Thursday, 2017-09-21

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.log to new release 3.31.0
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/requirements master: Avoid networkx 2.0
openstackgerritzhangyangyang proposed openstack/requirements master:  Update sphinx version in requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.context to new release 2.18.1
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.policy to new release 1.27.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for neutron-lib to new release 1.10.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: [tools] Add a README.txt
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prometheanfireianw: can we just mask that particular release for now instead of capping it?04:20
ianwprometheanfire: well 2.0 is effectively a new branch that has broken backwards compat04:21
prometheanfirewe could do so with a comment in file to know to remove it once projects are updated04:21
prometheanfireok, in order to cap something we will need a bug to track to cap.04:21
ianwtaskflow uses upper-constraints it seems ... but it does fail with 2.004:22
ianwas for the other projects, i dunno04:22
ianwok, i can file a bug against what i see in codesearch04:22
prometheanfirewe can use the bug to notify consuming projects to test with another review (that sets UC to 2.0 and req >=2.0)04:22
prometheanfiremake it a requirements bug04:22
ianwit's really quite annoying because there's no sane way to support both versions in your code04:23
prometheanfireopenstack-requirements is the project04:23
prometheanfireyour? :P04:23
ianwthey probably should have just called it networkx204:24
prometheanfireeh, it's what major versions are for04:24
prometheanfireI'd rather them keep the same name04:24
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/requirements master: Avoid networkx 2.0
ianwoh for heavens sake, did marking it as a dup remove all the other bugs04:33
prometheanfireremoved the dup flag04:34
prometheanfirewell, if launchpad stops spinning04:34
prometheanfirelooks like that worked04:35
ianwi did too, and dup'd the existing dib bug to that one04:35
prometheanfiredups removed04:35
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: [DNM] test review for consuming projects to use
ianwyou know, how am i going to merge the requirements update anyway if the gate is broken04:39
prometheanfiremake the requirements update depend on the gate fix04:40
ianwbut it won't merge until the gate fix is in, which won't merge till the requirements fix is in ... circle04:40
prometheanfiremake it all one review04:41
ianwi guess i can either mash them together, or turn it off the tests in project-config and then back on04:41
prometheanfireI'd just mash them together, but you know how I work...04:43
prometheanfireI tend to like more atomicy, but sometimes things gotta go fast04:43
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack/requirements master: [DNM] test review of networkx-2.0 for consuming projects to use
prometheanfiretonyb: dirk dims coolsvap, you around to look at ?04:55
coolsvapprometheanfire: i will keep track04:56
prometheanfireianw: once it merges you should be good, kinda wonder why you don't use upper-constraints though (if you are hitting this bug)04:57
ianwi don't think there's any particular reason, other than nobody's updated it04:58
ianwreviews welcome :)04:58
prometheanfireya, will be doing so04:58
dirkianw: can you add the bug reference to the commit message?05:19
dirkI wonder which of those projects are not using uc05:19
prometheanfireya, DIB isn't (made a review for that...)05:20
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ianwdirk: which bug?05:56
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/requirements master: Avoid networkx 2.0
ianwdirk: ^ i'm presuming that's what you mean05:58
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dirkianw: yes, thanks06:40
dirkianw: do you happen to know whether your networkx 2 porting patch is compatible with networkx<2 ?06:40
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ianwdirk: no, unfortunately it's not06:57
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dirkianw: hmpf. Jumping from <2 to >=2 is not an easy switch06:58
dirkSo then I would prefer to not merge the cap06:59
ianwdirk: well it leaves dib in a not so nice situation, because the gate is broken for other reasons (the upstream kernel packaging changed)07:03
ianwso i can't merge a 2.0 fix without fixing that07:03
ianwbut i can't fix that without a 2.0 fix07:03
ianwand afaict, everyone else will be broken by it too, it's just not a backwards compat change.  so wouldn't it be better to undertake the upgrade in a more controlled fashion?07:04
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prometheanfiredirk: some of the breakage should be here
prometheanfireianw: you really should make sure to merge my tox update into whatever final fix you have07:19
prometheanfirefor now though, I sleep07:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.cache to new release 1.26.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.rootwrap to new release 5.10.0
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yolandahi, morning, can we get approved? breaking dib...07:48
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Avoid networkx 2.0
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dimsprometheanfire : looks like it got merged11:43
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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tonybprometheanfire: You'll want to +1 this:
tonybprometheanfire: Well review it, I'm not telling you how to vote P14:40
prometheanfirethat was a simple one :P14:45
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for ovsdbapp to new release 0.6.0
prometheanfiretonyb: how often is the periodic queue run?15:11
tonybprometheanfire: daily IIRC it's at 0600 UTC15:12
tonybYup 0600 UTC15:14
prometheanfiretonyb: I do think we need to update reqs.txt faster than that15:14
prometheanfirethink of gate breakage as a scenario15:14
tonybprometheanfire: but the published things aren't used in the gate15:15
tonybprometheanfire: a commit to $branch will clear the gate15:15
tonybthe published URLs are used only by devs/consumers outside CI running tox15:16
tonybprometheanfire: *ideally* they'd also be used by installers but there aren't a lot of people installing OpenStack by hand from traballs15:16
prometheanfiretrue, forgot about the caching we do15:17
tonybprometheanfire: It isn't caching it's just job setup15:17
prometheanfireit's not updating the cache'd repo?15:17
prometheanfireton of repos are cached on the test images15:18
prometheanfireincluding ours15:18
tonybOh sure that's releated but different15:18
prometheanfireok, what's the harm of publishing often?15:18
tonybeach job always gets the current branch from openstack/requiremenmts15:18
prometheanfireI think openstack-ansible uses the url only, will have to ask15:19
tonybharm? none I just think it's wasteful15:19
prometheanfireI think the low amount of waste does not offset the minor amount of goodness provided by having that file up to date15:21
prometheanfirewe would be making it harder for people to use upper-constraints externally for one thing (via longer turn around time)15:21
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tonybprometheanfire: okay so say all that on the mailing list.  When I suggested mving to periodic I got *crikets*15:25
* tonyb waves at mtreinish15:25
prometheanfireI kinda want to isolate the periodic vs post, mind if I change the email subject in the reply?15:26
tonybprometheanfire: got nuts, just reply to the part wehere I suggested it15:27
tonybhuh, eaves drop doesn't update 'real-time' :(15:27
prometheanfireofcourse :P15:27
mtreinishtonyb: it's on puppet/cron iirc15:27
* mtreinish waves back15:27
mtreinishso every 15min or so15:28
tonybmtreinish: okay, you'll just have to wait to see the ridicule15:28
mtreinishheh, I've already got the log open and have been hitting refesh every couple of min :)15:28
mtreinishtonyb: hey, I install from tarballs!15:33
tonybmtreinish: \o/15:33
tonybmtreinish: good blog BTW15:33
mtreinishtonyb: thanks15:34
tonybprometheanfire: if OSA does use the URL they're broken and that needs to be fixed.  Howevere that's a tanget from the discussion15:36
prometheanfirethey don't15:36
prometheanfireI checked15:36
prometheanfireand ya, tangent15:36
odyssey4mewe use the URL for tox jobs, just like everyone else15:36
prometheanfireno one else uses the url :P15:37
prometheanfirethe UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE var is set then tox is run15:37
prometheanfireso it's a locally updated file15:37
odyssey4meso yes, in openstack infra it doesn't use the url - but outside infra it does15:38
odyssey4mewe do the same thing15:38
openstackgerritboden proposed openstack/requirements master: bump neutron-lib to 1.10.0
prometheanfireok, sent15:43
tonybodyssey4me: cool. I'm more worried about how repo_build.  tox is easy15:45
odyssey4meoh repo_build does it's own git clone so no worries there15:46
tonybodyssey4me: becuase I'm dense I can't see where it gets URL from15:46
odyssey4mehmm, but all our role tests use u-c via the URL though I think15:46
odyssey4me <--- used for role tests15:47
odyssey4merepo_build is perfectly fine - it uses a git clone, checks out the sha... the new mechanism of publishing the head of the branch to a web server won't work for the way we sha pin right now... but we clone the repo and own that tech debt15:48
odyssey4mewe plan, in queens, to try to remodel the whole way the wheels are built anyway15:49
odyssey4mewhat's the worry though - with the git url no longer work for some reason?15:49
tonybodyssey4me: okay.  So you don't work with Depends-On now and wont after this change15:49
odyssey4meno, we only ever use the *committed* version of the file15:50
tonybodyssey4me: the URL will work as it does today15:50
tonybodyssey4me: cool.15:51
odyssey4mewell, if everything goes on fire we'll just blame you :p15:53
odyssey4mebut of course we appreciate the consideration!15:53
tonybodyssey4me: The bottom line is nothing will chnage for you.  You just don't get the goodness of being able to install after requirements goes EOL.15:54
tonybodyssey4me: but you can always factor that into your repo re-work15:54
odyssey4merequirements as a repo is going EOL?15:55
tonybodyssey4me: No the branches with in the repo (eg stable/liberty) will EOL along with the other projects15:56
odyssey4meoh yeah, that's fine - we expect that anyway15:56
tonybodyssey4me: requiremenst are FOR EVER!!!!!15:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.versionedobjects to new release 1.27.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for ovsdbapp to new release 0.6.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: update constraint for oslo.db to new release 4.27.0
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