Saturday, 2018-09-01

prometheanfiretonyb: looks like we are having fails due to this
prometheanfiremaybe py36 change? (only py2)00:12
* prometheanfire descided to stop hitting recheck00:16
tonybprometheanfire: Okay I'll look into it on my Monday01:01
tonybdhellmann, elbragstad: I'll check on Monday or tomorrow if I get time01:02
prometheanfiretonyb: I sent an email to the list after talking to fungi01:03
tonybprometheanfire: okay01:03
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tonybso the networking-* projecst are tightly coupled so I suspect the usage is correct it just a matter of doign it correctly (like we used to).  I'll try to fire up some fixes in networking-* ; or if we really need to we can just punt and remove them from the integration test01:19
tonybbut it's the weekend and I'm goign to go play with the kids01:19
prometheanfiretonyb: yep, that's my last option as well (remove them from co-install test)01:23
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