Tuesday, 2024-04-02

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements stable/2023.2: update constraint for oslo.log to new release 5.3.1  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/91485107:52
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.log to new release 5.5.1  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/91485207:56
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/requirements stable/2024.1: update constraint for oslo.log to new release 5.5.1  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/91486110:01
fricklerttx: hberaud: tkajinam: tonyb: ^^ this is a caracal release, so it certainly should go into 2024.1. not sure whether to abandon the master patch or have it in there, too?10:02
hberaudIMO master can go too10:03
hberaudtechnically 5.5.1 is the last one10:03
hberaudso the last one for dalmatian too10:03
frickleryeah, I can agree to that. I'm just wondering then whether we need to do something about the proposal bot, or whether this is simply the expected "between-branching-and-release" twilight zone10:06

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