Friday, 2016-05-27

openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack/requirements: Add solum solum-dashboard to projects.txt
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove aioeventlet
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is going offline briefly to check possible filesystem corruption03:02
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: after a quick check, gerrit and its filesystem have been brought back online and should be working again03:21
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove argcomplete
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove botocore
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove botocore
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove argcomplete
coolsvapprometheanfire, thanks for the review, i mixed up the commit and review :/05:49
prometheanfirecoolsvap: yep, thought that's what happened :P05:50
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: zuul required a restart due to network outages. If your change is not listed on and is missing results, please issue a 'recheck'.07:14
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/requirements: Add pymod2pkg to requirements
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Drop hgtools
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Add .pot to the ignored files
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove unused dcos dependency
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openstackgerrithuan proposed openstack/requirements: Ensure ryu and ovs are compatible
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openstackgerrithuan proposed openstack/requirements: Ensure ryu and ovs are compatible
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openstackgerritRob Cresswell proposed openstack/requirements: Bump Django OpenStack Auth minimum to 2.3.0
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed openstack/requirements: Raise fixtures requirement to 3.0.0
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