Thursday, 2015-07-02

Rockygdhellmann: Yay!  I've got both patches into review!  There are probably errors in the one for project config, but at least they are ready for others eyes!00:16
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ttxdhellmann: done06:47
SergeyLukjanovdhellmann, ttx, I've just approved the releases repo creation08:13
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ttxdhellmann: according to a script I just run, you're the top contributor over the last 6 months of master branches13:58
ttx663 doug@doughellmann.com13:59
ttx565 fungi@yuggoth.org13:59
ttxI blame release-tools.13:59
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dhellmannttx: more likely the oslo namespace removal work14:36
dhellmannttx: we'll need to update the release scripts to work with deliverables that share a launchpad project; I hadn't considered that case before you pointed it out14:37
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ttxdhellmann: I think they all do, and we can make that a prerequisite before considering a "deliverable"14:38
ttxpart of what makes it a "deliverable" today is the fact that all tarballs appear on the same Launchpad release page14:39
dhellmannttx: yeah, I was focusing on the library projects for now, which don't14:39
dhellmannright, that makes sense14:39
ttxdhellmann: not sure I understand... libs have a 1-1  lib/LpProject relation, no ?14:40
ttxso they should fold into the model nicely14:40
dhellmannyes, they will, but the script doesn't handle the other case, where more than one project shares a launchpad page14:41
dhellmannat least doesn't; we may need a new script to read these yaml files and do the tagging, pulling pieces from some of the existing scripts14:41
ttxoh right. It's specialcased in milestone.sh14:41
ttxcalled the "neutron advanced services mode" there14:41
dhellmannyeah, we should start thinking about what we can do to unify the release modes, unless we want to add a flag to the deliverable files in the new repo14:42
ttxright, which triggers the question of whether milestones should go through the releases repo14:43 needs to understand deliverables anyway, rather than hardcode them :)14:43
dhellmannhow about if we start with the library stuff, since those a released more often, and then handle milestones?14:44
ttxand in the end we'll likely have a single magic script that does the right thing for every case14:44
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dhellmannwe could also continue to do milestones by hand, and move everyone to the intermediate release model next cycle14:44
* ttx goes to run an errand14:45
dhellmannbut we can see how far we get with the automation14:45
ttxagree that automating libraries would cover 90% of the work easy14:45
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: Add README file
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: Add README file
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: Add README file
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: tox setup
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/releases: Add old deliverable files
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Rockygdhellmann: an fyi.  I submitted both the TC and infra patches.  TC went smoothly.  Infra - got a couple of typos I need to fix, but I needed to rebase between submission and edit, so I messed that up.  But, I got good comments from Andreas.  Getting a new laptop, so could take a bit of time to address.21:12
Rockygsee you on the other side, with a new laptop....21:27
dhellmannRockyg: sounds good -- make them give you a dev laptop :-)21:31
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