Wednesday, 2019-08-14

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openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: pbr: Update to 5.4.2
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toabctl#startmeeting rpm_packaging12:33
openstackMeeting started Wed Aug 14 12:33:35 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is toabctl. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:33
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'rpm_packaging'12:33
toabctlping toabctl, dirk, apevec, jpena, jruzicka, number80, kaslcrof, cmurphy12:33
toabctl#chair cmurphy jpena dirk toabctl12:33
openstackCurrent chairs: cmurphy dirk jpena toabctl12:33
toabctlas usual, please add your agenda points to
toabctlok. let's start12:36
toabctl#topic network-l2gateway packaging12:36
*** openstack changes topic to "network-l2gateway packaging (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"12:36
toabctldirk, ^^ ?12:36
dirk last comment12:39
dirkI think since this is a service the package naming should follow openstack-neutron-l2gw with a python3-neutron-l2gw subpackage12:39
dirkbut Jaime is of different opinion. any comments?12:39
toabctldirk, I would also prefer to have a openstack-neutron-l2gw package12:41
jpenathe networking-generic-switch and networking-vsphere packages, are they named python-* or openstack-* ?12:41
jpenain the RDO side, the convention is python-networking-*12:42
toabctlSingleRule('networking-vsphere', 'openstack-neutron-vsphere'),12:43
toabctl^^ from pymod2pkg for both (suse & rdo)12:44
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jpenageneric-switch has no rule, so it defaults to python-networking-*12:47
toabctlyeah. I guess that would be the first thing to fix12:48
toabctlbut then still the question about a subpackage. and I would prefer one12:48
toabctljpena, so do the other rules need fixing for rdo then I guess?12:48
jpenatoabctl: yes, I just realized12:48
toabctljpena, in rdo, do you have subpackages for the network packages?12:49
toabctleg. when an extra agent is there?12:49
jpenafor networking-l2gw, yes, we do12:50
jpenathe main package is python-networking-l2gw, then we have openstack-l2gw-agent for the agent itself12:51
jpenasee, for example12:51
toabctlhm. ok. dirk is suggesting a different naming if I understand him correctly12:54
dirkwell, since its python 3, I would suggest to call it python312:55
dirkI am not sure what should be the main package12:55
dirkfor me the main package probably should be openstack-network*12:55
dirkbut I'm open to suggestions12:56
dirkits just more consistent to like e.g. cinder nova etc12:56
toabctlfor vsphere we have openstack-neutron-vsphere currently12:58
toabctlbut we also have python-networking-generic-switch12:59
toabctlI think having neutron in the package name would be good (given that this is all neutron related)13:01
toabctlbut given that RDO is having a subpackage like openstack-l2gw-agent, I wonder how we can handle this with pymod2pkg. I guess we need to hardcode the package names in a %if %else in the .spec file ....13:02
dirkjpena: so in RDO, do you still call the python 3.x version of the package python-networking?13:05
dirkto be honest I think the way RDO names it is useful input, but what would make sense for us?13:05
jpenadirk: no, the spec name is python-networking, but the package itself is python3-networking13:05
dirkso the main package name you mean?13:06
dirkor the subpackage?13:06
toabctlmain package is python-%{pypi_name}13:06
jpenain the spec we have Name: python-networking-xxx, but there is no package with that name, then we have %package -n python3-networkinx-xxx13:07
jpenaso there's no main package (at least, not in rpm format)13:07
dirkI see13:08
dirkbut there is also a subpackage called openstack-something-agent ?13:08
dirkwhy not make that subpackage the main package?13:08
jpenain this case, there is that subpackage13:09
jpenawe choose not to do so for consistency with the rest of the networking-* packages, which are all python-networking-x13:09
dirkokay, so it sounds like we have a way forward13:11
dirkspec.j2 will be called after pypi name, as usual. main package can be then either mapped by pymod2pkg13:11
dirkwe'll add a subpackage agent and python3-*13:12
dirkmakes sense?13:12
toabctlhow do we call the main package?13:12
dirkit would then be python-networking-l2gw-agent for fedora rendering of the spec file and openstack-something-l2gw-agent for suse13:12
dirk(something being neutron or networking, don't care atm)13:12
toabctl^^ that would be the subpackage name for the agent13:13
jpenaok for me13:13
toabctlworks for me, too13:14
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toabctlI think we can comment then on the updated PR13:16
toabctldirk, does that work for you?13:17
toabctlready for the next topic?13:17
dirksorry, was already talking to Jaime13:17
toabctleven better :)13:17
toabctl#topic Shanghai project update - does anybody want to do it?13:17
*** openstack changes topic to "Shanghai project update - does anybody want to do it? (Meeting topic: rpm_packaging)"13:17
toabctlI was asked by mail from Kendall about a project update13:17
toabctlis somebody at the summit who could/want to give an update?13:18
dirkI'm not13:18
toabctlbtw. I missed already the question from kendall about PTG attendance :( . I'm sorry for that...13:18
toabctlcmurphy, jpena ? are you going?13:18
jpenano, I won't be there13:19
toabctland want to give an update there?13:19
cmurphyi will probably be going13:19
toabctlI guess cmurphy will go but might be busy with keystone...13:19
cmurphynot much has changed since the last update though13:19
dirkwe'll add containers ;)13:19
toabctlcmurphy, if you want to do the update/status presentation, just ping me. I would need to fill out a form for that13:21
cmurphyi don't particularly want to but i can if you guys think it would be worthwhile13:21
toabctlI don't know. I have not attended any summit in the last 2 years. no idea how that it nowadays and if it makes sense13:22
dirkproject updates do make sense13:23
cmurphyokay, i can do the update13:25
dirkI suggest we brainstorm an hour on so on the content, and then reply back to kendall13:27
dirkif thats in the timeline that kendall expects13:27
dirkif we don't have worthwhile content, we scratch it13:27
toabctlthere are 40 slots - it's  first come, first served13:27
dirkI do expect that we might have a couple of folks that contributed so far actually attend this time around13:27
dirkso it would be a shame to drop out of it13:27
dirktoabctl: yes, 40 slots is a lot13:27
toabctlah. true. good point!13:27
dirkwe could always join requirements with rpm-pacakging in one slot, both are typically half a halfslot13:28
toabctland cmurphy must confirm that she attends the summit (by mailing to knelson by sunday, 29th september)13:28
cmurphyi already confirmed for the keystone slot13:28
toabctlok. so let's do the brainstorming and then we decide13:29
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toabctl^^ dirk? yours?13:30
jpenano, it's mine13:30
jpenajust a quick question about it13:30
toabctloh. sorry13:30
jpenashould we remove the -common subpackage? I'm fine with it, just want to make sure we all agree, since it was added very recently13:30
dirkyeah, I noticed this collission recently13:30
dirkI was always planning to switch it to python3 only, but tom was faster with singlespec13:31
toabctlyes. it should be removed given that we switch to py3 only13:31
toabctland I'm fine with not adding the Provides/replaces given that we never released a py2/py3 version of the package.13:31
dirkhow did you manage to workaround the zeroconf problem with the singlespec switch?13:31
dirkI was confused about how that passed testing13:32
jpenait kept failing for RDO13:32
jpenaonce I moved it to python3 only, it worked fine13:32
dirkyeah, should be the same for SUSE13:32
dirkthere is no python2 version of zeroconf anymore13:32
dirkanyway, I'll update the review13:32
toabctldirk, it was passing:
toabctlmaybe the py3only zeroconf switch was afterwards?13:33
dirkah, your review didn't have buildrequires on zeroconf13:33
dirkvery sneaky, so the package never worked :-)13:33
toabctlthe python3 did :)13:33
dirkno, its been that way for many weeks (at least until my review which was older iirc than yours)13:33
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: ironic-lib: switch to python3
dirkanything else?13:35
toabctlback to the question - I think we agreed on removing the common-package, right?13:35
toabctlwe are running out of time..13:35
toabctl#topic open floor13:35
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toabctlI have still a question about building containers based on the packages - for that we would not need systemd, logrotate, ...13:36
dirktoabctl: its gone13:36
dirk(the common package)13:36
toabctldirk, what is gone?13:36
toabctlah. thx13:36
toabctlI wonder if we can move logrotate, user/group creation, systemd files to a subpackage and add it as Recommends: to the main package13:37
toabctlthen we could disable recommends when building containers.13:37
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dirkwhy is installing just python3-$foo not enough for container builds? what is missing?13:37
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toabctldirk the /usr/bin files that are in eg openstack-nova-api13:38
toabctlconfig files (policy, rootwrap, ...) that are in eg. openstack-nova13:38
dirkthose are not supposed to be insidet he container?13:38
dirkthey come from the chart13:38
toabctlnot all I think13:39
dirkentry points is a problem. I agree. we maybe should have all entry points in a subpackage13:39
dirkmaybe something liek openstack-nova-tools that we also install in container?13:39
dirkthats coming from the chart13:39
toabctlwhat would be in openstack-nova-tools?13:39
dirknova-manage nova status etc13:40
toabctlthe /usr/bin files are not in python3-nova .13:40
toabctlnova-compute? also openstack-nova-tools ?13:40
toabctlthen the question would be, why we have all theses openstack-nova-$service subpackages...13:40
dirkonly for systemd based deployments13:41
toabctlopenstack-nova-compute has also a polkit file, a modules-load.d file....13:41
dirke.g. OS containers and friends13:41
toabctlso where would be /usr/bin/nova-compute ?13:42
dirkmaybe we can change teh thing to call to python -m nova.cmd.compute instead?13:45
dirkand then don't care about the wrapper script?13:45
toabctlhm. doesnt' sound very nice imo...13:46
dirkyeah, agree13:47
dirkI need to think a bit about it13:47
dirkwrap it up for today? looks like its only you and me talking ;)13:47
toabctloki :)13:47
toabctlthanks for attending13:47
*** openstack changes topic to " - Regular IRC Meeting Wednesdays 1:00 PM UTC in openstack-rpm-packaging"13:48
openstackMeeting ended Wed Aug 14 13:47:59 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:48
openstackMinutes (text):
toabctljpena, how are containers build in RDO? are you using packages as source for the containers?13:48
toabctlor in fedora in general..13:48
jpenatoabctl: yes, we use packages as source. There's a bunch of kolla dockerfiles used by the tripleo project to build them13:50
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openstackgerritJaime Caamaño Ruiz proposed openstack/pymod2pkg master: Add networking-l2gw translation for RDO & SUSE
openstackgerritJaime Caamaño Ruiz proposed openstack/rpm-packaging master: Packaging for networking-l2gw
openstackgerritMerged openstack/rpm-packaging master: ironic-lib: switch to python3
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