Friday, 2023-12-08

opendevreviewLucian Petrut proposed openstack/requirements master: Add python-libmaas
opendevreviewLucian Petrut proposed openstack/requirements master: Add python-libmaas to global-requirements.txt
fricklertonyb: how about we get a version of to be mergeable? if you update it to current versions, I would offer to manually go over it and edit back the constraints to >=3.9 where applicable10:53
frickleror skip the update and go with what we have there for now? better than no progress at all. 11:00
fricklertonyb: prometheanfire: there's also quite some backlog of release patches and still issues with the CI failing for stable branches. do you have any plans to work on that or should we rather ask the TC for help?11:02
tonybfrickler: probably not the week of December 1816:57

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