Saturday, 2018-09-08

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tonybprometheanfire: Thursday 1500->2200 (Denver time) works for me.  Which probably means 1500->1700 really05:12
tonybIf we want to use Video I can offer up my blue jeans 'room' as for the most part it seesm to work better than hangouts and dhellmann possibly has the client installed already05:15
prometheanfiretonyb: which client is it?05:17
prometheanfiretonyb: I think the others want the morning though :|05:18
tonybprometheanfire: That's fine  Clearly I can't do morning05:18
prometheanfirethat's a new one05:18
prometheanfiretonyb: ya, I'm aware, just communicating05:19
* prometheanfire has zoom that could be used maybe05:19
tonybprometheanfire: Sure zoom was good at RAX05:20
prometheanfiretonyb: do you know where the +1 for celiometer he was talking about?05:26
tonybprometheanfire: Nope but I'll work out why it isn't publiching and then add the jobs to make it publish *or* get back to him with a list of things to do05:26
tonybHmm If *should* be publishing to pypi:
tonyband even after we move that config in repo in it still should05:31
tonybI guess we need to workout what's going wrong and wheer05:31
tonybbut if jd is on board it should be okay, hopefully resolved by the end of the week :/05:31
tonyb<- that guy's an optomist ;P05:32
prometheanfireseems like05:33
tonybll look into it on Monday05:39
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dhellmanntonyb : if you're going to switch the ceilometer publishing job, go ahead and use the new python3 version a la
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tonybdhellmann: Sure.  They seem to have the older jobs emabled but they're not working?  Anyway I'll work on it on Monday and then maybe perster y'all to source reviews at the PTG23:17

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