Wednesday, 2016-11-02

prometheanfiretonyb: ?00:07
prometheanfiretonyb: also, see
tonybprometheanfire: Oh that looks like it will require some deep thinking.00:08
tonybprometheanfire: I can't promise I'll get to voting on that today.00:09
prometheanfirek, tomorrow morning then (for me) we can talk about it00:10
tonybprometheanfire: Yeah we have a team meeting later/tomorrow so we can add it to the agenda00:15
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prometheanfiretonyb: I guess add gunicorn to the list of things to discuss tomorrow?02:35
tonybprometheanfire: Sure02:35
prometheanfireanything intresting at the summit?02:36
tonybprometheanfire: lots.  We have a big hunk of (requirements) work to do so I'll be looking at splitting that up ;P02:37
tonybprometheanfire: we pretty redically re-designed what requirements looks like02:37
prometheanfireshould be an intresting meeting then02:39
prometheanfireis doug joining us?02:39
tonybprometheanfire: I doubt he'll be there but dhellmann and I are on the same page there02:40
prometheanfirejust making sure :D02:45
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
prometheanfiregertty seems to be dying more often on me02:52
tonybprometheanfire: :(02:53
prometheanfirelets see if a vacuum helps02:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add networking-bgpvpn to projects.txt
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump tenacity to 3.2.1
prometheanfiretonyb: etherpad I can review before meeting?03:05
tonybprometheanfire: Not yet.  dhellmann's write up is the best.
tonybprometheanfire: we're basically going the whole hog on lower-bounds testing per repo03:07
tonybprometheanfire: g-r will end up with no minimums listed (just banned versions and environment markers) each project will be able to select minimums as they like03:08
tonybprometheanfire: we'll need to write a few tools to help everyone03:08
prometheanfiretonyb: awesome (about following ) talked to him about it when he created that etherpad03:10
tonybprometheanfire: Yeah I read the logs03:11
prometheanfireI'll have to read over your additions tonight03:11
tonybprometheanfire: don't bother we mostly decided it was making work for no gain03:12
prometheanfiretonyb: I'd like to invite the other distro people we know about it as well03:13
prometheanfiretonyb: I'd like to invite the other distro people we know about as well, since this impacts them (a little, not much)03:13
tonybprometheanfire: dirk, toabctl and zigo were in the room03:13
tonybprometheanfire: I think number80 was also03:13
prometheanfireah, good03:14
tonybI don't think we can a canonical person there but I don't think we're goin way of the rails here03:14
tonybprometheanfire: we can build any tools that are needed if they're not huge ;P03:15
prometheanfirealso, go cubs (even if I never really liked them to begin with)03:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Raise minimum pyparsing to 2.0.7
openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack/requirements: Raise openstacksdk upper-constraint to 0.9.9
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dirktonyb: one thing that I didn't get is - how do projects ensure that they have meaningful lower bounds?06:26
dirkBy maintaining them by themselves? Based on unit tests with lower bounds installed?06:26
coolsvaptonyb dirk hey06:42
prometheanfiredirk: Based on unit tests with lower bounds installed?07:11
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
tonybdirk: Yeah.  We'll give them the ability to gate on lower bounds they have the ability to determine when to bump them07:27
tonybdirk: I *think* we'll be able to do dsvm and functional tests but thay may have to wiat until pike as we already have a quite agressive target for ocata07:28
prometheanfiretonyb: I'm worried about gate load somewhat07:38
prometheanfiregiven how our stuff tends to multiply07:38
tonybprometheanfire: That's a valid concern but it's a small number of jobs each projects queue.  It's hard in increase testing without increasing testing load07:39
prometheanfiremore of something to keep an eye on is all07:40
tonybprometheanfire: it could be a little as one periodic job per project, but more likley 1 per job on ocata and more in pike07:40
tonybprometheanfire: Yeah.07:41
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Make reno with right license name
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tonybMeeting in ~15mins09:46
tonybSo there is a mess up withth new time and #openstack-meeting is in use right now.10:02
tonybI'll get to the bottom of that tomorrow10:02
tonybfor now lets use #openstack-meeting-alt10:02
tonybprometheanfire,  dirk, coolsvap ... meeting in #openstack-meeting-alt10:05
tonybprometheanfire, dirk: meting minutes:
tonyband with that .... /me -> bed10:51
coolsvaptonyb: night!10:54
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prometheanfiretonyb: I thought the meeting time was moved next week, after dst... :(12:05
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ihrachysprometheanfire: so what's the plan for amqp kombu thing?14:56
prometheanfireihrachys: they started discussing it at 10:3015:02
prometheanfireI think the goal is to work on fixing it our side, with simple blocks in the meantime (no cap)15:03
ihrachysprometheanfire: ack. is there block up for review?15:04
ihrachys just caps15:04
ihrachysshould I propose a block?15:04
prometheanfireya, I think so, I'd also leave a comment in the pointing to your review and the reasoning behind it15:05
* prometheanfire thought tony was going to put the review up, but doesn't mater who15:06
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/requirements: Block kombu 4.0.0
ihrachysprometheanfire: ^15:06
ihrachysprometheanfire: posted the comment15:07
ihrachysprometheanfire: I believe tonyb should also unblock
ihrachysso that we can move into the right direction on oslo.msg side15:13
prometheanfire+2'd that, for when he's back15:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Make reno with right license name
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ihrachystonyb: and (the latter is blocked by your -2)20:26
tonybihrachys: Thanks.  for doing the kombu change20:29
ihrachystonyb: I am not going to fix oslo.messaging tests ;) that's on oslo folks.20:30
tonybihrachys: fair enough20:30
tonybihrachys: I'm thinking I'll do constratins support in oslo.messaging (borrowing your neutron script) and that will relief the pressuure and (I think?) make the path forward a little easier20:31
tonybihrachys: but that'll be tomorrow at the soonest20:31
tonybihrachys: I've commented on
ihrachystonyb: I don't mind oslo.messaging gate to be broken until they adopt the code for the newer kombu ;)20:38
ihrachystonyb: that's their primary dependency, so they should focus on it20:38
ihrachysa bit of pain may be worthwhile ;)20:38
tonybihrachys: ;P It's pretty quick to add constratins support (using your script as a base)20:39
tonybihrachys: my daugther is sick so I'll in about 2 mins I'm going to close my laptop and watch her otehrwise I'd do it today20:40
ihrachystonyb: replied on the patch20:41
ihrachystonyb: oh, sure. take care of her.20:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Block kombu 4.0.0
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