Monday, 2014-09-08

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Kiallttx: heya, I saw you put "* Add openstack/designate-dashboard to the DNS Services program" on the TC agenda for tomorrow, I'll be unable to attend tomorrow night.. Is that an issue?14:35
ttxno, shouldn't be. We can move it to next week if you prefer14:37
ttxit's a recent proposed change anyway14:38
ttxKiall: ^14:38
Kiallttx: Ideally, you can leave it on, and if there are concerns push till next week?14:39
KiallActually - there kinda is concerns already from mordred.. I'll ping mordred and see if I can change his mind, if I can't.. Let's push14:40
mordredwhat did I do?14:44
Kiallmordred: heya :)14:44
KiallJust talking about
KiallI don't suppose my/sergy's comment changed your mind? ;)14:45
mordredKiall: no - I think russellb said what I meant betterer15:12
mordredwhich is, wow, this is clearly too hard, let's go attack the actual problem real quick15:12
russellband seems contradictory to the direction we're giving to incubated projects15:13
russellbwhich is "go integrate yourself!"15:13
Kiallrussellb: yea, I thought so too! But have been told by the current + previous Horizon PTL that it ain't happening before Designate is "integrated"15:14
Kiall(They seemed to have good reasons, from what I remember..)15:14
russellbsure, they may have very good reasons15:15
russellbi'm just not sure what they are :)15:15
russellbso capturing that someone would be nice15:15
russellbi'd start a -dev thread to clarify15:15
KiallAlso - I've had the tempest folks say the same thing to me, I never bothered asking the devstack PTL ;)15:15
russellbor I can if you'd rather15:15
Kiallbrb - 5 mins15:15
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Kiallback.. I'll send out a email to the list in a couple of mins15:30
Kiallttx: If you want to remove it from the TC agenda for tomorrow15:31
ttxKiall: ok, will do15:33
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