Wednesday, 2019-03-27

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/rocky: update constraint for python-heatclient to new release 1.16.2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/queens: update constraint for os-brick to new release 2.3.6
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Bump past removed version of croniter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/stein: Update .gitreview for stable/stein
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/queens: update constraint for python-heatclient to new release 1.14.1
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-api-ref to new release 1.6.1
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openstackgerritDan Radez proposed openstack/requirements master: networking-ansible has broken out api code to its own library: network-runner
openstackgerritMark Goddard proposed openstack/requirements stable/stein: Bump past removed version of croniter
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tonybprometheanfire: meeting?20:31
prometheanfiresorry, interview happened :P21:00
prometheanfiretonyb: smcginnis dhellmann dirk available for meeting?21:00
tonybprometheanfire: np I hope it went well21:02
tonyb... and for once I am only single-meeting-tasking \o/21:03
prometheanfireit did, we'll see if an offer comes21:05
smcginnisGood luck!21:05
prometheanfireso? meeting? I just was going to announce the unfreeze21:05
tonybWorks for me21:06
smcginnisI'm mostly here now.21:06
prometheanfireok, no meeting then21:06
tonybThe only thing I was goign to bring up is that EU and AU will complete the DST transition soon and that may make moving the meeting viable?  Maybe not21:06
prometheanfireI don't know how time works21:07
tonybOn absolute terms it's a monotonically increasing counter21:07
tonybthen humans added crap to it to make it skip bits or have some bits twice21:07
tonybso really it's our own fault21:08
prometheanfireleap seconds are the worst21:08
tonybanother silly human thing21:08
tonybcarbon decays at a constant rate ;P21:08
prometheanfiretrue, I'd rather have that monotonic clock then maintain a map to utc21:08
tonybwe should use that21:08
prometheanfireconstant, but unreliable :P it's random for a reason21:09
* tonyb must have misunderstood soemthing21:11
prometheanfireusing carbon decay as a clock?21:13
tonybI thought carbon-14 had a well understood half-life that asn't random21:14
tonybbut maybe it's too finicky to really use as a clock21:14
prometheanfireit does, just not fine enough21:15
prometheanfireradioactive decay tends to follow a path, but it is still random at it's core21:16
prometheanfirezoom in enough and everything gets spikey21:16
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: sqlalchemy 1.3.0 bump
tonybprometheanfire: Are you going to warn cycle-trainling about the thaw and tell them how to avoid it if they need to?21:46
prometheanfireI did send a warning email with at least one workaround22:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for os-api-ref to new release 1.6.1

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