Wednesday, 2014-11-05

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Rawathi all10:16
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RawatI am using 8 node swift storage and for load testing i am using cosbench while putting load proxy server is utilizing more than 100% cpu and in mid operation is faild and in cosbench log file its returns fail to perform write operation any budy tell me how to come from this problem......10:21
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Rawatwhy swift proxy server is utilizing more than 90% of cpu while putting load on the cluster10:45
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Rawathi i am using 8 node swift cluster wgen i m putting large size of object its going to be fail the procces any budy tell me what should i have to do ....?11:49
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dANO_Hi everyone, I have an 401 unauthorized error with temp-url , if anyone can help me : Thank's13:03
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dANO_anyone can help ?13:27
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thurloatnotmyname: are you going to post your deck from the swift 101 talk?14:33
portanteand for any summit wannabees, could you give a quick overview of what's happenin'? notmyname?14:36
charzdANO_: try `curl` to make sure you get response form proxy14:37
dANO_charz: the response is : {"bulk_delete": {"max_failed_deletes": 1000, "max_deletes_per_request": 10000}, "container_quotas": {}, "crossdomain": {}, "swift": {"max_file_size": 5368709122, "account_listing_limit": 10000, "account_autocreate": true, "max_meta_count": 90, "max_meta_value_length": 256, "container_listing_limit": 10000, "max_meta_overall_size": 4096, "version": "", "max_meta_name_length": 128, "max_h14:38
dANO_eader_size": 8192, "policies": [{"default": true, "name": "Policy-0"}], "max_object_name_length": 1024, "max_account_name_length": 256, "strict_cors_mode": true, "allow_account_management": true, "max_container_name_length": 256}, "tempurl": {"methods": ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE"]}, "bulk_upload": {"max_failed_extractions": 1000, "max_containers_per_extraction": 10000},14:38
Tyger_Right now notmyname is trying to show an example of a swift application without swift actually running.14:42
dANO_charz: But I dont know if it's normal but when i do : swift  -A  URL + user + stat , I can see the Meta Temp-Url-Key: mykey  but if i try swift  -A  URL + user + stat + container i dont see the Meta Temp-Url-Key14:43
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ctennisportante: lots of spontaneous brawls between the storage vendors15:53
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cdsanyone have any information about swift container syncing throughput?16:01
anticwcds: container-sync ?16:02
cdsassuming two containers are on the same network16:02
cdswhat type of speed would you expect to see?16:02
anticwtends to be very slow16:02
anticwit depends on many things, in the testing i did i found it could take 24 hours to catch up with 100k objects16:03
cdsreason i am asking.. i wrote my own container-sync16:03
anticwuse that :)16:03
cdsbut i'm seeing about 1MB/s16:03
anticwobjects/s != throughput16:03
anticwcontainer-sync is probably acceptable for a small number of large objects and minimal churn on a local network16:03
anticwit does a lot of extra network traffic as well16:03
cdsi need to transition a 40TB swift cluster16:04
cdsto new HW16:04
anticwi did an account/container migration tool a couple of years back and was able to get a few hundred MB/s on local networks with fairly modest concurrency16:04
cdsso it seems i am off by some order of magnitude16:04
anticwcontainer-sync i don't recommend16:05
cdsi am testing syncing the production swift cluster to a dev SAIO16:05
anticwi gholt was here he could probably comment more16:05
ctennisportante: from a recurring theme, the telco guys seem to be most dominant all around.  lots of talk about carrier grade this and that, and network virtualization etc etc16:05
anticwlooked at that?16:05
Tyger_ctennis: I noticed that after Monday, people seem to have forgotten storage is part of things.16:06
dANO_Anyone can help me with the temp-url setup plz ?16:06
cdsi haven't16:06
cdsdo you know if it supports using different auth middleware between clusters?16:06
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anticwno idea16:06
anticwcds: if it's migration why care?  setup proxies w/o auth16:07
anticwif you control both of them16:07
anticwi've done that a few times, run a sep instance of the proxies on it's own port and a tweaak auth system to accommodate16:07
ctennisTyger_: yeah, that's an interesting observation16:07
cdsi could even setup a migration only proxy16:08
cdsanyways thanks for the ideas, they are very helpful16:09
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Tyger_portante: notmyname dancing on stage to kill time before his talk16:18
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