Tuesday, 2017-02-14

sdakeanyway when you unwedge your gate, let me knwo - could use the help :)00:00
prometheanfiretonyb: they worked around it, and now don't have to work around it with the fix00:00
prometheanfiresdake: I'm stull not sure how you are broken00:01
sdakeprometheanfire i am not sure either - but it happend about 2 hours ago00:01
prometheanfiremay want to figure that out before capping :P00:01
sdakeprometheanfire that isn't my patch00:01
sdakeprometheanfire i was just wondering if the openstack-ansible project was onto something with that00:01
prometheanfirewell, it was ansible itself that failed with the new version, at least until it was fixed in 2.9.500:02
sdakeprometheanfire our gate failure is like this: http://logs.openstack.org/95/429295/20/check/gate-kolla-kubernetes-python35/eb53d52/console.html00:02
sdakeprobably a bug in our code00:03
sdakenot sure :(00:03
tonybsdake: http://logs.openstack.org/95/429295/20/check/gate-kolla-kubernetes-python35/eb53d52/console.html#_2017-02-13_22_34_46_823972 no mention of .equalto but perhaps that's implied00:04
prometheanfireya, wasn't seeing it00:04
sdaketonyb ya - no idea what that problem is00:04
sdaketonyb i'll dig into it a big and see if i see nay problems with the jinja2 itself00:04
tonybsdake: Thanks.  modulo the parent teacher thing :)00:05
sdaketonyb ya i have 40 mins to look at it :)00:06
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sdake_kfox1111 read scrollback: http://tinyurl.com/j38rk2401:41
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements master: Cap Jinja2 in global-requirements.txt to the 2.8.X series  https://review.openstack.org/43054102:02
prometheanfiretonyb: ?02:04
tonybprometheanfire: trying to unblock the kolla-kuberntes gate by verifying that Jinja2 is broken02:06
tonybprometheanfire: kolla-kubernets is using the stable ansible so it has to use Jinja2 < 2.902:06
* tonyb needs to check but I assume that isn't the case for OSA02:07
prometheanfirehmm, maybe02:07
prometheanfirewhat is 'stable'?02:07
prometheanfireansible isn't traced in UC02:08
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tonybprometheanfire: sdake can confirm but I assume it measn released vs master in the ansible repo02:10
tonybsdake: even with 2.8.1 you get the same \\ failure in kolla-kubernets02:11
tonybsigh I can't type that word02:11
prometheanfiretonyb: iirc, osa uses the latest stable ansible release02:11
prometheanfireat this point that's 2.1.x iirc02:11
prometheanfireor that02:11
prometheanfire      Available versions:^t^t{xpak} **9999 {keyczar test PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7"}02:12
sdakeprometheanfire right master has no pin, has a 2.9 pin02:12
tonybsdake: http://logs.openstack.org/93/433393/2/check/gate-kolla-kubernetes-python27-ubuntu-xenial/f2b3dd0/console.html#_2017-02-14_02_07_40_045781 and http://logs.openstack.org/93/433393/2/check/gate-kolla-kubernetes-python27-ubuntu-xenial/f2b3dd0/console.html#_2017-02-14_02_08_54_60260002:12
sdakerather less the n 2.9.0 pin02:12
prometheanfiresdake: ah, that's right, upstream ansible hasn't updated that yet02:12
prometheanfireiirc they planed on doing a release soon02:12
prometheanfirewhich would fix your issue02:12
prometheanfirejust not sure how soon 'soon' is02:13
tonybsdake: Next Idea on how to fix it?02:13
sdakeprometheanfire im not sure what our issue is, other then the gate has been busted today and this is the latest symptom02:13
sdaketonyb i'm not convinced its a jinja2 dep problem - but i'm lost as to what to try next as i'v ebeen at it for 14 hours and exhausted02:14
prometheanfiresdake: if it just happened today I don't think jinja2 is the cause, that change went in ~2 weeks ago iirc02:15
sdakejinja2 is definately backtracing but may not be the cause02:16
sdakelike i said not convinced its a dep problem02:16
tonybprometheanfire: no the chnage happend 2017-02-1002:16
prometheanfiretonyb: it did?02:17
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tonybsdake: I don't think it is as falling back to 2.8.1 doesn02:17
tonybt fix it02:17
tonybprometheanfire: Yeah 2.9.5 was selected as the u-c by the bot02:17
tonybprometheanfire: Ie65cd7c75cce0b4f06fee16cfcb21466b97a93b702:17
prometheanfireah, the uc change that is02:17
prometheanfireI was thinking gr02:18
prometheanfirewonder if that changed things02:18
tonybprometheanfire: I don't think so in this context02:18
prometheanfiretonyb: I'm just posting things I find intresting at this point02:19
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sdakelost power02:20
sdaketonyb here is a riff on your patch that is more hacky that kfox1111 tried: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/433383/02:20
sdaketonyb all busted02:20
tonybprometheanfire: kolla-kubernets doesn't use k8sclient .... but it does use kuberntes which happend in the last 2hrs also02:21
prometheanfiretonyb: yarp02:21
tonybsdake: okay, that's a gross hack to avoid requirements but we'll ignore that :D02:21
sdaketonyb agreed02:21
prometheanfirestill seemed to fail02:22
prometheanfiresame way too02:22
sdakeprometheanfire check out the fialure on the python2.7 gate02:23
sdakethat failed differently02:23
sdakelet me see what that code mports - maybe its a different requirement change02:23
tonybsdake: should the kolla-kubernetes unit tests work with platform != Linux ?02:24
prometheanfiresame thing?02:24
sdakeprometheanfire right - backtrace is different02:24
sdakei guess same exception02:25
sdaketonyb sorry for lag there -wife just got home from ptcs02:33
sdaketoynb unit tests really only targeted at linux02:33
sdaketonyb rather02:33
sdakecentos/ubuntu/oracle linux/debian02:34
tonybsdake: I ran them on linux and get ths same failuer so that's good.02:35
* tonyb had no idea I was going to add stuff to my $PATH :(02:35
sdakekfox1111 ^^02:36
sdakethe part I guess I dont get is how a regression could have got past the voting gates there02:36
sdakewhich makes me think its not a regression but a dependency problem02:37
sdakethe gate was functional sunday02:37
sdakethen something happened today - not sure which - related to mirroring02:37
sdakeosic cloud mirroring was down and busted today02:37
prometheanfirethere was a mirroring problem that was fixed earlier today02:37
kfox1111yeah. still trying to figure out what. :/02:37
sdakeperhaps an EPEL dependency?02:37
sdakei need to disconnect from vpn to connect to my linux boxes, brb02:38
sdakeoh nm already connected yay :)02:38
tonybsdake: So if I manually reset kolla-ansible to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/432725/ the unit tests pass02:43
tonyb___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ py27: commands succeeded congratulations :)02:44
tonybstack@tox-testing:~/projects/openstack/openstack/kolla-kubernetes$ .tox/py27/bin/pip freeze | grep -i jinja02:44
prometheanfiretonyb: that was my next suggestion02:44
tonybso I think it's a co-gating issue not a requirements issue02:44
* sdake sadfaces02:44
sdakewe don't have cross-repo gating implemented at this time as the code base is relatively fresh as well as the gate02:44
tonybsdake: The good news is git bisect is pretyt good for finding this kind of thing02:44
sdakehowever that is the most likely culpret02:45
sdaketonyb agreed02:45
sdakeculprit that is02:45
sdaketonyb the odd thing is i tested that particular patch in the gate02:46
sdaketonyb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/432721/02:47
tonybsdake: that one passes so it'll be one of the ones after that02:48
sdaketonyb i see02:48
sdakesadly we have no way of running our code outside of the gate02:48
sdakealthough we can run the unit tests02:49
* tonyb is running git bisect with the (kolla-kubernetes) py27 unit tests02:50
sdaketonyb thanks for doing the job for us - I think we are beat - as probably you are02:51
sdakeneed cross repo gating02:51
sdakeneed better gating in kolla-ansible02:51
sdakeneed lots of things :(02:52
tonybsdake: Yeah.  Are you going to be a the PTG?02:53
tonybif so I can chate about how that might work ... could cost you a beer though ;P02:53
sdakehave a 2 hour seminar i am giving on openstack at a local meetup too02:53
sdakehappily pay a beer ;)02:54
sdakealthough kolla-ansible dep for kolla-kubernetes is temporary02:54
sdakekfox1111 - master run of tox -e py27:02:54
sdakejinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'hostvars' is undefined02:54
sdakeprobably a new service in kolla-ansible at the list minute02:55
sdaketonyb how do you bisect a dependency?02:55
sdakei've used bisect countless times, but to bisect a dependency locally no idea how to do that02:56
tonybsdake: your tests clone kolla-ansible into ../kolla ... if it exists it leaves it alone so I'm runnign git bisect there in one terminal and the unit test in another02:57
sdakei didnt' write most of this stuff02:57
sdakeso have no idea how it works ;)02:57
tonybsdake: I used to have to do similar when I worked on the kernel02:58
sdakekernel work - did that for 5 years - painful02:58
sdakereboot wait 30 minutes reboot wait 30 minutes reboot wait 30 minutes02:58
sdakewith a printf inbetween02:58
sdakerather printk02:58
prometheanfirerunning a bisect on a faster moving target can really suck, only had to do that once, but it was 13 or so levels to get the bad commit02:58
sdakethere are 13 or 14 patches here02:59
tonybsdake: sadly the way you have things setup you can't emulate it in the gate which is another thing we could talk about02:59
tonybYeah <16 so only 3-4 steps03:00
prometheanfiresdake: ya, not the 10k or so the kernel gets03:00
prometheanfiretest turnaround involving reboots sucks too03:00
sdakeper day?03:00
tonybprometheanfire: :)  and then you need to autoboot the build kernel to see if it works ;P03:00
prometheanfirenah, but the kernel doesn't have ci like that03:00
sdakeit wasn't the reboot it was the kernel builds that sucked :)03:00
prometheanfiretonyb: we are actually working on that03:00
sdakei remember like 15 years ago intel had this notion of ci before ci was a term03:01
sdakefor kernel.org03:01
tonybsdake: with a big machine the biuld was <2mins boot times were >15 + tsts that could take days to fail :(03:01
prometheanfirewe (gentoo infra) were just given a request for a couple of small build hosts for that03:01
sdaketonyb I worked at a startup, my manager yelled at me for spending 400 bucks on a computer03:01
sdakethis was when cmoputers were 1k for a reasonable computer03:02
tonybsdake: Yeh Fengang Wu compiles and boots everythign on certain kernel topics03:02
tonybsdake: LOL03:02
prometheanfirenowadays, small changes mean just recompiling those subsystems03:02
prometheanfireso that helps03:02
sdakei would expect virt helps too - although virt kernels fail differently than bare metal kernels03:02
sdakehaven't done kernel dev for 15 years03:02
sdakefeeling happier every day as a result :)03:02
tonybprometheanfire: for the most part that's true but you have to build certain core parts everytime and then re-link03:03
sdakealthough staring at docker build for hours on end is irritating :(03:03
prometheanfiretonyb: true03:03
tonybsdake: Yeah and I was in chip bringup so no virt or emulators03:03
prometheanfiresdake: same for ansible runs03:03
prometheanfiresdake: then again, I use/maintain gentoo, so maybe I'm more patient03:03
sdaketonyb which chip bringup co03:03
tonybsdake: IBM03:03
sdakeI worked at montavista, we did board bringup03:04
prometheanfiretonyb: fpga :D03:04
sdakei did montavita's x86_64 board port03:04
prometheanfireoh, didn't know that03:04
sdakefrom the 2.4 kernel to the 2.2 kernel03:04
sdakeboy was that a pain in the ass03:04
sdakei don't even know how it worked03:04
sdakebut it did :)03:04
tonybprometheanfire: only if you have the VHDL (which we did) but it was so big you couldn't simulate it all03:04
tonybsdake: Yeah I can imagine03:04
sdakebunch of FVA crap added to kernel.org made it impossible to roll forward to 2.4 kernel and later 2.6 kernel03:05
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sdakethat job was not my finest experience :)03:05
prometheanfiretonyb: that's the problem with fpgas, that and speed03:06
prometheanfirerisc-v and the mill (if that ever moves forward) seem neat though03:07
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prometheanfireanyway, nn :D03:12
sdaketonyb you mentioned kolla-ansible was loaded into the .tox dir? or somewhere else03:13
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tonybsdake: kolla-kubernetes/../kolla03:14
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tonybsdake: Looks like I3879b9339b54e1d063dd1c4673bac85ced333335 is the problem ... no idea why .. unless somehow that creates an incorrect template03:16
sdaketonyb let me look at git03:16
sdakethanks tonyb03:18
tonybsdake: I'm trying origin/master with just that reverted03:18
sdakecool - i am strugglign to understand how that could affect jinja2 looking at it03:19
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sdakealthough i could see how anything wrong in kolla-ansible could trigger problems03:19
kfox1111thats a weird ps...03:19
kfox1111oh. I see03:20
sdakekfox1111 got a line #?03:20
tonybsdake: I don't know tried (not very hard) to understand where the rempates were coming from and gave up and started with the git bisect03:20
sdaketonyb ya bisect is the way to go03:21
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sdaketonyb 20 minutes of work to find the regression03:21
tonybsdake: only cause I made a luck guess to try kolla-ansible03:21
sdakeright - after I saw the tox -e py27 output I knew it was kolla-ansible genconfig that ws the problem03:22
kfox1111I think most of those files won't effect anything. I would guess its the ansible/roles/neutron/defaults/main.yml.03:22
tonybwithout co-gating/ cross-gating it'll be hard to really verify the fix03:22
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kfox1111we should see if reverting that one file fixes it.03:22
kfox1111yeah. co-gating would be nice.03:22
kfox1111though we're going to try and drop the dep shortly after the ptg.03:23
tonybkfox1111: I'm trying the revert locally03:23
kfox1111k. thanks.03:23
tonybif it works I can click revert in the UI03:23
tonybYeah it passed03:23
tonybshall I do the clicky clicky thing?03:23
sdaketonyb I think we need to analyze it - that patch needs to be in the code03:23
sdaketonyb however it needs to be fixed before we can branch03:24
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kfox1111sdake: yeah. but we could revert, and then review it fresh?03:24
kfox1111it can't branch till its fixed though?03:24
sdakekfox1111 it was reviewed03:24
kfox1111we don't want to release kolla-ansible with a broken kolla-kubernetes support.03:24
sdakekfox1111 jeffrey4l i'm sure can figure it out in 30 mins03:24
tonybsdake: okay Well good luck.  I'm going to abandon the requiremenst change as it's not really the problem03:24
kfox1111tonyb: yeah. thanks for all the help. :)03:24
sdaketonyb thanks dude!03:25
tonybprometheanfire: you're supposed to be asleep03:30
prometheanfiretonyb: just don't tell me that, it'll be our secret03:31
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack/requirements master: Add flake8-import-order to global-requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/43290604:10
sdaketonyb it can be simulated by git format-patch then adding that patch to the repo then git am04:18
sdakeoh nevermind i guess that scrollback :)04:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.openstack.org/43258005:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements master: Add pypi package 'docker' to requirements  https://review.openstack.org/42371507:58
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.openstack.org/43348408:16
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements master: update constraint for WSME to new release 0.9.2  https://review.openstack.org/43358210:43
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sdake_tonyb thanks again for the help yesterday - the patch you identified was indeed defective among other things and Jeffrey4l_ fixed it with help from many in the community16:20
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prometheanfiresdake_: what in particular was the problem, kinda curious at this point16:29
sdake_prometheanfire Jeffrey4l_ could explain it, it has to do with how ansible processes something - he didn't really explain it well to me so I can't explain it well to you16:29
Jeffrey4l_there are two issue: one is related how YAML format file is loaded.16:30
Jeffrey4l_check the patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/433694/2/ansible/roles/neutron/defaults/main.yml16:31
Jeffrey4l_in the host_in_groups' value, it should use the same indent, then yaml will load the value in one line.16:31
Jeffrey4l_other wise, yaml will add some '\n' char.16:32
prometheanfireyep, yaml is space sensitive16:32
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Jeffrey4l_check this add the yaml "|" and ">" format16:32
sdake_also I believ ewe had a bug with processing \n in kolla-kubernetes16:32
prometheanfirewas wondering about the whitespace changes16:32
sdake_thanks Jeffrey4l_ :)16:33
Jeffrey4l_sdake_, it is hard to say a bug. ansible handled the \n char16:33
prometheanfireya, iirc, osa does | a bit16:33
Jeffrey4l_but use the same indent is better.16:33
Jeffrey4l_current, we change nothing in kolla-kuberenetes.16:33
prometheanfirewell, glad it's fixed at least :D16:34
Jeffrey4l_another issue is: need add "True if orchestration_engine == 'KUBERNETES' else", in kolla-kubernetes he do not know the inventory_hostname and groups variables.16:34
Jeffrey4l_yep ;)16:35
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prometheanfirettx: only available on the tuesday day due to flights :|19:32
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ttxprometheanfire: Tuesday is one option19:39
prometheanfirettx: which I registered for19:40
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tonybsdake: I'm gald it was helpful.  Good job Jeffrey4l_ !21:32
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements master: Complete switch to kubernetes pypi package  https://review.openstack.org/43398123:45
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