Tuesday, 2024-02-13

*** tosky_ is now known as tosky09:48
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: [telemetry-tempest-plugin] Tag yoga-last  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90836514:18
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/releases master: [telemetry-tempest-plugin] Tag yoga-last  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90836514:18
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/releases master: [telemetry-tempest-plugin] Tag yoga-last  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90836514:18
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/releases master: Release telemetry-tempest-plugin for caracal  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90740614:19
rosmaitaelodilles or tonyb: around?19:15
tonybrosmaita: Yup, in the infra meeting but can switch tabs ;P19:16
rosmaitaping me when the meeting's over19:16
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/releases master: [telemetry-tempest-plugin] Tag yoga-last  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/90836519:34
tonybrosmaita: Okay 'sup?19:38
rosmaitawant to run an email draft by you19:38
rosmaitafungi said that apparently a bunch of teams didn't understand that they don't need their own unmaintained core groups19:39
fungior didn't realize that it was possible to participate in the central one19:40
rosmaitaright, so we want to send out an email that makes both points19:41
fungialmost everyone in openstack seems to default to their trust-silo tunnelvision19:41
tonybYup sounds good to me.19:41
tonybI'm not entirely sure what elodilles and I would say in a separate email.19:42
fungitonyb: separately, it would be great if you and elodilles could work out what the requirements and process are for joining openstack-unmaintained-core19:42
tonybping us, we'll add you #profit19:42
fungilike can it be as simple as "if you're interested and at least minimally involved in openstack"?19:42
rosmaitai didn't want to commit you to anything specific, so that's why i said you & elodilles will follow up19:43
fungi"if you're a current or former core reviewer on an official openstack deliverable, we'll immediately add you on request" etc19:43
fungialso clarifying the expectations, like "it's okay to join openstack-unmaintained-core even if you only expect to ever approve changes for a single repository/branch"19:44
tonybOkay.  I'll work with elodilles to write something.   Adding that to docs for easier access once it's "final"19:44
rosmaitatonyb: thanks ... i told the tc i'd wait to send the email until 2100 to give people time to comment19:45
fungia lot of the concern/pushback seems to be related to reviewers being unsure of what it takes to be in openstack-unmaintained-core and what responsibilities they'd be signing themselves up for19:45
fungiand so their default reaction has been to create new groups in gerrit instead19:46
tonybrosmaita: I added a "sometime this week" to set expectations on when the email will arrive19:46
fungimy biggest concern right now is that, if we don't get in front of it, we'll end up with a bunch more project-specific groups in gerrit with more restrictive acls we'll never be able to walk back19:48

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