Monday, 2022-05-23

*** Guest0 is now known as prometheanfire00:17
*** elodilles is now known as elodilles_afk08:31
*** elodilles_afk is now known as elodilles12:16
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/requirements stable/ussuri: bump tempest for stable/ussuri to yoga verion pin.
opendevreviewsean mooney proposed openstack/requirements stable/ussuri: bump tempest for stable/ussuri to yoga verion pin.
iurygregorywe started to see some weird failures in IPA jobs in stable/wallaby seems like it's trying to run things in python 3.8 17:35
iurygregoryERROR: Package 'ironic-python-agent' requires a different Python: 3.6.8 not in '>=3.8'17:35
iurygregoryI also see ERROR: Failed building wheel for openstack-requirements17:36
iurygregoryops this is not the newest failure...17:37

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