Tuesday, 2024-02-06

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove unused abclient  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/90796208:21
rosmaitahello .... looks like we need an unmaintained/yoga branch in requirements for zuul to use in the gate18:34
fricklerrosmaita: that's an issue to discuss with the release team, it seemed reasonable to migrate this repo last cf. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90658218:58
rosmaitafrickler: ack19:00
rosmaitafrickler: thanks for that pointer19:04
JayFrosmaita: I wonder if we should just try to make CI smart enough to look for both and pick the one that exists (stable/SLUG and unmaintained/SLUG) ... if it's possible19:07
JayFif we have required ordering it's just going to make this more painful 19:08
rosmaitaJayF: yeah, i think we can let the requirements and release teams think about it some more ... we'll be doing it again with victoria, wallaby, and xena19:10

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