Monday, 2017-08-07

tonybI kinda agree with you but like I said I don't think we can track pike on master00:23
tonybIt's basically puppet, tripleo, osa and kolla so we can probably talk to those PTLs and a) get any open bot updates merged black listr new ones00:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Update glance store and client minimums
tonybbut then as a complication there are the stadium like projects that branch later than everyone else01:17
tonybsomething to mull over01:17
prometheanfireya, OSA01:30
prometheanfireand the like01:30
prometheanfireimo, as soon as we branch, master becomes queens, so if a cycle trailing wants to track angainst pike, they need to update01:30
prometheanfirewe can keep frozen while they update, but I don't see a reason to have master frozen past the move of cycle trailing to the new branch01:31
tonybprometheanfire: I understand what you're saying what I'm saying is I don't think our tools *let them* do that thing.02:14
tonybprometheanfire: the freeze is about 2 things, 1) risk management and 2) project coordination so we just need to use it to do those 2 things.02:14
tonybthe only part that is tricky is determining which projects need to be coordinated with.02:15
tonybI guess a start would be anything tagged as cycle-trailing and cycle-* and without a pike branch02:16
tonybprometheanfire: I've email os-dev asking for help.03:00
tonybif it's just those 4 then we're fine it's the ones we don't know about that worry me03:00
tonybSo I created: feel free to update/edit03:10
prometheanfireyep, updated a little03:20
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* coolsvap also updated a little05:34
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for pymod2pkg to new release 0.8.4
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove positional package from g-r
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements master: Remove positional package from g-r
openstackgerritHongbin Lu proposed openstack/requirements master: Block pyroute2 0.4.18

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