Wednesday, 2019-10-30

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aarora06Hi All .. I had some questions about this openstack project: If someone can help me out with these, that will be great. Questions are: 1. Do all openstack packages have a template provided for their spec files in this project? 2. Whether the dependencies (and sub-dependencies) of all packages have a spec file template in this project? 3. Whether all these packages are both py2 and py306:22
aarora06compliant? 4. In continuation to question 2 - if some of the packages do not have a spec file template in this project, how are the deployers expected to get those packages?06:22
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toabctlaarora06, 1) not all, but a lot. See the list at
toabctlaarora06, 2) only the packages under the git openstack/ namespace are packaged in rpm-packaging. We rely for a lot of dependencies on the packages provided by the distros (eg. openSUSE, SLES, CentOS)07:38
toabctlaarora06, 3) some packages are py2 and py3 (dependencies and most of the clients), the services are only py3 (it doesn't make sense to have service for py2 and py3)07:39
toabctlaarora06, 4) for the openSUSE/SLES case, you would use the packages from the cloud project which is$RELEASE (eg.
aarora06toabctl: Thanks! That helps.07:40
toabctlaarora06, you're welcome07:41
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openstackgerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/train: os-refresh-config: convert to python3
openstackgerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/train: Fix pbr for RDO
openstackgerritJavier Peña proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/train: murano-dashboard: update to stable stein release
openstackgerritJoel Capitao proposed openstack/pymod2pkg master: Fix PyYAML mapping for RDO
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toabctlhey cmurphy12:30
openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/pike: Update versions from u-c for stable/pike
toabctldirk, cmurphy rha could you have another look at please?12:34
openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack/rpm-packaging stable/train: Switch to stable-train tarballs
toabctlcmurphy, dirk rha jpena|lunch I think we should try to get merged soon. otherwise our stable/train branch uses the wrong code...12:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: Update various versions to current master
cmurphyleft a question on the second one12:42
cmurphyare we meeting today or no?12:42
cmurphycould you guys have a final look at i'll have to download the slides before friday12:43
toabctlcmurphy, I thought we have a meeting. but looks like jpena|lunch, dirk and rha are not here...12:53
toabctlcmurphy, I looked at the slides yesterday and imo they are looking good12:54
toabctlcmurphy, did you update the slides since yesterday?12:54
cmurphytoabctl: no not since yesterday12:58
cmurphytoabctl: thanks for reviewing12:58
dirkI am here12:58
dirkI didn't realize the meeting is settled in UTC, and europe already switched to winter time12:59
dirkso I wasn't expecting the meeting until in half an hour12:59
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jpenaI have a conflicting meeting, sorry13:02
dirkcmurphy: I did try to extend/rework the slides on the weekend13:02
dirkcmurphy: they still look good to me although the formatting seems weird (everything is two column layout, text is only on the left column). is that only me or is it supposed to be that way?13:03
dirktoabctl: hmm, you merged the master changes that failed the CI for both rdo and SUSE. why?13:04
toabctldirk, jpena mentioned that the RDO failure is ok13:06
cmurphydirk: some of the slides have text boxes that only extend to half the slide13:06
cmurphyi think that's the way the template came13:07
cmurphyit's fine to change it13:07
dirkwell, I'm hestiant ..13:11
dirkcmurphy: there is a "title and bullets big" template when you add a slide which has a much wider aspect ratio13:11
dirkits about 2/3 of width rather than 1/213:12
dirkjpena: cmurphy: are you free in ~ 15 min for e meeting?13:15
dirkand sorry to cmurphy for getting up an hour too early :)13:15
jpenaI can only be partially active (double-booked today)13:16
cmurphyi'm around13:17
dirktoabctl: right, but it also failed for SUSE, and now the merged state is broken (which breaks openstack ansible gating, which I just wanted to propse for voting)13:19
toabctldirk, hm. should I create a revert?13:27
dirkwell, we can also just fix it13:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging stable/pike: Update versions from u-c for stable/pike
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cmurphydirk: when you say "Transitioned 3rd party gate to Fedora and SLES 15" do you mean from some older fedora to new fedora and from sles 12sp4 to sles15? on slide 618:23
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dirkcmurphy: how can you see who edited what?!18:33
dirkcmurphy: yes basically what happened is that we switched from centos7 which doesn't have native python 3 support to fedora18:34
dirkAs a stepping stone towards doing the testing on centos 8 which wasn't available at the time when we needed it18:34
cmurphydirk: i just assumed it was you :P18:39
cmurphydirk: got it, thanks18:39
dirkcmurphy: the wording could be improved18:45
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