Wednesday, 2018-04-18

openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: DNM: testing new error handling
prometheanfiredhellmann: made a test patch00:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: exclude eventlet 0.21.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for openstack-release-test to new release 0.14.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements stable/ocata: update constraint for python-openstackclient to new release 3.8.2
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openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack/requirements master: Add jira client library to g-r
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openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack/requirements master: Add jira client library to g-r
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements master: show commands and output together
dhellmannprometheanfire : further enhancements ^12:30
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements master: add exclusions for python-barbicanclient needed by magnum
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prometheanfiresince the bot's broken...17:22
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: update upper-constraints.txt
prometheanfireprobably some in there that break things17:23
dhellmannprometheanfire : does either your patch or mine actually fix the bot?17:24
dhellmanniirc the real problem was something else, wasn't it?17:24
prometheanfireyes, the real problem is that libvirt_python fails to build on xenial now17:25
prometheanfireworks on gentoo though :D17:25
dhellmannprometheanfire : I assume all of those failures for new releases are caused by the bandersnatch update infra is doing?17:37
dhellmannsorry, the failures for constraint updates from new releases17:37
prometheanfiredhellmann: I think so17:38
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prometheanfiremeeting in 5 min tonyb, prometheanfire, number80, dirk, coolsvap, toabctl, smcginnis, dhellmann20:24
dirkI'm gonna skip today, not awake enough anymore20:26
prometheanfiredirk: ok, I don't think there's much other than the nightly bot update breaking20:26
tonybZOMG where is my coffee20:27
tonybphew, someone had drunk it (who does that?) but it's okay I made another20:29
prometheanfire#startmeeting requirements20:30
openstackMeeting started Wed Apr 18 20:30:17 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is prometheanfire. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.20:30
* tonyb think's y'all are mostly tea drinkers anyway.20:30
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'requirements'20:30
prometheanfiretonyb: eh, I do both20:30
prometheanfire#topic rollcall20:30
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prometheanfiretonyb, prometheanfire, number80, dirk, coolsvap, toabctl, smcginnis, dhellmann20:30
tonybor perhaps o720:30
prometheanfireo7 cmdr20:31
tonybI think this is probably all we'll get20:32
prometheanfire#topic Any controversies in the Queue?20:32
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prometheanfireI don't think so, just gate breakages20:33
smcginnisNothing I'm aware of.20:33
prometheanfire#topic gate breakage20:33
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prometheanfireI haven't had time to look at the libvirt_python build failure20:33
prometheanfireI manually ran generate constraints locally and it worked (gentoo), the review is here
prometheanfirethat's next on my todo list though20:34
prometheanfiredhellmann: you know more about the other gate failure?20:34
tonybprometheanfire: You need to run it on xenial as it's a problem with the libvirt-python package interacting witht libvirt{.so,.h}20:35
tonybprometheanfire: I'll try to build a xenial machine at home today if I can get make progress on the stable gate :(20:35
dhellmannoh, the thing jroll posted about?20:35
* tonyb hasn't see that20:36
jrolloh hi :)20:36
prometheanfiretonyb: sure, oldest libvirt I can use is 4.1.0-r320:36
dhellmannI just noticed the version of pbr was older there and stephenfin took out some of the magic setuptools stuff and thought upgrading pbr might help20:37
tonybprometheanfire: I don't think that's the point.  I bisected it down to the run it broke on so somethign chnage either in ubuntu/ our image (or both) in that 24 hours window20:37
jrolldhellmann: yeah, just saw your reply. it would probably handle it, though I'd still be super confused to what the root cause is20:37
tonybmy gut tells me it's the former20:37
tonybjroll: Yeah I'm looking at that and related failures on the stable branches20:38
tonybit's been a while since we had such a firedrill ;P20:38
jrolltonyb: cool, thanks for looking into it. I've pretty much given up at this point :/20:39
tonybjroll: I think the bottom line is it's my problem and it affects lots of teams although your pep8 issue looks strange20:40
jrolltonyb: I'm happy to help if you make headway, I'm just stuck20:40
jrolldon't want to put it all on you20:41
tonybjroll: cool, If I come up with seomthing I'll let you know20:41
prometheanfireanyone have anything else?20:41
* tonyb wonders if it's a pip10 thing 20:42
dhellmannI have another topic but it's not about the gate breakage20:42
prometheanfire#topic Open Discussion20:42
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prometheanfiredhellmann: go ahead20:42
smcginnisSorry, I distracted him on a release thing.20:42
dhellmannI was going to start working on the releases site support for different stable branch status per deliverables20:42
dhellmannI think tonyb had some ideas for what that needed to support, and I thought other folks in here might, too20:43
dhellmannit's not really requirements related but since you're all here...20:43
dhellmannjust drop by that story and leave some comments when you have time20:43
tonybdhellmann: Oh cool, I don't think there's a lot to it20:44
tonybdhellmann: 1) Make sure updateing old deliverable files doesn't re-create EOLd branches20:44
tonybdhellmann: then make verything <=newton EOL, but setting a stable-status (name open for discussion) flag in each file and then 'maintained' for the rest20:45
tonybdhellmann: then update sphinx extension to display that and/or defult to maintained if missing20:46
tonybdhellmann: the thing I wanted to talk to operators/vendors about in YVR is given that do we need a single page per branch that lists the status of each deliverable in that release20:46
tonybto avoid havening to click a million links to find out what works20:47
dhellmannyeah, I was going to show that info on the releases.o.o page for the series20:47
dhellmannfor example, in
dhellmannadd a new column to the table20:48
tonybdhellmann: awesome that works nicely, then we can really simplify the table on the index.html20:48
* dhellmann nods20:49
tonybanyone else have thoughts?20:49
dhellmanndo we want to show the default status for a branch on the main page?20:49
tonybdhellmann: I don't think so20:49
dhellmanndo we even want a default status for a branch?20:49
dhellmannI thought we might, but maybe not20:49
tonybdhellmann: but I don't have a stronge feeling there20:49
dhellmannok, I'll see what looks easy to implement20:50
tonybdhellmann: Yeah I thought so.  Thanks for doing it. let me knwo if you want help or do a 'follow-the-sun' agiley thing ;P20:50
dhellmannsure :-)20:51
prometheanfirethe only question I had is when we'll know when/where the next ptg is20:51
tonybI had a quesrion about per-project requirements ....20:52
prometheanfiretonyb: sure20:52
dhellmannprometheanfire : probably in vancouver20:52
prometheanfireah, makes sense20:52
tonybdhellmann: Oh that's not what I heard but things change quickly20:52
dhellmannI think we have a strong sense that it's september and in north america, but we don't have more detail than that yet20:52
dhellmanntonyb : we would *know* in vancouver20:52
dhellmannsorry, I wasn't clear20:52
tonybdhellmann: Oh yeah that's more what I thought20:53
dhellmannI anticipate an announcement around the summit20:53
tonybdhellmann: it was a perfectly correct response to the question on the table20:53
smcginnisI heard "central US", but that's about it.20:54
* prometheanfire isn't going to the summit20:54
smcginnisSomeone from the foundation told me it will be announced Friday.20:54
* dhellmann gets out a map and a ruler20:54
smcginnisprometheanfire: boo20:54
dhellmannoh, nice, that's sooner than I expected20:54
dhellmannprometheanfire: double boo20:54
tonybso with the per-project requirements stuff.  a project can only add a !=$version if it matches g-r right? but they don't have to have all the !='s in g-r20:54
dhellmanntonyb : yes, that is correct20:55
prometheanfireit was either that or germany, and I'd like to go to germany :D20:55
tonybdo we have anything that stops a project from upping the minium version of a library?20:55
dhellmannprometheanfire : I think I would have made the same decision in your position :-)20:55
tonybprometheanfire: Berlin summit!20:55
dhellmanntonyb : the upper-constraints.txt entry must be compatible with the requirement entry in the project tree20:55
dhellmannso they have to raise that first, and then they can raise the minimum version20:56
prometheanfirethey have to raise their requirements as well20:56
prometheanfireand it cannot conflict with exclusions in gr20:56
* dhellmann refers tonyb to the shiny new documentation at
dhellmannhmm, that's an interesting one20:56
tonybdhellmann: Well that's upper but say u-c had foo===3.0 and in $prject that had l-c==1.0 and requirements: foo>=1.020:57
dhellmannI'm not sure we have anything that prevents someone from setting the minimum in their tree from being a value excluded in the global lists20:57
tonybdhellmann: what stops them from ....20:57
tonybdhellmann: Well that's upper but say u-c had foo===3.0 and in $prject that had l-c==2.0 and requirements: foo>=2.020:57
dhellmannI mean it wouldn't work for u-c but it might as a lower bounds20:57
tonybpart way through a release?20:57
dhellmanntonyb : let me restate that and see if I understand what you're asking20:58
prometheanfiredhellmann: hmm, exclusions should be synced to requirements still?20:58
tonybdhellmann: I'm not sure we need to do that thing ' setting the minimum in their tree from being a value excluded in the global lists'20:58
prometheanfireof so that'd prevent them being set in lc20:58
tonybdhellmann: please do I'll be quiet20:58
dhellmannare you concerned that a project could raise the minimum version of a dependency in the middle of a cycle?20:59
tonybdhellmann: Yes20:59
tonybdhellmann: with the centralised system we enforced that as part of the stable policy21:00
dhellmannok. we supported that already, and we need to still support it, right? otherwise we can't have nova depend on a new feature of oslo.messaging21:00
dhellmannoh, in a *stable* branch21:00
tonybdhellmann: and I think we missed that in this design21:00
dhellmanndid we have automation in place for that?21:00
tonybdhellmann: yeah, sorry I though I said that but didn't21:00
dhellmannwe probably want to add an explicit check for that21:01
tonybdhellmann: No it was just really easy to spot and was explicit in the review guidlines21:01
dhellmannI guess before we got it as a side-effect of requiring the exact match21:01
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tonybdhellmann: Yeah more or less21:01
dhellmannyeah, so that's a hole now, you're right21:01
dhellmannprometheanfire : do you have a todo list somewhere that we should add that to?21:02
tonybdhellmann: Okay I'll look at adding it to the requirements-check tool/job21:02
dhellmannin the mean time we can watch for it when we do stable release reviews21:02
prometheanfiredhellmann: nope, a bug should be made21:02
dhellmannwe need to be careful that that rule is only applied to stable branches21:02
tonybdhellmann: Yeah as we don't have stable/rocky we don't have a problem21:03
dhellmannwell, someone could go change one of the existing stable branches now21:03
tonybdhellmann: it was just something I thought I noticed a coupel of days ago21:03
dhellmannyeah, you're right, we should address that21:03
prometheanfirequestion 1: should we allow projects to have a lc set to a version excluded in gr?21:04
tonybdhellmann: Oh yeah phooey I'll do it after the stable gate is fixed or at least I know how to fix it21:04
prometheanfirequestion 2: do we sync exclusions from gr to project's reqs?21:04
tonybprometheanfire: no21:04
dhellmannprometheanfire : no. there is currently no syncing of anything in any direction.21:05
prometheanfireif question 2 is yes, then question 1 is moot21:05
tonybprometheanfire: part of the point is that $project doesn't have to care that $other_project has a problem witha specific version of $library they share21:05
dhellmannanswer 1 I think is yes21:05
tonybprometheanfire: as long as it isn't the current one in u-c21:05
prometheanfiretonyb: sure, I just want thing spoken out21:05
tonybSorry I was answering q221:06
prometheanfireI think I'm fine with saying yes to 1 as well21:06
tonybI think q1: yes, q2: no21:06
dhellmannI don't think there is anything in place today to prevent a project from having a lower constraint set to a value that is excluded in the global list21:06
prometheanfireas long as we are all clear on that we are good21:06
prometheanfiredhellmann: the question is if that's a gap, I don't think it is, since uc are what's truely co-installable21:07
dhellmannprometheanfire : right, I think we can ignore that or allow it or however you want to look at it21:08
prometheanfiredhellmann: currently those are the same :P21:08
prometheanfirejust wanted policy to be clear21:08
dhellmannwe could spell that out, but I think it's going to be easier for people to understand the rules if we focus on "the upper-constraints value must be compatible with your requirements range"21:08
tonybI think it's a design feature, we only really care for the global-maxiumum-minium value and we dont'' track that yet so whoever writes those tools can care about it21:09
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dhellmannwe came up with a better name for that last week, didn't we?21:09
* dhellmann can't remember21:10
prometheanfirelol, probably21:10
prometheanfireok, I think I'm done21:10
prometheanfireanyone else have something?21:10
tonybdhellmann: Yeah I think it was dont-even-try.txt ;P21:10
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dhellmannwe can call it the tjmaxx :
prometheanfiretonyb: oh ya21:11
dhellmann"the max for the minimum"21:11
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prometheanfiredhellmann: local maximum21:11
tonybprometheanfire: no local is per-project21:11
prometheanfireclose to that concept21:11
prometheanfireanyway, ending21:12
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openstackMeeting ended Wed Apr 18 21:12:34 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)21:12
openstackMinutes (text):
dhellmannprometheanfire , tonyb : "lowest-coinstallable-set"
dhellmannbut I like tjmaxx better :-)21:13
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tonybokay tjmaxx it is, for discussion in the team21:14
prometheanfirethat mean thermal junction max to me21:14
prometheanfirebtw :P21:14
* prometheanfire hopes others can't unthink that21:15
prometheanfireanyway, afk21:15
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/requirements stable/queens: DNM Test bump of upper constraint for pbr
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: simplify error handling in generate command
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: show commands and output together
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