Thursday, 2019-07-11

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openstackgerritBin Lu proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: add optional argument metric to set metric for routes
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openstackgerritGrégoire Unbekandt proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Can't create a metadata named key, clear, delete
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openstackgerritGrégoire Unbekandt proposed openstack/openstacksdk master: Specify store when importing an image
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: Add a per-request global_request_id
edleafeLet the API-SIG Office Hour begin!16:00
edleafeelmiko: Don't know if you got the letter from Kendall Nelson about groups planning to be in Shanghai16:00
elmikoi did see that, is anyone from the sig going to be there?16:01
elmikoi will not be ther16:01
edleafeI was hoping to ask you and dtantsur|afk, but he's afk, apparently16:02
edleafeI won't be there, either16:02
elmikoi don't recall if dmitry had mentioned it16:05
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edleafeWell, she mentioned that unless someone says "Yes, our team will be at that PTG", the assumption is that they won't16:08
edleafeSo if dtantsur|afk wants to host a session there, he'll have to a) let Kendall know and b) plan on being lonely :)16:09
elmikoheh, good point16:11
elmikoi can send an email to dmitry just to confirm if he will be there16:11
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cmurphyhello, i have a question to bring to the api-sig16:18
cmurphyWe have a change to remove some deprecated config options related to PKI tokens (cc vishakha)16:18
cmurphyfor keystone16:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstacksdk master: Can't create a metadata named key, clear, delete
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstacksdk master: Repair masakari FT
openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstacksdk master: Add Python 3 Train unit tests
* elmiko looks16:19
cmurphyWhen those options are unconfigured, one of the APIs can't work and to date we've been raising a 500 to indicate the server is misconfigured16:19
cmurphyWith this change, there will no longer be any chance for that API to work since the server is effectively always misconfigured16:19
cmurphySo the question is, do we keep raising the 500 consistent with how it worked before, or do we change the response to a 410 Gone to be a little more honest about the fact that this API just doesn't work any more16:19
cmurphykeeping in mind that keystone doesn't do microversions16:19
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elmikoso, off the top of my head if that api is no longer supported i would expect some 4xx error as opposed to 5xx since the client is in error here16:20
elmikoi'm not sure if 410 is the proper status or not, i'd have to do a little more reading16:21
cmurphyokay, yeah someone else made the point that a 4XX at least indicates that retrying isn't going to do any good16:22
elmikoright, imo 4xx means the client needs to do something different. which in this case means don't call those apis anymore XD16:22
elmikoare you leaving the routes in for backward compatibility? like, how come you don't just return 404 for those?16:23
edleafecmurphy: Since you don't provide access to the old API behavior, it would be my preference to have keystone handle this case more gracefully. IOW, if it can do what it needs to do without those config settings, just do that16:23
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elmiko++ good question edleafe16:24
cmurphyelmiko: yes we wanted to leave the route there to maintain some kind of backwards compatibility even though that's not really achievable in this case16:25
cmurphyedleafe: there's no way to have keystone do the same thing without those config settings, the config setting just set a location of a CA cert file that was read and returned by that GET API16:26
edleafecmurphy: you *do* realize that mordred will hunt you down and punish you, right? :)16:26
cmurphyyes >.>16:26
edleafecmurphy: So you're making what amounts to a major version change, without leaving the old version in place. Is that correct?16:27
cmurphyI don't think it's that drastic, the API was already badly designed because it depended on the operator generating this file and configuring this parameter, we're just cementing in the behavior it had if the operator failed to do that16:29
cmurphyand since PKI tokens are not in use 99% of clouds will already have this behavior16:30
edleafeBy a "major version change" I meant one where a request that worked before can no longer work the same way.16:30
edleafeIf it's a case of "no one uses it anyway", then that's a practical matter16:31
edleafeIn that case, I think that 410 Gone is the proper response16:32
cmurphyI'll take this back to the team, maybe we can find a way to handle this more gracefully, otherwise we'll go with a 41016:33
cmurphythanks for the advice edleafe elmiko16:34
elmikogladly cmurphy =)16:35
edleafeThat's what we're here for! :)16:36
elmikospeaking of that, i have to leave a little early edleafe16:38
edleafeAwww, I'll miss you!16:38
elmikocatch you next week if not sonner o/16:38
elmikoer even sooner!16:39
edleafeI'll be here (for a while, at least!)16:39
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cmurphymordred: could you ack
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mordredcmurphy: ack17:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystoneauth master: Add a per-request global_request_id
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/keystoneauth master: reno: per-request global_request_id
openstackgerritMerged openstack/keystoneauth master: reno: per-request global_request_id
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