Friday, 2016-09-16

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tonybmriedem: It looks like we're just down to os-vif, which I though I'm fine with fixing and bumping the minimum for if we can do it next week00:42
mriedemtonyb: is there a request for that?00:43
tonybI'm not convinved the netaddr solution is right but I'll read the scrollback on that one00:43
tonybmriedem: no I was hoping you or sometone close to the issue would do it00:43
mriedemwe don't have an os-vif min version bump request as far as i know00:43
mriedemwe don't have an os-vif fix for the mtu thing yet, we have a workaround in nova for newton00:43
mriedemwe'll fix in os-vif in ocata00:43
tonybmriedem: Oh.  let me look again ....00:44
tonybmriedem: I thought there was an os-vif fix00:44
tonybmriedem: if that lands is that enough?00:45
mriedemtonyb: it wouldn't be, we'd need a nova fix to set that and a min g-r bump on os-vif with that release of that fix00:49
mriedemso let's do that in ocata00:49
tonybmriedem: okay.00:49
mriedemon the netaddr thing, it's like 0 impact00:51
mriedemwe'll probably have a known min version bump on that for some stable/netwon lib reqs syncs00:51
mriedemthat's about the only fallout00:51
mriedemotherwise we've been testing with a much newer netaddr for a long time00:52
mriedemhaving said that, i was fine with not making the fix in newton at all, but meh00:52
mriedemit would have been weird to have a no cost fix and not put it out just because of rc week00:52
tonybmriedem: Well the reqs bump got merged while I was sleeping00:53
tonybI get sdague's point about minimums not meaning a great deal but I disagree00:54
mriedembecause of...distros?00:55
tonybI don't like the idea of $libraries releases with netaddr >= 0.7.12 and then then next release altering that to >= 0.7.1300:55
tonybmriedem: but I s'pose it's aokay as we have been saying to use u-c for packaging00:56
tonybmriedem: it's just that we've seen in the last week that dirstos haven't heard that :(00:56
mriedemand when these things sync out and get released, you could be running with different minimums in your deployment anyway00:56
mriedemso the highest min wins00:56
mriedemlike once it's in stable the syncs get merged and released haphazard00:57
mriedemthis was a pretty low risk one though given how old netaddr 0.7.13 is and we've been testing with 0.7.1800:57
tonybYeah.  low risk just more pain on distros/deployers00:58
tonybHohum it's done now anyway00:59
prometheanfiretonyb: we did check distros, they all already have newer versions01:01
tonybprometheanfire: excpet RHEL (and gentoo has .12 and .18 but that isn't a problem)01:04
tonybRHEL only has .1201:04
tonybbut I don't have access to the RHEL OpenStack channel they may have somethign newer there01:04
tonybOh workstation has .18 but server doesn't01:06
prometheanfirethat's rhel 7?01:14
tonybprometheanfire: Yeah01:15
mriedemhmm ?01:16
mriedemcentos 7.2 only has 0.7.5?01:16
tonybmriedem: Strange01:16
prometheanfiretonyb: I sit near some osp people so might be able to ask01:17
tonyb has .12 and .1801:18
tonybRHOS is the OpenStack channel so I guess that's okay01:18
tonyband why centos doesn't have it01:19
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tonybdhellmann: is very different to what I was thinking.  I'm going to have to think about it for a while.02:42
prometheanfiretonyb: I'd be intrested in hearing :D02:43
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prometheanfiretonyb: have fun with your talk :D03:58
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