Friday, 2018-06-22

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Rollback dulwich to 0.19.2
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Exclude dulwich 0.19.3 from global requirements
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Update lower constraints for heat-translator 1.1.0
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electrofelixSo fixed up the missing pieces for, wondering if there is anything else needed or does it look like it's ready for review and I just need to wait a few days?08:35
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openstackgerritboden proposed openstack/requirements stable/queens: add neutron/networking projects to blacklist for queens
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-keystoneclient to new release 3.17.0
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/requirements master: Move upper constraint off deleted pycryptodomex release
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements master: Bump flask to past 1.0 (current 1.0.2)
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kmallocdhellmann, dims, tonyb: -> propose moving flask above 1.0 so that we (keystone) can lean on the new features.20:05
kmallocmostly around testing, but it looks like the <1.0 has been in for over 3 years.20:05
kmallocso long before upper/lower-constraints.20:05
kmalloccc prometheanfire ^20:06
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements master: Bump flask to past 1.0 (current 1.0.2)
dhellmannkmalloc : seems reasonable. are you aware of any breaking changes? do you anticipate any specific issues?20:13
kmallocdhellmann: i am not aware of breaking changes or specific issues, but i'm looking through relnotes and codesearch to be sure. just wanted to get a jump on the long check/gate [number of tests] process20:15
kmalloci think 0.12 -> 1.0 was pretty straightforward20:15
kmallocthis looks to be the biggest "breaking change" [looking at changelog] Change the default for JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR to False. jsonify() returns a compact format by default, and an indented format in debug mode.20:16
kmallocand that isn't really breaking.20:17
dhellmannI hope we don't have any clients relying on *that*20:17
dhellmannI'm sure someone out there wrote a parser instead of just using a json parser, though20:17
kmallocif you're relying on white-space json vs ... json...20:18
kmalloci'm going to be really sad, where "you" is "someone"20:18
* kmalloc goes and pokes -uc with a stick, something is wonky in uc.20:19
kmallocpycryptodomex... did.. someone yank a bunch of pypi? /me chases this down.20:19
kmallocyep, looks like 3.6.2 was yanked.20:20
kmallocdhellmann: what is the correct way to fix -uc when someone does something silly... like remove a release from pypi?20:20
kmallocor.. maybe our mirrors are weird. its in pypi.20:21
dhellmannpick a version that still exists20:21
dhellmannoh, our mirror gets out of sync sometimes20:21
dhellmannfor that, talk to the infra team20:21
kmallocyeah. going to head to -infra20:22
kmallocit's causing the gating requirements jobs to fail too.20:22
kmallocthough i guess we could just bump to 3.6.3 if it doesn't break anyone.20:22
kmalloc3.6.3 seems safe, minor bug fix. going to popose an updated uc anyway20:25
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements master: Bump flask to past 1.0 (current 1.0.2)
kmallocdhellmann: it was removed from pypi (*eyeroll*), anyway rebased on that fix that is headed through now.20:29
kmallocdhellmann: thanks! :)20:30
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstack-release-test to new release 1.1.0
prometheanfirekmalloc: ya, that just hit master (the pycrypto thing)20:33
kmallocprometheanfire: it makes me sad that people remove things from pypi.20:33
kmallocprometheanfire: yep found it and rebased on top of it :)20:33
prometheanfirekmalloc: well, we only have one package remaining that we care about that uses pycrypto, and we have the reviews to switch it to cryptography, just no reviewers20:43
prometheanfireI'd rather just remove pycrptodomex20:43
kmallocprometheanfire: ++ i'd offer to help but somehow i think i'm not on the list of folks who could help with pycryptodomex changeover at this point ;)20:46
kmalloc[as in review horsepower]20:46
prometheanfirekmalloc: it's in freezer if you are intrested  :P20:47
kmallocprometheanfire: hehe20:50
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements master: Bump flask to past 1.0 (current 1.0.2)
kmallocsmcginnis: ^ bah, missed a lc bump for flask =/, werkzeug needed to match flask minimum20:52
smcginniskmalloc: Ah, easy enough. Thanks20:54
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for python-cinderclient to new release 3.6.1
kmallocprometheanfire: thanks for the +2! :)22:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Move upper constraint off deleted pycryptodomex release

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