Sunday, 2016-08-07

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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odyssey4meprometheanfire (or anyone else who may be around) Where are the scripts/jobs which build the upper-constraints.txt file?15:31
prometheanfireodyssey4me: the updated from generate constraints job?16:18
prometheanfireodyssey4me: dhellmann built that iirc16:18
dhellmannprometheanfire : lifeless did16:19
odyssey4meprometheanfire I think I found it, thanks.16:19
odyssey4mehmm, actually I haven't16:32
odyssey4methe generate constraints job runs
odyssey4mebut I can't seem to find where the binary 'generate-constraints' comes from16:32
tonybodyssey4me: it's run on the periodic pipeline23:01
tonybodyssey4me: basically cron for zuul23:01
odyssey4metonyb sure, but where does the 'generate-constraints' binary come from? I'd like to look at how it generates upper-constraints and propose some patches23:14
tonybodyssey4me: ; and
odyssey4metonyb aha! thanks!23:19
tonybodyssey4me: np23:19

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