Friday, 2020-07-03

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rakhmerovhi, I have a question on requirements. The Ussuri version of "mistral" is not compatible with the latest mistral-lib (2.2.0). But in the requirements.txt there's still "mistral-lib>=1.4.0"09:19
rakhmerovI'm wondering how to best fix it09:19
rakhmerovwould it be right to just do that constrains "mistral-lib" version (<2.2.0) and make the same change in global-requirements.txt09:20
rakhmerovboth for ussuri branch09:20
rakhmerovalthough the older branches are also affected..09:20
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rakhmerovwould appreciate a hint09:24
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openstackgerritElod Illes proposed openstack/requirements stable/stein: Bump subunit to 1.4.0 in train too
hberaudrakhmerov: o/ I think your approach is good, but another POV than mine on this topic could be worth13:02
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-traits to new release 2.4.0
smcginnisrakhmerov: Something else is going on there. Stable/ussuri mistral should not be using mistral-lib
smcginnisrakhmerov: Likely you have a broken job or broken tox.ini that isn't using constraints like it should.14:29
smcginnisrakhmerov: Looks like at least most of the tox jobs are using constraints. I don't see any job failures on stable/ussuri patches though, so not sure where this is an issue.14:31
rakhmerovsmcginnis: it happens for people who just use pip14:41
rakhmerovif they install mistral separately14:41
rakhmerovin OpenStack CI all is good, yes14:41
rakhmerovhberaud: ^14:41
smcginnisrakhmerov: Installing from pip still needs to use the upper-constraints for the given stable branch.14:42
rakhmerovhm... really? You mean PIP is somehow aware of the upper constraints?14:42
rakhmerovI just don't know that mechanism14:42
smcginnisThat's the -c that we put in our tox files and elsewhere. That's not a tox thing, that's a pip thing.14:43
smcginnisIf you want to install a stable version of something, you need to use that to make sure you get compatible versions of the packages.14:43
smcginnisEven master, really.14:43
rakhmerovooh, I see what you mean.. yes. But it's not so obvious for someone who just found a package in PIP and wants to install it14:44
rakhmerovok, so14:44
smcginnisYeah. Thankfully I don't think it's too common that someone just randomly tries to pip install a service, but it is an implicit requirement if they do so.14:45
rakhmerovok, gotcha14:45
rakhmerovI got a complaint from our users on that14:45
rakhmerovwe're used to all these machinery (upper-constraints etc) but there are people really who just use Pip14:46
smcginnisThey are likely to have a lot more suprises if they think they can just pip install and be done. ;)14:46
rakhmerovsmcginnis: so I'm thinking if we can still do something to make it better14:46
rakhmerovsmcginnis: so do you just recommend to mention in the docs maybe?14:47
smcginnisTracking upper-constraints really is that thing that was done. We used to try to cap specific versions, then have a bot that would update every single project that referenced that package. But that was unmaintainable.14:47
smcginnisSo yeah, adding some documentation definitely wouldn't hurt to try to make sure folks are aware of how that needs to work.14:48
rakhmerovyeah-yeah... I remember that transition14:48
smcginnisIf you are coming across users that try this often.14:48
rakhmerovhm.. ok14:48
rakhmerovalright, thanks! I'll put the corresponding info somewhere in the docs and make sure it's visible enough14:49
smcginnisGreat, thanks rakhmerov.14:50
rakhmerovhave a good one14:50
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smcginnisprometheanfire: Commenting here since I doubt the necessary folks are around (like fungi, who I hope is happily vacationing). The nightly generate constraints job is failing yet:
smcginnisThe issue appears to be that this job needs to run under py3.6 through py3.8 to generate the constraints.15:21
smcginnisIt creates a venv for each one, runs the commands, then gets the output from each.15:21
smcginnisThe issues is venv is not installed for each environment.15:22
smcginnisI had switched the command to run "python -m venv" instead of "virtualenv ..." thinking that would help since venv is standard lib and virtualenv is not.15:22
smcginnisBut on ubuntu they break out python3-venv into a separate package that is not installed.15:23
smcginnisSo either we need a way to get that installed, or we need to revert my change and go back to virtualenv, and also figure out how the ensure-virtualenv role would need to be updated so we can give it each python version that we need to have virtualenv installed under.15:24
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smcginnisSomething like the ensure_pip_from_upstream_interpreters option in ensure-pip.15:24
smcginnisThat does not exist today.15:24
funginot here, but the options for that are similar to what we discussed earlier in #openstack-infra when i thought that was the failure it was hitting (i guess i remembered the job correctly after all, we just weren't getting that far yet and so the problem was masked by a different error)15:24
smcginnisYeah, now I see what you were thinking about. ;)15:24
* smcginnis isn't here either.15:25
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smcginnisTalking this through, I wonder if we can just switch the job to run on a RH image so there isn't a separate package to install for python3-venv.15:25
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fungiso anyway, could extent ensure-pip to have a multi-interpreter option for its distro packages logical branch, or could switch the job to install pip from pypi via (though i don't know if the latter will *actually* get you a working venv module, that's part of stdlib)15:26
smcginnisIt doesn't look like it.15:26
smcginnisIs there an ansible role we can just use directly that installs system packages under a given python version?15:27
smcginnisSomething like a: - role   name: install-package   package: python3.6-venv15:28
smcginnisThough it looks like bionic only has python3.6-venv and python3.7-venv, so I'm not sure how 3.8 would be handled.15:28
smcginnisSo maybe easier going back to virtualenv so we can just pip install it.15:28
fungithere is a separate ensure-python role15:30
fungiwhich can install arbitrary pythons, not limited to the ones provided by the distro15:30
smcginnisIs there a way to tell that to include venv?15:31
fungithere is a 3.8 venv in bionic too:
smcginnisAh, I was looking under bionic, not bionic-updates.15:32
fungiyou can search most easily with and it will turn up all instances of that package name across every suite15:33
smcginnisSo I guess we need an ensure-venv to go along with ensure-virtualenv. One that includes the version to install?15:33
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fungiensure-pip installs the separate venv package if distro packaging is used, but doesn't (yet) have a way to say install for more than one distro packaged python interpreter version so only uses the default python3:
fungimy vote would be to extend install-pip and always use it if you need to make sure venv is present16:54
fungibut that's a discussion for #zuul16:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/stein: Bump subunit to 1.4.0 in train too
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/requirements master: DNM: Test propose-updates fix
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openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack/requirements master: Temporarily cap setuptools<48.0.0
gmannsmcginnis: prometheanfire ^^ i know this is not recommended for setuptools but this is the quick way to unblock the gates -
gmanni have filed bug on devstack side also, at least to revert back the cap at the end, so this is temporary to gate unblock.22:30
prometheanfiregmann: yep, I reviewed it (with questoins)22:32
prometheanfireglad you mentioned a revert plan22:33
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gmannprometheanfire: replied too22:36
prometheanfiregiven the holiday I'm not gonna wait for smcginnis22:36
gmannsure, thanks22:37
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prometheanfiregmann: what I'll probably do is propose the patch to revert with DNM on just so I don't forget22:40
gmannprometheanfire: +1 make sense.22:40
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