Friday, 2022-08-26

tonybprometheanfire: I went ahead and did a thing:
tonybMy thinking is that if we do this now, I can be an election offical and help with that?01:28
prometheanfirehuh, tox failed01:38
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sean-k-mooney1tonyb: well for me this is less of an issue as nova does not have any voting jobs that are impacted by it efoley_ is more impacted as they are trying to improve the testing on centos based jobs and currently the telemetry project have several based on censtos 8 stream that she is trying to get working.10:47
*** sean-k-mooney1 is now known as sean-k-mooney11:47
gmannsean-k-mooney: tonyb for tempest to support 3.6, we have two solution for that, 1. use old tempest 30.0.0 2. use virtual env with latest tempest and test the py3.6 env/job/cloud13:54
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sean-k-mooneygmann: latest tempest does not work13:56
sean-k-mooneynot for centso 8 stream13:57
sean-k-mooneywhere they python verison is 3.613:57
sean-k-mooneyand we can meet clifs requirement for 3.7+13:57
sean-k-mooneywe dont have the option of using a newer 3.8 virtual env currently i think in that configurtion13:57
sean-k-mooneywe can use a vemvn but that will jsut use the default python3 version13:57
gmannfor that yes we need to use old tempest13:58
sean-k-mooneyyep efoley  has a patch to try and to that for the telemerty jobs13:58
sean-k-mooneyby setting the devstack varibles13:58
sean-k-mooneybut that need the upperconstirts to be pinned on yoga and xena for py 3.6 13:59
sean-k-mooneyfor jsonschma and cliff13:59
sean-k-mooneyunless we do that in devstack13:59
sean-k-mooneythe way we do for EM13:59
sean-k-mooneyexcpt make that change depend on the python version13:59
gmannyes, make sure tempest constraints also pinned via TEMPEST_BRANCH and TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS var14:00
sean-k-mooneyyep so that on its own is not enough14:00
sean-k-mooneywithout the patch to the requiremetn repo14:00
sean-k-mooneybut that is why efoley  is currently trying to do14:00
sean-k-mooneythat depends on the requirementns change
gmannsean-k-mooney: yeah I agree. and would not be surprise if more such requirement update is needed14:02
sean-k-mooneyi have been helping her explore differnt ways to adress this over the last week or two but we basicaly got to the point that either we need to clamp them in the requirement repo + pin tempest or change devstack to use a differnt interperty for those jobs14:04
gmannok, former one is what we usually do and later one might need bigger changes14:05
sean-k-mooneygmann: would you perfer ot do this in devstack i.e. detech that its python 3.6 on stable yoga/xena and automatically pin tempets  there14:05
gmannsean-k-mooney: until they are not EM, we need to use tempest master which is working currently via virtual env for other distro like ubuntu etc14:06
sean-k-mooneyhench only do it for py3614:06
gmannsean-k-mooney: and for this c8s, pinning from job side and do change in requirement is good way to proceed14:06
sean-k-mooneyya thats why i was suggeign to do it in the job definiton orginally14:07
sean-k-mooneyso  if we are agreed on the general direction we just need to figure out what both changes should actully contian14:08
gmannfor py2.7 drop case we did the same for few jobs in ironic and neutron stable jobs14:08
sean-k-mooney efoley is pretty expirnce with openstack but this part of the job config is new to her and im kind of reaching my knoladw of this too14:11
sean-k-mooneyso if you can point her in the right direction that would help14:11
gmanncommented on gerrit14:31
opendevreviewEmma Foley proposed openstack/requirements stable/yoga: Update requirements for python36
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-traits to new release 2.9.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for metalsmith to new release 1.8.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for sushy to new release 4.3.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-brick to new release 6.1.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for kuryr-lib to new release 2.6.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for monasca-statsd to new release 2.5.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for keystonemiddleware to new release 10.0.1
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for mistral-lib to new release 2.7.0
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for ironic-lib to new release 5.3.0
tonybgmann: The second one isn't an option *unless* we are also okay with running tempest, inside the venv with a python interpreter *not* supplied from the vendor18:46
gmannyeah, pining tempest is best approach here18:58
tonybI don't like that as it imples that Yoga (and active supported branch) will *never* need to be patched (on centos 8)19:00
gmannremember py3.6 support in yoga was best possible effort and it was re-added for centos stream point of view19:01
gmannusing tempest last compatible version with 3.6 for 3.6 only distro is right approach 19:01
tonybgmann: I don't see that in its says c8 and py36 are supported and required for testing on yoga19:03
tonybgmann: but pinning tempest has the potential to block the gate on yoga for all projects that have voting c8 jobs19:03
gmanncentos stream 8 and py3.6 is there19:04
tonybgmann: Yes but nothing about "best effort" is says "all Python-based projects must target and test against, at a minimum"19:04
gmanntonyb:, commit message has all the details and ML link why we re-added py3.6 support in yoga19:06
gmannand not all projects has centos stream 8 job19:07
tonybgmann: I still see nothing about "best effort"  I see "c8 and u18.04 are supported and needed" on yoga19:07
tonybgmann: I know not all projects test on c8, but those that do have the potental or block the yoga gate19:08
gmannI mean due to their request for migration from centos stream 8 to centos stream 9 we added both version as supported an dpy3.619:08
tonyb(if we pin tempest)19:08
gmannit does not block if we pin tempest19:08
gmannthat is how we tested py27 and py3 on train. pin the tempest for py27 job and use master in py3 jobs19:09
tonybOkay lest take a different approach19:09
tonybIf we pin tempest on c8 on yoga we pin to an immutable tag correct?19:09
tonybSo assume $project has at least one voting c8 on yoga, along with the normal ubuntu testing19:12
tonybnow a bug in $project is discovered on yoga that Depends-On a tempest (master because branchless) patch to test19:13
tonybHow does the voting c8 job get that tempest chnage?19:13
tonybgmann: ?19:20
gmanntonyb: yes for those new kind of tests they do not get not get benefit. that is tradeoff they have todo for having old python version19:20
gmannand any new test in tempest is mostly for the new features on master. it is rare to have new tests for stable branch changes19:21
tonybIt's more than no benefit, it's a blocked gate.19:21
gmannhow it will block gate? it will just not letting them to use the tempest master new tests which are mostly added for master changes19:22
tonybgmann: rare but not impossible, when I was nova-stable we hit a number of issues that needed to be backported and needed tempest test chnages because it alters $projct behaviour19:22
gmannit will benefit them to test the existing thing with existing test so that no backward incompatible backport is done19:22
gmanntonyb: can you link me what all nova changes needed tempest change?19:23
tonybYou end up with a test that works on ubuntu (because it gets the fix) and not on c8 and as c8 can't get a new chnage it will never pass19:23
gmannif any backport need tempest change then it is issue in backport19:23
tonybgmann: No this was years ago19:23
gmannat least I have not noticed such example since pike 19:23
gmannif any backport need tempest change then it is a good question on backport as it will break your user also being tempest as a good user of OpenStack19:24
tonybgmann: Yes I am aware, I was pretty involved in the stable team19:24
gmannI am not saying none of backport need tempst change it may need because of test bug but it is very rare19:25
tonybyou're getting distracted19:25
tonybCan you see now how there is *potential* albeit rare for pinning tempest to block the yoga gate19:25
gmannI am saying using tempest 30.0.0 in stable yoga does not loose test coverage and not create any backport issue19:25
gmanntonyb: only for the c8s jobs19:26
tonybgmann: please elaborate on that last statement19:26
gmannand if that happen we will see what to do for c8s testing. we do take decision on such testing on stable branches based on case by case and best effort to test every case in upstream19:26
gmannif any backport needed tempest change (very rare) and block c8s job then we can take decision if we want to make c8s job non voting until we have new python interpreter option 19:28
gmanngoing with py3.6 constraints in requriement and use of old tempest is best possible way to forward19:28
tonybso you can see there is a route for there to be a problem?19:28
gmanntonyb: very very rare and i will not block things for that rare cases19:29
tonybwe're still getting on the same page for the problem discussions of solutions can wait19:29
gmannwhen that happens we will see19:29
tonybit will block things for any project that has c8 *and* ubuntu jobs19:29
gmannthis is samea for EM branches also, should we block them too?19:30
gmannthey are blocked now also19:30
tonyband if that project is on the integrated gate it will block everything19:30
gmannwhich c8s job with tempest master is passing?19:30
tonyb*but* the EM period is explictly "best effort"19:30
gmannthese distro with such old python version are also same19:31
gmanntesting runtime is all about best effort not guaranteed testing things19:31
tonybYes it isn't *just* c8 but that's easy to type19:31
gmannwhich other distro?19:31
tonybu 18.xx19:31
gmannall other distro supported in yoga has >py3.619:32
gmannwe do not support u 18.xx in yoga19:32
sean-k-mooneyyep excption c8s19:32
gmannonly case here broken is c8s19:32
sean-k-mooneywe extended 3.6 support to yoga because fo rdo/ooo and c8s19:32
gmannwhich was added in supported in yoga after lot of discussion as mentioned in the commit msg of patch i mentioned19:33
gmannsean-k-mooney: exactly 19:33
tonybgmann: Okay I as wrong about u18.xx19:33
gmannif any rare case happen and c8s job are blocked then we make them non voting19:33
gmannuntil anyone want to solve/fix them with new version interpreter 19:34
tonybThat is a terrible outcome19:34
gmannone important thing to note: from 2023.1 cycle we are making centos stream as 'bets effort' testing distro as all jobs are periodic not in gate queue  19:34
tonybwe're have a rare but definable potential gate blocker and we're just going to "#shurg future peoples problem yolo"?19:35
gmannso they know how difficult is their testing in OpenStack CI due to nature of their distro or so19:35
gmannwe discussed that last month only19:35
tonybgmann: the 2023.1 point is orthogonal19:35
sean-k-mooneywell right now emma is tryign to fix the c8s situration19:35
sean-k-mooneyby fixing the requirements for py3.619:36
gmannyeah, not sure why we are blocking her fix whihc is at least making c8s job working19:36
tonybsean-k-mooney: Yup I just want to make sure we all understand the problem so we can also understand the potential solutions19:36
tonybgmann: because the fix *wont* fix anything19:36
sean-k-mooneybasically emma want the upstream jobs to catch things before tehy break use downstream in rdo/osp19:36
gmanntonyb: we understand the problem since py2.7 drop time and it is tested like that since than. any distro having old pythn and does not match with tempest master then we need to pit it like for py3.519:37
tonybI showed how to trivually reproduce the issue outside of the gate and the stable/yoga requitremnts fix doesn't / can't help19:37
sean-k-mooneyshe is also lookign to update some of them to a more recent centos in some cases19:37
gmannmost of the project gate using c9s in gate19:38
sean-k-mooneytonyb: did you see the patch where she also pinns the version fo tempest19:38
gmannin yoga gate19:38
sean-k-mooneyits a two part fix19:38
sean-k-mooney1 make sure the requiremetns are co installable in 3.6 and 2 pin tempest to a compatible version in the c8s jobs on stable branches19:38
gmannand that require requirement change at first 19:39
tonybgmann: but it still fails with the requirements change19:42
sean-k-mooneyone option might be to move wallaby and aove to c9s19:42
sean-k-mooneyto alight with what we will ship them on downstream19:42
sean-k-mooneyi.e. rhel 919:42
sean-k-mooneybut the issue were discoved when tryitn to backprot change and we still need to supprot train19:43
sean-k-mooneyfor a long time19:43
tonybsean-k-mooney: we could but that's a different thing19:43
sean-k-mooneyright so initally emma is trying to fix the existing jobs19:43
sean-k-mooneyanyway we have to take our dog for a walk and i need to eat19:43
sean-k-mooneyso enjoy yoru weekend o/19:44
tonybokay so the bottom line is that I disagree with pinning tempest but I'm willing to go down that path.  So lets generate the chnage(s) that do that.  verify that we get the correct temptest ; *then* look at what requiremnets change(s) are also needed19:45
tonybgmann: Can you point me at where we do the pinning in the job configs for EM?19:46
gmanntonyb: for this patch, this is wherer pin is dine
gmannI am checking what it is failing now19:47
tonybokay me also19:49
tonybSo we're still using the *master* constraints rather than TEMPEST_VENV_UPPER_CONSTRAINTS19:50
gmanncommented about the failure in patch19:51
gmannwe need to merge this in devstack and backport to yoga
tonybOkay in the meantime we can test the backport via depends-on19:56
tonybI'll do the cherry-pick19:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-traits to new release 2.9.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for metalsmith to new release 1.8.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for sushy to new release 4.3.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-brick to new release 6.1.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for kuryr-lib to new release 2.6.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for monasca-statsd to new release 2.5.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for mistral-lib to new release 2.7.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for ironic-lib to new release 5.3.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for keystonemiddleware to new release 10.0.1

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