - but wrapping the metadata in the dict to prevent bleeding the mutated state doesn't hurt07:10
claygacoles:  yeah when the random placement of the invalid etag fell off the ec_ndata it would raise keyerror instead showing the diksfileerror wasn't getting raised07:10
acolesclayg: the DIskFileError is only raised when number of responses is < ec_ndata, so is it just that sometimes the frag you break isn't needed to make enough good responses07:10
claygi fixed the metadata thing only to find the diskfile error wasn't getting raised because of torgomatic's fix to the fake diskfile07:11
claygso it's good - this is better07:11
claygacoles: yeah you got it07:11
claygbut the self.policy.ec_nparity fix in that diff will square it 100% - make sure the invalid etag is in the bit of responses we need07:12
acolesclayg: oic, yup07:12
ahaleman, you guys are busy!07:13
claygahale: it's something07:13
notmynameahale: trying to give you new toys to play with ;-)07:13
tab__portante: i haven't managed to reponse to you yesterday regarding the question on which database is to be best used with Swift. Yes I am interested if the sqlite is OK to use in larger deployments ~1PB or is better to used MySQL/MariaDB? What's the practice?07:14
claygacoles: I don't really see where i'm limiting the available responses to ndata tho... maybe there's still an unlikely failure in there07:14
claygI want to say that on the 6+2 fake policy we were in this situation that a rebuild + 1 failure was as much erased codes as we could tolerate - but if I really did eat the 10+4 change we should be able to sustain one bad response07:15
claygyeah with_ec_default is 10+407:15
notmynametab__: there isn't a central DB in swift. and yes, there are many cluster that are _well_ above 1PB. (nor is there an opportunity to use anything other than sqlite in swift)07:15
notmynametab__: https://swiftstack.com/openstack-swift/ is a good starting place to understand the architecture of how it works07:17
mattoliverauclayg: how about something like: http://paste.openstack.org/show/203823/07:17
acolesclayg: it womm (your recon test change)07:17
mattoliverauthats my first attempt at rewording what was already there in the commit message07:18
acolestorgomatic: thanks for your reply on change log07:18
mattoliverauCapitalise the 'it' tho07:18
notmynamemattoliverau: looks good07:19
claygmattoliverau: yeah roger - thanks07:19
mattoliverauclose enough anyway07:19
mattoliverauprobably needs to break up the long sentences but meh07:19
claygacoles: although i feel like I should describe the purge/delete_reverted_objs a little more clearly than "it removes the partition"07:20
claygnotmyname: oh shit I don't have... no it's ok I got it07:20
notmynameit's all in gerrit. you got it :-)07:20
notmynameclayg: let us know when you push those last 2 patches07:21
tab__notmyname: ok thx. i am installing than mysql just for the purposes of keystone user authentication , but swift will run also sqlite for its own needs.07:27
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claygok - got the recon test fixup with the new commit message07:29
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claygany other nits?07:29
claygmight be our last chance?07:29
claygat some point we're going to have to let this baby be born07:29
notmynameI'm good07:29
claygacoles: cschwede: mattoliverau:07:29
mattoliverauclayg: give birth man, push :P07:31
claygok all the git review sha's look right - so I think i rebased correctly07:31
claygnotmyname: how do you fix the thing where it thinks you're pushing up to a closed chnage?07:32
notmynameyou gotta do `git review feature/ec_review`07:32
claygI think i got a bogus changeid in there07:33
notmynamean extra one? or because of the closed change?07:33
claygsigh, i'm not sure07:33
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notmynamewhich one gave you an error? it's on the output message of git review07:34
claygoh wait ohkay what happened now07:34
claygdid the think that makes git review smart like get reverted?07:34
notmynamenot quite07:34
notmynameit's the rebase to master that lost it07:34
notmynamedo you still have that in your patch chain locally?07:35
claygnotmyname: i got it - you were right07:35
claygreview feature/ec_review was the answer07:36
notmynameand I see the patches07:36
clayghttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/170339/ is ready for jenkins worst!07:36
claygand I think it's only that one and docs that need their +A added back07:36
notmynameinteresting. it looks like gerrit kept the existing +2s. I haven't seen that before07:37
notmynameoh, nm07:37
notmynamemakes sense, because I'm looking at the docs patch and it didn't effectively change. so gerrit kept it07:37
clayg"trivial rebase detected"07:37
cschwedeiirc that happens if gerrit is able to detect a rebase07:37
claygok i think i'm about to turn in07:38
mattoliverau+A'ed the reconstructor.. go jenkins go!07:38
claygi like pre-approving our diffs on the fly07:39
claygit's like some sort of evolved form a pair programming07:39
claygglobal programming?07:39
claygdistributed hack-a-thon-style-mergefest?07:39
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notmynameclayg: thanks for everything! get some rest :-)07:40
mattoliveraulol, can we have that on a t-shirt :P07:40
acolesgood work everyone!07:40
claygwell now I get to read zackmdavis's erausre code implimentation post07:40
mattoliverauAt swift we do distributed hack-a-thon-style-mergefest-ifying07:41
claygI really hope this makes it onto our blog - zackmdavis is a great author07:41
* clayg desperatly wants to give away the ending but doesn't want to spoil it07:41
cschwedeyay, first patch 169985 got merged07:43
patchbotcschwede: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169985/07:43
cschwedenotmyname: more sorted stuff things :/07:44
notmynamewhat https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169987/1007:45
claygi wonder if jenkins has a like a magic python build that tanslates dict.keys to sorted(dict.keys, reverse=True) to make sure no one sneaks in these little timebombs07:45
notmynamerequires a local merge to resolve?07:45
claygoh goodness - what did i do!?07:46
notmynameugh. what's going on here07:47
claygok, i think i have the last of those suffix order comparision fixes in07:48
cschwedethe error in https://jenkins03.openstack.org/job/gate-swift-python27/1358/console is strange, because it is sorted!07:48
claygcschwede: well that's the ssync calls - I only added the sort to the replicate request07:48
cschwedeclayg: but the test itself has a sorted() for both args just a few lines above07:49
claygbut that's just sorting the request tuples - not the lists in the tuples :\07:49
claygnotmyname: ok - so what's the sha I need to rebase on?07:50
clayga70782933 ec-test is merged - so that's probably a good one right?07:50
cschwedeclayg: ah, yes, you’re right about that sorting of the lists07:51
notmynameclayg: no07:51
notmynameclayg: rebase on gerrit/feature/ec_review07:51
claygnotmyname: wow - i had wqa all typed in vim and everything07:51
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notmynamerebasing on top of the now-current gerrit/feature/ec_review will sort out the merge commits and make it all cleaner07:52
notmynamealso, side benefit, you get the `git review` sanity back07:52
notmynameand since the other merge commits have landed (2 of them, but we only needed one), it's also good with master07:52
notmynameshort version: rebase on gerrit/feature/ec_review, and everything is good07:53
clayghrmm.. ok but I think this will clear the +2's unless gerrit is whicked smart07:53
notmynameand should be trivial rebase for everything, except fro what you just patched07:53
claygwhoa - nice one gerrit!07:53
notmynameyou just pushed it?07:54
claygnotmyname: yeah but I don't know about the .gitreview change coming back?  that's good?07:54
notmynameyes, it's fine07:54
notmynamebecause it's still on that branch07:54
claygohhhhkay - if you say so07:54
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claygacoles: you wanna try again on patch 169987 before notmyname beats you to it?07:55
patchbotclayg: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169987/07:55
acolesclayg: +A'd07:56
notmynameI added (back) all of the +As ont he others07:57
cschwede+2/A on all patches - yeah!07:57
notmynameyup, so a few minutes to make sure zuul likes it07:58
acolesclayg: i stared at your recon test some more, it works because the 'bad' response has newer timestamp so its etag is always preferred even though > ndata responses are received. there is only 1 response that has the preferred etag.07:58
acolesclayg: i expect you knew that!07:59
notmynameok, all tests now running in the gate07:59
mattoliverauclayg: this is for you: http://oliver.net.au/memes/swift2.jpg (NOTE: I stole the image from google images, don't know if I'm allowed to use it) :P08:00
notmynamenice :-)08:00
kota_mattoliverau: how great picture is :P08:01
notmynamesweet! py27 tests passed on the docs patch!08:04
notmynamethat means it all worked08:04
notmyname(and that us USA-ians can go to bed)08:04
mattoliverauyay, thanks USA-ians!08:04
notmynamecschwede: mattoliverau: acoles: can you check zuul from time to time and recheck as necessary to get stuff landed?08:05
cschwedenotmyname: sure!08:05
acolesyup all i'm going to do is watch zuul08:05
claygacoles: if you manager catches you drinking at work today tell him clayg says it's fine08:06
notmynameI was about to say that if acoles watches zuul with a drink in hand, it's well earned and totally deserved :-)08:07
acolesi'm not planning on going into the office08:08
claygwe are of one globally-distributed-hackathon-mergefest-ifying mind08:08
claygnight all - hoo ray ec - let's not do this again sometime!08:08
notmynameok, I've got a big day tomorrow. final merge stuff, plus I'm doing an openstack podcast where I'll totally be bragging on everyone08:08
notmynamegood night!08:08
acolesclayg: well done man!08:09
claygnotmyname: thanks champ!08:09
cschwedeGood night folks, rest well!08:09
claygacoles: all you brother08:09
kota_have a good night USA-ians!08:09
mattoliveraunight notmyname and clayg, you both rock!08:11
mattoliverauas does the rest of you, but keep working.. typey typey :P08:12
mattoliverauWell I'm going to go think about and cook dinner08:19
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cschwedeall patches passed the check queue, now in the gate :)08:45
kota_cschwede: great :)08:46
mattoliverauyay! I was just about to say that too :)08:46
acoleswho is getting the fireworks ready?08:47
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hoI'm ready :-)  (Im back from meeting now. Amazing progress!!!)08:58
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acolesheh. today i increased the scrollback lines option in my irc client :) that was a busy 12 hours!09:18
acolesclayg: peluse hats off to you guys for tracking down the .data + .meta assertion issue, sorry for that, i think way back peluse and i discussed our mutual dislike of those assertions.09:19
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acolesi slavishly followed what was there but i do question the sense of an ondisk 'contract' is a system that expects failures, like one day that contract will break. and for you that day was yesterday.09:21
acolesho: goo evening!09:21
acoles'good' even09:22
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claygacoles: we need a "things we hate about diskfile" list so that in the liberty refactors we can make sure we get rid off all of them09:23
hoacoles: goo"d" morning :-)09:27
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acolesclayg: yup.09:28
acolesclayg: sleep!! per-policy-diskfiles just merged09:28
* cschwede thinks clayg has a twin brother09:28
acolescschwede: the machine known as clayg could pass the turing test ;)09:30
hopatch 169989 was passed :-)09:31
patchbotho: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169989/09:31
cschwedeacoles: yes, definetely!09:31
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cschwedejust a few seconds to go in the gate…09:36
cschwedePARTY TIME!09:40
hofireworks: http://japan-fireworks.com/guide/miyajima.gif09:40
acolesi miss those days when jenkins would routinely throw us some random failures :)09:41
acolesho: nice!09:41
hoacoles: WONDERFUL!!!09:43
acolescschwede: http://s2.germany.travel/media/gcb_1/mice/kongresse/staedte_1/hamburg_6/EVE_04_q_019_RET_1024x768.jpg09:44
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cschwedeacoles: awesome, that’s 10 minues by bike from home :D and I’m sure I have some photos of the Queen Mary 2 from that evening (the ship in the upper left corner)09:49
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hoI'm gerous. If I could contribute swift community more, I could get great sense of achievement like yours. Next time :-)09:52
kota_It was great time to see the ec_review branch finally landed so I'm going to leave my office to go back home :D09:55
kota_much appreciated for the awsome works on swift community :)09:55
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openstackgerritLorcan Browne proposed openstack/swift: Add lowest option to swift-recon disk usage output  https://review.openstack.org/16723610:55
openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/swift: More tests for swift recon  https://review.openstack.org/17326611:00
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/swift: WIP - More tests for swift recon  https://review.openstack.org/17326611:03
acolescschwede: yes - more is good ^^ :)11:10
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cschwedeyes, definetely. actually i was surprised about the low coverage (but then it’s only printing stuff, thus not that critical)11:40
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hosee you tomorrow!11:45
acolesho: good night11:46
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pelusehell, maybe I should go back to bed, yes!13:04
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notmynamegood morning13:17
notmynamegit st13:18
notmynamethat's a pretty picture :-)13:18
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notmynameas far as patches pending for master goes, most things look good13:25
notmynamecschwede: can you rebase your patch on top of lorcan's current version? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172752/13:25
openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/swift: Add test for swift_recon.disk_usage  https://review.openstack.org/17275213:26
cschwedenotmyname: done :)13:26
notmynamecschwede: the dependent one (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173266/) will eventually need it too, but isnt' queued to land yet13:27
cschwedenotmyname: sure, but i need to fix it first13:28
cschwedei’m wondering why it passed locally but fails on jenkins. anyways, will do that later13:28
notmynameacoles: cschwede: thanks for checking on things during my (short) night. since everything looks good, I'lm gonna get myself ready13:28
notmynametoday is button clicking in jenkins day to get everything landed :-)13:29
cschwedenotmyname: great, can’t wait to see it land on master13:29
notmynameI'll start on that in about 1.5-2 hours13:29
* notmyname goes to look for a shower and breakfast and coffee13:29
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peluseFYI according to my IDE anyway:13:50
peluse  Code + docs:13:50
peluse    LOC: 3687213:50
peluse    Total Lines: 8421313:50
peluse  Test Code:13:50
peluse    LOC: 8053413:50
peluse    Total Lines: 9709413:50
peluse  Code + docs:13:50
peluse    LOC: 3405613:50
peluse    Total Lines: 8056413:50
peluse  Test Code:13:50
peluse    LOC: 7260813:51
peluse    Total Lines: 8828913:51
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notmyname~2k sloc vs 8k tests? sounds about right14:00
peluseyeah, a rough 2K though that's for sure!14:01
* notmyname packs up to get on the bus14:01
* peluse heads out to take daughter to school14:02
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eskerHoping the gracious folks here in the Swift IRC channel can help me out w/ a question I didn't know how to answer: does Swift "support" SMR drives (specifically, drive managed, host managed and host aware versions)?  My understanding is that Swift really only needs a extended attributes file systems to sit atop and that drive type / characteristics are abstracted to it... but perhaps my understanding is 1) incorrect / outdated and/or 2) th14:11
eskerere's something fundamentally different about SMR drives?14:11
eskerSorry about the wall 'o text...14:11
openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/swift: More tests for swift recon  https://review.openstack.org/17326614:12
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noyewhat's recommended way to upgrading an existing openstack implemtation ?  currently we only use swift and ceilometer14:34
peluseesker, I don't know much about SMR drives, someone else might, but yes wrt the need for a ex attr file system.  Swift doesn't look any "deeper" than that :)14:40
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eskerpeluse: thanks!14:50
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acolespeluse: big day! some of us piled in late on but you have been driving the EC thing for months - so well done, great work!14:58
eskernotmyname: quick question for you wrt SMR drives... is there anything special in Swift dealing w/ them?  Is there anything that could be exploited given the varying types ( drive managed, host managed and host aware versions)?  Or do they remain abstract from Swift given intermediating ex attr file system?14:59
notmynameesker: give me a few minutes....14:59
notmyname(and I got your email14:59
eskernotmyname: thanks!14:59
notmynamefun* time15:00
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Prevent unauthorized delete in versioned container  https://review.openstack.org/17336115:00
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notmynamebackports at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173366/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173363/15:02
notmynamemaster at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173361/15:03
notmynameesker: ok, now that that's out of the way ;-)15:03
notmynameesker: short term, no. nothing special for the drive-managed SMR drives (yet). I'm getting some in my lab to test to empirically validate that15:04
notmynameesker: but in general (or conceptually) drive-managed SMR drives are fine15:04
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notmynameesker: longer-term, host-aware SMR drives will need some sort of filesystem that knows smr. so if that's on them, it's still ok. there's also a small question if swift itself can be smr aware. I don't know the answer to that yet15:05
eskernotmyname: greatly appreciated!15:06
eskernotmyname: let us know if we can help out on the host-aware investigation15:06
* notmyname unflags your email ;-)15:06
eskernotmyname: delete if for that matter ;-)15:07
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* notmyname prepares the ec to master merge commit15:12
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peluseacoles, thanks!  by the level of contribution nobody would guess that you came in "late".  In fact, I can't even type that with a straight face - man you really made some diving catches!!15:13
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acolespeluse: it was fun. but I am enjoying a 'slow' day today :D15:14
peluseyeah, I hope clayg takes a few days off!  Holy cow15:15
notmynamepeluse: this looks interesting http://www.hgst.com/press-room/press-releases/HGST-ships-NVM-Express-Compliant-Solid-State-Drives-with-Industry-Leading-Performance-for-Cloud-and-Enterprise-Applications15:15
notmynamepeluse: no kidding!15:15
peluseclayg's performance reminds me of when I was young :)15:15
acolespeluse: +1  i can't even remember being young15:16
pelusenotmyname, I wonder how those stack up to ours... will dig up a link shortly...15:16
notmynamerunning all tests on the merge commit. then will post it15:17
peluseBTW the industry standard driver they mention (the windows one) is what myself and 4 others worked on developed over a little over a year just before I jumped in on this Swift stuff!15:17
* notmyname is totally offended that the HGST press release doesn't credit peluse for actually allowing them to make the thing15:18
peluseme too!  :)15:18
peluseHere's ours:  http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/solid-state-drives/solid-state-drives-dc-s3700-series.html15:18
notmynamewhy did I get unit test errors!!!???!!!??15:19
pelusehmm, our random IOPS look better (well, benchmarks)15:19
peluseon running mine now15:20
notmynameah ok15:20
notmynamepeluse: ok, I need a small bit of help15:21
notmynamepeluse: the cve patch has a test that uses proxy_server.ObjectController()15:21
notmynamewhich isn't a thing any more15:21
notmynameso do I use ObjectControllerRouter?15:22
peluse220, 221... whatever it takes15:22
peluseyes, I believe so but I need to look as well.  my tests are almost done running15:22
peluseOK, what's the cve patch? my tests run OK15:23
notmynameit's linked above15:23
notmynameok, I think I got it from a different test15:24
notmynamerunning tests again15:24
peluseOK, looking15:24
pelusecool, let me know.  will look at the same time though15:24
acolesnotmyname: yes router[policy] will return you the correct controller for the policy i believe15:25
notmynameacoles: peluse: after my local tests finish, will the 2 of you be around to +2/+A the merge commit?15:25
notmynamehmm.. I see an "E"15:26
pelusenotmyname, I don't see a patch for that going on the ec review branch, which of the 3 patches are you working on?15:26
acolesnotmyname: yes15:26
notmynamepeluse: I've got a merge commit from ec_review on top of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173361/15:27
notmynamebah! 'module' object has no attribute 'ReplicatedObjectController'15:27
notmynameit's exactly the same as the test above15:28
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notmynameit's failing in the test_denied_DELETE_of_versioned_object test in test proxy server15:28
acolesnotmyname: yeah i was about to say look at the test above controller = ReplicatedObjectController(15:29
notmynameyeah, I've got proxy_server.Replicated....15:29
acolesnotmyname: also see line 2364 self.app.obj_controller_router = proxy_server.ObjectControllerRouter()15:29
notmynameright. I got that15:30
notmynameI had replaced proxy_server.ObjectController with proxy_server.ReplicatedObjectController15:30
notmynameinstead of just ReplicatedObjectController15:30
notmynameok, I had already kicked of functests. waiting...15:30
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acolesnotmyname: you sorted? one of those 'helpful' imports15:31
acolesactually its not so bad15:31
notmynameacoles: the merge conflict? yes15:33
acolesyup, good15:33
notmynamefunctests pass15:33
notmynamererunning unit tests15:33
pelusecool, just made the change here and started unit tests also15:34
pelusewell, 2 changes15:34
notmynamelooks like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173363/ has a py26 failing gate tests15:35
notmynameI guess that's still checked on stable/juno15:36
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itlinux_hello all15:36
notmynameunit tests passed for the marge commit15:36
itlinux_quick question what happen when the ring does not have enough amount on the node / partition will that split into two?15:37
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claygitlinux_: well you have replicas * 2 ** part-power partitions - that's normally enough to spread around15:39
acolesAssertionError: 'HTTP/1.1 5' != 'HTTP/1.1 2' on patch 17336315:40
patchbotacoles: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173363/15:40
itlinux_k thanks15:40
notmynameit's clayg!15:40
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claygbut if you have a LOT of nodes - the ring isn't going to make up any more partitions - so no - not split in half - you'd just get some nodes that would take more parts but don't get them15:40
pelusesleepwalking maybe?15:40
itlinux_so it splits like inodes do in linux now15:40
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claygpeluse: no eating breakfest with the kids - mmmmm coffee15:41
claygthey're telling me i "type too fast"15:41
itlinux_so the power of 2 is fine, but if the file is big it will be segmented into those partittion which the ring knows and will be allocated15:42
notmynameheh :-)15:42
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claygyeah default max object size is like - 2 GiB?  5?15:42
itlinux_hey notmyname :) I know you..15:43
claygso you can have a bunch of those in a part, and still have a bunch of parts on a disk15:43
itlinux_5 g15:43
pelusenotmyname, FYI my stuf is a little behind yours but merge on top of CVE patch apssed all my units and is running probe now as well (just for addtl sanity check)15:43
notmynamepeluse: great thanks. as soon as I see passing probetests here, i'll push it up15:44
claygnotmyname: did you ever come up with a mount/umount invocation that worked on your saio?15:44
notmynameclayg: yes15:44
pelusedo share15:44
claygnotmyname: did you get it included in the tests?15:44
* clayg bets he just used symlinks15:44
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peluse    def kill_drive(self, device):15:45
peluse        if os.path.ismount(device):15:45
peluse            os.system('sudo umount %s' % device)15:45
peluse        else:15:45
peluse            renamer(device, device + "X")15:45
peluselooks like he did :)15:45
claygyeah i guess he fixed the unmount/umount thing15:45
claygand then STOPPED TALKING TO US15:46
notmynamesortof that fix15:46
notmynamethere were some other calls to kill_drive to use15:46
notmynamesorry, alpha_ori just walked in and was giving him the status update15:46
peluseall quiet on the western front...15:47
notmynameyes, everything is good15:47
claygoh it's sorta later than I realized - I need to get will dressed15:47
notmynameand probetests just passed!15:47
claygok - i'll be in later - good news!  good luck!15:47
pelusesweet, mine are still cooking15:47
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Merge EC feature into master  https://review.openstack.org/17339815:47
notmynamethar she be15:48
peluserock and rolla15:48
pelusewill run all my shit on that one now15:48
notmynamepeluse: clayg: acoles: please +2/+A as you see fit15:49
pelusewill do15:49
acolesnotmyname: will do just looking at the py26 fail15:49
peluseafter tests run of course :)15:49
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notmynameacoles: thanks15:50
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acolesnotmyname: will 'reverify' alone work? figure we may as well get jenkins working in parallel15:53
acolesor do we have to have a bug for verify15:53
notmynameacoles: should. or just "recheck no bug" should work15:53
notmynameacoles: except we have to wait for it to finish before doing that15:54
notmynameah it did. and you did15:54
acolesyeah no sign of activity yet though. i though recheck only triggered checks and didn't do the verify/merge15:55
notmynameacoles: no, it failed again15:55
pelusenotmyname, hey man, you left me off of the co-author list on the merge to master - trying to send a signal?15:56
notmynameah did !?15:57
peluseyou bastard :)15:57
notmynamepeluse: so sorry. I picked one of the others, and you were the primary author on it15:57
* notmyname fixes15:57
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* peluse heads to the gym to lift something heavy and then put it back down15:58
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Merge EC feature into master  https://review.openstack.org/17339815:58
peluseheh, OK now I can +2 :)15:58
pelusetox and func ran fine.  running probe now15:58
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acolespeluse: me too lets see who has fastest cpu16:00
acolespeluse: wait, who did you work for again? ;)16:01
peluseI think I had a head start though16:01
pelusejust passed my first S test, where is yours at?16:01
acoles6 done16:01
acolesall passed!16:02
acolesjust kidding16:02
pelusewow, I thought maybe you were running yours in some HP cloud or something :)16:02
acolesthese tests used to run so much quicker before we wrote more :?16:03
pelusedone, passed with flying colors (if thats possible)16:03
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* acoles is still chugging along16:04
acolesshould have bought an a*d16:04
peluseso that just means you get to +A it I guess!16:04
acolespeluse: i spotted a typo in a comment in the tests!16:05
notmynameacoles: -2? ;-)16:05
acolesactually i saw it last night but let it go16:06
* peluse searches for flights to the UK....16:06
acolesits been bugging me ever since16:06
acolescouldn't sleep16:06
notmynamewe leave those things so we can support the drive-by-summit-pass committers ;-)16:06
acolesnotmyname: exactly16:06
acolesprobe passed16:06
acolesnow func, i'm going backwards you see16:07
notmynameok, I gotta get set up for http://www.nextcast.net/openstackpod/ in 30 minutes16:07
notmynamecan someone look at the py26 errors on the juno backport? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173363/16:07
pelusesure, I can if acoles wasn't already in the middle of it16:08
acolesnotmyname: so far i saw obj server 409's so hoping it was just a timing blip but you said the test failed again :? womm16:08
acolesi'll go back to it when i've +A'd the EC merge16:09
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acolespeluse: notmyname +A16:32
pelusehel yes!16:32
acolesfeel bad not waiting for everyone to get their +2 on it but figured we want this merged asap16:33
acolestorgomatic: clag: mattoliverau ^^ et al16:34
pelusedoes this system allow for +2 after the fact I wonder :)16:35
acolespeluse: i think so at least until its merged maybe.16:35
acolespeluse: i know it accepts and respects a -2 after a +A16:36
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notmynamethanks. /me logs off of IRC for a bit to do the podcast16:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Prevent unauthorized delete in versioned container  https://review.openstack.org/17336116:41
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acolesnotmyname: patch 173363 (stable/juno) merged on 2nd try, i suspect a race in the failed test can cause a 409 conflict and we got unlucky. looped test on my machine and could not reproduce.17:36
patchbotacoles: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173363/17:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Merge EC feature into master  https://review.openstack.org/17339818:02
acoles^^ woohoo18:02
dencavalCongratulations guys!18:05
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torgomaticIs it now time for celebratory libations?18:06
torgomaticHeh, I got the email that said EC merged. Now I'm getting the dozens of merge conflict notifications.18:08
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notmynameI'm going to go meet my wife for lunch, then I'll start on the other stuff to master18:15
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/swift: Check if REST API version is valid  https://review.openstack.org/16850918:40
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notmynamethanks for the rebases!19:46
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torgomaticmaster is unfrozen, yes?19:47
notmynametorgomatic: no19:47
notmynameor consider it "managed"19:48
notmynamelet me queue up some stuff for landing.19:48
torgomaticnotmyname: I'm gonna go abandon anything on feature/ec; objections?19:48
notmynametorgomatic: no. as long as you propose multi-range to master ;-)19:49
torgomaticnotmyname: yeah, give me a few :)19:49
notmynameIIRC that's the only important one there19:49
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pelusewow, so we sould start scouring/reviewing/approving as needed the "needs approval" section?19:51
notmynamepeluse: I'm doing that now. please hold off for a bit19:51
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notmynamehonestly, I'm just trying to land the stuff that already has 2 +2s. and validating that there isn't any conflict19:52
notmynameand all that needs to land by tonight19:53
notmynameso, TBH, go take a day off ;-)19:53
peluseheh... I'm taking next week off.  Going to a Volbeat convert in Denver next Fri (heading up just for the show) so figued I'd call the whole week a holiday :)19:54
notmynameheh ok. good. :-)19:55
pelusejust updated trello, there's still cleanup work to be done there so its not ready to be retired (the board)19:55
pelusedo we just land the spec?19:55
notmynamepeluse: ya, per clayg's suggestion, I think it would be great to write down (trello? wiki? etherpad?) a list of stuff that we want to refactor/change19:56
notmynameah, good question on the spec19:56
notmynamepeluse: are there any open patches to the spec that haven't landed?19:56
notmynamedoesn't look like it, unless I'm missing something19:56
pelusenotmyname, nope, the last update I made should be sufficient to land it as is.  It has a disclaimer of code being correct - spec was used to guide development, etc., etc., and the user docs are all correct19:56
notmynameof course19:57
notmynamepeluse: can you please submit a patch to move it to the "done" folder?19:57
pelusesure, how does that work?19:57
notmyname`git mv` ;-)19:58
notmynamepeluse: I'm not sure if links will work if moved. depends on how they were referenced. but the idea is to move the whole ec spec to the "done" directory instead if the "in_progress" directory20:00
notmynamelinks = images20:00
pelusewill give it a try20:02
pelusewhat can go wrong?20:02
notmynamepeluse: I can do it later if you don't want to20:02
pelusenah, no sweat20:02
notmynameok, I think I have a plan for all of these pending patches20:06
notmynameI've queued them up locally all rebased off of each other. no conflicts, and tests all pass for them20:06
notmynameso I'll resubmit all of them so they land quickly and without the merge commits (ie FF merges for everything). should make it all easier for getting everythign landed today20:07
notmynameany objections?20:07
notmynameI had already approved 2 when I realized that this might be a better way. So I've got 7 queued up20:10
openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed openstack/swift: EC: support multiple ranges for GET requests  https://review.openstack.org/17349720:10
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torgomaticnotmyname: ^^20:10
torgomaticyou asked me to port it; now you get to review it ;)20:10
torgomatic11 files changed, 1625 insertions(+), 306 deletions(-)20:12
notmynameoh is that how it works? doh!20:12
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notmynameok, incoming....20:15
notmynameI'll approve each of these to land20:15
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Add test for swift_recon.disk_usage  https://review.openstack.org/17275220:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Add lowest option to swift-recon disk usage output  https://review.openstack.org/16723620:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Check if REST API version is valid  https://review.openstack.org/16850920:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Add additional func tests for TempURLs  https://review.openstack.org/15598520:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Support HTTP_X_SERVICE_IDENTITY_STATUS in keystoneauth  https://review.openstack.org/15663420:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Refactor the getting roles logic in _keystone_identity  https://review.openstack.org/16669620:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Fix broken test_policy_IO_override test  https://review.openstack.org/17159320:16
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Check if device name is valid when adding to the ring  https://review.openstack.org/16923120:16
notmynameok then20:18
notmynameshould all be queued up to go20:18
notmynameand, wow, that + cleanign out the ec branch makes the dashboard really clean!!20:19
notmynamethe only one starred right now is the last one on that patch chain20:20
openstackgerritpaul luse proposed openstack/swift-specs: Move Ec spec to done folder  https://review.openstack.org/17350320:24
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: 2.3.0 authors and changelog updates  https://review.openstack.org/17257320:26
notmyname^^ that should be the final patch on the RC (and in swift 2.3.0). the authors/changelog updates. I updated it to include a new author form the above patches and to add info about enforcing the api version20:26
notmynamethe only reason there would be other stuff on 2.3.0 is if we find major show-stopping bugs that require an RC220:27
notmynameplease keep master frozen until the authors/changelog patch lands. that will keep things easier if anything goes wrong in the gate20:28
*** ChanServ changes topic to "HARD freeze of master in effect | Review Dashboard: http://goo.gl/vysJqI | Summary Dashboard: http://goo.gl/2By1qv | Summit scheduling: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-swift-summit-topics | Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-swift/"20:29
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notmynamepeluse: thanks20:37
notmynamepeluse: (approved)20:37
peluseya, gracias20:38
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notmynametorgomatic: clayg: mattoliverau: if you have a moment, can you add a 2nd +2 to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172573/20:38
notmyname(if you like it)20:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Clarify the description of backward compatibility in Keystoneauth's docstring  https://review.openstack.org/16668120:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift-specs: Move Ec spec to done folder  https://review.openstack.org/17350321:21
notmynamelast patch in the chain has passed all of our tests. (unit/func/docs/pep8)21:30
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notmynameeverything has passed the check queue. now it's all in the gate queue. ETA 60 minutes until all landed upstream22:11
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notmynamemattoliverau: hi!22:15
notmynamemattoliverau: zuul says 42 minutes until everything is landed and we have an RC!22:15
mattoliveraunotmyname: how'd the pod cast go this morning?22:15
notmynamemattoliverau: good22:16
claygnotmyname: yeah i want to see it22:16
notmynamelink might be up. let me see22:16
mattoliverauYay! Awesome!22:16
claygmattoliverau: yeah it better be22:16
claygcould someone else at or near master run -> for i in {1..10}; do nosetests swift/test/unit/container/test_replicator.py; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then break; fi; done and let me know if you see test_rsync_failure fail?22:17
notmynameclayg: on it22:17
claygnotmyname: well good - cause i'm going to be watching this video22:17
mattoliverauCool I'll give it a watch22:18
clayghey look it's Nikki!22:18
claygoh, Niki :\22:18
notmynameclayg: so ./.unittests works just fine. running your thing fails (every time)22:22
clayg*every* time - or like if you run it 10 times it will *eventually* fail22:23
clayglike sometimes it works?22:23
clayg... anyway - ok - i have a fix22:23
notmynamefirst time it fails22:23
claygnotmyname: curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/clayg/ba58bb41d71d74695652/raw/961d1059eaa3b17e7bd25f25d8b1395f9867d3b8/gistfile1.diff | git apply and return?22:24
notmynameclayg: everything works. can you submit the patch based on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172573/22:29
claygyeah sure22:29
claygor i can do it - i mean i was going to submit it - so I could do it there, but i'm happy ignore it and let you handle it22:30
notmynameclayg: no, you got it. submit it dependent on the changelog patch, and we'll get it in the RC22:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Add additional func tests for TempURLs  https://review.openstack.org/15598522:31
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: Add support for multiple container-reconciler  https://review.openstack.org/10377922:33
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: fixup random test failure  https://review.openstack.org/17357922:33
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: wip: Cluster assisted Storage Policy Migration  https://review.openstack.org/17358022:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Check if device name is valid when adding to the ring  https://review.openstack.org/16923122:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Support HTTP_X_SERVICE_IDENTITY_STATUS in keystoneauth  https://review.openstack.org/15663422:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Refactor the getting roles logic in _keystone_identity  https://review.openstack.org/16669622:44
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notmynamelooks like gerrit got confused22:59
* notmyname go grabs the clue bat23:00
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: 2.3.0 authors and changelog updates  https://review.openstack.org/17257323:01
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Add test for swift_recon.disk_usage  https://review.openstack.org/17275223:01
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Add lowest option to swift-recon disk usage output  https://review.openstack.org/16723623:01
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Check if REST API version is valid  https://review.openstack.org/16850923:01
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: Fix broken test_policy_IO_override test  https://review.openstack.org/17159323:01
openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed openstack/swift: fixup random test failure  https://review.openstack.org/17357923:06
notmynameok, everything rebased and reapproved23:08
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notmynameok, so https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173579/ is the last targeted patch for RC1. whenever gerrit gets around to landing it all23:11
claygnotmyname: that was good23:18
notmynameglad you liked it :-)23:18
mattoliveraunotmyname: nice work (re: podcast)23:28
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openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed openstack/swift-specs: Spec for symlinks in Swift.  https://review.openstack.org/17360923:45
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wshaohi, any ideas on "SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed" when I use https for proxy-server?23:54
wshaothe certs are self-signed. swift list/stat etc command would fail with the above error.23:54

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