Wednesday, 2022-04-06

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
gouthamrhi, seeing some jobs fail with requirements errors06:21
gouthamrThe conflict is caused by:06:21
gouthamr The user requested openstackdocstheme>=2.2.106:21
gouthamr The user requested (constraint) openstackdocstheme===2.4.006:21
gouthamrexample: (
gouthamri can't understand the conflict here... 06:21
gouthamr2.4.0 is >=2.2.106:22
gouthamrdoes anyone know what can be done to resolve this?06:22
smcginnisgouthamr: Nothing obvious from the output. Have you tried to install locally to see if you can repro it?18:52
gouthamrsmcginnis: nope, i didn't encounter it locally, just on Zuul.. i also just recheck'ed and followed the log, the error disappeared19:00
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements stable/wallaby: Fix requirements-check error message
opendevreviewMerged openstack/requirements stable/victoria: Fix requirements-check error message

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